No negotiation with terrorists
No negotiation with terrorists
Other urls found in this thread:
>people read this shit every single day
>every single fucking day
>they think everyone is retarded but them
They'll crack. They always do.
shit is like denuvo and twitter tranny outrage mobs are like scene teams.
we pullin the trigga on every last knigga
who are you quoting?
>one alpha male
this guy gets Yea Forums so fucking mad every time. what a legend. haha
Hello Billy
Seethe, Billy.
Let me just say I will never support another game from them and stop supporting this game if they actually go back and start censoring shit.
Defending censorship in any way shape or form is the worst.
we all know you are scared, as you should be
You clearly don't understand the actual meaning of that word. Please stop using it, you look like a fool.
I'm not Billy either and I think he's based, cuckboys.
>land of the """""""""""""""""""""free""""""""""""""""""
Why is your country such a fucking joke ameritards?
>being racist pieces of shit
fucking really guys?
>SJWs criticize video games
>anti-SJWs murder, harass, and threaten people
I wonder which is worse.
Know what else is free? The rent for living in your tiny third-world mind :^)
lol delusional
>Implying it still has a meaning other than "thing I don't like"
reminder your country's economy only works because of ours, now say thank you
The US system only works for as long as you can scam morons into going $150000 in the red fresh out of college.
When everybody in the US is crippled by debt, nobody can build more or buy anything because they are bankrupt, guess what?
You need los gringos to sell debt and get them to buy shit.
Hence, the whole socialdemocratic push for identity politics etc. The whole raycism, sexism antics are just a diversion, the endgame is simply to flood, more and more flood.
You give miserable drug addicts a "reason" to fight for, you get them to shill for you, meanwhile you do your thing and fuck them too.
>SJWS attack journalist filming ending in him being hospitalised with a brain bleed
Its almost as if all extremists are retards
Free seething & dilating, my good lad
Why can't people just ignore or mute what people say? How does hearing a word you don't like even affect you?
Why do third worlders always show up to censorship threads?
fuck off
>anti-SJWs murder
Man I wish.
>Trusting any statements like this after the number of times statements like these have been shown to be lies
Why do you just believe these people without any proof?
Despite making up 47% of the population, conservatives commit 98% of the terrorism.
Again, you really should learn the definition of a word before parroting it as you seem to keep doing.
>check dnc campaign
>nothing for jobs and the overall economy
>dude reparations muh empathy don't you have a soul lol
How do you expect that dumb shit to win if there's anybody else calling you out to be retarded?
Gotta censor. It all snowballs from that.
nah dude
Its about power to control others
Very jewish
splc has no legitimacy
>talk shit
>get hit
I bet you would cheer if someone who said nigger got popped in the mouth, wouldn't you? So why do you care about this?
Right wing fags are going to make free speech a joke like they did with "facts and logic"
Absolutely based. Now I want to play it.
>Note: Total deaths include both ideologically and non-ideologically motivated killings.
Haha what? How is it an extremist killing if there's no ideological motivation?
ADL pulling numbers out of its ass like always.
>believing anything those fat dykes say
That'd be your first mistake. Your second mistake is thinking 'anti-sjws' do anything worse than a twitter message. However, if sjws were being murdered as much as you want it to sound like, I'd be in full support.
Your country's economy only works because of China's money, you're litteraly the chink bitches.
sjws and people like this are cancer. both sides are retarded and gay. retards shit on kotaku (well deserved) but then read OneAngryNigger and think they're saving gaming. retards shit on OAN (well deserved) but then read polygon and think they're saving gaming.
if you argue politics online you should be put into a labor camp so you can argue all you want. I just want to stop seeing this shit every fucking day.
That opening sentence is really terribly written. I can’t imagine going to this site unironically
When is OAG going to be permabanned? Its just Billy shilling his shit.
>40iq niggers and weak whores in knight armor with zveihanders fighting during medieval times in europe alongside white men
lol kek
>SJWs attack a Proud Boy masquerading as a journalist whose encouraged Atomwaffen to murder other journalists and doxed a woman whose neck was broken by anti-SJWs
I don’t think you understand how even the “violent” SJWs are pretty goddamn merciful compared to the opposition. Anti-fascists throw milkshakes at people. Fascists shoot them.
If anti-fascists are pissed at you, it’s for reasons of ideology. If you admit you’re wrong, they probably still won’t be your friend, but they’ll move on. If fascists are pissed at you, there is no way to appease them. They will only be happy once you’re dead.
The only violence comes from antifa.
>criticizing capitalism
oh no you don't, not on MY Yea Forums
we're proud bootlickers here, user. go spread your bullshit in union threads!
But I thought censorship was based!
>Jewish organization dedicated to protecting a pedophile murderer (that got lynched despite their efforts)
>Being honest
>national review
come on dude
communism is the most bootlicker ideology on earth
fuck off back to resetera then
when you will hang yourself
hope you get killed irl
This controversy has the potential to kill the game. Either the devs alienate the bigots in their community or they take SJW dick.
As soon as all the shilling jorno sites get banned. Kotaku has been shilling on since long ago
>And some players have had enough
>Total playtime: 30 minutes
it was literally the anniversary of heather heyer’s death this month
>pedophile murderer (that got lynched despite their efforts)
Or simply just stand for free of speech and be anticensorship.
It's that simple.
seethe cope tranny
Kotaku WAS banned once upon a time, but most of Yea Forums is too young to remember that.
Ban all twitter OPs too while you're at it, that's how Yea Forums works.
It ain't killing shit because trannies don't fucking buy games. That's the biggest scam of all time, the vocal minority fallacy, you're bending the knee to something that doesn't exist.
It may not be good satire, but at least it's clearly satire.
>hope you get killed irl
>They will only be happy once you’re dead.
And that's a good thing!
>National Review
Huffington Post-tier "journalism"
It's a matter of getting a taste of your own medicine and not learning anything from it
The game was already dying, this reeks of manufactured outrage. Nobody has cared about Mordhau in ages.
>Anniversary over a heart attack
How can Americans have a day of silence for heart attack victims when everyone there has them
what? it’s indistinguishable from like 90% of posts here
I bet you spam nigger in the chat when an archer headshots and kills you
They lost as soon as they responded
kys samefag
i say nigger just so i can see who gets mad
then i votekick them
No its more like you fags are as obnoxious as SJWs and you'll cry nonstop when offended.
Billy has a Kiwi Farms thread, he's a legitimate sperg.
Fucking lol
he got life in prison you idiot
literally no one believes you
Says the person that has the entire media backing them...
Hard this
Rest of the world is too retarded to realize all the economic power the US offered up in the past to gain military strength through alliances
Though now our allies hardly even fucking give us that yet we still subsidize the cunts
>controversy gets more eyes on the game
>people play the game
>devs solve controversy and now have good faith on their side
Can't help but see this as a win.
and even if they did you could mute them you retarded faggot
And yet they have shilled since
Do you really have to write NIGGERS in the chat?
i wonder what YOU will spam in 2020
I’m glad you think that way. It means I’m doing something right. The only way a fascist could make me feel insulted is by approving of me.
And I don’t plan on getting killed anytime soon. You can try, I suppose, but it’s fair to warn you I don’t go anywhere without my Makarov.
You killed all the nice leftists already. All that’s left are the tough bitches that refuse to be a victim.
Poe's Law
>Life in prison for driving near a heart attack victim
Clown world
Because it got unbanned you newfag, and lord knows gook moot isnt doing shit to help this board.
Video game cats and forums are not a country you inbred cretin.
Basketball americans don't have anything to do with it, so it's fine.
>i-its just satire!
Monkey see monkey do. If ""you fags"" didnt get away with this outragism, the other side wouldnt also resort to this. It's funny watching zoomers blaming their opposing side for doing literally what the other side did before them
Keep telling yourself that.
>All that’s left are the tough bitches that refuse to be a victim.
You mean, suicidal trannies and balding fat white guys? Yeah, now that's a fucking force to reckon with, I bet the entire KKK is trembling in fear right now.
nice photoshop/ Yea Forums x
>Jewish organization dedicated to protecting a pedophile murderer (that got lynched despite their efforts)
I need some context for this
>Note: Total deaths include both ideologically and non-ideologically motivated killings.
Explain this.
I don't play games developed by liberals because I don't support the DNC. I'd rather fucking die than support globalism.
If I pay for these games I'm literally feeding the enemy. Even here I use "black" instead of the n-word, I'll call you tranny because you're a fucking man, but other than that, I don't think I actually ever used racist slangs on the internet.
yup, thats definitely what happened
>Billy is hated by awful people who belong in prison
What’s the problem here?
Yeah right, fuck off SJW
>Plebbit spacing
Honestly I don't give a damn about the SJWs nor censorship, but it's always funny to see Yea Forums getting triggered out about this kind of shit
Based Cacoposter.
You live in Israel?
Hence why i fucking said, if you are going to ban one, ban them all.
Jesus christ
the SPLC literally assists domestic terrorists by giving them information and locations of people to carry out their attacks
>Source: ADL
Lol no
That's what happened. They twist and bend the narrative to support their story. Ngo asked for it, sure.
Oh sorry I didnt realize you were underage
I see zero reason why they would not lie for their own agenda. I trust them to tell me about the people they don't like as much as I trust a woman to tell me about their ex boyfriend who broke her heart.
whats going on with the proud boys?
i keep hearing about them all the time now
i assume its more lies about the opposition?
political violence is based and redpilled and should be encouraged on all sides of the political spectrum
>some players have had enough
Then leave them alone since there are players who don't care. Fuck.
Based, dabbing on nigger revisionists.
What's it like being a culture warrior?
>just wear a raincoat when the park bum pisses on you lol
based accelerator user
You may as well have just used "Bro, just trust me" as a source
>first response calls me right wing
>next response calls me left wing
You cant make this shit up
What liberals dislike isn't really a problem, they're legitimately retarded.
Remember when Trump was going to lynch black people and set trannies on fire?
It's all manifactured strawmen to keep gaining more support.
Resist what? Everything got better for them, worse in general.
>Anti-fascists throw milkshakes at people. Fascists shoot them.
But he ended up hospitalised from all the food and shit they threw at his head
Also a child fucking died from having a bit of cheese thrown at him, milk allergies (not lactose intolerance, allergies) so its entirely possible some one might die from the milkshake
I'm sick of all you fucking faggots
Any time politics is mentioned my right wing acquaintances rant about SJWs and browns, my left wing acquaintances rant about killing any one they deem "facist"
The only person I can actually fucking talk too fits the stereotype for a Trumpfag (I consider myself left wing and I'm not American) and despite us having totally opposite opinions we have really fucking good discussions about politics and its weirdly fucking enjoyable to talk about shit even though we disagree because we aren't braindead idiots who see everything as "us vs them"
>Bottom right
>Actually it's hebephillia
Good. All anti fascists should be systematically killed.
me on the bottom right. fuck kendrick.
>SJW is exclusively left wing
If you're pro-censorship you're a SJW, sorry fag.
that picture reminds me of this
Imagine that, people having fun posting shit comes across as being comprehended as toxic and problematic.
>No fun allowed
You tell us, you're the retarded faggot posting images indicating as much
Too much Alex Jones isn't good fore the heart, senpai.
You are Yea Forums too bub. All the denial in the world doesnt change that
I bet you actually trust Snopes, a site run by a fat cuckold,"his" "wife" and their 14 cats.
>this thread
Based retard
>the retards in this thread not realizing this is about free expression and not just wanting to say nigger
I don't think I've ever watched a video of these fags in my life. Real life taught me who I had to vote for.
If you need a shill to tell you who to vote, you're a mong.
why does your free expression hinge on saying the word nigger
You niggers are a joke
Leo Frank was a jew who owned a factory in the south, he was convicted and sentenced to jail on the charge of raping and murdering a young girl. A bunch of Jews pooled their resources and influence did some jewish tricks and the initial conviction was thrown out during the retrial he was convicted again then almost immediately they scheduled another trial. The towns people didnt like this so they lynched him. And the ADL was founded shortly afterwards to ensure that no longer would any jewish person have to answer to common law. Also Frank tried to pin his crimes on a black janitor but the white southerners would rather justice be done then kill a black man.
If you haven't noticed, the whole west operates on terrorism. Threat if you don't, threat if you do. Global warming, popularists, nationalists, toxicity, meat, guns, white people, men, heteros.
(You) guys keep talking about it like its feelings and being better, but its always backed with threat. Its fear. Feelings don't triumph over facts, fear does.
People don't negotiate with terrorists, because terrorists always get what they want.
how is it possible for trannies and roasties not understand the concept of the mute function?
Why make up these fantasies if the right is constantly doing bad things? Why not use actual proof?
freedom of expression does not mean freedom to be a bigot, dipshit
>bending over to liberal neomarxist postmodernist SJW scum and censoring free speech means the devs will have good faith on their side
don't make me laugh /leftypol/ you fucking retards freedom hating retards
>I research the alt-right
Can I get this job? I browse /pol/ for free
I guess jews are the master race, sorry white boy
>black people commit most crimes
>conservatives commit most acts of domestic terrorism
>terrorism is a crime
>MFW I realize conservatives were black all along
Mental gymnastic is a fantastic thing
And you're a bigot for believing otherwise. We're all bigots and so what?
>Charlottesville was just a fantasy bro!
lmao you cripplecucks are hilarious
Obviously. Republicans freed the slaves while Democrats started the KKK. All the racists vote Democrat.
You could look in a mirror and find out i guess
>believes this
only a bug would post something so retarded. go back to your covert ops farm, lee
It's not bigotry to fight against bigotry, you fascist fucktard
Someone needs to teach Ivan proper tenses.
His mom
I'm not the one going 'f-falseflag, it was a heart attack bros!' you dipshit. I'm also not pro-censorship like you fags.
Because if you give them an inch they'll take a mile.
>Picture of right wingers at a nazi march promoting fascism
>uhh why don't you have real proof
based retard
Because you are trying to take that freedom? This arguement doesnt work. If it's just a word to you, then why be upset by people using it?
This bait is shitty at this point
Define fascism
Faggot Twink knights get out
>anti-government extremism
in the current year this basically boils down to posting on twitter about how the government shouldn't bomb the middle east. CIA niggers can suck my dick.
Oh no, a bunch of Slavs who have no history with black people whatsoever outside of the last 100 years and have no responsibilities towards any race or religion, and also have no responsibilities towards any women outside of their own borders, are not falling for the guilt politics of dumb uneducated privileged nu-western whites and their nu-western urinalists being projected onto a foreign culture!!11!!!!1
Whatever are they going to do for refusing to police manbabies and fembabies online while still selling millions of copies in spite of powerless nu-western urinalist outrage which only gives the devs free marketing?!
Just release a world filter feature for the in-game chat and tell the dumbfuck SJWs "we will treat you like adults by giving you the tool to solve your problem without playing nannies, and if you find a problem with this then you ain't an adult and we don't give a shit about underage opinions."
>Because you are trying to take that freedom?
If you violate a TOS agreement you can get banned, you retard.
>>people are still mad over the word nigger the year of our lord 2019
I'm not racist in the slightest I'm pro homos and all kinds of shit but I'll be damned if you take away my use of the word NIGGER.
It's too funny of a word. It's versatile. I can use it endearingly or as a curse.
Fuck sjws and fuck fascists and fuck commies God I hate this country
But im not that person either hes a fag and youre a fag.
Yeah, we all should definitely ignore blatant hate speech to the point of its normalization and then act surprised when some idiot meme-addicted whitey shoots up another mosque.
Thanks for posting yet another image confirming your projection you retarded bitch
And you're the biggest fag of all, my friend
i wonder how tos will stand in court lmao
>muh slippery slope
>actually it's not just saying nigger, it's my freedom!
again, why does your freedom of expression hinge on saying the word nigger
Is that all the times you had sex?
>screencaps from OAG's comment section are projections
I fail to see the problem.
>Crying about hate speech on Yea Forums
You have to go back
Too late, people are already getting paid to do that.
Remember to fight your local conservative to the death and then welcome your new conservative Muslim neighbors.
>SJWs murder, harass, and threaten people
>anti-SJWs murder, harass, and threaten people
Fixed that for you user
doesn't the guy who makes these articles hate this place and only browses 8chsn? I swear I saw someone post a comment where he said as much.
Violence is the only valid form of protest.
You are a nigger. You are the blackest of all gorilla niggers.
Yet you needed to add made up captions?
What's interesting is that whoever made this, has his political views shaped by the entertainment media he consumes, so he projects it on right-wingers too.
lol those were funny.
This is embarrassing, user
>whining about hate speech against Muslims
Well you have your work cut out for you because Muslims have invaded, occupied, colonized, enslaved, genocided, and oppressed an amount of countries in history which currently number 4 billion people across Eurasia excluding the West. Whitey is the least of their problems.
Communists aren't human so there's nothing wrong with killing them.
>entirely ignores the second part of the post
hate speech isn't real sweetie
At least burgers only get banned
>EU takes you to court for mean words
>literally every other place on earth is a shithole
Pick your poison, nigga
No u
>Having cyberpunk 2077 on your wishlist despite the sun and niggers everywhere
gamerdude is a tranny faggot.
>they were just larping as nazis!
lol the dude who killed that chick was a Hitler fanboy
Is the game worth buying?
Oy vey
>both sides are retarded and gay
Whats that got to do with the images posted?
>entirely ignores my question for the third time
i see you're well versed in facts and logic
again, if it's about free expression and "not just wanting to say nigger", as outlined why does your freedom of expression hinge on saying the word nigger
>taking Slovenians to court for bad words
EU is powerless against Slavs because Slavs are beholden to nothing and nobody.
Both communism and capitalism lick banker boots
Im a fag because i choose not to participate in nu-politics which is really just a way for corporations to slowly extract value out of people on both sides of the "right-left political spectrum". Youre working for people youve never met, youre dedicating hours of free time to a cause (this is for lefties and righties) that youll never see come to fruition its just gonna be endless debating for humanity because you can market war you cant market peace. For people that hate religion you really love your sacred ideologies, more than your family, more than your personal relationships and worst of all more than vidya.
They are all probably just larping, right?
Isn't this a thread to laugh at spergs?
Do you not consider nazis to be right-wingers or what? Or are you responding to the wrong post, idiot?
Because i like latin.
>Im a fag because i choose not to participate in nu-politics
Well you're doing a piss poor job you retarded faggot
libtard mom owned epic style
So what's the problem? People here always say that it's ok to be a pedo.
So no retort for the images, interesting
>Heard a Kendrick Lamar song on the radio
I don't blame Jayonnaise.
underrated post
Great non-answer bro, don't you mean "latinus" and "niger"
I don't even know what you're talking about dude, this is a shitpost thread and you're a retard.
that little shitdick lived in the next town over. My nephew went to school with him and said he was a spergy little faggot.
Are the mordhau devs, shall i say, bassed and kniggapilled?
Where the whitey's at
Notice how we've moved from moderate vs SJW censorship practices, to conservative vs alt-left subterfuge?
Name a single bad thing about Nazis.
Protip: Wanting to exterminate Jews is not a bad thing.
The Mordhau devs are Slavs, and when it comes to dumb uneducated white westerners and their politics of guilt, the Slavs sit back and laugh while treating the outrage as free marketing.
>nigger found with red stains in his work shirt by the police, claims it's rust
>nigger says he wasn't in the building that day despite witnesses placing him there
>"i dindu nuffin"
>police find out he can read and write
>his handwriting matches the murder notes, even makes the same spelling mistakes
>"da jew did eet massa nawt me, i dindu nuffin!!"
>nigger eventually admits to being in the building and that the jew paid him to write those notes
>nigger then changes his story yet again and claims that he helped the jew dispose of the body but maintains he that he didn't kill her
That nigger is GUILTY
>Slavs are beholden to nothing and nobod-
Ben legit hates Yea Forums because I guess /pol/ was taking his work and altering it with pro-Nazi themes. Pretty hilarious actually.
It's funny because it's offensive. Stop being offended and anons won't use it anymore.
>Ben legit hates Yea Forums
lol where have you been retard? Yea Forums is based now in Ben's mind.
killing is wrong
but the death pentaly is justice
censorship is wrong
but censoring those who call for censorship is justice
dont instigate next time
>a game about a degenerate society of the future
>surprised to see degenerates in it
Slavs had the courtesy to make a point that if you are a dumb LGBT faggot who whores and markets his idenity everywhere, you are therefore selling yourself cheap to profiteers and making yourself out to be nothing more than a product. That the western LGBT is low IQ across the board is their own problem.
wanting to exterminate slavs, the last white people on earth
They lost and now jews have infinite fee fee points
>Yea Forums and reddit on the same "side" as a bunch of eceleb political nobodies
This is why everyone who posts politics on Yea Forums is cancer
>but censoring those who call for censorship is justice
But that's not why the Arthur episode was censored you dumb fuck
Suddenly JIDF is racist
>Arshy Mann
>Are she man?
But how do you know the moms a lib?
Holy based, I’m buying this game right now
Good, policing an online community leads to the death of it.
>bastard mutts of mongols and chinese serfs
His cartoons always seemed very childish to me. Maybe it's because he labels nearly everything.
>Nominative determinism
Rainbow 6 Siege is doing pretty well.
Because the "unregulated" Yea Forums is so indecipherable from Reddit and Twitter at this point, right?
Reminder that progressives are literally forcing children to watch homosexuals marry and make out on public access television cartoons and there's nothing you can do to stop it.
>white = people I like
>not white = people I don't like
Nazi ideology is a fucking sham.
>step up my kniggas
>listen here, faggot
>you are gay
Why are they only quoting me?
You realize youre posting in a community that is policed right?
You could be less of a verbose moron and just say
But you're most likely a faggot of some kind who doesn't care
An internet board created to discuss anime and weeb shit ended up being the frontliner of free speech against the new world order
How the fuck
If the company itself moderates it's censorship.
If the company gives a word filter tool to the users then the company is still moderating but it ain't engaging in censorship anymore because it's giving the power to users to individually pick their filters which also happens to be a good thing for black people who use the nigga word for example or who want for their own reasons to see who is using it.
The madlad Slovenians should just release a filter and be done with it, we all know they don't give a shit about dumbfuck nu-western urinalists and their nu-western league of soi warriors since they already sold millions of units and keep selling.
no its not
we have reached a point when half-mongol half-tatar rapebabies are more white than el americanos and eurabs.
>yes, africans are white, anyone saying otherwise is just racist
let them keep thinking they're a free thinker and don't fit any mold
they're still 13
>Rainbow 6 Siege
I was actually thinking of this game when that user said that, and he's 100% right.
Rainbow six siege is suffering from too much policing, PC being the worst offender of this.
And the friendly fire baiting has skyrocketed since the friendly fire penalties.
Ubisoft should just stop moderating their games, especially when reporting bad behavior does nothing at all.
wasn't a SPLC higher-up exposed as racist?
But user its trolling like that that got us all in this mess to begin with.
>discussing what people are doing on
>blog sites
>every day
>"bastion of free speech"
this website is a regurgitation station that hasn't innovated shit
40 iq post
Holy shit why would any adult write that?
She was also 500 lbs and smoked NEWPORTS. Dumb bitch would've died by now if she hadn't been bumped into in the crowd and given a heart attack. I've seen what Newports do to people. I've been selling them at a gas station kiosk for 5 years now, and at least 5 of my regular customers have died from them.
The endgame of progressives (via jewish masters) is to make as many white children homosexual as possible so they don't reproduce. They don't propagate the gay to minorities, especially not blacks or muslims, which are the groups the progressives want the majority to be.
More white != white
Somalians are whiter than Congo niggers, that doesn't make them white.
>This place
You have fucking no clue what other corners of the internet are like if you think this place is policed lmao. You have any idea how easy it is to ban evade here? There's a good goddamn reason why we have so many pedos, the v& meme did literally nothing.
do something yourself you basement dweller
>"media activist"
I'm going to assume they gave themselves that name, since "that faggot on twitter" wasn't as flattering?
SPLC is racist towards white people, so I don't know why they should be trusted.
This thread deleted in 3....2....1....
Zoomer newfag detected
>unwilling to meet the problem
There always seems to be problems with the games they don’t play
if I say you can do anything you want other than watch tv, then you cant actually do anything you want.
its not freedom of expression if you limit it
Fuck off trannies.
>threads are never pruned or posts selectively removed on Yea Forums! it's pure anarchy here! gamers rise up!
I know you're probably trolling, but video games really do make people fucking stupid.
/pol/hau cannot be defeated
that was the guy from resetera right, are we allowed to talk about this now?
>They don't propagate the gay to minorities
... I mean no they do all the time. Remember Black Mirror? Moonlight? The Wire? Dude...
What's wrong with giving an option to be transexual in a videogame? Are you being forced to pick it?
How is this not accepted as a fact? Haven't every single large developer said themselves that one of their core tenets is "inclusivity" and "diversity?" Does that not necessarily mean that they are pushing a non-traditional non-typical-straight-white-man benchmark? That status-quo is exactly what they are fighting against.
Moshi moshi, honorary Aryan desu~
debt doesn't really make the rich richer anymore, it just makes sure the poor stays poor. The working class can never save enough money to leave the working class, as whatever they save today is only worth 2/3 of it next year. This encourages the money to be spent immediately on short time investments, hamburgers and video games.
> Yea Forums likes a game
> normies show some interest in it and the positive attention helps the game grow
> Yea Forums starts making the game as toxic as it can
> normies decide to avoid the game since being around that much salt isn't healthy
> game dies
> Yea Forums cries about no good games and developers are shit and fuck snowflakes ect.
Why do you people delight so much in just being nasty and mean to each other. The vast majority of the people in the world are good people who just want to get along with everyone else. Why can't you just not be toxic Yea Forums?
He's an ArsTechnica urinalist. Dunno if he was shitting out stupidity anywhere else.
Here's a NeoGaf pedo though.
Nigger, I trust them them to tell me who is evil as much as I trust Richard Spencer to tell me so. Their credibility is "Iraq has WMDs" tier.
I have a much better experience with r6s's community than I did years ago. It's still pretty bad, but it used to be much, much worse.
Being a tranny shouldn't be normalized degenerate.
Only the blacks were gay in Rent.
no people say its okay to like fictional characters
same way its okay to play games that have fictional murder
or watch a movie with fictional rape
Loli's are fine, but real children is a line too far
And slavs are no somalilans or congo niggers you mong, they have always been considered caucasian and still are. Besides, at least they are not mixed with literal feral niggers and arabs like americans or europeans.
They're really not lmao , mods do their work for free and barely do anything. In the past our mods have actively supported shitposting on the boards they're meant to watch over, and even then all they can do is prune or delete a thread. Most of the times it reaches like 200 posts before that happens and other times mods r asleep and can't do shit.
Compared to almost anywhere else on the internet, this place has next to no policing.
The "pedo" threads are here to monitor people already being watched by FBI, its a honeypot you really think that all the shit we are typing RIGHT NOW isnt being saved and combed through by algorithms to compile all sorts of different data sets? In a few years youll understand for now lurk moar.
Why is there so many commas goodness.
do you even fucking know what happened at charlottesville you fucking inbred moron
because its not about them not hearing it, its about control
>Faggot Twink knights get out
posts image of an even bigger faggot twink knight
When conservatives get back into power again, they're going to do far worse than you fags did. You've given them casus belli and all the powers they need to censor you. It's going to suck when every video game is Christ approved, but it's much preferable to what we have now.
Goobergate 2
>not even in the degenerate future is it okay to mod your bod
Stop censoring people.
I'm still waiting for the day shitaku and other looney leftwing site links are rejected by a spam filter. Maybe also implement some kind of picture reader that identifies twitter screenshots in OPs and prunes accordingly. And ban phoneposting while they're at it. It would solve so many things.
He didnt shoot a mosque because he heard someone say mean words
He shot up a mosque because the entire western world is being flooded with 3rd worlders in order to please the bankers
I guess Trump, Alabama, and Kentucky and SJWs then.
Nice reputation you got there, be a shame if something happened to it.
It's a degenerate dystopia where people take body modification to the extreme.
This site didn't used to be that bad. But /pol/ flooded the comments section and Billy seems to have adjusted his writing methods to cater to them. I used to visit it a few years ago and quit completely at the end of last year because he just went full bat-shit crazy. He didn't used to be anti-centrist and anti-moderate. This never came up in his articles. The first time I saw him openly attacking centrists, I was just like "Oh, fuck this idiot."
It's not even about defending moderates/centrists. It's his willfull ignorance that a moderate/centrist will flee to the enemy for protection if you attack them. There is nothing to gain. They are the very definition of neutral. Just because they aren't sucking your dick doesn't mean they're sucking the other guys'. Until you show them the other guy is a more attractive option.
This guy is just a fucking moron completely blinded by bias. And I'm a god damn racist, transphobic, homophobic republican white male cis shitlord from middle Tennessee. And I say he's a god damn idiot.
what? She was fat but not even 300
Just call them social terrorists. They come out of the blue to make demands and threaten with violence if they're not met.
God I can't WAIT for China, Europe and Russia wiping the vile America off the maps. Every election cycle is like a new strain of cancer being released on the internet, and It will only ramp up until Yea Forums is unusable, just like what their masters want all along.
>dumb uneducated privileged white westerner
>trying to project their white guilt onto Slavs
>trying to whine at Slavs about black people who Slavs had no history with for the past 4000 years at least aside from arming and training them in anti-western insurgency in the last 100 years
Why do you have gay furry porn saved
centrists should be killed like animals
This. I haven't bought a single game that supports censorship. It sucks that that means I have like 10 Western games to play, but if they want to drive me to support more Japanese (IE based) developers, then so be it.
>oh no people are moving in better kill people at random
So fucking stupid.
>crying about journos and sjws, throwing tantrums or gloating about muh triggered libs or whatever
And for aaaaall the whining and shitposting that will soon fill this garbage thread, inevitably and with (you) powerless to stop it, the Mordhau devs will now crack down on you like the vermin you are. After being publicly shamed for being lazy about moderation, they will now bend over backwards so as not to appear intolerant like its shitty, inceloid playerbase.
Once more you'll lose your little playground and there is nothing you can do about it. All because you are too autistic to fit in a society.
top streamers have already started making fun of game journalists
guess who has more influence
Doesn't matter, fuck trannys. Don't give these fuckers one single inch on anything.
Why don't you tell us all what happened? She had a heart attack, right? lmao
>When conservatives get back into power again
Conservatives are fucking retarded, controlling the house and senate and getting jack shit done.
Dude, if everybody with debt were to collect tomorrow, the earth would literally crack in half.
>Honeypot schizo posting
Based. Yeah but no, the FBI is actually incompetent as shit and probably filled with pedophiles as well. Sexual predators who actively engaged in molestation like to be in positions of power within a community.
There's a reason why so many priests and teachers are pedos and why so many sociopaths are in the police, statistically.
He was also a resetera moderator, the tranny-jannies wouldn't let us talk about something so problematic, the only places you could post about it where /pol/ and neogaf (lel), which seems to be a bit better now since a lot of their cancer left them, they were gloating a little.
I give it 2 weeks until they bend.
Okay, go ahead and porn kiddy porn and let's see how long that stays up retard.
>97% White Supremacy
>still only 50 deaths
link full at least so i can fap
If you identify with any ideology and claim to fight for it then you're becoming exactly what you hate and you are fighting bigotry with bigotry.
I can't wait for the global civil war so we can just reset already.
Yup. Are you fucking retarded? Of course they are.
>they will now bend over backwards so as not to appear intolerant
Slavs don't give a shit about appearing intolerant, in fact they only profit from this story burning and keeping itself alive as it gives them free marketing and the sales are going skyhigh.
Heffer Heyer wasn't the sole thing that happened at Charlottesville. Antifa was just as violent as the actual neo-nazis there, and they've only gotten worse since.
Here, watch this and seethe as one of you antifa cucks gets ONE PUUUUUUUUNCHed by a Proud Boy chad.
These assholes made an identity out of being assholes and think that hating someone for what they do is equivalent to hating people based on what they are. I hope one day they learn.
Peace has always been defined as victory
Thats how our ancestors defined it
Thats how china defines it
Thats how Islam defines it
Thats how the jews define it
Same soda me with Facists. I don’t know how people who call for genocide can be called ‘’’’’’human’’’’’
Didn't that guy get arrested or some shit for filming people taking a piss without permission?
I noticed you pussied out about explaining what happened at Charlottesville, dipshit.
>looney leftwing
yeah because turning Yea Forums into yet another fucking stupid online echobox daycare autism center is such a fucking great idea so long it conforms with your political views, right
fucking retard fuck off to twitter and die
literally every news gaming site except gematsu should get fucking banned or auto archive linked for purposes of telling their shills to fuck off
Money is debt. If everyone collected their debt, money would stop existing.
I'd rather all non-whites in the West die than have to give up my freedoms. This is our land, we shouldn't have to give up OUR freedoms for those who don't belong here. That's actual oppression.
who even are you?
what makes you think your opinion on the matter is relevant in any way?
Why not just add a profanity filter that you can toggle off?
They want to exterminate Jews and they probably all touch little boys
When the Americans attack Iran on their masters order, I will celebrate, knowing half the zoomers destroying Yea Forums will be drafted and die in a gruesome, painful manner in some desert far away from home, and as they cry their last tears, their lives extinguished from this world, I will enjoy champagne. Their last sentinent (as far as zoomers can have) thoughts filled with regret for supporting a kike loving manipulator just to "trigger" some equally retarded anglo. Their parents letting out a sight of relief when they learn the news that desert insects is feasting on the corpse of their little mentally ill mistake so the jews can make more money.
>This is our land
Technically you stole it from the native americans.
>later revisited this in 2017
Why are gamers so fucking stupid?
If you think conley was guilty youd have to accept that he would risk getting instantly lynched, some how attack her the lobby in broad daylight, sneak her into Frank's office without him noticing, Open up Franks private back room, and then kill her without Frank hearing any of this.
Meanwhile frank routinely sexually assaulted his female employees, admitted to being alone with her in his office, and acted extremely nervous shortly before the body was discovered.
Reminder that paid """activists""" are going to posts threads that are only tangentially related to video games
Do you even know what it means to be centrist/moderate? It means you have some views from each side. You might be pro-life and pro-tranny, for example. Which is 1 red, 1 blue. And since you can't align with either of those 2 sides completely, you're stuck in the middle. It means you are not on a team and you're forced to side with whoever you have the most in common with, which could change in every poll/election/dispute. Weak people don't like that because it means you're not predictable. People don't like when other people are mysterious or unpredictable. By natural instinct, it makes them uncomfortable.
Yea Forums should be invite only, prove me wrong
very underrated post
t. slav
Worth noting the US sees about 15k murders a year. Yeah, the 50 is negilible at best.
Incels are a very dumb demographic
Last cp thread i remember was about a month ago on Yea Forums, and got like 300 replies about that one 13 year old Russian girl whose porn you can still find on fucking Google images.
>Post CP
Yeah no, I'm not. Because pedophiles deserve a bullet and a shallow grave. I honestly wish the FBI was involved in some kind of massive eugenic cleansing of pedophiles.
>getting jack shit done
Let's face it, half the reason I vote for Republicans every single election is just so they can stop democrats from passing laws. Part of the reason I voted for Trump was just so he could put conservative judges in the courts, and make sure the Rs are in charge when the 2020 census rolls around.
Now this is epic
Hitler was a zionist agent working with the rothschilds, he captured 2 of them and killed neither he infact let them go, then either sacrificed some of their pleb class or made it look like he did so the hebrew prediction of the jews returning to israel minus 6 million of their number can be fufilled.
In the progress also making nationalism for anyone other than jews a taboo
>voting for the most pro-Israel president of all time
Pretty based bro!
New Zealand and Australia aren't white homelands. Neither is America. Holy shit you people are so stupid "you need to give up your freedom so I can be free" doesn't even scratch the surface of your stupidity.
Just make it so saying a racial slur gives the player an auto 24 hour mute and deletes the message
... Also they usually wait until mods r asleep to post that shit. Like theyve always done.
They don't need niggers, they are the niggers. Chances are, if you're white, you probably carry the slavic rapebaby gene
centrists are the most predictable of all
>gee whizz y'all i cant decide between invading iran and invading syria, guess i'll just support both hyuck hyuck
Have you read his dumb manifesto? The guy didn't want jack shit, his head was only filled with dumb internet memes. He even played meme music and wrote shit like "traps aren't gay" on his guns. Yeah, cool defender of the traditional western civilization, also a lover of gay shit. What a crusader, a real knight templar. That guy was a fucking joke. A unfortunate victim of information viruses.
>One time it would make sense to have degenerates in a setting
M8 the 2020 sourcebook had dick/cunt implants and surgeries to let you become a furry, no shit this would be a thing.
He didn't say homelands, he said "lands"...
God I fucking hate video game culture, I wish we had Jack Thompson back to ban the whole industry.
>implying /pol/tards know shit about Cyberpunk
Its the same people bitching about muh SJWs in VTM:B2
That just encourages crypto slang.
And? They're our only uncucked friends left after euros shows us their true cuck colours. I'd rather save a good friend of my nation, than a bunch of ugly ingrates who hate me for simply being better and less cucked than them.
Impossible considering how many pedos are feds, or all the enabling they do for them. You don't think they know what's happening in Hollywood or what Podesta does?
No one's getting drafted. That is half the reason for the gap between the top 1% and the bottom. There's an endless line of people who don't have enough money for college so they go into the military or such. The only people dying will the best our country has to offer - the people that actually work, know the value of a dollar, aren't afraid to get dirty, and have a backbone. It's all the prissy faggots that will be resting cozy on US shores while the quality citizens are further pruned away.
>They're our only uncucked friends
Christ you Trump dickslurpers are the stupidest people alive.
It's a compromise. It's unfortunate that he sucks kike dick, but that's expected from the religious right.
I'll support Israel as long as they continue to oppress "Palestinians" and trigger slimes just for existing.
post yfw the left and right both hate centrists
Imagine trying to subvert a website for over a year and making zero progress.
Oh no, muh freedums of being able to say niggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggerniggernigger in the chat! Better become a nazi and systematically exterminate other human beings.
>The guy didn't want jack shit,
He wanted the NZ government to start increasing censorship and gun bans to radicalize more people because he believed in accelerationism.
That's what makes it stupid. The concept of who belongs where is counterintuitive to his point.
Might makes right when it's white. That's why it's our duty to offer our gfs to chads.
they don't want to just not hear other opinions, they want you to conform to their opinion.
I assume it's more
>Thinks the right is correct on X issue
>Thinks the left is correct on Y issue
Rather then a retarded compromise all the time like like "just kill half of all niggers and everyone is happy!"
He wanted to start a civil war. He literally believed that people would follow his example and start gunning down muzzies.
Plus the dude was a retard and started gunning at whites on the street.
So? How does that affect you? If they're not voting, and they're not fighting for either side, who the fuck cares? You're just an insecure faggot that can't cope with someone who is not firmly on one team or the other. It's exactly like that guy said. You're weak and fearful of shit you can't easily predict even when it's totally harmless.
There won't be a draft, but I really hope America is hit by more terrorist attacks. Nothing would make me happier than a second 9/11.
>unironically getting booty blasted over the most basic of shitposts
Now is bad time to attack Iran. Republicans are now more pro-Israel than Democrats, so drafting republicans to DIA to boost the democrats voter base, makes America increasingly more hostile towards jews. Democrats do want it, but for Israel its not good. Not to mention the BLM style riots that started this week in Israel are creating division.
Neo-nazis held a demonstration, antifa showed up, huge violent riot broke out, several people got their skulls caved in, nigger with a flamethrower trying to kill nazis got beaten, and the people who beat him got sent to jail because justice only flows one way in this country.
You fucking idiots, none of you know what a centrist is.
Centrists aren’t ‘politically-neutral’ at all, they are modern-liberals. The democrats are centrists, Obama is a centrist, the liberal-democratic party are centrists.
God, /pol/tards know nothing about politics. They are all low iq Nazi subhumans who should all be shot, I hate young people so much.
honestly mordhau sucks because i cant make cute girls in it
Where is this from?
Looks like a movie
It's not really about freedom, it hardly is. It's fun to dress shit up as being about free speech, but it's transparent what they want.
I thought it was because some neo nazi larper got in a car and drove into a crowd of people, killing one of them.
Are you saying that's incorrect?
>White people settle a land, industrialize it, and make it liveable at a modern standard over the process of a few centuries
>"What do you mean it's YOUR lands? Other people lived their centuries ago you know..."
Idk man that seems kind of dumb. I think the only people who would think that way are delusional western bougie liberals
Extremists are not bright people.
this is literally the most retarded thing i've read all month, and I browse /pol/
>durr i'm too fucking retarded to understand problems arise individually and need to be tackled with context in mid regardless of whatever stupid generalizations and political divisions might say so i'll literally push for one thing regardless of its context like a braindead NPC and anyone who disagrees with me is not only a fucking retard, but an embarrassment to society and a complete wussy unable to take a stance on anything just because my room temperature IQ says so
literally, unironically cancer
you're the kind of person that put the world in this state
kindly please kys
I don't expect Turks to give back all the land they stole just for some white people living there. They won the land fair and square, just as we did in New Zealand, Australia, and America.
white means nothing same as black
not all white ethnicities are the same, the same way not all blacks are the same
Its a social construct designed to get americans to all identify as a single ethnicity, which is part of the globohomo agenda.
Identify yourself by your ethnicity, english, german, french, not by a colour
all white and black are designed to do is to reduce the number of groups on the planet, making it easier to eventually merge them into a single one as the jews wish to do
>he believes historic revisionism about the founding of our great nations!
LMAO, get redpilled son. "Native" Americans are illegal aliens who invaded from future Mexico and eskimo lands after we settled the unused continent and made it great. Abos literally came from timur and the Pacific isles to live on welfare
im a marxist leninist
>I hate young people so much
cope harder boomer, i'm going to inherit your american dream and scatter its remains into the wind
>my ass
>I was homeschooled through 12th grade
>I never learned how to lightly banter with other men
You have literal spics called Fuentes who seek to be leaders of a white American ethnostate. Your country is a laughing stock.
>Things that totally happened guys I swear
Sit the fuck down kids, I'm older and more wise than you kiddoes so show some fucking respect and listen when your elders talk to you.
>Better become a nazi ad systematically exterminate other human beings...
>...because the alternative is that you lose your inalienable human rights to an oppressive regime just to placate said "human beings"
Yes. 100% yes. Most of my friends are non-white and I'd rather them all die than give up being able to bant with them freely.
Genocide upon the left-wingers.
I am not a dumbass burger, don’t insult me by calling me an American
This is bait, no need to give him more (you)s
>this thread is still here
Did the mods commit suicide?
He simply plagiarized a bunch of shit from the internet videos. Judging by everything he wrote in that manifesto the guy didn't really believe in anything. He was just hollow, sad, and pathetic. With a collection of memes instead of a brain.
And genocide upon the left-wingers. Can't wait for the inevitable ideology war.
>ummm sweetie problems arise individually and need to be tackled with context in mind, so that's why we need to invade syria and iran hyuck hyuck
I guarantee your dick is circumcised
>He literally believed that people would follow his example and start gunning down muzzies.
I mean he himself was inspired by other terrorist... you do know how that works right? He didn't think there would be a mass revolution immediately after his shooting, he detailed a pretty basic outline of right wing accelerationism leading to increases radicalization that eventually leads to the change he so desires. To be honest, yeah, there are a lot more Aussie and NZ right wingers drifting into that spectrum. We're living in increasingly partisan times my dude
>Game has degenerate setting
>Complains about the MC being a degenerate
The killing was at the ass end of the riot. You're missing the entire 8 hours leading up to that that was sheer fucking chaos, with hundreds of people getting injured.
>the US military is the only people of worth
God damn their propaganda is effective
Imaging living in a predominantly white community and projecting it on other people.
True or false - the guy who ran into the crowd of people in his car was a nazi larper
Right back atcha. The Holodomor didn't happen but it should have.
>An American tankie
Truly the most cringe person there is on the planet. Even worse than American neo-nazis
>t-the game is dying!!!
>one of the most popular games on steam
Trump wants to spread LGBT shit all over the world. Guess you're gonna have to die now.
>To be honest, yeah, there are a lot more Aussie and NZ right wingers drifting into that spectrum.
Wow this thread is fucking gay
Did any of you niggers even play video games this week?
Yes. I have no problem with minorities in actuality, I have a problem with people taking away my freedoms to placate them. If they can't deal with it, they can move back to their own countries. We have no country to move back to.
imagine actually taking the time to animate this
Some will eventually, you could tell how scared they were about the video spreading, because it's good "learning material" for everyone wanting to do something similar, in fact it already happened with that guy that attacked a synagogue in the US. Overall I can say they sure all behaved quit differently even though Muslims have done worse many, many times over, suddenly it wasn't just an isolated case that had nothing to do with "true" Islam, suddenly people got in serious trouble for simply sharing the video.
>M-MUH dicc nigguh
This is what happened to Europe after they started happily importing all the invaders.
>we need to invade syria and iran
it seems
post more cute nanachi
Hahaha its true, your dick is snipped
True, but that was only one part of the entirety of the Charlottesville clusterfuck. That's like boiling down WW2 Dresden, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki, completely ignoring all the events leading up to and justifying what happened.
Minor issue over niche game. Go home and eat some dominos
Gun wielding antifa attacked him in the parking lot and he went to flee in his car.
I mean yeah most of it was clearly shitposting but there were clear political motives that you can't just reduce to emotional instability.
He's not wrong, though. People that come from low-incomes (white people, anyway) tend to have stronger character and more wisdom across the board than coddled kids. And coddled kids don't join the military.
And you're an Muslim nigger. Guess which is worse, Tyrone abn madullah
>Anti-fascists throw milkshakes at people. Fascists shoot them.
so fascist are based and OC creators, good for them, now go back to /antifun
seethe harder classcuck
t. CIA nigger
It's the concept of "you don't belong here". It's most hilarious when it's America where it's a third of a continent and ocean away. It goes beyond "muh natives" as they also took land from Mexicans and imported blacks... and then more Mexicans thanks to the conservative republican ag industry advertising jobs in Mexico and encouraging them to come over illegally. To turn around and say "you don't belong here" is fucking retarded.
It's not about giving anything back, just that concept of "you don't belong here" is stupid and dishonest. You can talk about how you took it, how you have it, how you want to keep it, but don't come with this unwarranted and hilariously misguided self-righteousness.
They can be forced to by the court system. A non-federal judge can give them the option of joining the military or going to jail/prison. True story.
t. marine recruiter. About 1 in 30 of the people that come through my door are court ordered.
Is the word "human" also a Zionist conspiracy? I think we should stop using that word too because that's a huge umbrella term that the communists and the globalists use to eventually merge us into a singular collectivist entity.
So, let´s settle the score straight. Do the opinions of SJW on media actually make a difference? I mean does it really affects sales? If a game looks good enough, would any actual gamer skip it over it not adressing a specific gender or colour issue? More to the point, would the people that advocate for diversity buy it, even if they are not gamers, to support a developer´s ideology? Does this shit actually happens in games, movies and tv shows?
Ah yes, because the marines aren't considered the dumbest bricks of the entire house. The chair force not a joke and the navy not a bunch of faggots
Can't we at least agree nigga is fine and nigger is the racist term?
Your not wrong he is an utter tard but I also beware the fence. I, however believe not in attacking the center but befriending them. Why pick on the people you want on your side? Angry is a faggot with no tactical abillity.
No you got that wrong
>words are assault/violence
>throwing unknown substances that could very easily have been lethal all over people isnt assault.
Phew fixed that for you... close one.
i certainly do, both are good
They don't belong here. It's not stupid or dishonest. And it's not misguided self-righteousness. I 100% supported decolonization because the Europeans had no business invading, occupying, and oppressing native Africans and Asians, so why the fuck would I support the reverse happening?
Honestly, it seems like you ilk are the dishonest, two-faced ones. One rule for me, one rule for thee.
The only truly good thing to have come out of the election.
Wow there is actually a janny in this thread. Fuck off you dumb nigger, kill yourself.
I mean I'm that guy and I just replayed through Hotline Miami 2. Might try to play either Blood or replay Link's Adventure. I'm feeling a retro vibe lately
Blacks cause more harm to whites in a week than neo Nazis have over their entire existence.
Can we at least agree that words only mean anything if you let them?
threadly reminder that ALL OPs that screencap this site are posted by the site's owner.
He is using Yea Forums as an advertising platform to shill his blog instead of getting a real job
Not really. Culture warriors on Yea Forums like to pretend that it's meaningful and meaningless at the same time.
These statistics need to be known.
Example. People are shitting themselves about Pokémon sword and shield online, but it's still being voted as one of the most anticipated games in Japan. Internet outrage is not an indication of anything real, but we pretend like it is.
>Bunch of ugly spergs claiming they're the superior race
Why are they never the "Aryan Ideal" always dark haired and ugly. They would have been shot and left in the snow to die.
Why do they waste their life on this shit?
blogging is a real job in 2019, sweetheart
i enjoy it when leftyfags get angry when non lefties tell them that something is not for them
sweet sweet irony
a good commie is a dead commie
This. Now let's partake in white genocide to rid of kike slaves once and for all.
>To turn around and say that land you've settled and cultivated for centuries is your land is retarded
No not really. You don't really have a sense of time , do you?
I just yelled nigger out my window and the dark skin next door gave me a high five, now what?
do you have proof?
if not, go fuck yourself
This is either the cringiest least self-aware right-winger I've ever seen, or a god-tier parody of a right-wing incarnation of a Tumblr SJW type.
I honestly cannot tell.
And actual nazis killed more whites than anyone else managed. And they're BASED
how can you verify either with 100% accuracy?
No, dilate.
hello Billy
They already do that with the word white.
So you want whites to go back to Finland?
Ok you said some words and- let me check, yup im still alive and you are too.
>When one player questions the racism in the thread's title, another responds: "you are gay."
Shh, Yea Forums is not ready for the slave race blackpill.
what's the counter-arguement here vros?
Violence, as a general rule is intra racial. Black people killed the most black people. Asians killed the most Asians. Natsoc was a thing fucking 70 years ago, you're like an Armenian still assmad at turks
Literally Google famitsu polls and you'll see for yourself.
Blacks literally do nothing to whites. Nothing a black has done has affected you white supremacists. Blacks wouldn't be able to catch up to you devils even it took 500 years.
You subhumans will never understand. It's not about false physical looks which can be cheated and changed, it's about the very history of superiority laid in my genes, the purity of my soul, the elevated level of intelligence I keep that makes me a true supreme creation above filthy cucks.
spot the lefty scumbag communist!
>i think we should stop using that word
No there just need to be quotas to ensure the white count goes down. First movies and then your neighborhood.
Its neither, its an attempt to make ad revenue on the host site by hosting and curating known flammatory viral content. Ill post this over and over but no one seems to care/notice.
>Blacks literally do nothing to whites.
Well, you see, despite being only 13% of the population...
Source: ADL
LMAO. Oh god, this has to be a joke. Wait, they're actually serious? LOOOOOL
>he thinks anyone here is alive
We all sinned and this is our punishment.
The demonstration was about not removing some old war statue, some of the people who didnt want it removed were racist and some just like history to be preserved, atleast get the story right
If you host a march demanding a higher minimum wage and then some communists show up, aswell as some none communists does it make it a communist demonstration? No it doesnt
and charlotsville wasnt a nazi demonstration
stop being disingenuous
If there is one thing "moderates" and right wingers lack is zeal, because even far right people are still human. The same cannot be said for the far left, neurotic and psychological ill, they are not normal. They are abnormal and the reason is both genetics and childhood experiences that causes this abnormal behavior.
Leftists have zeal. They'll fight for their religion, and they never believe they are wrong. They'll keep going and going quashing all dissent until your relent and give them what you want. The far right, sadly, lacks this trait.
Just remember, don't show any tolerance for leftists. Opposition to leftism is moral.
Right, they're too busy killing each other and making hip hop songs about it.
>white power passion project
Cut girl knights are coming. Their body models are even in the game, but hidden.
War not crime. Anyway the point I was trying to make is that it's ridiculous liberals focus on this single event when far greater dangers are out there. I don't avoid certain areas of town because of neo Nazis.
But we have had a 2 term black president, how does a race "catch up" more than that. Do you literally need future generations of whites to pick cotton for 400 years to be satisfied?
Yeah, you do it because the sidewalk is too narrow for your scooter.
It seems to be the other way around but logically everyone who says the land belongs to the native americans should be pro israel, the people who were there first deserve the land
and everyone who is pro current americans should be pro palestine, aka its our country now we were born into it and everyone alive now did nothing wrong.
strangely its the opposite though which doesnt make much sense to me
Yeah it's one of the earlier Fps games in the same category as Doom. Never played it so I thought I'd give it a chance. It supposedly extremely difficult and fast paced.
Hope it lives up to the hype despite being a 20 year old game. Not that old = bad inherently.
He said more words whoops look at that im dying now... nope still alive phew.
I suppose it's a parody in a sense, although it's not intended to be comedy. It's a guy swindling idiots for ad revenue by saying the most outlandishly anti-left video game related shit to intentionally grab clicks and donations "for the cause". It's the same exact shit sites like Kotaku and Polygon pull on people who sit on the opposite end of the spectrum.
>Culture warriors
SJW comes from the terms Social Justice and Keyboard Warrior. Keyboard Warrior is a belittling term for someone trying to act tough by making mean replies, via keyboard.
Social Justice Warrior therefore is a belittling term for a vain person trying to act higher-than-thou via Social Justice talking points.
You can't just take memes and put 'anti-' in front of them to make them yours. If you don't know what makes the meme meme worthy, you just create nonsense that doesn't make the original meme any less of it's worth.
The Las Vas shooting killed more in one attack than all of "Right" wing attacks in 2018. According to this.
This 120%
Keep burning in hell, God hates us.
This but for right-wingers
All i know is by this logic we need to all kill ourselves and return control of the earth to reptiles because dinosaurs were here first.
I want whites to go back to Europe, I want blacks to go back to Africa, and I want Arabs to go back to Asia.
Can you explain why every single one of these threads with his articles are cropped the same exact way?
we thought the left was just parody with their pronouns and new definitions for racism but here we are now watching violent mobs attack innocent people while the government tells the police to not intervene
Okay antifa bro
Then why does the media bend to this issues and includes it on most products? Every AAA title seems to adress the pandering in some form or another. Are they covering their asses? are they hopping adressing the topics would earn them a few more sells?
The words are so stronk! The words are so violent! You know if you think about it god only really exists in the word god, if we should be censoring anything it should be the word and concept of a god.
If OKCupid is valid proof why all women apparently want to fuck YOU merely for being pinkish of the skin, the why can't ADL, whatever that is count as well?
Sources on all of this?
Theres no europe now just western middle east.
>t. White male who grew up in 99% white neighborhood and went to school in a 99% white university town.
I think you have genuine autism user. You're treating the internet too seriously for any sane person.
how else are you supposed to crop it?
Internalized racism and sexism.
>steal a car
>make it better
It's mine!
>They won the land fair and square, just as we did in New Zealand, Australia, and America.
Exactly. You conquered the indigenous populations of those lands fair and square, and now new groups are conquering you for that land, fair and square.
Karma's a bitch.
If you think the articles look like an exaggerated straw man come to life, just wait til you read the comments
You are stuck in your Don-Quixote delusional twisted world, keep hitting that windmill and you will see how hypocritical you are.
Ironically, I can bring to mind many elections that the left did not win because they simply never bothered to vote. Sure the SJWs have zeal, but SJWs aren’t left.
>of all the garbage in this thread mods go after the one anti-/pol/ thing
so transparent lmao
Yes you said the words i have autism so now i have it also i feel despair, oof oh wait its just words again silly me.
>Comparing a fucking a car to a country
You wouldn't pirate a car would you?
Yeah, and I want all those Eurabians to fuck back off to the Middle East. Europe is for Europeans, that's where they belong, no one else does.
Didn't the guy who ran over the fat chick in 2017 just get life in prison without possibility of parole?
>buy some scrap metal
>create a car
if its conquest that its fine to fight back as the natives tried to
as the whites in modern turkey tried to
They mostly just let us in. A lot of them didn't really oppose us either, in fact they made alliances with us against their own internal enemies but that's too much historical nuance for retards on Yea Forums to understand
I grew up in Tuskegee, AL, which is over 90% black, and I still live here.
so they let people immigrate and got replaced, but immigration totally isnt replacement this time right?
>One thread in months is too much for my safe space
Sorry user, Nazi Germany killed all euros of worth and the Soviets finished it. There's no real European man left thanks to 4chans favourite ideology imported by American mutts. Coincidence that this site worships the white genociders? You decide..
That's because you're an Alabaman and therefore not human anyways
Maybe in non-exact dimensions every time, Billy
first people on america where europeans thousands of years before the siberians came
I am guessing you don't care one bit about all the times he gets his articles completely and objectively wrong then?
Because he is so "based" that being wrong doesn't matter. For as long as you own the libs the quality of your content doesn't matter somehow?
>With a crime rate of 51 per one thousand residents, Tuskegee has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 20.
Actually fucking laughed
No, it was replacement. It happened, centuries ago, and there's nothing you can do about it. They got mild autonomy on reservations or interbred with the newcomers. Some nations in South America are still mostly indigenous but nah there was a great replacement.
Exactly. Why DON'T you fight back? You keep blaming everyone else from blacks to jews but the only ones who can make you fight back is you. If you sit back and gleefully allow yourselves to be raped, then you deserve it.
>The crime data reveals that the overall Tuskegee, AL crime rates are 46% higher than in comparison to the Alabama mean and are 85% higher than the nation's mean. In regards to violent offenses, Tuskegee, AL has a rate that is 85% higher than the Alabama average; compared to the United States, it is 154% higher than.
Looks like you have a lot more to worry about than right wingers.
I agree but others need to wake up first, as it stands now we dont have the numbers to win as many whites will just let themselves be genocided
>the nazi army was actually jewish! So real Nazism hasn't been tried yet!
>Noooo I can't do anything unless everyone else does
humans truely are earths weirdest looking animal