Why do some people consider Linux gaming to be superior to Windows gaming, when Linux can't even run most games?
Why do some people consider Linux gaming to be superior to Windows gaming, when Linux can't even run most games?
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why does ucuntu have man tits
because Linux gaming doesn't involve getting cucked by Microsoft
95% of shit can run by either Wine or Proton and most worthwhile, modern, western games run native anyways.
/g/ poster here: linux is a meme and it is only meme people who think that just because 1 game has 3 fps more under vulcan on linux, it means that linux is not a server os. Linux can only run a few valve games + some old games that are usually not be AAA publishers and even then you get more crashes on linux than on windows.
Pic related is an idiot youtuber.
95% of games, means that the top 5% that people actually want to play are the ones that are not ported. Also running games on wine is not always working and when it is, expect to have miserable frame rate.
/g/ poster here, ignore
we all know linux is not a gaming platform unless you only play dota and nothing more.
This isn't true. Many games are still incompatible or run poorly using Proton.
The games that are on it run better because you don't have microsoft spyware and bloatware running underneath.
because linux is fun :)