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CHARACTERS? It's been so long and we're still not in Season 5?

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For me? It's him

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Samurai Shodown is so much better than this game, it's unreal.


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If I had to, Ryu, Akuma, Sagat, or Vega.


Ill take Urien and FANG please

Good taste

but why?

Based and Samuraipilled

Attached: 1556749185715.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

They've said Evo several times now

I'll take chun-li in her battle outfit. She can sit on my face.

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Nash since S2

>samurai kusodown
lmao, every time.


imagine making such a fucking dogshit video game that you're about to lose your two decade long stranglehold on the genre all in the vain attempt to sell chun li costumes and exclusive stages (background decoration)

Post Karin

Although im shit and think his playstyle doesnt work at all in unga fighter V, i think he is very interesting and i like playing unique characters

I want to watch them tenderly FUCK each other.

>my game is more popular so it's better
lmao, every time