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Really don't understand why this was censored; it isn't particularly erotic

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it's nice that these are finally normie friendly

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illidan is really shoehorned into everything

blizzard is slowly becoming the laughing stock of the industry. changing the game just to appease china is beyond pathetic

Where's the uncensored version?

that is the uncensored version
they changed it to "QUEEN OF PAIN" and gave her more thick platey armor and made it less sexy in general.

wow, just read about the censoring.
That's fucking retarded. Glad I decided not to return to heathstone

>Mistress of Pain gets nerfed
>Secretkeeper gets buffed into waifu-tier

Alright Blizz, I forgive you

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>(((blizzard))) are cancer

Yeah dude we established that these jewish fucks need to burn, but we don't need 1000 threads to say it.


>Blizzard slowly dying now going full China to save their live

based china

Wait, but it's barely even sexy to begin with. THIS is what you fags are whining about now?

You give them an inch user, and they take a mile
hopefully you start to realize the boogieman isn't as make believe as we were led to believe as kids

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midriffchads unite

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They literally got rid of Succubus and harpy tits as well

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Is Giorno really the most stripper character the editor could think of

it works well though

Well I can tell you're not a girl, or gay, if you think so

Based blizzard killing off autism addiction gambling sim.

Literal pandering to children. Glad I stopped playing this mess

Blizzard games are for children.

Who is this bootleg Queen of Pain.

Attached: queen_of_pain_by_kunkka-d4mib8a.jpg (900x1274, 229K)