>an MMO has a better story than majority of RPGs released in the last decade
How the fuck did this happen?
An MMO has a better story than majority of RPGs released in the last decade
>that post credits cutscene, let down the whole expansion desu lads. Im tired of fucking Zenos. Just fuck off already.
It's the best Final Fantasy story period.
>that english dub
>that alisae va at the end
imagine having not watched that ending in Japanese
too bad that the pacing is unbearably garbage.
Personally, I really like xiv because of how immersive it is.
Post characters for (you)/ones that you want to be.
No thanks. I don't want to imagine that.
Ehmet Selch did nothing wrong
"Who are you, no one, nothing"
>Dulai-Chai actually good girl
>Minifilia actually good character
>Emet-Selch actually great character
>Feo Ul actually not an annoying character like moogles
Fucking Kinobringers so good.
This, FUCK Hyedelin and FUCK Minfilla.
>good story
what kind of shit have you been playing to consider ffxiv's story anything but average at best, it's cookie cutter as shit which is what you'd expect from any mmorpg due to the limitations the writers have to deal with due to gameplay interactions.
>zenos is the main villain again
They fucking better not
Emet's Japanese voice has a thousand times more impact than the English one in the ending.
Someone said you can show the real Tia the minion tia somewhere in the Crystal Tower.
How do I do this?
Do you think that SE knew that ShB's story was good that's why they actually advertised it big time?
>yfw WoL shares the soul of Emet-Selch's past lover
says the gaijin who can't understand a world of moonspeak.
Why would I want to imagine an inferior experience?
It's not his lover, but someone who was closet to him and probably opposed him at the end. They refer to that soul by your character's gender
I agree, that's why I don't want to imagine watching it in English.
Nippon Steel truly is the strongest, who even needs white auracite.
No it doesnt retarded weeb
They do the stereotypical cliche shit they do with any other fucking villain in anime with his voice
I thought it was cooler that ardbert and WoL are pieces of the same whole
>doing Lakshmi for the MSQ (how long do I even have until I'm done with SB?)
>WAR wants to tank so I don't do anything
>he dies somehow so I take over as a MT
>later on he gets half the party cleaved
That was a fun trial. Also love going crazy with Delirium desu.
Is there any actual reason for warriors to get their beast gauge above 50 now?
>wojak with a bad opinion
Checks out.
It didn't let me down, but it's funny how tease cutscenes after the credits doesn't excite anyone.
It reminds everyone of the worse times when we didn't have ShB story.
>mch does much less damage than BRD currently
>requires more dps to kill their dummy
at least this points to them buffing mch potencies/kit in savage patch because this seems fucked
Zenos will never be the main villain again hes moving into the frenemy zone
You get the minion, then go to his room and talk to him.
A lot of classes need further tuning and tweaking.
Imagine being dumber than a Trust.
dubfags actually watched it in english
ruined greatness.
>tfw they finally add decent looking Jigen Daisuke hat
>BRD/MCH lock
Fuck, I know it's kinda the point, but I want it to be FREE
I dont even know where his room is
>staff clangs
He's going to be relevant when they shift to setting up the 6.0 story in the empire. For now they still need to find a way to get the other scions back.
No one is buying your stupid little meme, user. You keep trying though. Maybe someday!
You gotta admit that was hype as fuck.
You just know how fucking awful it's going to be now.
Hopefully we just fucking obliterate Garleans and Ascians once and for all next expansion and then we focus on something more fucked up like The Void
my friend unironically praised the skill pruning they did
>When everyone loads in from those beams of light
>Ardbert speaking through you
>Fucking Hades
That entire part was amazing
So which Jobs are fun as hell to play?
Been doing SMN/SCH for speedy leveling, SMN has been really good so far.
It was in that moment that ShB surpassed heavensward to be the best expansion.
What could they possible have in store in Garlemald after Emet.
What is Garlemald is finished in the content patches
The game is made to be in english m8
That's why most of the music in the game has english lyrics
It surpassed it way before then but that was the icing on the cake.
Why do people hate Zenos so much? He's not as good as Emet sure, but not every villain needs to have a sympathetic motive and a tragic backstory.
Because MUH HUNT one track mind.
He's just not nearly as interesting or compelling as Emet-Selch, and I really doubt any antagonist afterward will be. Zenos can be fun, but he's just a fight autist and what can be done with his story is extremely limited.
every time i come back to play for a month scholar is nerfed why
He should've been over and done with in Stormblood.
Whover VA'd Ardbert did a hell of a job.
Every time he talks it felt like he was always hurting with guilt and remorse. Then the final act kicks in and you feel the resolve.
There's nothing wrong with scrapping useless skills or streamlining others. Too bad that's not what SE did.
>monk loses internal release, howling first, and steel peak
>fists of earth still in
>melee dps
>ranged dps
He's not interesting character, during 4.x patches I thought that he might have changed, unfortunately he's still the same.
Nigga you've got no taste.
I don't hate him user.
I thought he was a fitting boss for 4.0
Im just tired of him re appearing when we already put him down. Honestly it just feels like theyre pandering to the zeno fags
His simplicity is what makes him work. He wants one thing and one thing only, and he'll set the whole world on fire to make it happen. It's not him personally that is entertaining, but the circumstances he creates due to how dead set his is on his goal. Him killing the emperor just because black rose is boring is the best example of this.
Please. Every one was shitting on Emet during SB. It was only here that suddenly people went "oh shit, he's actually a good character".
>PLD/GNB, PLD if you prefer pulling off a strict rotation perfectly, GNB if you prefer a priority system
>don't like any melee dps
>White mage but only because AST is weak as fuck right now
What? Everyone here thought he was great ever since he showed up because he seemed like a massive troll. We just didn't know what he was really like. We know what Zenos is like because we just spent an entire expansion with him.
I see someone hasn't played Chains of Promathia.
> Every one was shitting on Emet during SB
What lol
CoP is more than a decade old.
>CoP was released in this decade
>trailer made it seem like we were legit gonna get a blessing of darkness or something
>it's never brought up at all. we just fight light with light
Only thing I'm miffed about. Otherwise a fucking 10/10 expac.
me too bro
This definitely gave me CoP vibes. Especially the final dungeon, final boss. It's really cool to see something like that.
If you liked CoP you have to play Shad, it's so fucking good.
Wheres g'raha tia's "room"
I like Zenos and feel he's an entertaining villain. Should be the side villain though and not the main bad guy.
>smn is almost the worst dps
>by far the hardest job to play perfectly
Just go inside crystal tower you retard.
>when he cries as you say his name for the first time
Redpill me on SAM vs DRG.
MCH says high
im gonna fuck him in his room and no one can stop me
>hydaelyn didn't show up even once
I don't think she cares guys.
>actually end up feeling bad for Vauthry
That shit was all kinds of fucked up though.
Probably don't even exist
Someone else is pissing on the WoL
i can only hope to have a glo up half as good as vauthry's in my lifetime
Minfilia Prime IS Hydaelyn.
I can't go in without a party?
SSS dummy HP values have literally never been indicative of a classes performance, go check SB and HWs dummy hp in comparison to the classes actual DPS back then.
*Yanxia steel
but WHY though
hope u dont mind im gonna go fuck this cat
everyone else seems to want emet-selch anyway
Always knew that catboys, Elezen and Hyurs were the best desu.
Why did you post a picture of yourself?
Stop acting retarded. It's boring.
No she isn't retard. She just gave up her soul to Ryne so she could inherit the oracle powers. It was Minfilia or Ryne.
My theory is she's trying not to meddle too much in order to preserve reality. Kinda like Alexander.
You clearly don't get it user, you really thing this wasn't part of his big plan to finally get rid of us? Just wait, he's going to bring MORE warriors of light to kick our ass, just like he did before! He's a genius!
Should I invest in catbois?
>remember us
Not when Y'sthola prefers CatMEN
The final dungeon and final boss OSTs were just hype as fuck.
No thanks, faggot.
One jumps one katanas.
in the short term yes, in the long term i'd say wait for male viera, upon their reveal cats and elves are gonna plummet hard
She actually prefers taking midlander males over the knee with a good spanking.
But I want to see Tia react to the wind up tia
I almost skipped out on Shadowbringers but I'm glad I was here.
I honestly feel like this is going to be the peak of the game. That was disgustingly good
But which is more fun? Which is more easy to get a hold of playstyle wise?
You just went to his room like a dozen times.
for some reason i always heard him sayong "DINING HAAAALLLLLLL"
Everything in this game is intuitive. What’s fun is entirely up to you to decide. Play around with stuff until you decide what you like.
They're both fun and none of them are very complicated.
I'm a little surprised they got him back, but I guess British live-action actors have more of a tradition of voice work.
You didn't say the tower in the first nigger
Where else would he be you retard? His younger self is sleeping.
I don't know how they did it. But they actually were able to do it.
I want them to update trusts so you can take him with you after finishing the story.
Huh. I thought it was riding forth, but that works too
>XIV has a superior version of WoW classice 'we're going home' meme
Poor Wowlets
>also catboybringers somehow
They should have had this wizardess on the main story since 2.0.
G'raha has been in the game since 2.1 retard
I won't believe anyone here who says they didn't tear up at least once during the MSQ.
>scholars already solo healing titania ex using almost entirely ogcds
Either the requirements for healing savage are going to be so low that whm is in the shed or they will need to be so high that it cannot physically be done with an ast.
buzzword nonarguments from a person that never touched shadowbringers lol
I cried when Thancred was dying, because he's been my bro since 1.0. And then I got mad because I was baited.
i didn't full on cry but i welled up during
That's not what I meant you idiot.
Best zone music. Gave me XI vibes
>akademia theme is just a jazz take on the ascian theme
>using whm for healing
But yeah SCH is totally overpowered as usual because Yoshi has no idea how to balance them.
I was on the verge of tears a lot of moments because everything came together perfectly from music to writing to delivery, but it wasnt untilit's good to see you awake that I bawled like a bitch. FUCK this game for finding a way to make me care about a side character I hadnt thought of for years
I actually teared up at the exact moment where the WoL can say I challenge you, Emet-Selch. it was just so goddamn hype after the pillars appeared
>play DNC
>get 2+ commendations every dungeon
I'm glad I wasn't the only one that felt that. FFXI has been my favorite FF game for a long time and it still is, but Shadowbringers is really rivaling it. 10/10 expansion.
>Play DNC
>Even doing your best you're only doing 10% more DPS than the tank
o/ laliho!
He has overstayed his welcome by far, we spent the entire main story in 4.0 fighting against him and then finally kill him. Then he came back in later patches even if we spent so much time and shit against him. And now we will once again have to face off against him even if we've been doing so for like 3 years.
Im surprised that medica 1 survived the purge and didn't just get converted into medica 2. Since 2 has the same value as 1 after a single tick of the heal now
I love outpacing the MSQ and having to grind dungeons to level
Just do fates bro :^) Don't you want gems?
it's like 3 dungeon runs to level again, possibly less if you're doing fates during queues you whiny fag
Titania is a joke to heal.
How do you get through the painfully boring levelling in this game? I genuinely want to get into it but fuck me it's boring at low levels.
man after finishing the story in 2 days I wished it took a week to complete the MSQ
Seems like a lot of avoidable damage.
Do it without burning yourself out, it's pretty bad though and they keep saying they want to find a way to streamline the early game
I know we have retarded shills on Yea Forums but come on, it all when to shit the moment the Sultana was alive, the writing when downhill solidly, and Stormblood Story Jesus fuck only had one good thing, that crazy bitch that ended up dying anyways, but worse of all was Yda holy shit, she was the most annoying piece of shit character the whole game ever had and she was in like 80% OF STORMBLOOD CONTENT. Her character development was pure fucking shit. I play Shadowbringer maybe when is 20$ but I am sorry, this game Story and the way it progresses can't touch ANY single player JRPG knees, not even better than Neptunia level writing.
Unburden your sleeping souls, my brethren...
can the OT jutst take the tether and use immunity, or do they die despite that?
We're talking about SHB dumbass, everyone knows SB and that part of HW that retconned everything was shit
Fuck Lyse, she sucks. I wanna FUCK Hien though, no homo.
Launch EX primals are always jokes. My static did solo tank Susano EX on launch week because we queued in with the wrong comp on accident and just decided to see if we could do it.
They can, but they have to blow both immunities on that and it is better used on Fae Light. Just do the fucking mechanic.
Immunity will last at max for 3 hits for a DRK/PLD. 3 more soaks are needed. Also if you do this method it's common to have MT immunity the Fae Light stack mechanic.
There were a bunch of moments that made me tear up but I was really about to cry when an a dialogue option from your WoL to Minfillia is "Fate can be cruel, but a smile better suits a hero".
I'll try chill a bit then, i've pretty much come from playing WoW for 14 years and i'm used to just powering through.
You have a tab that looks like this dont you?
>Thancreddying and his heartfelt final cry for Old Minifilia.
>Fucking giant Talos hype.
>You calling Graha's name before he sacrifices himself.
>Fucking summoning pillars for the final battle.
>Every time Ardbert talks.
I think it exists as a lily backup like cure ii because medica ii isn't enough to recover from aoe damage and assize might be on cooldown. It seems like they've designed with the goal of forcing healers to use double heals more often.
Pretty much but SHB was really good.
The only JRPG with better story and character(s) this decade is Labyrinth of Refrain.
Fuck if I know, Square is weird. The O7S dummy for example has
>SMN higher than SAM, even though SMN did less damage
>DRG lower than NIN, even though DRG did more damage
>SMN higher than MNK, even though they did about the same damage
>Healers dummies are all wildly different despite them doing virtually the same damage
Ther worst is behind you once you get to HW because it really is a slog doing the postgame ARR content.
>Good story
Shitposting at its finest.
>Emet-Selch: Hades
>Lahabrea: Retard
>Elidibus: Jobber
Retard. Begone.
I was close after this when he smiles, damn that was beautiful
It only hurts because its true user.
Stay mad, wowfag
Its not though. The Story in Shadowbringers was the best a RPG has had in a very long time.
You did play it didn't you?
>Varis: Dead
>wowfag having a meltdown all week declares someone else is totally upset
It's almost cute.
>Start The Twinning
>Immediately hyped as soon as I hear the eScape remix
>Pretty fun dungeon overall
>mfw reverse engineered Alexander with a Locus remix
What hurts shout this is that you realize that he actually understands what you are fighting for. It's just he has his as well. That's why the whole dynamic works throughout ShB.
The state of this game's antagonists. There's only the autisto Zenos left. Elidibus is a joke and the empire is fucked.
This expansion is too fucking groovy
percentage of wow subs down month over month
sad, really
Are you retarded?
So what are the rewards for getting the FATE rank to 3?
Is this supposed to mean something?
Seriously between Sword autist and captain jobber, who else can be the antagonist of another expansion?
Zenos has become a face of the game so he's now immortal like Y'shtola who was literally dying of magic aids. He's our Sephiroth.
>shadowbringers is the wotlk of ffxiv
>wow peaked during wotlk
>ascian's introduced in 1.0, end similar to tft and arthas ending
I honestly think this is the pinnacle storywise. They blew all their load too early ending 9 years right there
Oh, you're just continuing your meltdown. Did you think trotting out such obvious nonsense would make someone mad?
Can someone tell me why VII materia has low stats?
Sucks how the threads are beginning to take a dump.
Was a fun ride the first couple of days, anons
VI can't be used for overmelds but VII can.
Your crafted gear will thus look like VIII, VII, VII etc
So basically VI and below are useless now?
Overmelding since you can't overmeld 6s or 8s, so they're more stats than 5.
>>wow peaked during wotlk
How do you check for B ranks anyways? Aren't you supposed to get a message when you enter an area?
You use VI until you get your bis if you aren't rich. Since you have a 100% chance of retrieving it from gear while you only have a 40% chance with VIII.
B ranks are always up.
>we couldn't protect his smile
It hurts... For what purpose do we have such power, if we cannot protect this sad old man?
From my experience so far, you have to be within range of them to detect them, not just the zone. So fly around a bit.
>12m+ players
>ending of literally the best character in the warcraft lore and whatever was left of it
>greatest raid in the game to this day
>BLM at the top
wrathbabby, I'll take bwl over icc any day
>what is ulduar
There's not a single person who played since 2004/5 who won't tell you it's the greatest raid together with Karazhan.
>MNK Top 2
FUCKING WHAT. I thought it was shit?
I mad legit took a long ass break after ARR. Shamefully I got slapped even harder since I didn't know post ARR was going to be ass until HW. Once you get to HW is all good.
>Crystarium music changes slightly after MSQ
this expansion is dripping with S O U L
Female Roe has the best proportions.
SE shooting themselves in the foot by not abridging the ARR story at this point. Either people will quit or build up unwieldy expectations trying to get to Shadowbringers with how much of ARR is filler.
Oh yeah for sure. I was just asking if VI below really are gone now if you are going for actual proper gearing. By what you are saying right now it seems the case.
New Players are screwed anyway, imagine right now if a group of people convinced someone to start playing fresh and the sheer amount of stuff they have to climb through just to play with their friends.
As much as I like MCH, it sucks having so many Ranged DPS running around. I feel my static spots drying up.
>haven't even started ShB yet
>can't stop listening to the Twinning theme
Hope the dungeon itself lives up to its theme.
what item level should I try to get before tit ex
I killed it at 428, minimum ilevel is 430
This is the only thing keeping me from playing MCH. I feel like there's gonna be too many Dancers running around.
the numbers weren't gonna be monk's problems in 5.0
Best dungeon in the game so far
Not even that, there are a bunch of other BRDs and MCHs too. I have gotten barely any melee DPS in dungeons during ShB and almost everyone was DNC or another MCH and a couple BRDs.
He's the new Cecil and will get his redemption arc. Deal with it.
It was meh imo. Theme song and final bosses are great, also the lore is very strong and there are automaton thermocoil mobs. The rest isn't that notable.
>It was meh imo
He's clearly going to find a way to bring back Zodiark so we can have a proper fight with him without having to wait for the remaining ascians to learn to be competent.
It quite literally and objectively did, it was not only the culmination of WC3s story line with Arthas, but also had the highest peak of subscribers.
How fun is DNC and NIN?
DNC regret, theyre realising by now that the damage just isn't there so they're going over to mch
Is there any downside to doing the free transfer from a congested world if Im not in a free company or anything
What world should I switch to
So....when is the Allag expansion?
Is the game at the point yet where you can solo all the content aside from raids and shit?
Man, they got really lazy with the GNB and crafted primal weapons. That's pretty sad.
The MSQ being the best it's ever been makes up for it, though.
The writer for this expansion was the woman who wrote the DRK job story line, which has consistently been praised for being excellent.
the secret was hiring a talented, dedicated writer, and not giving the job off to one or multiple devs who do the writing as a sidecourse to their actual work
In shadowbringers yes
before that no
Emet-Selch confirmed for SOUL vs SOULLESS poster
>The previous expansion had weak points in the story
>Therefore the expansion following it literally cannot be good! You're all just XIV shills!
>Not even better than Neptunia level writing.
Nevermind, you're fishing for (You)'s I see, well you get to have one. 2/10 got me to reply.
Now I understand why Taro is writing the alliance raid for this expansion.
It goes with the whole fucking theme. Feelsbringer.
I keep greeding on everything and now my bags are full of 70-80 pieces of gear for jobs I dont even have above level 30. can I do anything other than sell them?
Every expansion is an allagan one with tomestones.
You can turn them in for Grand Company Seals in whatever city your Grand Company is seated in. Expert Delivery it's called iirc.
>Pop superbolide
>Healer immediately casts their most powerful heal
It's a beautiful feeling.
Alright, got my Titania clear, now I can level other jobs and not feel like I'm being left behind
With all these healer in need queues, must be a good time to be a healer.
how do people lvl past ARR via dungeons? level. dungeons duty roulette or the 50/60/70 duty?
Be even better if 2/3 of the healers didn't feel like trash.
Can I get that car? Or is it like a $30 mog station thing?
After your daily bonus just queue for the highest level dungeon directly.
I'm wondering. It's been over 24 hours now since release and there's no critic score yes I know it's worth dog shit. Why?
It was an event reward, you can't get it currently
I wish I was a good healer. Sorry for ruining your pug :/ but I have no idea what to do in the dungeon
Destructoid's review is up.
Take your squadron occasionally. They can handle HW dungeons as long as you don't get yourself killed.
most sites only have reviews in progress so far since not every video game reviewer can poopsock a MMO expac to get to end game within a few days
That's a bit much.
Whoa you can actually go with your squadron to dungeons? I have to try that tomorrow.
should I level my tank doing dungeons or PoD? the queues are actually around 10 mins since the expac started.
I've been playing 8+ hours a day since friday and I'm having so much fucking fun. I forgot how good MMORPG looks like. Still not 80, but I'm taking my sweet, sweet time.
>back to no mounts in the 80 endgame hub
fucking WHY
If you find it boring now you'll find it boring forever. It doesn't magically gets better at max level.
Imagine having taste this shit
probably because it's not very big
I didn't bother with squadrons since I didn't wanna do wow mini games
>wahh I can't show off my shitty mounts
I want to fuck Feo Ul
I would remove the small aetherytes as well.
post the virgin miqo vs chad hrot one
not selling that shit while its still high priced
Doing dungeon runs is a minigame?
>Tied to the msq this time.
I think it's pretty clear that it has to do with Ascian's/Ancients. Especially after Akademia Anyder's last boss.
Could also explain how it could avoid being destroyed by the Flood.
>Eulmore is the endgame gear Area
Fucking hell thank you, the reach was a piece of shit, everything is close by too which is great.
can I heal Extremes with 430? I have the tome weapon
So what happens in the story
>Tied to the msq this time
They need to keep it this way for the rest of the game's life.
it will be tied to the MSQ the same way Hell's Lid is
you do the thing and then stuff happens
HE comes back from the dead.
> Call him by his name
> WoL immediately thinking of ishgard when talking of the calamity
> Life is cruel, but a smile is better suited for a hero
> Remember that we once lived
> Tis good to see you awake
this fucking expansion holy shit
Nanamo gets poisoned again and Raubahn loses his other arm.
I was disappointed by the ending but I feel like I was the only one. I wanted something different, something where he didn't just turn into some huge monster and we beat him down.
It was very well executed, but it felt flat.
>sch af4 is the ugliest sch gear has ever been
Maybe someday sch will finally be allowed to have a proper scientist appearance.
>Oh boy new achievement thing from Jonathas!
>I wonder what it is.
Bros i suck they removed flash now i dont know how to play gladiator
how do i hold aggro?
You mean military. But you keep getting school girl uniforms because bookworms.
God I hope this is a joke.
whip your dick out and flash the enemy.
Okay now I'm starting to get pissed. Square keeps locking my account and making me change my password because I've been playing from multiple locations and obviously IP addresses. I play on my laptop and take it out with me when I'm not home. How the fuck do I get them to stop this shit? It's so annoying.
Don't lie to me
Im just new man dont be such a sperg. I thought flash was the main thing gladiator used for aggro and they removed it.
Push the button that says "increases enmity".
Then push all your other buttons.
He already showed you his Zalera mask. They telegraphed him having some other form, and it matched the ffxii esper.
Forgiven weapons look pretty cool.
Any chance of the primal weapons coming in a later patch?
th-thanks bro
Basically flash was replaced by Total Eclipse combo, but first you wanna use Iron Will so that it will actually gain aggro. Though in your approach you ofcourse wanna use shield lob at an enemy if you can
They usually add a fuckton of craftables during the raid patch so there's a chance.
For GBN, should I open with the ranged attack into gap-closer, or gap-closer into combo?
All these posts keep tempting me to come back but I didn't even get through the pre-heavensward quests.
Did they tone down how many random fetch and kill quests you do before you get more story?
No but nothing is quite as bad as the ARR -> HW stuff if that's any consolation.
Ranged into gap closer. Gap closer is OGCD the other is not.
they don't even start at 50, so it makes no sense to make 50 content weapons for them.
>Have enough money for a sub
>can't afford the expansion
Having to buy the expansion and also sub at the same time is bullshit
>just hit lv79 and unlocked the Gulag
I can feel it. I KNOW this story is just edging me at this point. There's tons of story threads left to be resolved in the last two levels, and Vauthry is honestly the least important of them. I'm ready for shit to hit the fan, but I still need a night's sleep before that.
Someone explain the BLM AOE rotation to a brainlet
I'm level 60 at the moment and I honestly hate fighting groups of enemies compared to a boss, but it may be because I dun geddit
So if I tough it out it'll be smooth sailing? Should I just resub and see how I go or will not getting the expansion rob me of any cool features I could be using in the leveling process?
Hold on a second. What's the meaning of this?
And for mob packs? Gap-closer into AOE (to pick up aggro as quickly as possible), or ranged into gap-closer again (followed by AOE combo)?
>he wasn't playing during the three month long Noctis isekai adventure
You fucked up
Especially if they really do bring back diadem
If you aren't at 70 the expansion means mostly nothing to you.
The only thing is if you wanted to play as Viera or Hrothgar but the new classes and content all require a 70 character to get started. No harm in resubbing and seeing how far you can get before committing more money into it.
100's of hours of quests at this point
To be fair the only thing that hasn't been connected to the plot at all so far is the Diabolos questline, which ended with Void Ark
I appreciate the commitment to the story coming from WoW or ESO where it's so convoluted or the story is so segmented it doesn't even feel interesting and there's no growth or movement within the context of the world, but damn it's really creeping up there with just how much you need to do to get "current".
Finish the side quest with the blessed
Thanks user.
Is WAR decent?
DRG is two
Healers adjust is 1
As usual, WAR is the alpha male of the expansion.
I hope you enjoy breaking rocks.
Blizz4 and Thunder2 during ice phase.
during fire phase, use Flare. If you use no cooldowns, you get two. If you utilise Manafont and Ethers, you can get up to four in one fire phase. Use Thundercloud procs when you get them. After the last Flare that empties all your MP, Transpose to regen MP and use Blizz4 and Thunder2 again.
I think that's about it. 60-70 adds Foul and powers up Thunder2 to Thunder4. Not sure about 70-80 yet. There was that trait that makes it possible to cast Freeze to get into Umbral Ice instead of using Transpose, right?
The gap closer OGCD will still trigger the normal GCD if there was nothing used before it. So yes. Ranged>Gap>AoE
I know, It's a joke on the area name.
Scree also refers to fallen piles of rocks that form taluses. Do you get the minion from quests or a dungeon?
But I already did my time breaking rocks.
>ESL baitpost misusing an Yea Forums meme whining about Lyse when she wasn't the actual problem with StB at all
You tried I guess
I don't know I played Stormblood and I considered Lyse a pretty terrible character. Not the entire issue, but she sure didn't help.
Finish both blue side stories on rak tika and you'll get an extra yellow quest that rewards the minion.
Has anyone uploaded the amaurot zone music yet?
Hm. I thought I did the whole chain involving that guy. I'll have to go check.
>mfw Alexander is so cool that The Tycoon manages to be cool too despite being a reskin
Are you implying Ascians can't be home of sexuals?
You were born with a mental illness.
>Vauthry has jiggle physics
I don't understand RDM aoe rotation. I have like four buttons that do the same thing
Yda was always a terrible character, we just got a whole expansion that acknowledges that by taking the spotlight away from her at level 61 and then meandering for forty quests until Hien is actually introduced and the story stops being about miserable japs being subhuman niggers
>Soken consistently keeps on releasing beautiful piano pieces
How does he do it?
Do I lose out on damage by not activating a damage buff before using an AoE Dot oGCD? The DoT damage is static, no--the initial strike is the only thing buffed?
by being a single player rpg pretending to be an mmo
Thank you little one.
>thunder 2 scatter/impact aero 2 scatter/impact until you hit 100 then press moulinet 5 times
What is there to get
DoT damage is also buffed
>your face when Guardian Force - Quetzacoatl
>wowfags still trolling in XIV threads because it's the only way to get people to talk about their game
Definitely was not expecting that and it was cool as fuck
Makes sense now that you mention
Is there a basic hunt location site for ShB yet?
So Ran'jit confirms it, we're getting beast master next?
Is that in the other 80 dungeon? I keep seeing people posting about it with no context so I'm not assuming it's a leak from Eden
It's the other 80 dungeon.
We're getting Dragon Warrior mode on MNK
Bretty gud
>use afflatus misery on titania
>Titania: Squish, squash! A crimson flower!
>queue up for expert
>23 min wait
Can someone give context for why people are hype for that?
Alright we all know SB is the lowest point. But what's the verdict HW vs SHB?
His diet of nothing but chicken tendies.
life becomes worth living again
>Good Story
Pick one this has to be bait
>Tried this game on PS3
>Didn't stick with it then
>See all the hype now
>Make new square acc
>Re-download it on PS4
>Log-in page stuck with old PS3 username
>Don't remember old email address + password
>Can't change it whatsoever
>Find out old email is tied forever to Square + PSN ID
>Have to make new email, Square ID, and PSN just to try game
>Have to buy $15 security code dongle + $15 for subscription since I used my trial on PS3
>Won't even have the money for expansions after that
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck meeeeeee. Who thought it'd be a good idea to lock your Square account to your PlayStation for life?
Probably Sony
As a massive Ishgard fanboy
ShB > HW
Alisaie or Mini-filia?
GFs are a canon thing now in XIV, could be a prelude to more VIII wanm in Eden.
This, remember that Fortnite shit? It was the same thing.
For me, it's Thancred.
Hard call but I think Shadow trumps it slightly. There's just so much cool shit happening, but I think the thing that stands out is your character is an actual CHARACTER IN THE STORY instead of just a plot device.
Feo Ul
and Urianger
I see. I never played VIII but I have a friend who will probably lose his shit when he sees that.
Customer service did tell me it was indeed a Sony policy, but man, fuck. I really wanted to try this shit out and I hate playing on my laptop. Is it even worth $30 just to try it if I don't have the expansions?
I'm never Yea Forums. I'm about to tank my first dungeon
feo ul's got a pretty hot voice
>BGM isn't Force Your Way
Can't have it all I guess
The Crystal Exarch's crystalline bussy
You'll probably get it in two weeks.
fuck you nigga
I swear to god the way you guys keep hyping this day after day im gonna be disappointed no matter how good it is simply because of set expectations
My expectations were very high for ShB.
And they went above and beyond
It matches the hype. There's a reason everyone is saying it beat Heavensward. It's because it does. It's so fucking good, great story, great battles, great music, great visuals.
Is the song from Hades POV?
>get not one but two, three maybe if you count Kai-Shirr catboys who are actually pretty decent characters in the MSQ
Say something nice about the first's version of Cid.
The Chais are great, I was expecting to hate them
Hello new friend I heard about a magical land where you can grind fates forever. After 700 hours I will give you a cool stick I found that glows.
He's actually a nice guy in the end. I liked it.
It sounds more like from Hades POV than from the WoD
How do you go in first person view to take pics?
>GNB superbolides at half health
post yfw when
>I challenge you, Emet-Selch
On PC I think it is the home key.
Perhaps you'd prefer to spend your time helping a young entrepreneur start her own business instead?
>Urianger played riddles with fairies for seven days and nights straight without any sleep
the absolute fucking /fitlit/ chad
Wonder what his relation was to not-Rowena
>GNB has a /ac superbolide /statusoff superbolide macro
You will be disappointed if you swallow the hype pill completely in the dark.
Yes, it's a good story, but it won't cure your mama's cancer and revive your dead dog. It's just a good story told within the storytelling confines of this game's format (meaning, mainly, that your character doesn't really interact with NPCs). It's smartly written enough that you don't really feel it most of the time, but keep in mind that the format is flawed in itself and you should be fine. Maybe even surprised once in a while.
No slacking off.
The part where all of our friends from everywhere coming to help us fight Vauthry got to me.
Fool. Who are you? You are nothing. No one.
Though fate may be cruel, a smile better suits a hero.
>Call out his name
Heroes from beyond the rift, HEED MY CALL!
Tis good to see you awake, G'raha Tia.
best time for a screenshot, too
I forgot what part of the story it is but there was a point where I half expected WoL and feo ul to kiss after she goes on one of her gushing 'muh sapling' spiels.
Excuse me but that's not MY WoL.
The entire expansion was filled with great screenshot moments
Should've been right before she becomes Titania.
But nah, this game won't allow me to have any fun by making the incel protag's first kiss be with a tiny fairy.
>everyone saying Innocence EX is super hard compared to Titania
>no party finders up for it ever
>join a learning party for it today, clear it at the end of the first lockout
Easy as fuck fight, way easier than Titania which requires decent DPS, whereas the DPS check on Innocence is non existent. Are parse trannies just unable to think on the fly?
>G'raha slams his staff down
oh hi. It's me, that one viera you always see no matter how irregular you are about leveling.
Innocence is easier than Titania since you can have someone die like 10 times and still have plenty time to clear. Problem is pugs are for the most part fucking idiots.
When you think about it he is actually quite tragic.
he never really wanted to fight us that's why he helped us along the way. And gave us chances. He is tempered and was forced to continue his path of destruction. He just wanted to see his Bros again.
>everyone strolls out of their light pillars wearing their artifact gear
>DRK expansion
>kill the final boss with an axe
How will DRKs ever recover?
Anyone did some of the new hunts yet? Hate the flying wing snake so far.
>mentor crown
Every time
Vauthry had good taste
idk user maybe the giant crystal tower
For Titania ex are the tethers always tank/healer+dps or can dps get attached to dps?
>he doesn’t have a custom glamour set to make your WoL maximum heroic and distinctive
AF gear is great this expansion but nothing beats seeing people’s creativity with glamour plates assuming it’s not all slutwear shit
As well as Alphinaud.
>complete kino MSQ for the first time since 3.4
>there are lore-raping retards who see characters like that in every cutscene
God weeps for us
>SAM in the cuckshed again
>by the time I reach it other players will almost certainly be wearing slut glam or some other shitty outfit
It hurts
Why is targeting such ass in this game? I'll start tabbing but instead of targeting the mob closes to me it targets the furthest one.
please understand
Why is there nothing to do in this game?
>teleporting all the way back to the Crystarium during the climax of the story just to put on your slutglam and ruin the immersion of whoever's party you join
I like the way you think
I don't know about noobs to ffxiv but if you were a fan in the first place it will bring you to tears it's so goddamn beautiful.
>6 dudes in af
>1 pink hrothgar wearing swim trunks and an open shirt
i expected at least one more, honestly
>dunking him with Ardberts axe, essentially letting him undo his mistake
>DNC barely does any more than WHM
No please don’t do this
Instead make it look like your WoL got yanked out of bed or mid-dressing in his gear with only a helmet on or a pair of armored gloves and pants
That's the dps required to beat the SSS dummy for the ShB ex trials.
What, why?
healer/tank to dps always. That's why dps run to one direction
>Tfw wearing the scion traveler set when this happens
>you get to be part of someone else's game, at least for a little while
i hope i looked cool
I teleported the instant I aquired it because whm gear is trash.
>Titania at 3%.
At least I've seen the entire fight now.
Where is the new SSS?
Have you killed innocence at least?
>7 crystarium sets
>7 AF gear
>7 WoD/CT sets
>7 Alex gear for precognitive kino
starts in eulmore on the lowest level
You mean the slums?
Outside eulmore in the slums.
If I want big dick personal DPS should I play SAM or BLM?
Is BLM really as immobile as everyone says?
Are the EX's hard compared to their normal mode?
Nah I haven't tried yet. Thought I'd go grab a weapon first.
DRG and MNK are both above SAM now and DRG is literally the most mobile job in the game
Is Tenacity worth dick now or no?
Compared to normal? Yeah, I guess. I'd say they are all snakeboy level of difficult which is to say not very difficult. But then again, normal mode is a literal joke.
it's still bad
I don't like how MNK plays and I enjoy how smooth (even if its simple) SAM feels. How does DRG feel compared to that?
Do you want to cast explosions from afar or run around in melee and be more mobile?
Another user mentioned that Unukalhai is dressed the same way as the Ancients, and as the only surviving echo user from the Void, and having been aaved by Elidibus, he is probably another shard of the WoL's soul
BLM is god tier fun at 72+
AoE rotation is Freeze > Flare > Flare repeat, applying/using thunder IV/Foul as you get stacks or they fall off
>mfw entire left side is innocence except for 1 ring for obvious reasons
>no weapon yet
I'm probably the only person who did the acc first.
DRG's rotation is more rigid.
>AoE rotation is Freeze > Flare > Flare repeat
I do hope this is bait.
>Should I go vanilla or chocolate?
Have they said anything about fixing healers? I dropped the game back when the horrific simplifications were revealed and they ruined all my classes.
>entire left side is innocence
Meant right.
Maybe, but I thought he said their world's wol was defeated by Igorhym
WoL is a title, like WoD, remember that Ramza was also a WoL
That's unironically more dps than spending a GCD to use Fire 3 to get into astral fire 3 for the first flare
That scene was fucking amazing, it only not just looked cool it also addressed the lore point of where we got 7 randoms to fight with us in the middle of nowhere.
Irrelevant question to the expansion, but can I still get Zhloe's Best Friend as a title? Did they take it out because I can't seem to find the achievement for it.
>If I want sweet should I try raw syrup or diet coke
>well how about jam and barbeque sauce
Their previous heroes were corrupted by the Primal's energies leaking from the Auracite, but Unukalhai and some others were to be the saviors of the 13th, but they were simply too young and unprepared to step up to the task
The worst after credits scene was 3.1 I think where it was a dude spying on a dude who was spying on a dude.
In fact I think 3.1 was easily the worst patch ever since everyone was memeing on it. 5 month wait for nothing.
Item > collectibles.
By casting flare in UI3 you're not only letting go of an 80% damage buff but you're also eating a 30% damage debuff. You're doign a 110% weaker flare so you can save yourself 1gcd.
>yfw you realise that 'the echo' means you're literally an echo of a once whole ascian
Not yet. Things turned out about how we expected.
WHM does stupid damage but is still kind of bad at healing. Has like 2k more personal DPS than SCH or AST.
SCH has bad damage but is like 2x-3x better at healing than WHM or AST. It's pretty broken.
AST has bad damage, cards are shit, heals are shit, entire job is shit. No reason to take it when WHM and SCH complement each others kits as is.
>Average wait time:20m
The music for the expac is great overall but man the dungeon boss theme is a real turd.
>Miscellaneous metallic banging in the background the entire time
>Lyrics repeat constantly
>That one weird fucking whistle
Totally deflated the final boss in Amaurot.
there's a whole bunch of weird snaps and noises in a few of the tracks, i though my headphones were dying at one point
You're right about the values but it doesn't matter. Take it up with the min max autists on the Balance if you have a problem with it but i guarantee you they've mapped this shit out for a reason.
>get to the final trial
>oh hey some things that look like literally every other mechanic you have to stand in, better stand in it
actually mad at this shit
every party I've had has wiped there, it's great
>Finally get to 76 on monk to get GL4
>It's worse than GL3 with fists of fire
>hiding behind other people
>take it up with them
I'm not doing a 110% weaker flare to save a gcd. You can behind behind their skirts all you want.
>both healers die to the first mechanic
Just as keikaku.
Final boss WILL be Edenor Ultimecia because of time fuckery
So is the black rose just a red herring or did they realise they might have wrote themselves in a corner (why wouldn't the Emperor just use it immediately/ascians who don't give a fuck?) so just scrapped it?
>Alisaie will never stop death flagging herself
what the fuck is this shit?
so is tomorrow and tomorrow the dragonsong/revolutions equivalent?
>Have to buy $15 security code dongle
You what? You download that shit for free on the android
the way they talk about it, its so needlessly powerful that i cant imagine a time where they actually CAN use it in the story
alisaie is literally too dumb to die, just like wol
>why wouldn't the Emperor just use it immediately/ascians who don't give a fuck?
It needed to be released at the right moment to coincide with the final stage of the Light disaster in the First. It's probably not over yet. If Zenos has no interest in running the Empire then it's probably going to splinter and any crazed generals trying to create new factions will have the gas.
You keep telling yourself that, pal.
Tell me why it's better when i've seen it do almost 1000 less damage on all skills
What job have you guys seen the least of so far?
Does anyone have that pic with the dps values to beat the new SSS?
Judging by what Yoshida said Shadowbringers and Tomorrow are one and the same song just split up. Shadowbringers IS the song.
Because the extra fast makes up the difference
it's very simple you brainlet
unless you have triple up, you're hardcasting flares. assuming base spell speed and starting from umbral ice and ignoring thunder/foul because you do them regardless of cold flare or not
>Freeze (2.5s cast/GCD) > Fire III (2.5s GCD) > Flare (4s cast) > Flare (4s cast)
>Freeze (2.5s cast/GCD) > Flare (2.5s GCD) > Flare (4s cast)
you go through the rotation 4 seconds faster which means you get so many more flares and freezes that even with the cold flare damage it outputs more dps.
Oh please, Thancred had death flags up the wazoo and he's fine
Y'shtola too is practically making her self sacrifices and going into the Aetherflow a game
Tomorrow and Tomorrow is a different song, with its own orchestrion roll and everything.
I just finished the healer role quests
where do I go to get my AF now? do I have to finish the MSQ first before I can get my class quest?