He's right, you know.
He's right, you know
Will I get a better paid job this year?
Will I find a boyfriend with a big dick?
Will my show be a hit?
Will I find a boyfriend with a big dick?
please say yes
Will I be with her again, happily?
>Suffering awaits
does this mean its gonna be so huge that it will cause me pain?
Will I find someone better than her and stay with that person?
I'm sorry , user
Will I finish a game this year?
Will I ever be rich?
Will I get that promotion?
This missing truth to this yarn: None of Epic games were good. Not Jazz Jackrabbit, not ZZT, not Unreal or UT99. They were derivative, lacking in imagination and clung onto only by people who knew nothing better (PC gamers) who to this day insist these games are worth playing.
Don't worry, I did it for you. Jazz Jackrabbit is an ungodly hybrid of contra and sonic the hedgehog and fails at imitating the smooth, physics controlled levels of Sonic and the enjoyable onslaught of enemies in Contra, all with more weapons which feel remarkably more flaccid than anything Contra has. Unreal is a poor man's Quake which at the time was advertised as a graphics game. It's not a very good one, levels lack direction and the same 3 enemies repeated endlessly make for a tedious experience that you wonder how they wasted so much time making it.
i get the pussy?
damn he in a good mood today
>Youtube Comment Caps
Oh sonic totem, will it get any worse than youtube comment screencaps?
Will i ever enjoy being a NEET?
Will I end up having a better life than her?
i guess there is hope after all
Does my family hate me?
Based consolebro telling it like it is.
Will I be a KHV forever?
Are the jews ever going to stop being pure evil?
>suffering awaits