Why do people pretend this is an adequate VN just because it was backed by anonymous?
Why do people pretend this is an adequate VN just because it was backed by anonymous?
It's more than adequate for its price.
It's life changing
i only played one route but thought it was pretty good. the dialogue didn't actually bore me like a lot of romance VNs.
it's the only VN they ever played
ah, you must of not have chosen the deaf girl then.
It's significantly better than a lot of the trash VNs that come from Japan. It's a big fucking win for westerners.
i chose the blind girl and got the neutral end where she goes back to ireland. it made me sad :(
Because it is.
Is her route that bad? That's kinda sad because the game you play with her at the beginning is what make me "feel it". I went with Hanako though, but it was more luck than a choice.
Her route is easily the worst in the entire game
i'm inclined to ask why but i also don't want spoilers.
That's no good, she was kinda only reason i want to play the game again.
It has more feels fuel than it has any right to have.
It was a charming and heartfelt passion project embodying time when this site was slightly less horrible.
If this game was being made today there would be an option to fuck her younger brother
oh take your head out of your ass. why does Yea Forums have to be so contrarian about everything, katawa shoujo is great visual novel even though its fanbase is autism incarnate.
it has nice hearthwarming story, superb soundtrack and nice art. Having its origin on Yea Forums has nothing to do with it
and to be honest it was better lecture than many other popular vns just because it wasnt so fucking pretentious and edgy.
even skipping /ksg/cancer, almost once a week you have katawa thread on Yea Forums that reaches post limit. It's because anons have fond memories of this game and its fun to have discussion bout it. And /jp fags can only seethe, that their souless dark and gore "masterpiece" like umineko or higurashi will never be as popular as ks on Yea Forums.
So she gets put a side and you have to deal with her brother or some shit? I don't like that, i don't like that at all.
This is what I hear in every thread. What exactly is so tear-jerking that it warrents trudging through this.
Have you played it?
You get introduced to her family and have to deal with her disapproving dad and her fuccboi brother. Like Lily's route, there's not much drama to it and it's mostly slice of life, but unlike Lily's route, there's not much romance to it either. You just kind of go around and learn sign language and shit until it eventually just ends.
>souless dark and gore "masterpiece" like umineko or higurashi will never be as popular as ks on Yea Forums.
But I like both and Umineko and Higurashi both are still pretty popular here.
I don't care no romance slice of life stuff as long as it's fun.
I think a big reason has to do with people's expectations. This was a cripple dating sim made by a ragtag group of Yea Forums weirdos. Everyone expected it to be something akin to that Krautchan pedo game, where it'd just be a bunch of memes and smut. Instead, the writers managed to do a competent job of making the characters more than 2D anime waifu stereotypes. Additionally, I think a lot of lonely, sad anons can empathize with characters that are somewhat 'fragile' or displaced from the mainstream. It makes the female love interests simultaneously seem more accessible/attainable and easier to relate with.
The music is good and the pre-release threads were fun.
Nu-Yea Forums will never be able to experience the true beauty of KS, a big part was experiencing it along with all your fellow losers who could both relate and in a way helped make it happen.
To those that didn't get to play it during that time, it's just a VN.
You just need to give it a go to know.
2011 was a super cancerous year on Yea Forums, it's no wonder a lot of people don't have fond memories.
I do enjoy every time a game comes around that inspires a genuine emotional response from Yea Forums. It doesn't happen often, but it's nice to see people have threads where they're not just swapping low-effort irony-laced cynicism back and forth.
2011 was peak Yea Forums, or at least damn near close. Things took a sharp downward turn around 2013 and never got better.
It's long and drawn out. Damn good H-scenes though.
I'd rather have that than the garbage politically motivated shitposting that comes from /pol/ and Yea Forums today
How can people remember years and what happened that well? Only thing I remember from year 2011 is i got new computer then and i only remember that because my friend was on my place at new years eve and we played skyrim and watched K-on's.
fuck you
i remeber thinking "this place can't get any worse" in 2010 and i've been proven wrong consistently ever since
>green lex luthor
it's shit now and it was shit back then
03 was new and original but kinda shit
05 was golden age
07 was newfag summer and the first time you felt like "outsiders" were here en masse
site changed a lot with some ups and some lows
11 was the first "what am i doing with my life" moments with trash threads everywhere and spam at an all time high. despite good things happening it was a low point for Yea Forums
16 and after is just a post-/pol/ wasteland
you can never leave btw
I obviously don't remember every single detail of my life in perfect clarity, but I recall Yea Forums having much better variety and quality in terms of OC and general thread banter. People also had a much better sense of humor about themselves, as opposed to acting like gamers are some oppressed minority. The only big problem was that generals were taking up like half the threads before /vg/ came around.
2010 and 2011 blur together in my mind when it comes to Yea Forums. I do recall people being bitter olds ranting about how too much underageb& was flooding the site due to summer vacations, even back then. But you've got to be pretty damn dead to the world to think things aren't significantly worse now than they were then.
>2010 and 2011
>the years shit got so bad moot had to add captcha
Rose-tinted, my friend.
How did people work together long enough to make something like this?
I mean, that's very possible too. Yea Forums was one of the few things I fixated on during that period due to overwhelming self-isolating depression. So I might just be grading it on the curve of "this kept me from thinking too much about suicide during the night."
Why do dumb chicken fuckers like you keep making ks threads on Yea Forums?
Honestly Yea Forums has been better in 2017-2019 than it was since 2008.
We actually have videogames to talk about again.
I don't know if it's cultural shift or better moderation but the amount of eceleb bullshit has plummeted.
Because, believe it or not, there was a time when shitposting was contained or at the very least kept distracted long enough for people to stop acting like they were on Yea Forums for 5 minutes and actual be a community. Also phoneposting wasn't a thing.
Entered this thread expecting katawa posting
Now thats a weird derail
The people who were serious about it started an IRC group and it snowballed from there.
/vp/ has had several similar projects though only one really has any promise.
I remember how /x/ wasn't just how to summon tarot threads either. Also when i was busy and i had no time to be here 24/7 i used to use chan archive, what ever happened to that site? The site always worked like shit and then it went down, owner saying don't worry, we will get it back, we just have to change server and then soon after it was all gone.
Truth to be told, now that this site is 99% shitposting, that's what i often do as well. Shitposting here lets me post normally in other places. That's the true purpose of this place. This place is just a huge shitposting game now, and we are breaking the fourth wall.
>This place is just a huge shitposting game now, and we are breaking the fourth wall.
It feels less like breaking the fourth wall and more like a big improve party where nobody is actually that funny, so they awkwardly fall back on taboo shock-comedy to try and impress each other or get any immediate reaction. Maybe it feels different for younger posters, since they might be still in that stage in life where it seems impressive to post on a website that lets you say slurs without getting banned? I dunno.
I came to this thread just to say
I cared about most of the characters. That makes it better than 99% of all visual novels.
I liked her route because she's best girl
Fate is pick literature
Don't lie faggot, you haven't played more than five VNs
What's the best way to experience it these days?
By breaking the fourth wall, i meant this thread, we are talking like actual humans and not shouting lame baits and shitpost's to each other. It feels, nostalgic.
Maybe i play it after all.
Read Dies irae instead
A VN where you play as a yankee would be fuckin godly.
Fate/Stay Nig--->Fate Hollow Apendicitis
Tsukihime--->Kagetsu Tohya if you want to read something different. You totally should tsukihime is amazing
Watch Fate/Zero and then go on with your life.
unironically this. the vast majority of Japanese VNs are shit, it's not a high threshold to meet.
Nah, Hanako's is hot garbage. Can't fucking believe how much they bragged about getting it done early.
I'm GAR for Archer!
Old Yea Forums was definitely a different culture. More OC from people like 3angledblue and other random write and drawfags while nowadays most content is recycled from places like Twitter, rebbit, or god forbid kikebook.
I wish F/GO never stained this franchise with their soulless designs. But then again, they started with Extra.
Considering it was free it was a great introduction to VNs
ee, Zero is OK but stupidly overrated. If you want the authentic Fate experience why not go straight for the source instead of a prequel not even written by Nasu?
Not VN but play friends of ishikawa.
I baught it recently and am planning on playing it soon. I already played through kenkka banchou on psp 1000 times.
Play FGO and never look back.
I personally enjoyed the concept of a mage's battle royale told through standalone story of a diverse ensemble cast, rather than through a disconnected series of high school romance routes, but I can appreciate that different people get different things out of the franchise.
I already did
Any particular patches or translations or just find something and download it?
It's best if you separate it out like it's 6 different VNs. It's main weakness is that Hisao is inconsistently written across the arcs. It's like having a different MC in every arc because they were written by different people. Otherwise, it's easily 7/10.
I just want an english VN that has some decent romance and not chock full of fucked up fetished and mega edgy shit (minor edgy is fine)
Big tiddies are cool but optional
Shizune's alpha route is easily the best route in the game. I've never heard a single person that played the alpha version and the main version say otherwise. They fucking neutered her because it was "too dramatic." In today's world, we'd call that censorship to protect the women and children and their delicate fee-fees.
By reading Mahoyo.
spoiler fyi: In Shizune's alpha route, Misha kills herself. In every fork. She kills herself because she's in love in Shizune and can't handle Hisao getting in her pants. The route deals with Shizune coming to terms with it not being her fault. Shizune blames herself because she finds old writings of Misha's that talk about how she thinks Shizune's deafness causes a communication barrier that Misha can't get past. It breaks her, and you have to fix her.
Da Capo 1 and 2 are pretty good. Since there's 2 of them it will give a LOT of reading until you need another recommendation. There's a third one but the production budget was much higher than the actual quality of the release and the story was meh. But it's fine if you wanted to read it. Just do them all in order so you can follow the story.
As you can already tell by this thread, KS is a good VN on its own right.
Fata Morgana is the best thing I've read in English since I first started back in 2007.
The top of my VNDB list is Cross Channel and Kamidori Alchemy Meister. The only 2 VNs I've ever given 10s to. And KAM has better gameplay than most RPGs so I'm not sure that even really counts as VN. So that covers edgy and Game/VN cross over. For bubbly moe I gave My Girlfriend is the President a 9. It's just a really light and funny read.
There was a lot of reverence back then considering that some people Yea Forums had actually managed to come together and do something productive; I remember seeing the old development threads on /d/ and I thought it would've been a weird cripplefucking fetish game but a year later I would see it come out and feel a lot.
After all these years I never knew that. Shizune's route seemed a little less heavy and conclusive compared to the rest.
CC was really good but the ending dragged too much for it to warrant a perfect score. Just carried on a little too long for its own good.
>My Girlfriend is the President
And thus gave birth to my "sex with a spaceship" fetish.
You rape a burn victim and try anal with a double amputee.
It kind of felt like a victory lap. All the brackets collapsing and puzzle pieces falling into place. The drama was gone. It was playing on god-mode. Like the afterglow of a climax. I didn't mind that end.
I love Monika!
This. Emi inspired me to run bros.
I don't like Misha killing herself over that, i feel like she should have a bigger reason, but even so i always thought Misha was a little outcast in the story and i can see her over happiness being a cover for something. Anyway, that does sound like a good story that would make sense, also it would have that bittersweet feeling.
I'm straining, and I don't remember there being any other issues for Misha. No family problems or emotional problems or anything like that. I believe she was only at that school (allowed in, I should say) because she came with Shizune or something? I don't remember real clearly. It's been 5+ years since I was involved with this. Hang a sec ... here ... this is the Alpha release:
And here is a release that is so early it's just funny. Lily has a seeing eye dog, for example. It only covers 1 day. Very short. Very beta.
>when the proof of concept is more honest about Rin than the final version.
How was her route anyway? Was she autistic?
You just KNOW
It's like that precisely because of the choices you make. If you cause Hisao to behave a certain way with your choices in the common route, the route you end up on generally has Hisao behaving in a way reflective of your choices in the common route (e.g. to be in Emi's route, you have to be upbeat and motivated, to be in Shizune's route, you have to be her obedient lapdog [hence, you only get one choice in her route], to be in Rin's route, you have to be an antisocial delinquent, etc.)
That makes sense,i certainly act differently depending who i'm with and where.
If there were an example of something being more than the sum of its parts, It's Katawa Shoujo
Delete this immediately.
Borderline Personality Disorder to a 't'. Having dated one for 2 years, they did a damn good job of nailing that. But they fucked Hisao up, in the sense that he tolerates a lot of shit that no logical person would. A real guy would have walked away halfway through the route.
Where can I torrent this game
>It's like that precisely because of the choices you make.
This is a stretch. It's like trying to find justification. We KNOW for a FACT that there were multiple writers working on different paths. Lily and Bacon were written mostly by the same guy, for example, and the others were written by other people.
It's just long, boring, and uneventful. It's like the slice of life route
She was just eccentric and an unwitting social recluse. She doesnt deal with people normally because shocker that's what ends up happeninf when all you do is paint 24/7 years on end
Obviously, but what I said is still evident in the VN itself.
It's been free since release, nig
Pretty based post
You seem to have misunderstood and gave me the official website, I wanted a nyaa link that is both free and will not contributes to them.
This basically. I was bored and wanted to jackoff to cripples. Then I met Lily and found love.
I kinda doubt that,some people just don't leave.
>that cute hat and outfit
She's got lit fashion taste
Please don't say you love my wife.
I do, but it's okay. She told me she loves you, user.
I guess it varies on how desperate you are. And some guys are just into weird shit. Maybe he was a masochist or had a footjob fetish and ... well, let's be real here. You know Rin gives some amazing footjobs.
Excuse me, that's MY wife you're talking about
VN's are just striped down adventure games.
VNs aren't even games.
I want to try this game for the culture but the fans just act so gay in all these threads that it keeps driving me away. Is it on the same level as something like Steins gate?
It's just a standard, no bullshit romance VN. No shocking twists, no metaphysical masturbation (well, maybe a little bit in one route), just you and some cute disabled girls.
>You know Rin gives some amazing footjobs.
It suddenly makes a lot of sense. I was actually going to go with her route before i knew the real nature of this game.
The smoking scene has been my phone’s wallpaper for years
Mechanic spoiler?
There's literally only one choice the entire route.
Shit game, I have no idea how to save
Hanako's is all bullshit no romance, easily the worst writing in the game.
Hanako's has at least a little romance, which is more than can be said of Shizune's
Yeah, it has Mamoru Miyano as Hisao and one of the girls is voiced by Kana Hanazawa. I think it's about the same.
>Hanako's route
>After Lily's think it'll be about helping her get stronger and more independent and be a sad but moving journey
>lily and bacon were written mostly by the same guy
Wow, and those were literally the only good routes.
>those sexy moans from the deaf mute
This honestly turns me on a little. The idea of plowing something that's partially defective and helpless and being reminded with every
... oh shit. afk 2 1/2 minutes.
Sleep in your bed or use the menu when you are at the home.
rape is negative romance
The alpha version extend's Bacon's route by like 70%. Adds an enormous 5th chapter and hashed out ending.
Bacon's route is infamously bad to the point that the only "people" who defend it are Lillyfags.
It's not rape if she wants it
You seem to be a total dumbfuck shit for brains.
I hear i also gives a suicide ending to her route, which pleases me
It was better than expected. I just went through it once then stuck around the threads for a bit for laughs. Finally found pic related that I drew right after playing. Holy fuck it has been a long time.
I don't know what game you played. The only thing I remember about Hanako's route (actually, there were two - that ass in blue jeans holy shit) was when you called Lily for help you had the choice to "Trust Lily" or "Trust Yourself". Trusting Lily is the supposedly correct answer, but most situations would have you trust yourself. That is what most VNs would do. You should be growing and learning and taking responsibility and not relying on others to fix your problems. So it threw me for a loop when choosing "Trust Yourself" led to like the most retarded 20 lines of conversation through a door I've ever seen where this dumb fuck couldn't take a hint after Hanako told him directly what the problem was like 6 times in a row. That was a writing fuckup. Trusting yourself should have been the correct choice.
Realistically which one would have the least debilitating disability?
Better than the sad excuse for a Rin route.
Now i'm getting a boner, what did you do?
That didn't happen though retard. What she said is that she wanted you to see her scars since she saw yours.
Don't even bother replying, you already outed yourself as a worthless abortion that can't contribute to the discussion without lying to make yourself feel better about how you fapped to rape.
Don't forget the eggs. That was all the proof you need. Rape victims always make eggs for the rapist the next morning. And sure enough, Hanako did just that. This is pretty clear-cut sexual assault.
Emi by far.
If you're doing it right it's going to sound like that anyways.
I remember the choice where it was like
>take the girl on the town
>waste away in rooms like useless pieces of shit
Then a yoinks ending if you choose the piece of shit choice where she calls you a prick for thinking she needs to be chained up or whatever.
I never got that ending anyways, but it seems so stupid when I'm laying it out like this.
It's one of the things I explicitly remembered because it was so sudden and awkward as fuck
It wasn't rape like some people are saying but it was so uncomfortable and almost unloving that it was bothersome, it was like
"Oh fug, free sex
No time for being gentle, get those fucking pantyhose out of the way, I need to cum NOW
Oh fuck yeah let me smear it in your burn wounds"
It's just like, when it happened I wasn't satisfied at all with the progression.
>being a SJW, ironically or otherwise
>you fapped to rape.
All the fucking time god damn. Anyone not jacking off to non-con is asexual or too busy dilating.
People that think the Hanako scene was rape are the same ones that take single lines from books/movies/games out of context and yell "A-ha! Look at this racism!" and disregard the previous hundred pages. If you read her route and follow the mood and atmosphere it's obvious it was just 2 kids fucking.
Everyone else is ass-blasted because MC fucked their deep-friend waifu.
Oh yes, the good times of innocence when I played Katawa Shoujo for the first times. Remember how we all laughed at Kenji and his crazy conspiracy ramblings? Funny how it all turned out, right?
Emi. If she was in a wheelchair it would be different but she has no problem getting around with her fake legs
It's probably Shizune having dealt with a number of deaf people in my time. What I don't get is, every single one of them had hearing aids in spite of not being able to hear at all. WHAT THE FUCK IS IT FOR?
I can't believe people are still arguing about whether it was rape or not (it wasn't) eight years later.
the only problem with his post is that ripping her clothes was not part of the rape scene, or indeed part of the route at all
Shit i meant Lilly. Emi is basically normal. Hisao is also very low since he can just die.
Blindness is way way wose than being deaf.
There are still people out there calling Shizune a rapist.
Sorry virgin if she's all sad and morose after telling me how her parents died, and I am a stranger to her, she doesn't want to fuck.
Consent is a turn off.
Hanako's route will be the worst route in the game until the last memory of it dies.
It wasn't rape, it was a surprise insertion mechanics.
Raph plowed her with a dick AND a sai.
Saying to stay inside was the gentleman's choice. It is being respectful to her comfort zone and sacrificing your own pleasure in order to ensure she has an enjoyable evening.
Or she acts like a typical woman and starts throwing shit at you because you're too controlling then changes the subject when you properly refute her claim to how some girl named 'Chris' texted you about meeting up later that evening and your hauled away by an ambulance before you explain Chris is a dude.
I could really go either way.
That makes two things you don't understand.
It's bad because it's half-finished and the writer had some weird axe to grind about white knighting even though you have to white knight Hanako in the common route to even get to it.
And even with all that, it's still not as bad as Shizune's route, where nothing fucking happens forever and the writer forgot he was writing for a romance game.
>went to /vg/ yesterday and saw pic related
Fucking how? What could conceivably be left to talk about?
>people don't use sex to get their mind off things
I am amazed that you just called someone else a virgin. Really.
t. brainlet
>mfw Yea Forums said Katawa Dick is a thing
>Didn't believe them
>Still never got it
I fapped to all the H scenes. You faggots are just emotionally stunted.
I would chalk it up to the awkwardness of sex in high school and the writers not being able to convey it properly. You're barely able to process it even at 18 especially if you're not already in a relationship with the other person. Plus, didn't she lose her parents in the same fire that maimed her? Severe abandonment issues there.
Ouch that one hit close to home. You could call it a STRIKE. Ha! Speaking of, I just remembered the Alpha hashes out Kenji's and Yuno's story a lot better. A lot more references to their relationship and bowling in the hallway and stuff. If I remember right, I think they actually get back together.
nice strawman but he's still a stranger to her at that point. is your virgin brain so muddled with rage that you MISSED that? it doesn't have the buildup to it like Emi's route. I said it very clearly.
thats the second iteration too. I heard that they lost count at one point and restarted the thread number
Well fuck me, i misread that wrong multiple times, what the fuck?
Emi is best off, all she needs is prosthesis and she can run faster than you.
Shizune is not too bad of either, since she's not retarded.
Hanako can and will grow out of her situation, after that she's going to be higher than Shizu.
Lilly and Rin plus Hisao are fucked.
It's amazing how he predated SJW stuff by about a year.
Probably, but I had sex in high school a few times and didn't get the katawa dick either. I was fine at that point, probably because I wasn't sexually or emotionally stunted in the first place.
Shizune's stupid-ass, fuck-awful route inspired me to drop VNs completely and not fall into weeabooism after ending a long term relationship
I still fell into weeabooism
I don't think it's so much of an axe to grind as wanting to have distinct storylines. Emi's route is more or less the exact opposite of Hanako's and is all about her not being as strong as she seems and actually needing a little white knighting after all.
That image sums up why 2011 Yea Forums was so awful. No video game threads unless it was a shitty general and even in those generals video game discussion was rare because it was just a trip fag circle jerk.
Not like any other year was better either since now it's just Wojak edits.
Yeah except the non-rape routes didn't have that problem.
She is. She almost murdered a man so she could satisfy her rapelust.
That's why her whole route Has no choice except to fuck her other rape victim in an attempt to comfort each other
Because in rape there are no choices
I've never understood how you can be so neutered as to get emotionally affected by any piece of media, let alone a fucking hentai vn. Weebs here are no better than weeping cunts on tumblr.
How the fuck does such an insanely obsessive fanbase lose count of a goddamn number?
"Mating Season", right side-bar. Win/Mac/Android
>anonymous posters on a mongolian underwater basketweaving forum are lonely, poorly adjusted, and emotionally weak
Color me shocked
It's just what I heard man. not sure if it's true but it's totally possible
KS fags used to be more annoying than smashfags. Imagine all of page 0-3 being filled (like every post) with "He's in" and steveposting for a solid month. /vg/ was created partially to get KS off the fucking board.
Maybe you should take it back there. They still have an active KS thread.
How do you know that? I mean, I don't but how?
Was it the Hanako route that exclusively caused that? Then it's just guilt or something and not understanding the dynamic of it.
>smashfags are now more irritating that KSfags
My god....
No brakes on the Shizune train. TOOT-TOOT
How do I know the other routes are more realistic and less edgy than Hanako's? That is to say, they don't suffer from the same problems as it.
I know by playing them, is that the answer you needed?
Yea Forums suffered because of this vn. It should still be redirected to /vg/.
This thread is so normal people too can talk about this game for once.
So why did these lines become memes? It makes perfect sense in context
>Shirou is talking about how even though he should be dead, he's survived thanks to Excalibur's sheath, so he believes losing this power is the right thing for him to do
>Just because something is correct doesn't make it morally right
If anything felt like rape in KS, it was the scenes with Rin.
I do not feel she was mentally stable enough to be able to understand and consent to sexual intercourse. It'd be like fucking someone with down syndrome, just wrong dude
Yea Forums isn't normal people
That's not what I meant.
I was wondering why you thought, or at least I think it's your hypothesis- that only the Hanako route caused Katawa dick. I don't think the Hanako route was rape in the sense that she's actually willing. What ensues afterwards is actually her fear of abandonment because she just fucked a guy that she's not clearly in a relationship with and lost her parents via death. The good end for her (fuck you if you haven't played it at this point it's been years) is that you declare your devotion to her and then she resolves her feelings. It's not a very good resolution but fuck you, most VNs do that in routes or worse.
I wish.
It is compared to /ksg/
This isn't about cripple dick, this is about hanako's route being edgy dogshit far below the other routes, and furthermore the apologists who try to judge it in a vacuum are retards. Did you misclick?
>perfect sense in context
>in context
There's your answer.
Rin can't get off on her own. Her whole mental problem was a lifetime of nofap and an art teacher that needed his legs beaten with a hose.
Providing her with fingerbangs and cock was the best thing anyone could do for her. Everything got better for her after she got a few nuts.
I'm wondering if you did. Shizune's route is just confusing and weird and it's the one I went for in the first place. That ending is fucking awful (the good one) and who gives a shit about about Hanako's being edgy or whatever? Shizune's was some spice of life bullshit complete with useless side characters.
Hanako's route writer should be raped instead
You should be raped daily.
I didn't particularly like Hanako's route, but she didn't deserve to get raped. The writers really fucked up.
I feel like violence has escalated.
She could like, hump a pillow or something.
Rin's last sex scene was actually one of the more beautiful parts of the game, she's expressing with her body what she's too autistic to express with words.
I miss bromont threads jk the was Yea Forums. Yea Forums was never good
Or the corner of a table but how satisfying could that really be?
I'm still not 100% sure she was, in fact I'm under 50. She's emotionally invested in Hisao and it's actually a decent topic for psychological debate. I might have to play the route again just to see what happens.
I think she just felt somewhat betrayed and was vulnerable during the scene. The whole ensuing thing afterwards (at least in the good end) as I recall is her feeling extremely vulnerable because she thinks Hisao is going to leave her too. Using a condom (again I recall he did) gives you plenty of time to tell somebody to fuck off. It's all in the situation and how the two people feel.
You're acting like she generated some sort of stockholm syndrome just because she had sex with the guy. Her whole hangup in the end seems to be that she thinks he's going to leave him. It's her losing her parents compounded by being physically disfigured. She's already mentally fragile and Hisao definitely should not have taken advantage, but I'm still on the fence with the rape thing.
Females need that emotional part, the part where they feel wanted.
It's sure satisfying for me to watch.
Two reminders in one day, must be a record.
It's also that it has a quality of cultural relatability that's missing in even the best written Japanese VN. There's no "Th-that's called a 'penis', right?" type stuff that no human would actually say. Add that there's really no romance media that's target towards males despite there being an obvious (and growing) market for it and it's easy to see why KS resonated with people.
I thought Lilly was the best as well but the Hanako ending is pretty heartwarming. It's like the MC pulled her out of her shell and she wasn't afraid to be who she was.
The game likes to remind you that Lilly is best girl, no matter what route you're on. And they're right.
>no human would actually say
Maybe no human outside of Japan.
The way their language works is both baffling and hilarious.
I haven't read any of them, but I hear Toneworks have some VNs going in that direction. Chad MCs that you would actually believe would have a lot of girls interested in them, long romances that stretch beyond high school and into adulthood, girls that don't feel like infantilized anime caricatures, etc.
Again, though take that with a grain of salt.
Y-yeah, only g-girls need that...
She's had her fun, but as it turns out her VN isn't as timeless as she had hoped.
Since in the case with a lot of them? Without it they're fucked. Not trying to be misogynistic. That's literally how a large portion of women think. Female fantasies aren't typically about some twink unless they're deranged.
God I'm lonely.
Get a fucking dog, make it your best friend and hang out with it. Not only will you not be lonely but they are pure kryptonite to women who aren't shit. Well, unless you're a cat person and then, have fun with that.
You can be that guy that walks a cat. Which is attractive to absolutely fucking nobody.
Why? What's there to be lonely about?
Had a dog, but she died. Helped raise my father's German Shepard though, so I guess there's that.
Supposedly there's a mod that adds a Misha route. Anyone tried it?
Why does she need glasses if she's deaf?
Still not sure what the point of those edgy suicide scenes was if she was just going to reset everything and make the MC forget anyway
I downloaded it ages ago but never actually tried it.
And nothing of value was lost.
I wanna fuck Monika!
Get a puppy, raise it. Keep it around you all the time as a pup. Familiarize it with a lot of dogs and people as much as you can. I have an absolute chick magnet for a dog. German Shepherds are by far the best suited.
Then again (and unfortunately I'm giving you an excuse, and an out) I've been around dogs my entire life and trained other people's dogs. They're really cool animals and women who like them tend to be really cool. Or else I won't tolerate a woman who doesn't like dogs. Which is almost 100% the case.
So she can hear better you fucking idiot.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around why the people who I've spent time around who are deaf wear hearing aids. If you can tell me why the fuck they have them on then tell me. Is it so that other people get paranoid, like they can hear you? You fucking can't and I know it. In all but one case is was neural and fuuuuuck you. I wouldn't have spoken ill of the person anyways.
Especially when I was in school and they had an aid. Fucking bullshit people that work that job. Sign language is fucking easy and actually natural to humans. It's way easier to learn than a spoken language.
Do Monikafags and Sayorifags have some sort of feud going on? Is it like Shizunefags vs everyone else?
I do miss 2011 Yea Forums, but I think I feel this way just because I got here around 2011. I do think the "vidya culture" stuff from back then was better than the stuff on Yea Forums now, though.
because VNs are garbage by default and making the game about a bunch of cripples was literally the only way to salvage it.
I could have played an actual good game in my life instead I played this soap opera for weebs
Truly changed my life
>unironically having a waifu from ddlc
how is it possible to miss the point that hard?
I used to like them and then it's like "why the fuck am I doing this when I have books?" Choose your own story is still pretty cool but me being the character is just irritating and the author makes you feel like an asshole for doing the right thing more than half the time.
>Hisaoic Necktiess
>Emuis Legaless
Fucking lmao, I really wish I knew how to draw, Road Runner Emi and Coyote Hisao is fucking golden
I remeber well 2012 because life was pretty odd at that time. In the same year Katawa Shoujo AND Duke Nukem Forever released.
I haven't played KS, but I do remember being on Yea Forums around early 2012, around the time it came out. If I remember right, KS caused complete chaos on this board.
isn't KS the reason /vg/ was made in the first place?
DNF was 2011, KS was 2012.
this fucking VN was the first and only time i lost the will to masturbate for a week
i don't remember why or how tho
I really liked DDLC. It literally went to shit the moment it touched steam, the it rotted the moment Game fucking Theory made it mainstream
I think so, but I vaguely remember other stuff like Starcraft 2 generals.
I really liked Chocolate's route, what was so wrong with it?
I like it because im a disgusting loser and the only way i can imagine myself in any sort of romantic relationship is if it's with a landwhale or a cripple.
Fuuuuuck me dude.
Bitch, I am not beyond fapping to rape. As a matter of fact I am a connoseur. And I can assure you that you cannot rape with consent. IT IS NOT FUN if they consent.
KS was very early 2012, january IIRC and DNF was late 2011. Shit happened within months of each other
I see some people complain about the "comfort" part in Shizune's route. Mediocrity aside, it's pretty obvious where it was going.
>DNF was late 2011
Just checked, it was June 2011, so about half a year before KS.
there's no way this is the real number either. I could swear they were far above the 3000 years ago
Who is worst katawa?
ive been waiting for a KS thread just to post this
>katawa shoujo #3645 or whatever
popular because shock value so fucking yawn
to add on to this the mc and shizune also talk about naming their child after misha
maybe user
>fapped to rape
oh my god youre actually gonna be that faggot? this debate ended so long ago youre wrong nigger fuck off.
png should be named wise_sage.jpeg
can someone explain to me how to this day this game has an active general in /vg/
>user realizes rosterfags are unironic shitposters
youre worthy user
It's not so much KS general as it is blogpost general. Its been that way for years. It's pathetic.
its like watching me!me!me! and still being a lifeless incel weeaboo how do these niggers not get it?
I wish you weren't like that dude.
I mean, I'm in a relationship with an attractive woman but my greatest fantasy is actually waving a magic wand on said landwhale or whatever, realizing all her feminist rants are bullshit and well, being with me and realizing their potential. Thing is, I just don't find them attractive and I'm actually a "big hunk" (how the fuck are people still using that lingo?).
It's not that I'd want them to be so grateful that they'd feel like they had to stay with me. It's that, they'd like me enough that they'd stay even when they felt the urge to leave. Who I'm with is not right for me, or at least I think.
Fat chicks have a tendency not to be phony, they just are who they are. I'm just not physically attracted to them. They're so sweet otherwise.
Because people think it was actually made by anonymous and they feel proud of it by proxy, when in reality Yea Forums gave up on it once the work actually started and were replaced by random people who kept "4Leaf Studios" merely to pay homage to the game's origins.