Steam has a literally unbeatable advantage due to the nature of how games sales work...

Steam has a literally unbeatable advantage due to the nature of how games sales work, and us allowing products to be intrinsically tied to the store they are purchased from. We full stop fucked up ever allowing this to happen and we are seeing our chickens come to roost as the realization of just how fucking exploitable humans are.

Epic isn't a shitty company, no matter how much the children on Yea Forums scream about things they barely understand. Its greatest sin is having less bloat than Steam's client.
Its greater competition is not Steam's hodgepodge of features, its Steam's deathgrip on your collection and its complete control of every single thing you purchase from their store creating artificial attachment by controlling your collection. It doesn't have jackshit to do with shitty forums, reviews, or any number of features replicated a million times all over the internet. Its just the simple human element of wanting all our shit in one place being exploited to drive a fanatic attachment to a fucking store brand.

A relationship that does not exist for any other product anywhere, but has made Steam fantastically wealthy because you as a consumer are psychology driven to not want to shop anywhere else because you already have so much invested into one place even if the opportunity cost is almost nil.
The nature of store clients is fucked, and we are looking at the first wave of real consequences to just how toxic of a system it is, that the very idea of there being literally another storefront that might force you to split your attention drives people this insane because their collection is fragmented. Thats fucked, Steam has fucked us. We have fucked ourselves.
How the hell does no one else realize just how fucked this entire crusade is, and just how exploited we all are? Steam are not good guys, they are not your friend, they control your fucking video game collection because our shitty human brains make us loathe the idea of fragmenting and "disorganizing" it.

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Didn't read lol

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People are fine with multiple stores. Plenty exist. They're primarily annoyed by exclusivity and promises not being kept by devs and publishers in the main.

What ever happened to Vitamin Quest? You can't even get it from /hgg/ anymore

Not reading this chink shill wall of text.

tiananmen square 1989

True dat my friend

do we really need another article about sweeny's autistic hateboner over steam

lmao chinks seething

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if im just really autistic because I want all my games on steam? why was I okay with buying dead space on origin? Why did I buy overwatch on Shouldn't I have been sperging out? Whats so different about Epic? Could it be the chinese?

Epic Games literally just wants to be Steam. Why is their marketing solely aimed at flinging shit, when the end goal is to do the exact same thing as their evil competition?

epic could offer games for cheaper using their xbox hueg exclusivity bucks to get users, but that would be hard, better to fuck the consumer


I have gotten roughly 10-15 free games so they're alright in my book.

>Epic isn't a shitty company

Tencent is a shitty company and they own 40% of Epic.

I can't wait for Epic's eventual, inevitable "we're broke" update next year.

Steam is the better store-front from a consumer's perspective, and as a consumer that's all I should care about.

You think they would tell people they are broke?
The Epic game's store would just fuckin shut down and Sweeney would have fled the fucking country before some epic employee would come out and say the money's gone.

>We have the solution to the problems we have created.

>Steam has a literally unbeatable advantage
No they don't

I'll sum it up in simple terms, steam is convienient in the way netflix is convenient, it allows a large amount of content in one place, hassle free.

If i have to start using 10 different launchers/stores to play shit ill just pirate, the same way its just not convenient to have accounts for the likes of Netflix, Amazon, HBO, Disney, Hulu, AMC, Espn.

I'm not installing 10 fucking different games launchers the same way im not signing up to 10 different streaming services, once it becomes more than 2 or 3 all the convenience is lost and ill just pirate.

What do you believe you'll gain by writing this drivel, anyway?

Don't worry user. Soon, our woes with having different collections on different storefronts will be over.

I'm still never buying something from Epic though.

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>Sweeny and the Epic chink shill slaves wants to pretend they are the great competition against the tyrannical steam platform
I don't think much of the exclusive deal, except maybe when just pulling out of the store like Metro did
but this is pretty pathetic way of drama creating for press
besides other digital platforms always existed, do you see them sperging out like Epic?

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Exclusivity is one thing. Epic paying devs to break promises and act shitty to customers is quite another.

I can’t tell if this is bait to stir up some good old epic hate or a genuine argument.
If it’s the latter then how does spreading our asscheeks for Timmy put us in a different situation than we’re already in?
In what way are we fucked with steam that won’t apply equally to epic by ceding our games into their care?

>wall of text

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There is literally not a single reason for me to install the Epic store.

Valve has a store that works great and has fantastic games.
GoG has some classics.
EA has a few games I'd like to play.
Epic has Fortnite, which I wouldn't even want to play for free. And the store works like ass.

Go on, lad.

oh man whatever happened to that whole absurdist scam of Nintendy selling overpriced pieces of cardboard to onions anyway. you could've made the same game just buying some shipping cardboard boxes from the UPS store labo

But will it not force me to open the other store fronts just to play a game.
Like if I use this and open a Steam game. Will it force steam open to play it?

They still make different Labo kits.
Apparently it worked rather well since they didn't use cheap as shit Cardboard that would literally melt in water and contains more than just cardboard.

>you shouldn't let valve have most of your library for vague reason
>this means we need epic consolifying the industry


>Epic isn't a shitty company
By your own logic they are since they're trying to play the exact same game as Steam only in a scummier way. If Epic actually wanted to break the industry mold they'd do what GOG does and sell DRM free games, or sell licenses that can be transferred between storefronts and pursue consumer rights in the political sphere to make that system mandatory. But they aren't doing either of those things because however anti-consumer Valve is, Epic is worse and only complaining because they're on the losing end of the arrangement.

Epic bitches about Steam not giving out keys to games they don't have access to when it's Epics fault Steam doesn't have access too them.
It's almost like Sweeney doesn't even know what's going on in his own company.

>blah blah blah blah
Epic’s store is objectively inferior to Steam’s when it comes to features and format. I’m also not saving any money by shopping on the Epic store. I’ve also never had any issues using Steam, and the games listed.

I’m annoyed by Epic’s exclusivity deals that force me to use an inferior store and split my collection.

So why should I support Epic?

Yep, I'm thinking this user is based

Not really, no.

>made the garbage known as UT3
>blamed the lack of sales on piracy
>ported it to consoles
>flopped there as well
>started developing UT4 after being done with Microsoft
>development is slow as a motherfucker, discover thats its only being made by a handful of people
>rips off PUBG, killing UT4 in the process
>turn their launcher into a store that lacks the most primitive features
>start paying for exclusivity deals left and right a year after complaining about Microsoft's "walled garden"
>shamelessly going after crowdfunded kickstarter games
>still claiming they're saving PC gaming or whatever delusions they have
>""""Epic isn't a shitty company"""
you're right, shitty isn't enough

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What exactly does gog galaxy 2.0 do different to the add non-steam game feature?

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Because Origin and offer first-party games? If blizzard owns and blizzard releases overwatch they have all rights in the world to keep it at their store.
If Epic buys out exclusivity rights from people who had nothing to do with them up to that point, then it starts to become meaningless.

You write like an idiot.

UT4 being shelved after literally sticking around since the fucking unplayable Pre-Alpha was enough for me. No fucking loyalty.

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I sort of feel the same. I only installed the Epic store to check out Unreal Tournament. It didn't work. So I uninstalled the store again.

Exclusivity rights are a cancer. So is this the thread where we post lewd brown girls?

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Tim Sweeney is a pedophile looking faggot.

>>Epic isn't a shitty company
Stop right there
Epic is the company that publicly disowned their PC fanbase. If PC gaming were to ever see another downturn or a spike in piracy they would be out of here. Fuck off with this shit, if you weren't gaming on PC before the late 2000s then don't even announce your opinion on this shit.

Careful now, user. this guy turned out to be a child molester

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>Steam has exclusivity rights for a game
>If Steam decides that you don't get to play that game, tough shit, you can't get it
>Epic has exclusivity rights to a game
>If Epic decides that you don't get to play that game, tough shit, you can't get it
>No one has exclusivity rights to a game
>If Steam or Epic decide that you don't get to play that game, you just go to the other store and buy it there
>Steam, for the most part, is fine with the third option, and they only have the first option because there isn't any other storefront that doesn't try to do the second option instead of agreeing with the third option.
>Epic wants the second option because they don't like the first option, ignoring the third option because then they have to actually try to get people to buy from them with actual effort instead of hoarding exclusivity rights and waiting.

the funny thing is epic says this so egs shills repeat it
steam is far from perfect, if tim was not a lazy cheap faggot he would capitalize on those weakness but nope, he's stuck in the defeatist mentality that there's nothing their store can do better than steam so they resort to basically paying publishers to use it.

Imagine if the tables were turned and steam paid publishers to not sell their games elsewhere, steam would be worse than the devil


Fuck epic shills
Fuck OP

thanks for all the free games, timmy


>Steam are not good guys, they are not your friend
the fact that you think anyone thinks this makes me question your ability to wipe your own ass. people use steam because, despite all it's faults, it's the best store.

I know it's the same shill everyday but hey I pity him so let's give him some attention candy.

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I can justify it in my head because an indie game getting fat stacks from Epic means more money to develop a better game. idk about platform.
I hope Valve picks this practice up for this reason

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this is the best meme of the year so far. the image always brings a smile to my face

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Has anyone tweeted this at him yet?

They will lower your social score for that, OP. I ain't reading all this this

FPBP as usual

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Fuck Tim Sweeney and Fuck china
Those fucking chinks will never get me to install this gay shit
I'd rather fucking install Origin than this shit

ur a faget lulz

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Couldn't steam just get their own exclusives

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A long time ago, your cellular phone number was bound to the company you bought the phone from. If that was AT&T, then you couldn't go to Sprint unless you got a brand new phone number. There was some legal issues, and that evolved into what we have today - where you can take your phone number to any carrier, and they can't charge you or restrict you.

So, the question is, why can't we do that with our games? How long until someone takes this to court?

Not just games. This applies to movies, movies, anime, and books as well. Probably more stuff I'm not thinking of. Any item with digital distribution.

Good post user.

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>some chinese insect took the time to type this



Okay, I had to delete that imagine. I seriously couldn't tell if she had panties on or not. I still can't. But don't want the jannie wrath. Here, take this instead.

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My name is Tim Sweeney and I am a autistic video game developer. I have been interested in social interactions in video games from the start — my best memory is of a bunch of us talking a mile a minute while playing Atari 2600 games on a friend's computer in the late 90s. I remember it very well, so I didn't really get interested in video games until after I became fully autistic.

I've always been fascinated by how people interact in video games, and how they express themselves in what I call an "emotional" sense. We need to make it easier and more natural for people with autism to express themselves, so I started working to make online social interactions more social as well.

At my new job, we're also designing social interaction tools that are easy to use for people with autism. One of these tools might be my new social interaction app, Tim Sweeney's Social Interaction App. It's about 5.5 minutes long, and it's just a tiny app. So the first five minutes or so could feel like the longest thing I've ever played; but after that, the app gets pretty straightforward.

The first few moments of the application are pretty basic. The first few moments of the application are pretty basic. You'll set your friends settings to "discovering you" — that's the first interaction you have with them, and it could include just being nice to them, or asking if they've seen an autistic friend.

Then, you enter a dialogue with each person, asking questions about themselves, their goals, and whether or not they have a diagnosis. There is some kind of "self-help manual," in which you can pick specific topics for discussion. They'll often suggest a group of autistic peers to follow you around with. You'll also meet and talk with one or more autistic teachers. When you're done, you give each autistic child an autographed book — in exchange, you receive an autographed autographed picture of yourself — and a copy of your Autographed Postcard, or the Autographed Book.

>steam creates a safe haven platform that allows devolopers, publishers to move their content
>Allows users to create and share mods and content of their own through their pipeline
>Allows the curation of content, user reviews and connection between the user and devolopers.
>Marketplace for steambucks
>A shopping cart

Literally just mad that Epic, Uplay, and all these platforms didn't jump on this idea a decade ago. Steam has created a platform that took 15 years to make and execute. And when got content restricting, anti consumer, and bad management platforms that are so barebones and primitive that they are unusable. It's unfair? Maybe if they had done the same a long time ago. They wouldn't cry and complain like they are now. Rome wasn't built in a day. And the fact these companies want to piggy back off the success and intuition of another is hilarious.
They want all the success, users, content and functions of steam. Without the time, investment or production used to create said platform.

Actual reason is that your phone number is just an ID in a protocol but the games could be entirely different software, for whatever reason. I know people are trying to focus on PC, but the most practical existing examples are on consoles or mobile. You have different builds for different platforms, and even beyond that, some platforms have different requires on content, integration with system services (xbox live, etc.), or procedures for pushing patches (Apple and Microsoft are both infamous for their restrictions on this). There are a lot of issues you have to mow through in order to get through this.

Even beyond that, you're basically legislating that every game be functional on different platforms simultaneously, which *is* additional development costs, even if we're only talk about Steamworks integration vs. whatever you'd have to do to get similar things on other platforms, and you'll never realistically get that sort of platform parity without some sort of standardization (which will also never happen).

>The Epic game's store would just fuckin shut down and Sweeney would have fled the fucking country before some epic employee would come out and say the money's gone.
Epic make literally millions of dollars every day from mobile Fortnite. They make billions of dollars every year. They are not running out of money anytime soon.

>Epic is the company that publicly disowned their PC fanbase.
Yet they never stopped releasing their games on PC. The only ones that didn't release on PC were the ones MS prevented releasing on PC because MS were being MS back then.

I'm not reading whatever you wrote but answer this simple question:
Epic's storefront not only provides no advantages over steam's, it's worse and blatantly so. Why the FUCK would I want to give them business over valve and why should I be okay with being forced to use it if I want to play specific games?

offer me a better product, Timmy. Artificial moneyhat exclusivity deals will literally never sway me.

Steam is an incompetent market actor. They are literally Bad At Capitalism™
and that is the best thing about it.

The level of domination steam currently has over the market is absurd. Any other company with this much marketshare would be leveraging it aggressively to force devs into exclusivity, offering staggered admission, "premium" publication deals, client-facing and developer-facing subscription packages, and extortionate IP practices.

Instead we have a store where
• all devs face the same cost of entry
• all curation is done by shitty but even-handed algorithms
• censorship is extremely sparsely enforced
• devs can literally produce and give out keys for fucking free
• devs are free to sell on all other storefronts and there are no restrictions on how they price their products on other storefronts.

Literally not a single one of these things is true for any other platform, because it is actually fucking stupid to offer any of these things. It is bad fucking business. It is fundamentally retarded. But it benefits the consumer.

We have reached the point where we are literally clamoring for someone to come put a clamp on our balls so we can be treated the way we like to be. It's finally gotten to the point where we may get what we're asking for.

Can't wait, bros.

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This. You retards think Tim Sweeney is going to actually improve anything for YOU? He's on record saying he cares about publishers not customers.

>Artificial moneyhat exclusivity deals will literally never sway me.
They're not trying to sway you. You're a lost cause. You were the person who refused to buy HL2 because it forced you to use the incredibly shitty Steam launcher. But most people go where the games are. As long as the service has a basic level of functionality, people will gladly use it to play hot games. Look at stuff like Starcraft and Diablo with


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Epic is going to win and there's nothing you can do about it.


>Epic isn't a shitty company

They're both shit and I reject the opinion of anyone who disagrees.

user, you can shill Epic in less words. Please try it next time.

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I'm confident that epic has shills posting all over the internet to put them in a positive light.

>Epic isn't a shitty company

You actually are right, games should be able to play without a service holding up their DRM

>the same 10000th thread about some shitty digital store
don't have sex


>when the end goal is to do the exact same thing as their evil competition?
because they're lying about their intent.

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The best thing that came out of all this is how mad it's been making all these steam bootlickers. I've been hating your kind for almost 15 years now, you whiny autists


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Nobody would complain about Epic if they didn't do exclusives. Let the consumer decide where to buy their games, compete on quality of service not "what games do we hold hostage".


They can't do that, they're lying through their teeth because they know damn well they have a shitty store and they're trying to force people to use it

Funnily enough, if they used all those millions they have on, y'know, actually fucking releasing and more frequently updating their shitty store instead of trying to force consumers to use an inferior product, we wouldn't be having this conversation

Why open this door even wider and possibly to a point where it can never be closed again?

>a 3-paragraph chink shill post without using the word "monopoly"
Color me impressed

>not being an accelerationist

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