Why do some people consider Linux gaming to be superior to Windows gaming, when Linux can't even run most games?
Why do some people consider Linux gaming to be superior to Windows gaming, when Linux can't even run most games?
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why does ucuntu have man tits
because Linux gaming doesn't involve getting cucked by Microsoft
95% of shit can run by either Wine or Proton and most worthwhile, modern, western games run native anyways.
/g/ poster here: linux is a meme and it is only meme people who think that just because 1 game has 3 fps more under vulcan on linux, it means that linux is not a server os. Linux can only run a few valve games + some old games that are usually not be AAA publishers and even then you get more crashes on linux than on windows.
Pic related is an idiot youtuber.
95% of games, means that the top 5% that people actually want to play are the ones that are not ported. Also running games on wine is not always working and when it is, expect to have miserable frame rate.
/g/ poster here, ignore
we all know linux is not a gaming platform unless you only play dota and nothing more.
This isn't true. Many games are still incompatible or run poorly using Proton.
The games that are on it run better because you don't have microsoft spyware and bloatware running underneath.
because linux is fun :)
idk I'm not a /g/ poster and have only taken a few programming and computer engineering courses and those were baby shit highschool courses not university and I can figure out everything fine. The only complex things I have had to do is wrangling with AMD drivers in the terminal. I can't think of a single game I own on PC that doesn't run other than ancient stuff which wouldn't run on Windows either.
>Linux can only run a few valve games
Again most western stuff is native and Japanese games usually run fine in Wine/Proton. I'm playing Hitman 2016 native on my ~700$ 2014 build and it is running well although I did get minor artifacting issues twice which I'll concede probably wouldn't happen with the Windows version.
>Total War
native support
native support
native support
>Dwarf Fortress
native support
>Age of Wonders 3
native support
native support
native support
native support
>Baba is You
native support
>Dominions 5
native support
native support
native support
Aside from Japanese games, the only current PC games I can think of without Linux native are Subnautica, Witcher3, and Galactic Civilizations 3. What the fuck are you even playing that isn't Japanese or DOS games that isn't native let alone works in Wine?
well....ok. I get why your use case is much better than mine for linux but I hope you will understand that while some games run on it, other do not. Last time I tried to go linux forever was in 2017 and I simply gave up because of problems with overwatch, sc2 and poe. Also more importantly: there was critical software for me like ahk that required me to spend a shit ton of hours doing bash scripts to do what is essentially a couple of lines of ahk scripting.
Linux has its uses: mainly in software development there are many libraries that run nativelly on linux and for windows you have to do some aditional work to make it run, or you have to use bash under windows. In the end, I get that it depends for different users, but I have stopped recommending linux to friends because it is usually too much of a headache to do simple stuff
>/g/ poster here
Ignore /g/ posts. They're elitist faggots who think they're so good with tech yet really only post about their desktop screenshots all day.
nah, it is more about hatting on apple these days as the main form of /g/ posting. Anyway, the scree fetch threads are boring and I do not take part in them.
As someone that switched to Xubuntu 6 months ago, I can officially say it was worth it.
>never got a single problem with stuff lile alt tabbing
>no performance decrease from updates
>games crash less than on windoww
But I don't want you to switch over to Linux so please stay on Windows.
No amount of Proton will fix shit linux drivers.
t. a dude that's been using debain longer than you've probably even been alive
>a dude that's been using debain longer than you've probably even been alive
How is that relevant?
If that statement were true then that only means that you're adept at using Linux.
That statement has nothing to do with Proton.
That statement has nothing to do with the current state of Linux and its compatibility with games.
The perennial state of linux gpu drivers has everything to do with proton, zoomer.
Your espousing it as this great thing when the underlying technology it depends on is complete trash? That's a red herring.
Linux looks very interesting, even if some of the screen colours and menu options appear to be a little out of the ordinary.
But you are missing a vital point, a point which takes some experience and depth of knowledge in the field of computers. You see, when a computer boots up, it needs to load various drivers and then load various services. This happens long before the operating system and other applications are available.
Linux is a marvellous operating system in its own right, and even comes in several different flavours. However, as good as these flavours are, they first need Microsoft Windows to load the services prior to use.
In Linux, the open office might be the default for editing your wordfiles, and you might prefer ubuntu brown over the grassy knoll of the windows desktop, but mark my words young man – without the windows drivers sitting below the visible surface, allowing the linus to talk to the hardware, it is without worth.
And so, by choosing your linux as an alternative to windows on the desktop, you still need a windows licence to run this operating system through the windows drivers to talk to the hardware. Linux is only a code, it cannot perform the low level function.
My point being, young man, that unless you intend to pirate and steal the Windows drivers and services, how is using the linux going to save money ? Well ? It seems that no linux fan can ever provide a straight answer to that question !
May as well just stay legal, run the Windows drivers, and run Office on the desktop instead of the linus.
only Linuxtards say this. Gaming on linux will never be popular because it lacks compatibility with everything that isn't some shitty project made by faggots.
Emulating might be better on Linux but actual modern games usually perform worse on Linux because the only Linux GPU drivers that get any love are Intel's.
>desktop, but mark my words young man – without the windows drivers sitting below the visible surface, allowing the linus to talk to the hardware, it is without worth.
And so, by choosing your linux as an alternative to windows on the desktop, you still need a windows licence to run this operating system through the windows drivers to talk to the hardware.
Please tell me that the shitpost I just read is some sort of copy pasta and I am out of the loop. Otherwise I hope you are black because with your brain power you only can live on welfare.
Come on, you've never seen this ancient copypasta before?
I guess I am the idiot here for not knowing every copy pasta ever....
Are you saying that this linux can run on a computer without Windows underneath it, at all ? As in, without a boot disk, without any drivers, and without any services ?
That sounds preposterous to me.
If it were true (and I doubt it), then companies would be selling computers without a Windows. This clearly is not happening, so there must be some error in your calculations. I hope you realise that Windows is more than just Office ? It's a whole system that runs the computer from start to finish, and that is a very difficult thing to acheive. A lot of people don't realise this.
Microsoft just spent $9 billion and many years to create Vista, so it does not sound reasonable that some new alternative could just snap into existence overnight like that. It would take billions of dollars and a massive effort to achieve. IBM tried, and spent a huge amount of money developing OS/2 but could never keep up with Windows. Apple tried to create their own system for years, but finally gave up recently and moved to Intel and Microsoft.
It's just not possible that a freeware like the Linux could be extended to the point where it runs the entire computer from start to finish, without using some of the more critical parts of Windows. Not possible.
I think you need to re-examine your assumptions.
I just hope that you are copy pasting and not coming with that shit on the spot. Also go to /g/ and post it there. I get triggered reading that shit here and I only use linux on my server, raspberry pi and phone. There are some people there would would hire assassins to kill you for this post.
>because the only Linux GPU drivers that get any love are Intel's
Have you not looked in the last 4 years?
The linux cannot reliably be employed on modern hardware. Yes, well, I did receive quite a few pointed 'pointers' about linux not requiring windows, but I am yet to be convinced on that score.
I did witness first hand just the other day, a demonstration of a machine loading up the linux, and several points piqued my interest for sure.
Firstly, the machine loaded into the Microsoft boot sequence prior to loading the linux. This is the segment of the operating system which counts down the memory, and configures the A:, C: and D: drives prior to loading the Microsoft windows. Although the machine did not display the familiar windows animation, it was obvious that the linux was freeloading off the back of this prior installation/boot sequence.
The aforementioned demonstrator, upon further questioning, even admitted that 'Oh, That part is not the linux', and then went on to confuse the issue with technical jargon. However, one cannot mask a simple act of piracy with excessive verbosity. A fool and his lamb are worth 2 in the bush.
Now - I will admit after some further research, that the linux is not in fact a complete copy of Microsoft Windows. My research indicates that it is in fact a copy of Unix. I bet you didnt know that young man ? Yes, its a straight copy of Unix, even down to copying verbatim codefiles straight from the source of Unix. I believe there is a court case in progress regarding this latest discovery. The magnitude of the theft is now becoming apparent.
The Linux Kernel has superior resource and memory management, if Linux can't run a game it's the devs fault.
Gonna save the entire thread.
People spouting information that's probably a decade old
A few people trying to correct above
Like 3 people asking what is the best distro to use
Shitposting about why my distro is better than your distro.
>Why do some people consider Linux gaming to be superior to Windows gaming, when Linux can't even run most games?
Because Windows is that fucking bad.
People say that because Windows has fallen so low that even Linux is looking like a decent alternative nowadays.
t. Windowsfag that is seriously considering to jump ship and become a Linux user, even tho I don't know shit about Linux or coding
Make sure you install Gentoo.
Linux can run most games
Did you check ProtonDB numbers lately?
Because the games that it can run run better.
Emulation is also MUCH better on Linux because MOST emulators target Linux first. Dolphin on Ubuntu vs Windows is night and day.
The only problem I have experienced with Dolphin on Linux is trying to get netplay to work.
Is this pasta?
All right, this is some advanced pasta