What is the worst fantasy race in video games and why is it pic related?
What is the worst fantasy race in video games and why is it pic related?
Yeah elves are pretty bad.
Elves, every single time.
Orismer are hardly elves, the literal niggers of the elves.
Dwemer are based
>elflets at that
Orcs are shit to play, but they're good cannon fodder.
Black humans
t. dw*rfs
come up with something new, for me if game/movie has nay of those im not watching
any not nay*
man how can you not like orcs
that's not a dwarf
>pic related
>orcs in skyrim
>the race that has Berserker, the most broken shit in the game
>the race that can access the orc stronghold and gain free shit
>"worst race"
They're still elves. Just like how black people are still human.
I actually rather play as a Orc than one of the ugly elf classes.
>erased pubes
I only like Elves when they're either portrayed as 3rd class citizens and/or complete racist assholes, particularly dark elves. The "super virtuous tree huggers" are the worst type though.
Dwarves are the shittiest fantasy race I have ever fucking seen in my entire life and not ONCE has any setting swayed me the other way. The closest thing was Varric from DA2 but that's because he's the antithesis of a dwarf.
I never like Orcs either, but Half-Orcs are the shit, especially since most of them are rape babies and I find it very amusing to play with that both scenarios of them being raised by orcs or humans/whatever other race
I hate to shill DA, but I think the Quari are my favorite new "race". They are supposed to look like horned gray orcs, but their culture is much closer to china/japan with no sense of individuality pushed to the extreme.
It all depends on execution. Plenty of media makes every race a bland Tolkien knock-off going off of the same stereotypes that we've seen countless times.
And others do that while also having fun with it.
Tree-hugging is for faggots, tree-fucking is where it's at.
Orcs are cool when they're not braindead muscle heads.
this guy gets it
Orcs are like niggers. Keep them in a chained with food and they'll be quiet
Elves on the other hand live for hundreds of years and create nothing but plain chaos. If you think elves are remotely good you need to jump in the oven with them
Skyrim races tier:
Breaton = Dunmer > Khajit > Argonian > Orcs > Redguard > Imperials > the rest >>>>>>> Nords
Orcs are cool when they're ONLY braindead muscle heads
I was an Argonian all day every day in Oblivion, but it's pretty pointless in Skyrim when you can hardly make use of breathing underwater.
>elves just want non-elves to leave them alone
>sub-elves keep bothering them
>wage war so sub-elves stop bothering them
>somehow they're the bad guys
Fuck non-elves
Elves. Orcs are cool.
Elves suck.
More like
Argonians>redguard/orcs>everything else>shit>Altmer
I would say that in Skyrim its actually useful cuz theres stuff underwater.
Is there any in Oblivion? I dont remember ever having to swim in Oblivion.
Or Morrowind.
I agree Orcs suck but TES Orcs are pretty cool
redpill me on the elf hate
Literally a green human.
I guess I just remember using it more in Oblivion because you can actually use your weapon while in water, unlike in Skyrim. So you can fight slaughterfish, or stealth-kill your way along rivers and waterways.
Yet if they looked like Nords you would say "omg orsimer are so based they are super smiths, honourable and live in Steppe tier tribes! just like my fantasies!"
Admit it, you hate them because they have black features
Please don't post a picture of my Godfather without his express permission, thanks.
Gotta go with this one.
>Orcs aren't the "bad guy" where they control a large and hostile nation that has a volatile relationship with the elves, Humans, and other "good" races
>Instead Bethesda makes them the retarded half-cousins of the elves living in a tiny city in the bumfuck mountains
>Not even cool lore or memorable people, just green barbarians with a lame Daedra
So much lost potential
Dead Mer that deserved it tier
Left-Handed Elves
Hope we see more of the Maomer and the Sload in the next game.
t. has only played shitrim
p much this
they were that, until they got dabbed on by Bretons and Redguards
This is a Japanese orc.
Given the choice between groids and orcs, I'll take greenskins any day.
while I will admit to never playing any games made before morrowind, Unless I missed something the orcs are mostly insignificant throughout 3, 4 and 5: Special Edition HD Remaster featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series now available on Switch
you're like halfway to the joke, the pig needs to be fatter and fucking an asanagi girl
Somebody spent time making that...
fucking this, jesus christ. fantasy settings are so damn bad now. if it's not a literal fucking generic western fantasy xerox, it's garbage from japan where everybody is a human but with accessories.
Orcs were LITERALLY born from shit, so just from that I dont know what you were expecting.
They've done some things, they're just not as significant as the other races. But who knows, they're close to hammerfell so maybe TES will involve them more.
TES6 I mean.
I actually really don't like elves and other races that fall under the 'we live for infinity years' trope. They should be the most OP thing in existence, but they're always handicapped by 'muh traditions' or some shit. They just feel so unnatural compared to everything around them, like a big group of people living out purgatory in the forest, for 1000s of years, but oh wait, they could leave the whole time they just don't.
Not a fan of gnomes either, just for the redundancy of 'I'm a short human lol' when we already have dwarves and halflings. Actually not too big on dwarves either, but I like them better than gnomes and at least they look neat. Halflings get a pass for their weird feet, at least it feels like they're not just humans for a reason.
Have you played anything besides DA? Because so far you've just described DA.
Elves. Especially wood elves.
>three-digit IQ
not too much stuff underwater in Oblivion... I used those sweet walk on water boots pretty much the whole time.
>all these fags hating dwarves
Go play Total War: Warhammer, cunts.
Witcher's dwarves are also pretty based although some of SOUL might've been lost in english localization.
>dude le porn race lmao
40k elves are the only half-decent elves because their whoredom is officially canon.
I liked Gothic 3 orcs. They felt like some foreign invaders who just can't comprehend human culture and civilized man's values on some fundamental level. If this game released now if would've been some peak /pol/ shitpost fuel.
>Loving Niggers
>Not loving BBC in the year of our Lord 2019
Of new fantasy races that I like? I don't think I can come up with anything else, really. I used to like Argonians but then I found out they are trees, and Khajits have a weird moon cycle birth shit that makes them be born as an actual cat or a furry. Dunno, don't care for that and apart from the Dunmer I don't particularly care for their elves. I do like how Skyrim made them look fucking alien though, I hate when elves are just humans but taller/shorter and knife eared.
DnD and tabletops in general are just Tolkien again, but I still like Tieflings and Aasimar. Warhammer to me is most of the times hit or miss when it comes to the races. Don't particularly any of them, though. Witcher's elves are similar to DA's with them either being 3rd class citizens or xenophobic assholes, sometimes both. Don't care for Final Fantasy fantasy races at all except for maybe the Bangaas, but I don't really know much about them or care, honestly.
I do like the Godlike and Amanua from Pillars of Eternity, but the other ones are pure cancer.
Idk man, I just like the world building in DA more than the average fantasy.
Jesus christ that was barely comprehensible. I am tired.
Any games that let you play as a fairy?
>We wuz elves n sheeeit.
Why? You're already one in real-life
Theres probably a mod for that for Skyrim.
Or you can always get the flying mod and use the ingame console to reduce your size to that of a fairy, and wear a armor with fairy wings.