battlestation thread
Battlestation thread
guys really live in apartments like this and see nothing wrong
eh, the speaker setup is retarded and the e-drums are lame, but otherwise it looks perfectly fine.
Yeah it’s a lot better in your parents basement right
whats the proper number of monitors
that looks like my grandma's living room but more depressing
It's a work in progress.
damn is that a TD25-KV? nice i use one as well. they are pretty good. the treble is a little much though i think
The real battlestation
nice plants lol
>asymmetrical speakers
Edgy flag is because the walls are shit and its all I had around (from Halloween), try not to roast me too hard for it.
yeah! where's the live laugh love sign?? THE CATS?
This is an embarrassing thread.
Post body
This user mustve moved alot
>NPC station
idk how you look at that mouse pad and think yea hmm good purchase
>Noone talking about that skeleton foot
>hardwood floor
>everything else
He smokes. He quite clearly isn't capable of making mature, adult decisions and is probably not all there mentally speaking.
>>hardwood floor
That's obviously laminate.
he smokes and vapes, that's worse.
OP couldn't afford a flat with hardwood floor what was I thinking.
>80 centimeter mousepad
>used literally
this user works for a window cleaning company
its a new tower condo that comes unfurnished, even without floors. this is so the new owners can fit carpet, tile or wood floor. previous owners clearly went the cheap route
at least you have a lot of space to move your mouse around
so little space to move your mouse around
the only good pic itt
It ain’t nothin special
how comfy is your setup
mine's like a 9/10 as is
Don't know why but having a desk next to the bed is comfy
nothing comfy about this my dude. thats like a 3/10
disagree because it makes sleep harder
get a coaster and some cable management bro
t. dead inside
rating his own setup, jesus christ.
Not everyone is obese, user.
Those are the only things that kept it from a 10 for me
recently had to rip out cable management for new stuff.
not OP, but e-drums are fucking great for practicing, playing around with custom sounds, and cost effective.
Depends on the activity. I am an accountant and I use 4 monitors at all times, but my personal computer I only ever need 2.
optimal taste, I hope you have a PC setup too
These threads always remind me how many normalfaggots infest this website now.
i added a soundbar, upgraded my power strips, added a deep freeze recently.
then i got distracted and bought an El Camino, but at least i have a vehicle i can use to pickup cheap/free furniture from the local buy sell trades now.
Two set ups? Work/play?
Is that a fucking roomba? Also what speakers are those?
It is a 2.1 set up there is nothing wrong with it?
1/10 usability
10/10 comfy
are hue lights worth it?
youre an idiot thinking like that. you gotta be a pathetic fuck to use terms like normie and attempting to appear serious
why is your desk so fucking thin. what is that, 12 inches?
Is that your living room? Cringe.
Thanks for proving my point.
yeah, a roomba. technics, dont remember exact model
i have them all over my house. with electric bill savings, they paid themselves off in 3 months
I hate you and your foot
very clean, not enough desk space
best basement, worst everything else
nice painting!
Thank you very much user!
been playing some old ps2 games lately
Cringe thread.
rig and ps2 games
Nice trips faggot
Yeah he (male) is, but he won't admit it because of mods. Also he always talks like this! To try to seem cute! Even though he's a faggot that needs to die!
good stuff
>that setting
You a girl or you gay, nigga?
First worlders have too much excess income.
Dang it Bobby
god i love filters
No, I'm a 26 year old man.
I'm gay, sorry user.
God I love 40%
I won't post my poorstation because every time I do this mods close the thread lol. Probably because I play SF V
Recent studies suggest that anime is a gateway medium towards transgenderism and homosexuality.
would it have to do anything with making them feel soft and cuddly?
I believe it but link me anyways.
Shut up nigger your life is probably due to first world efforts at cleaning up the world.
that boy ain't right
What does my room say about me?
>filtered thread
>still shows shitposting
Clearly you are a double digit IQ nigger
>posting room or living room online
yeah, no thanks
I've committed a sin, I've been told.
I'm from North America.
You're mad about pollution and waste then? First world contributes much less than places like china and india.
grill's rooms always remind me of the aesthetic you'd get from animes and high school rooms combined.. a mixture of clean and with just enough toys to make it your own.
Oh no, what if i want to do something with my life and someone uses the data against me one day by tracing me back to this picture i used in a battlestation thread!
I used to think like that. I stopped believing it would matter a long time ago. You might be in the right here, but time will tell.
For further reading, google "Ray Blanchard".
Fuck yeah. I loved my roomba. Got a Great Pyrenees which pretty much made it pointless, though. Had to empty the bin like every other day because of all the hair. I miss my roomba. I put a little maid outfit on it and everything.
I'm a dude though. I glad you like my room however.
That doesn't invalidate what he said. North America isn't the first world anymore. The US is in shambles and Canada is headed that way with that Tradeau faggot in charge.
Image was irrelevant to what I said. I don't give a fuck about third world shitholes. My initial statement regarding over-indulgence and excess within the first world (namely America) is in no way incorrect.
your name is steve isn't it?
No worries my man, you can be whatever you want, just take care of yourself
>indoor plants
Should I get some? I've never bothered. Do they make the air fresher?
How about you post an actual image of your revolting fucking face instead of nondescript anime girl you fucking faggot.
>the excess of pink
my nigga
pink is an undermined color imo
>that mouse space area
>autographed Layne Staley
>short hair edition
Not bad
n o t
v i d y e o
g a m e z
post your room and face before calling others out like a pussy, pussy.
they do. im gonna get more soon, just cant walk at the moment
i rather have a bin to clean every other day than to sweep and blast that shit all over the air. its made a massive difference for me at home
>that minimalism
Truly peak comfy.
I'm not getting my lazy ass up to make this presentable. the red sheet is covering my gaming monitor/keyboard/etc to keep dust off. I usually chill on the couch. Desk is only for serious gaming. Dog is an asshole.
My favorite clothes are pink as well. It's a very pleasant color, I wish the world was a bit more bright and vibrant.
I have no reason to post my "revolting fucking face", user.
Ok, it's time to repost my poorstation and close this fucking thread.
What are you drinking, user?
>PC Gaming Battlestation thread
>Not Vidya related
but it's Yea Forums related, user.
My mancave. Pretty important to have when you are married with a kid.
This is peak function and feng shui.
Clutter free home, clutter free life.
this looks so familiar have we met?
When did guys start letting their wives and kids walk all over them?
personally my favorite is pic related
is that clock at all secured in place or are you that confident that a simple jostle of your walls wouldn't knock it over?
When did guys start playing Nintendie games well into adulthood. Pathetic.
Only trannies hate my setup
Fatboy Slim sequel?
Minty greens are nice, my favorite color is blue. Lighter shades are pleasant.
used to look like this before the flood, been rebuilding it.
This reminds me of back when I was 19 with my first apartment. There was no clutter because I couldn't afford it. No pets. No decoration. Everything was always clean simply because I was too poor to make it dirty. Fucking that sweet, sweet 17 year old little sister of my best friend on that gold velvet couch I bought at a yard sale for $30. Damn I'm old. And I miss that pussy.
>The US is in shambles
So this is what europoors really believe. Fucking kek the obsession has rotted their brains
hmmm I don't know maybe I've just seen it before it looks so familiar for some reason
whats your name?
>having a paedophile's album cover on your wall
Reporting in.
Why is my phone so australian? I fucking hate it.
You seem cool user. A Wizard on Steam if you wanna vidya, no homo, no creepo
Well mancaves are more of a gift, so I don't understand your comment.
My walls don't shake... do your walls shake?
your phone's camera was likely installed in that orientation then it digitally embedded the correct orientation to be shown. Yea Forums deletes this meta data when you upload so it just displays the image as-is.
No it doesn't. Those plants have no purpose, they should be removed.
What's your CFN?
That makes a lot of sense, thank you user
You have no purpose, you should be removed.
I imagine there are plenty of people with that Steam name. Here's mine.
what's your dog's name?
holy shit
Same as Steam name, Jelash13
Dedication, the picture.
damn bro I hope all goes well
That globe table is great but seems hard to look at southern hemisphere
Handsome dog
Your phone is the least of your problems. Why the fuck is your desk nailed to the ceiling?
Seriously, though, one thing that's always bugged me is Windows 10 has a built in feature where it guesses picture orientation and tries to correct it in thumbnails which makes it impossible to know if the actual picture is facing the right direction unless you open it in Paintshop Pro or some program like that.
It looks good and clean... What more do you want?
>My mancave. Pretty important to have when you are married with a kid.
I did the opposite. I gave the wife a "sewing room" which is slang for woman-cave equivilant. So now SHE gets banished and I get the rest of the house. But she thinks I made it for her as a gift so she can unwind and relax. My living room is fucking awesome btw.
I mean you're on the other end of the world so australia is obviously just upside down compared to the rest of the world. #betterexplanation
so what does her woman cave look like? is there a bed and sex toys along with jamal or tyrone?
that Star Wars futon is laughably pathetic
it's a blanket i got for free, tossed it over a fairly plush futon and called it a day.
and you think I didn't see the matching pillows?
chaise lounger, 42" TV, desk with PC junk for when she works at home. All she does is watch TV anyway. I should have kept that desk out here. That was a nice desk.