lets see neo Yea Forums defending this
Pleeease nanny state, protect me
Other urls found in this thread:
Name a game that's better because of lootboxes
Again? No, op is a faggot.
Seriously nothing wrong with getting rid loot boxes. You can't even prove me wrong.
at least now you can get loot the normal way instead of through microtransactions
fuck capitalism unironically. get dabbed on lolbergs, get dabbed on classcucks
Good. Fuck EA.
OP is a smooth brained retard
Yea Forums is way too smooth brain and childish to realize that ANY increase in government regulation is bad and sets a bad precedent, regardless of what they're regulating, this thread is going to be over 400 replies of larping commies cheering
This is the just the first step towards the death of liberty.
What's even the point of banning loot boxes, video games don't do those anymore and only have surprise mechanics and air lifts.
thats no the question
Fuck off jEAw
why do you think banning lootboxes means the stuff will be available normally like in the past? the far more likely outcome is the stuff just won't be available at all
I see you, libertarian
Based. Gambling is a sin.
That’s “no” how to speak English, Mao. Ask your overlords to invest in some more ESL lessons for you if you’re going to shill on this site.
If they don't step in people might realize how shitty and uninnovative the free market actually is
Post yfw shills are mad as fuck
Reminder that if this new law passes, most AAA publishers will have to go private to avoid being pressured by shareholders.
amazon paying no taxes :)
government regulating shitty products :(
>Yea Forums is way too smooth brain and childish to realize that ANY increase in government regulation is bad and sets a bad precedent
Well maybe we wouldn't have had to resort to this if companies actually fucking self-regulated themselves properly. But oh no, MUH FREE MARKET proves only corruption prevails.
Why ban it instead of regulating it? I don't understand.
How many times are you going to make this thread you autistic retard?
>screwing over big corporations making money from shitty products
>same thing as censoring/spying on civilians
>tfw sports associations are raising prices of license and EA will no longer be able to make up for it with profit on loot boxes
they're literally killing yearly rehashes of sports games
Who cares? Now developers can focus on making games fun rather than addicting.
admit it, you only care cause youre still mad at trump winning.
>wahh I have to mark all my lootboxshit games adult now
unironically true at this point in time, corporations don't have as much power as the government, regardless of what your larping commie friends want to tell you on discord
>cop stops a murder
>nigger sent to jail
>streets safer
>Please please bring back the days of being paid company script I can only use at the company store.
What's smooth brained? Is that you and your gay boyfriend's safeword?
It’s a bill that is rotting right now on the senate side if it goes anywhere at all.
Oh no, what a pity. Whatever shall they do now?
Bout time those EA fucks got knocked down a few pegs.
creating a product for consumers to purchase with their own money is corruption? forcing people to not spend their money a certain way isn't corruption?
>valve will finally be forced to update tf2
Faggots like the OP protecting people's right to abuse children through kiddie gambling. Seriously if anyone deserved to have their guts fucked out of them it's OP. Title implies nanny state typical Republican faggotry leaking into /v again.
seething commie tranny
>gubmit bad
kikes mad
Kill yourself libertarian retard
>Americans aren't free if game companies can't make low quality games with a gambling element.
Literally retarded.
remember when unlockables like outfits and cosmetics unlocked through playing the game?
Loot boxes are bad. Children don't need these casino games.
No one forces you to buy them.
what in the absolute FUCK do either of those have to do with anything that's been posted in this thread so far?
>defending multi-billion corporations that ruined video games
t. assmad EA shill
Your tears are delicious by the way.
Why not just classify loot boxes as gambling, thus making it illegal for anyone under 21 to play games with them?
Developers would stop including them as it would mean they lose out on the most profitable market (dumb kids with mommy's credit card) and we don't need the government to ban anything or to dictate to developers how their games should be made.
I dunno, I think using up all their parents' money and getting beat up is a good life lesson.
the best thing about this shitshow is that people are starting to realize that magic cards and blind boxes are kind of a scam too
>ANY increase in government regulation is bad
I can't wait for the state to come down and crush all of you faggots defending these practices. Lolberts get fucked, Capitalists get fucked, Neoliberals get fucked, Conservatives get fucked.
OP didn't even ask a question.
>Obsessing over fake vaginas.
Absolutely trans.
Good, fuck EA and fuck Activision
Fuck you and fuck all your lefty friends.
Damn bros...all those games that were made better by lootboxes are gonna be gone...
Oh wait I couldn't think of one
>you now realise what a shitshow a modern Timesplitters would be
>defending a government passing even more unneeded regulation in an industry they have nothing to do with
You're stupid, lolbert. The NAP is ridiculous and your kind will die when the epic statists eradicate your genes.
Careful, user
Five or more buzzwords can get you sh1dow banned
it's okay, those are a tradition, like surprise eggs
video games are worse than hitler on the other end
Why are retards saying this a ban?
Its not an overall ban, just bans them on games for minors
This article title is wrong/misleading
because video games are marketed to kids and loot crates are literally gambling and child gambling has always been illegal
No, what is corrupt is creating a monetization scheme that specifically targets people who are prone to gambling, whether because they're underaged and have no impulse control, or because they're genetically predisposed to addictive activities like gambling. Companies spend millions on psychologists and psycho-analysis to suck as much money as possible out of these groups.
If you defend this, you are a pathetic corporate cuck.
>spend time regulating cancer instead of just eliminating it
Damn the jews are doing a real number on this thread
yeah, and both of those things are already regulated, companies aren't allowed to pay people in their own currency and murder is illegal, like it's always been, so I ask again, what the fuck are you talking about?
but how are zoomers gonna unlock cosmetics if they can't use mommy's credit card?? think of the children!
I mean they are. I play Magic and I know a lot of people that do and most of the smarter ones know buying boxes and packs is a total scam. The only logical reason to do it would be to draft or do a sealed event.
I only support this because it makes people like OP mad, I've never bought a lootbox in my life.
Always remember the amount of EA shills that exist in this board. They even have a twitter that posts wojaks with a Yea Forums url embedded
Oh look. This thread again. This same OP. This same image. This same thread.
Only trolls, bootlickers and lolbergs defend lootboxes. Prove me wrong.
fpbp, lootbox shill can't even answer it
When did this board get taken over by leftist shills and chapo trannies? Are we being raided?
>living in a country with niggers
based third worlder
They are scared.
>government gives me aids
>company gives me aids
>"well cmon guys lets think about this rationally"
it's okay, just go back to regular DLC that unlocks things without gambling, except make it 30 times more expensive to make up for 30 tries on average.
>Video games will return to their former glory in your lifetime
why does everyone assume that I'm supporting corporations because I oppose an increase in government regulation? this is the very essence of being a smoothbrain, refusing to believe that there are more than just 2 extremes to choose from
>May 24th
I don't want to ban loot boxes, I just want them to be considered gambling like they should be. That way they will be properly regulated like slot machines, pay taxes on earnings, and not be able to market or sell them to minors.
Is that too much to ask?
Morrigan's an ugly hag, too.
Game industry should have regulated itself first. The were warned for years.
>any increase in government regulation is a bad precedent
>there already precedents of an increase government regulation.
On the one hand I actually agree with OP and the others in regards to the fact that any government legislation is bad legislation, but on the other it's the AAA companies' own faults that this is happening in the first place; they couldn't keep their hands out of the cookie jar and now we're all going to pay the price. Such is life.
This is all Mass Effect 3's fault.
>why does everyone assume that I'm supporting corporations because I oppose an increase in government regulation?
Because we tried “don’t like it don’t buy it” and it clearly isn’t working
You're damn right I'll defend it. Lootboxes are trash. Anybody whining about "the precedent being set" is probably the same type of utter faggot that celebrates devs permabanning individuals for wrongthink. Eat shit.
>current US government getting things done
it'll just be forgotten in a few months and nothing will have changed
Gambling is bad, there is no Fucking way some underage fag on Yea Forums is going to convince me otherwise. Little jimmy and Timmy spend money just trying to play as their favorite Star Wars character or use that special gun, their PARENTS money, and they get fucked because “muh excitement”, “surprise mechanics”, fuck off. When I was a kid if you wanted to play with that character in that game you either had to unlock him or find out you were tricked by some kids at school and wasted away your weekend for nothing.
Yes, fuck off lolbert.
nu/v/ has no problem defending the nanny state, not sure what premise you're operating under but it isn't reality
when I was in school I juset leeched the friends that paid for them
>thread already slaughtered in 2 minutes
absolutely fucking rekt
>it makes EA mad!
How many loot boxes have you bought? you stupid fucking cuck
>companies should be allowed to sell explosive tvs and put them right next to the non-explosive tvs in a store
Based and redpilled.
>and it clearly isn’t working
Or maybe you're not the majority share of this industry, you crybaby faggot.
>calls you a statist bootlicker while licking corporate dress shoes.
>muh invisible hand
Go fuck yourself, this is exactly they type of thing on the short list of things the government should get involved in
>refusing to believe that there are more than just 2 extremes to choose from
There is no other alternative you fucking faggot.
>The corporations will self-regulate!
Laughable. The ESRB has done nothing but wave away rising concerns and act like there isn't a problem.
>Just don't buy it!
You are not the 10% of whales these systems target. Saying you don't engage in the problem is irrelevant, you're not Faggot McNeckbeard spending $3000 a month on lootboxes.
Both are fucking terrible though.
Corporations are just as bad as they have made it abundantly clear that they can't be trusted without regulations.
these threads are always so polarizing.
We pretty much all agree that loot boxes are a cancerous, horrible practice that should be eradicated.
but the libertarians on this board absolutely hate government involvement in retail fields.
I'm not american, so I'm not sure how any of this effects me. but i really do hope that loot boxes are eliminated. SOMEHOW.
Not true. They'll just allow you to outright buy cosmetics and other lootbox goodies.
At least the corporation gives you the option to suck their cock, the government doesn't
Okay. I look forward to the turnout and the mountain of salt/freefalling stocks
It's not "nanny state" to protect gaming from retards like you, worthless newfag
Zoomers like you need to be put up against a wall and shot
>addictive behavior should be abused more! MONEY MAKERS RIGHTS!
>better make sure you clarify that he's gay
>may 24
>tfw you're still in your libertarian "the invisible hand of the market will choose what's best for us" phase
>in 2019
I M A G I N E being so angry about companies no longer being able to sabotage games with their shitty and forced monetization methods
Fucking this.
If Pokemon hasn't been allowed to have gambling with fake money since gen 3, gambling with real money certainly shouldn't be allowed.
>ANY increase in government regulation is bad
yeah I sure enjoyed having no regulations about nuclear waste disposal back in the day -- those were the good times
>All these Eurotards who dont know almost all Bills sit in limbo for decades before being passed or vetoed and another decade to take effect
there's nothing wrong with being addicted to something
It hurts the big studios that introduce shit that kills vidya. Like lootboxes.
>lets see neo Yea Forums defending this
A lot more AO only games.
This is a retarded bill, like REALLY retarded. But all companies will be forced to either drop lootboxes, or make their games ludicrously mature.
So a lot more fanservice and violence in games with lootboxes. Also all streamers will be banned from streaming games with lootboxes.
I hope you guys actually read the bill, its short but shows how out of touch these people are.
>nigger breaks into your house
>shoot it
>get put on trial
>try to explain self defense to jury
>"why didn't you just call the police bro"
>sentenced to 10 years for manslaughter
Why does the idea of principle confuse people like this so aggressively? Christ.
because companies will still find a way to abuse it
get rid of the source of the problem
I mean if they are banning it on the grounds that it’s gambling then it makes perfect sense
I dont think the Bill's says they can't make games with lootboxes though, it just says they have to be designated and rated as such which is totally fair
jesus christ why do americans pretend they live in a real country?
The majority of the share in the industry is a small minority of players. Around 10% of players make up roughly 90% of the revenue from loot boxes and microtransactions.
>What are federal jobs
I can literally work for the USPS and get more benefits than any corporate wagie and never get laid off
certainly something wrong with exploiting people's addictions though
These Europoors actually think an age gate will stop kids from buying lootboxes.
Oh wait no, actually those children, with their own credit and debit cards will be shut down because those payment methods are NEVER in their parents' names.
Absolutely retarded
The bill is great. I hope you lose all of your lootbox games.
this. they had their chance to straighten out and fly right, but they threw it away. now big brother has to put them in their place.
They're not banned.
They're only banned from children.
but the "children" aspect is up to a judge. Its really vague.
its rent free at this point
ok cuck
Exactly, I remember the rumors of Mewtwo in Melee and I called bullshit every time cause I lived too far from all of the other kids at school until I did it myself. Was fucking amazing, especially since the roster looked finished.
Remember when banks used to issue their own proprietary notes that could only be used in certain places? SOME regulation is good but this anarcho-commies and anarcho-capitalists with throw a hissy fit about it.
There’s no question in the op, retard
thank god I grew out of this autistic lolbertarian bullshit. Please explain to me how we're better off with loot boxes being in games.
see Loot boxes aren't being banned.
Company should be called out for their bullshit, and the government/state should step in if what they are doing can negatively affect someone; physically, mentally, or financially
>Any game where the majority of players are children
A reminder that people like you are the first to die after literally any revolution, be it communist, fascist or whatever else snowflake ideology
>meth head breaks in to my place.
>shoot his ass
>call the cops
>live just outside of SF
>nothing happens
There's unironically nothing wrong with EA exploiting retards, not like I'm the one buying those games that even have loot boxes in the first place.
>its afraid
fingers crossed brother
>tfw they also ban all forms of dlc so companies are forced to release full games again
>Yea Forums is way too smooth brain and childish to realize that ANY increase in government regulation is bad and sets a bad precedent,
This is just more "I don't care, I just want to watch the world burn" but from a leftist perspective this time. Like much recent politics, they know the flaws with this path but they're too tired and fed up with bullshit to care at this point. The "fuck you" is worth the repercussions and unintended consequences.
If libertarian gamers weren't such huge pussies they would have went to war against lootboxes instead of just doing nothing.
LOLbertarians need to break their own NAP and commit an hero.
That's why you should regulate it. So that kids can't pay for this shit. Or be explicitly marketed to.
>calls anyone else nu/v/
OP, even if you're just baiting you're still a faggot.
keep dreaming queer you already lost
Who the fuck cares.
You incel manbabies can’t even see outside of the scope of your little video games.
“Help me trump! I can’t handle the responsibility of voting with my wallet! I need the government to come in and save my video games”
Fuck you
Fuck devs that put loot boxes in, but you know what? Fuck the people that don’t have the self control to not play/buy games that make them angry.
This thread is so surreal. This board vehemently shat on DLCs, season passes, and lootboxes to beyond comprehension. But the second an actual regulation is being passed, Yea Forums suddenly defends lootboxes
Or am I falling for jewish tricks again?
>Any game where the majority of players are children
Oh yeah those spy cams the government put out to make sure absolutely no one lies about their age will work this time
That's only valid if you also support full deregulation of all normal gambling avenues. Which you should, if you think you're worthy of calling yourself a proper American.
>not nu/v/
you need to go back
I agree with OP. Drugs should also be legalized and regulated to prevent overdose deaths and remove revenue streams from the black market.
That is never how that works. Especially in america. Mabye in a pussy ass state like CA but no where else. If it's self defence or home invasion; you may have to interact with law enforcement but its pretty cut and dry.
How about I pay for them with a loot coin, it could be worth 1 cent or a million dollars it's random.
>please nanny state, regulate facebook & co because i can't keep myself from getting banned because i say racist shit all the time
the absolute state of conservatism, pathetic
It's kind of weird that it's getting so much traction and is making good progress to being implemented if somehow only a few people, according to you, think it's a good thing.
It's talked about time and time again but the people who actually enjoy these things are far and few between, they just spend a metric fuckload of money on it.
I know people who whale all the time on games and they hate it all the same because they feel the need to do it if they want to be on top.
But hey what am I saying, you'd have to actually play games to realize this and everyone knows whoever defends lootboxes clearly does not play any games.
Apparently Yea Forums just hates the government.
get fucked faggot
i think the overwhelming problem in video games is the inability for autistic manchildren to regulate themselves. there are shitty, scammy products everywhere and the typical response of a functional adult is to not buy them and walk away. only gamers are unable to leave a product on the shelf if they don't like something about it. oh no, they
>MUST have the game so they can play it instead of dropping it
>let everyone know they're going to check for a crack every day for months so they can pirate it instead of dropping it
>make hundreds of threads complaining about it instead of dropping it
>rope children into the debate as a strawman instead of dropping it
>ask the federal government to regulate it instead of dropping it
just imagine how much power the industry has over you. there is no amount of regulation that will ever stop them from milking every dollar out of your account, milking every minute out of your life, because you have no self control. lootboxes are only a symptom of your mental illness.
>oy goyim protect us from the big yuge gubemrent!
>they want to take away my gambling to kids! it violates muh free speach!
>why does everyone assume that I'm supporting corporations because I oppose an increase in government regulation?
because in this particular scenario there is no inbetween
>uniting for anything
Libertarians movement always end up co-oped by authoritarian ideologies because motivating people who just want to be left the fuck alone just doesn't work.
>Voting with my wallet
Funny, I don't recall paying a single dime on Fornite but it still seems to make thousands of dollars from little shits taking credit cards
Amazing fear mongering friend. Did you forget statistics and the Call of Duty crowd exist?
one of the reasons why I'm happy it stays dead
we do not need a timesplitters game with 5 characters 10 guns and twitch e-sports integration
Because if you weren't retarded you'd realize this shit affects more than just the individuals falling for lootbox memes. I have never bought or played a game containing lootboxes. But it still affects me, because companies see how lucratic exploiting retards with lootcrates is, and so they focus on making more games like that instead of the games I like to play. And so the effect I experience is overall fewer decent games to play.
the internet was always full of contrarians. This is probably another big example. The risk of government regulations still outweigh the damage of the lootboxes, but some people would focus on the former, i guess
Lootboxes don't affect me one way or another as I don't really play games that have them. I should care about what other people are doing but in the case of lootboxes, there does seem to be somethign inherently sinister about them in the way they exploit a particular that's found in all people in varying degrees.
If people can recognize gambling addiction as a legitimate mental disease, it's probably best that lootboxes are at least regulated.
Industry goes unchecked for years using increasingly shitty tactics to extract every once of profit. Governemrn finally steps in to try and salvage control.
Where else is their to go?
this loot box ban means that the market has decided to get rid of them
Lolbertarians are retarded. Ancap is a mental illness.
i'll die with a smile on my face knowing c*pitalism has been destroyed and onions guzzling cucks like you were dabbed on by the invisible hand of the revolutionary spirit
Lootboxes suck
Government also sucks
It's really not hard to understand.
>tfw they also ban all forms of dlc so companies are forced to release full games again
I don't get you retards. You fags have been bitching about lootboxes and microtransactions for months, possibly years. And when the government finally steps in and wants to end it, Yea Forums throws a bitch fit.
What the actual fuck do you morons want? This is possibly the only way it could stop.
I just want both sides to burn
Is that really so bad
>Let's see these AAA fags do something that requires a modicum of effort
>b-but this harms vidya
Maybe you shouldn't have been so fuckin' Jewish this needed to happen.
no you're falling for zoomers on 4chins who are so furious they might have to actually play a video game to unlock a skin instead of using their parents' credit card
This is what the bill does. No loot boxes in games marketed to people under 18.
Yea Forums is happy
/pol/ is being jackasses, again
Fortnite doesn’t have loot boxes. The fact that you play Fortnite feeds the social phenomena — you’re part of the problem regardless if you spend a cent or not.
This. Bring back child labor, and make everyone hire private armies
for good reason
So you're mad that people with more money than you make up more voting power in a market ran by money?
Get over yourself.
contrarian till the end
thats Yea Forumss motto
>fear mongering
>Citing a game that needs parents to buy it for their kids.
You already lost, absolutely grasping at straws because you're too stupid to remember you yourself lied on an age gate when you were 15
>okay, so there is objectively a problem but you should literally not even take the first steps to addressing it because the proposition has issues
>“Help me trump! I can’t handle the responsibility of voting with my wallet!
No matter how many times your retarded ass spouts this, it will never be true nor taken as fact.
The people complaining about lootboxes are not the ones buying them, you fucking retards. These systems, once again, target roughly 10% of the game's population that are the most likely to spend money, and then beats the fuck out of them with ads and deals. Gacha games and titles with lootboxes received most of their profits from this unhinged individuals who HAVE to get the next skin, the next timed exclusive cosmetic, the next lootbox.
Suck my nuts, you disingenuous fucks.
>they are only banning the sale of lootboxes (otherwise rng drops from monsters would be banned too)
>sell fixed season pass
>pass also unlocks free lottery rolls
What should have happened
>Loot boxes automatically make a game M-rated
what actually happened
>if your game has lootboxes, and we think its being marketed to children (purposefully vague), we can shut your company down
This won't affect EA or Blizzard, this will just kill everyone who lacks teams of lawyers.
If you're for this you're retarded. You don't need regulation to prevent people from spending money on things you don't like.
>why does everyone assume that I'm supporting corporations
Because you're literally supporting corporations raping vidya. That would be why.
If you say so.
All I know is, companies like EA and Activision have been doing scummy shit like this for decades. Its past time they got knocked down a peg. "Games as a service" is bullshit.
This thread is full of underage leftist zoomers that don't realize the danger of authoritarian regulations to a free market economy.
it is regulated you idiot
here is the regulation:
loot crates are trying to get around this, and the government is going to slap their fucking shit. it's the one thing the government doesn't fuck around with, just look at vegas and atlantic city, they do not play around with child gambling because uncle sam will slap them too.
the video games industry is big enough for everyone, may it be mobile garbage, poor practices, or actually proper games
I'm still crumbling under a endless backlog, not like every games need to cater to me
>Let's waste time for nearly unenforceable bills because it makes retards feel better.
Honestly if this bill affects anyone in this thread they should be banned from being here, you're an adult, act like one
>does not understand addiction
>does not understand planting seeds in kids brains
>does not understand how the mind works
>its just people who lack self control!
you are delusional and it shows.
Obvious bait but the reason "voting with your wallet" doesn't work in this case is because, unlike in regular elections where everyone gets an equal amount of votes, I can spend $0 while my neighbor spends $2000.
There's no ceiling for spending when it comes to lootboxes.
We already have governments and regulations. We don't live in your theoretical ancap world. Because god forbid we use government regulations in ways that benefit us. Nah, let's just never do anything for our own benefit, so that the government is solely used by my enemies to fuck me over.
Stop being childish. There will always be governments and there will always be the use of force. The only question is where that force is being directed and whether it's something that benefits you or harms you. There will always be a boot. Do you want to be under the boot or wear the boot?
>No loot boxes in games marketed to people under 18.
and how do you enforce this?
>tranny dev mad that GAMERS won't RISE UP for xir
lmao eat shit tranny dev :)
All a law maker needs to do is hear the voice chat on a multiplayer game to gauge the audience. Not that difficult
and it's obsessed at this point.
I will unironically, sincerely, never be happy until every other person on the planet aside from me is mad.
>I didn't read the bill
If a celebrity plays the game its considered "marketed to children".
If it has child friendly characteristics, like a cartoony design or lack of mature themes its considered "marketed to children".
God you are worse than people that buy the loot boxes.
AAA fags get mad
Not to mention this bill is extremely anti-Semetic, it unfairly targets predominately Jewish-owned companies.
>implying ESRB rating prevent kiddies from playing M rated games
>implying regulations will shut down anything
You are a retard on both accounts.
>I don't really play games that have them.
>i don't play modern games
But that’s just it man, if companies think they can get away with it, others will soon follow. Imagine if the entire industry went full EA or Dead or Alive 5 level DLC or loot boxes, all fucked. Just like when paid online happened, all major companies made it essentially mandatory for a paid online subscription on top of already paying your internet service. Now we are stuck with people that have a shitty online infrastructure with no actual dedicated servers that can take up to 20 minutes for a single match, but can get away with it because all the cool kids are doing it.
Oh you mean like gambling regulations? Smoking regulations? Alcohol regulations?
Fuck off.
No era of Yea Forums would have ever defended this, you fucking shill.
Apparently not big enough because I can't think of any wortwhile games that have released over the past year or so.
Give me a reason why I should want lootcrates allowed
Looks like the big game publishers didn't pay enough bribe money
Fuck you too you retarded dingleberry
>He thinks for 5 seconds an actual company that can hire lobbyists will accept that as a metric.
Excellent jape, friend
Reminder that the ESRB said they would rate AO every game that had gambling with real life money.
This, big companies like EA are benefitting from this.
>(purposefully vague)
call of duty
what exactly will the bill do?
Look I hate Loot boxes as much as everyone here but and I am glad they are doing something about it, but you have to remember that every single U.S. government has been blaming Videogames for pretty much every single bad thing for the last 2 decades and now they have the opportunity to screw everyone in said industry from consumer to developer.
Do you think they are going to do their jobs in a fair and decent way or do you think they are going to act as the ling and betraying Jews that they are?
At least you'd be guaranteed the item you want in that scenario.
fuck off tranny
You idiot. We don't want games we like that don't have lootboxes to move in that direction. I don't care if the government steps on the necks of big game devs. It's nice to have the government working for me for once.
>You're part of the problem
I didn't say I played Fortnite you zoomer retard.
Also, if Fortnite doesn't have any lootboxes (nice outing yourself on that knowledge, idiot), how am I appealing to any problem?
What a great argument based on zero facts and appeals to emotion you have, user, still doesn't change that "voting with your wallet" is a falsehood when we're not the one spending, only whaletards and sheep children are.
Holy shit this topic is the holy grail of bait.
>Loot boxes automatically make a game M-rated
what good does this do when any kid can just use their parents credit card to buy said game and continue to spend. it's like saying we regulated porn by putting a warning on tube sites saying "if you're over 18 click here" peple still watch and it does nothing
from what i understand they are not defending lootboxes, rather they are protesting government involvement. (in this scenario they are one in the same, they just don't realize it)
This is the definition of authoritarianism and state tyranny but retards will eat this up to spite le evil corporations and lootboxes.
>da comrade yongyea ban lootboxes
>I will continue to move goalposts until they wrap back around to my side
>he pretends its MUH children
>regulations don't fuck over small companies
This is going to nuke indie shit.
Middle size/indie developers don't engage in lootboxes unless we are talking about mobile games.
Also expecting the industry to regulate itself at this point is retarded, the people who form the ESRB are the same who are profiting from bad faith practices.
>Enforcing not letting kids buy lootboxes with age gates and the fact that kids use payment methods with their parents' names on it anyway.
Keep repeating shit though we both know you're too stupid to understand why things are the way they are.
You live in Bernieland where people don't know what a loophole is?
Exactly. Government isn't some "Other" thing, at least in America it's us. Anyone can get elected who meets the bare minimum requirements. Trump is the biggest example of that ever. Yes it does require actual WORK which precious /pol/flakes hate to force government to work on your behalf, but it can be done and must be done. It's our responsibility, it's the only powerful entity that ultimately answers to us. Corporations do not.
You’re the same fucking guy that thinks “my participation doesn’t matter because everyone else is doing it”. Literally the NPCs plight.
Yea Forums said this was fucking based when some tiny irrelevant EU country did it
So what's different now?
>I have 0 real world experience in politics other than being an election tourist.
Okay buddy
based kill all shills
>indie games
>having lootboxes
Give a reason why they should be banned.
The same way every other age restricted product is enforced?
I don't want it to be a law. But I'm not going to fight on EA's behalf to fuck over their consumers. That just sounds really gay.
Battlefield. New system is horrible and money laundering, at least you could get legendary skins in BF1 for in game currency
They said it 10 years ago. It's obvious they're full of shit.
>lets give all power instead to sociopaths with 0.1% as much accountability as elected officials, this will surely benefit me
>We literally haven't spent a cent, but retarded kids keep doing it and that's where the money comes from
Eat my ass.
>be CEO of mcdonalds, a progressive burger company
>one day have the bright idea to start selling antidepressants along with happy meals
>rake in record profits by selling to junkies
>the FDA decides to step in
>government regulation is a bad precedent
what did he meme by this?
>ANY increase in government regulation is bad
Justify this belief.
>lol let's just ignore people who have problems/can't grasp the consequences and let them be abused
It's so obvious that you are a sheltered and protected idiot who is either underageb& or uneducated af. By your retarded opinion children should be allowed to buy everything, even if it costs a grand, alcoholics should be allowed to drive, and so on.
tl;dr: you are fucking moron if you can't understand what they are trying to do.
>Sucking government dick and asking for a nanny state.
Oh joy just what I want, for the US to become the UK.
The gaming industry brought this upon itself. It had every opportunity to self regulate and keep shady anti-consumer business practices from becoming the norm, but they let greed get the better of them until it reached the point that the government had to get involved. The chickens have come to roost, and the gaming industry only has itself to blame.
>online games have all RNG loot from mobs = lootboxes as core gameplay mechanic
>law only forbids selling
>sell dropchance increase items instead
>sttill selling more lootboxes for more money
The absolute state of american politics
Weak minded children need things they don’t like banned.
>Pixels are literally addictive chemicals
Imagine being this weak LMFAO
Imagine if you could vote multiple times in the same election.
How can you not see issues with a system like that?
If your game has loot boxes it allows a judge to make a judgement based on who its being marketed to. If the judge deems its marketed to children its going to be fucked.
So basically what will happen is any company with a bunch of lawyers will be unaffected. Its a coin flip otherwise.
Someone getting fucked over for being stupid enough to buy lootboxes is called karma.
Indie games don't have lootboxes, mostly because they couldn't pull it off, but still.
Why is it always the extreme with you guys? Not everything has to be about the lesser of two evils, but there’s a right and there’s a wrong. If the government gets rid of loot boxes, I welcome them to do just that.
Ah yes, the small companies known as Electronic Art, Zinga, Activision, Take-Two and Ubisoft. It sure would be a great shame if these family owned, corner store businesses were to shut down.
Killing lootboxes isn't a bad thing. I understand the concerns though of the government starting to get legal with the gaming industry. It could become a serious problem.
i am not complaining about any of this, mind you. I want them all gone, the boxes, the people pushing them, and the whales. Preferably, it would be without interference, but i will take this happily over any nonsense that is sure to come out of even further jewing.
that doesn't like you problem has anything to do with loot boxes, sounds like you just don't like video games anymore
The problem is there's a contingent of autistic libertarians who live in their own heads and refuse to step out of their world-of-forms and into reality. So suddenly they become neocon corporate shills whoi will defend the scummiest business practices around that have zero benefit to the consumer or the public at large, and their only defense will be some metaphysical platonic bullshit about how the notion of government force is always bad.
they make games worse
>Give me a reason why I should want lootcrates allowed
Your opinion matters less because you are worth less to developers. That's how the market works. If you want to be valued and catered to as much as someone who spends 10x or 100x you, then you need to increase how much you'll spend.
Don't want lootboxes? Find a way to be as valuable to developers as the lootbox buyers.
Dude they'll get rid of loot boxes and you'll just have to pay for the shit you want. You will never go back to actually earning content as you did 15 years ago. You will never get rid of microtransactions
>voting with your wallet
>when over 80% of the lootbox revenue comes from 3% of the userbase that has addiction problems
Fucking moron.
>Actually comparing the neutering of an abusive corporate tactic to the shit the UK pulls
I too remember being a retarded teenage Libertarian who sees the world in black and white.
>refusing to believe that there are more than just 2 extremes to choose from
Is this your first day on Yea Forums?
>Too retarded to just not give them money
It's not the company's job to regulate themselves out of not taking cash from morons. Government doesn't exist to protect you from yourself you communist retard.
Really, what else do games do that could warrant their attention?
Not that user but you're a retard. At least for iOS, locked down Android, and consoles they're very, very locked down and enforcement is absolutely possible, that's another side of all the DRM and signing. If the government says "this shall no longer be permitted on smart phones or consoles" the likes of Apple/Google/Microsoft/Nintendo/Sony will just make it happen.
Unlike IRL, in the electronic world things really can be enforceable in ways that can't be done elsewhere. Whether it's a good idea or not can be debated, whether it's possible or not cannot be. I mean shit, they could quite literally require that if the device doesn't actually recognize the registered adult user that it won't allow gambling or porn. I think that'd go to far, but that's different from "not possible". The tech is all there already.
>what is smoking
based Donald trump making vidya great again #AWOOOO
>i spend 0$
>little timmy spends 2000$ because he does not understand what he is doing. all he knows is he is gettin a bunch of stuff.
>parents are stuck with the bill
>Johnny spends 2000$ a week on a game to get just one more item he wants because when he gets something he wants there is a huge dopamine rush
A lot of things make games worse. That's not a reason to ban those things.
There is literally no negative to banning randomized money based cosmetic or other gambling in games. There will only be positives from it and devs that die off because of it were true trash.
that's how it used to work, people literally died to get rid of that bullshit
And fucking kill yourself while you're at it.
>purposefully vague
Not really
>Advertised on Buses, bus stops, trains, billboards, near schools, or in locations where children congregate
... Oh wait, it means anything mass advertised that has these things is going to get fucked raw.
>government regulation bad!
>btw I haven't gone to see a doctor for 5 years
This. Kmmos already do this.
Lawyers will make them immune to this shit.
Eat my ass you corn toothed fart huffing bastard. If you don’t even accept that you’re just as much of a problem for playing the game than the guy giving them $1000 a week I don’t expect to have any higher level of dialogue with your sorry ass.
Go live in China you faggot
They're a scummy tactic. Just make that content normal DLC.
that only proves his point even further
No, I still like video games. I've just been playing old ones instead, because there's been nothing but shit releasing lately. And part of that reason is because companies are pursuing shit-tier multiplayer games full of lootcrate DLC skinnerbox garbage, because it's an easy environment to dupe the psychologically-susceptible into forking over assloads of money. More lucrative than single player games that I enjoy.
But they're not banning them completely, so this is a moot point, what I'm saying is it's literally impossible to enforce because finding out who is a kid and who isn't would be a herculean task
The top 1% of spenders are often more valuable than the remaining 99% of the playerbase put together. That's the crux of mobile/F2P game development.
The numbers aren't as lopsided on $60 game title releases but they are growing considerably each year. That's the reason behind the recent sports game licensing changes - the vastly increasing value of Ultimate Team lootboxes compared to the box sales.
Why not put all the effort you waste from arguing with anonymous people to actually telling the corporations themselves (you know, the people who actually put in this crap) that you hate what they're doing. They want us to argue with each other so that they can continue doing this crap without accountability.
lets deregulate everything
let them monetize the way they want
don't complain next time you try and fight a boss battle, you enter a bidding war with 10 other people and only the winner gets to fight it, everyone else get's the bad ending
>Who the fuck cares.
A lot of us. And we outnumber you bitch.
>Fuck you
>voting with my wallet!
YOU can """""vote""""" with your wallet if you want. The rest of us will try ACTUAL VOTING to wield ACTUAL POWER ok? Let's see how it works out for each side :^)
>The same way every other age restricted product is enforced?
so we put an age warning on lootbox games and kids continue to use their parents money and nothing changes?
>There is literally no negative to banning randomized money based cosmetic or other gambling in games.
Wrong. The negative is that it will incite people to call for more bans on things they don't like with the likelier chance they'll get passed. If you don't see how this could spiral out of control, I don't know what to tell you.
>advertised by some celebrity
>said celebrity made a guest appearance in a t.v. show for children
>"marketed to children"
In time this will lead to banning DLC and episodic gamming. Truly a glorious first step to make gaming great again.
You sound like you’re about to throw a trench coat on and shoot EA up.
I can't because I have never played those games
>indie games
>does not understand how the mind works
>does not think the body produces its own chemicals as a reward
it must be quite the boring life.
Just like the biggest casinos in Las Vegas are completely immune to regulations, right?
You didn't answer my question, because you can't. And your entire premise is false because we don't live in a pure anarcho-capitalist world where the only thing that matters is whether somethingsells or not. We do have a government, and pure unregulated capitalism is not the name of the game. Stop pretending that it is.
>Trying to ban violence
>Trying to regulate ratio of gender/racial representation
>Giving incentives to companies that push agendas through their games
>Banning certain imagery because it is deemed offensive
Yeah the government should stay the fuck out of gaming. I know some of this shit is being pushed by publishers anyways, but at least it isn't a enforceable law.
Games are legally art to protect from that.
>It should be illegal to profit off of things I don't buy
Yea Forums: Egonomigs :DDD
>If you don’t even accept that you’re just as much of a problem for playing the game than the guy giving them $1000 a week I don’t expect to have any higher level of dialogue with your sorry ass.
>Play free game
>Don't spend money
Uh oh, I think the Lolbertarian broke itself.
That we should start taxing video games?
Where do you think this ends up, fucking idiot?
Oh yeah the government cares soooo much about fucking loot boxes. They totally aren't trying to set up legal precedents for future actions, or anything, oh no. Why the fuck would you vote your rights away for fake safety? Why the fuck would you reduce your market options just because a gaggle of fuckwits buy lootboxes in games you probably don't even fucking play?
If CoD babbies want to dump 200 dollars on decals and texture swaps, let them. I'd rather have garbage AAA companies churning out skinner boxes for retards to lose their paychecks to than have the government seep it's slimy fucking tentacles into the entire industry.
It literally is. I fucking wish every shitty thing was somehow deemed illegal/banned
Imagine for 3 seconds being as weak as this faggot.
Hope some gun skin doesn't come out and break your bank you limp wristed faggot
I thought Yea Forums hated that vidya is considered art.
Wow those regulations stopped Las Vegas casinos?
>"Let the market decide!"
>rejection and dislike towards loot boxes is so big that consumers have to rely on government intervention because of companie's unwillingness to change and sometimes doubling down on them
are libretarians,liberals and ancaps brain dead?
Reminder that trust-busting presidents have been some of the most highly-regarded in history and have often been praised by economists
So you just haven't played a multiplayer video game in this past ten years?
those with lootboxes, sure, why not.
more regulations mean developers make less money and that means less money to spend on making good games.
>trying to reason with american
They are way too deep into the "capitalist" propaganda ever since the cold war.
Because of muh boogeyman communism , they are scared whenever someone want the goverment to do something good for them.
I mean what kind of retarded complains about lacking money for healthcare but send billions of dollars to god's chosen people and are ok with starting expensive wars everywhere?
>n no muh small businesses goyim. this COULD affect you!
>no indie devs push in loot boxes
>its only the biggest "AAA" publishers that force it in every where.
>even single player only games
Yea Forums is filled with nothing but bait, it wouldn't be so bad but it's also filled to the brim with bait eaters
Then again, Yea Forums is REALLY fucking stupid so maybe some of them are legit
M rating means jack fucking shit. A rating would've made much more sense.
>user says while posting on Yea Forums
>I have no self control the government needs to help me ;_;
>More reasons to kill off AAA faggotry
>Acting like it's a bad thing
You disappoint me, user.
>Missouri is the ground zero focal point of Black Lives Matter, abortion, and lootboxes
>somehow despite constantly being a central part of the national conversation it's a "flyover state"
>his understanding of politics is reduced to a simplistic image of "da governmnet is a single entity and is bad"
Seems sadly we're in a world where devs choose to do that anyway.
Nope, but they are reigned in. They can't do whatever the fuck they want and they most certainly can't market their establishments and their gambling facilities to fucking kids.
>Implying games that have to worry about this are good.
Games with lootboxes 9/10 times are fully funded by a publisher. The 1/10 case was those Bungie games.
You know what I do instead? I don’t download games that aim to take advantage of me. I also argue on the internet when retards who think federal regulation is the answer to everything.
devs dont make money from this
all the profit goes to the ceos, producers and shareholders
That's not how it works. People who were trying to ban XYZ were already trying to do so. Whether or not lootcrates get banned for being gambling (something that's already illegal, mind you) doesn't make a difference. Stop acting like life is some sort of bizarre strategy game where the other side will only ever move a muscle after you've set some sort of example first. Every side will always try to do whatever they can to advance their own interests. Not advancing your own interests doesn't stop your opposition from moving forward anyway.
Ah, just like how our precious anime titty fighting games are still at risk right? Or how all the violence finally got games like Mortal Kombat or Call of Duty banned right? Or how PETA took down Pokemon for animal cruelty and having creatures designed by Satan in it? Be smart man, history repeats itself, we danced this dance before.
This nigger is so stupid. The Governement has made small regulations for Hollywood before and you don't see some doomsday scenario there. You can still watch your onions avengers movies.
>those with lootboxes, sure, why not.
All games just increased in price because they need to price match the tax increase.
Yuropoor socialists are now bringing their cancer overseas.
Restrictive government regulations like these are just the first steps towards totalitarianism.
>But they're not banning them completely
Not yet :)
>so this is a moot point
No, it isn't. Government moves slowly, but it moves inexorably. If it finds its first attempt doesn't work it'll just try something more.
>what I'm saying is it's literally impossible to enforce because finding out who is a kid and who isn't would be a herculean task
I just gave an example of how it wouldn't be. Apple themselves have literally built their entire modern core authentication system around high quality facial recognition and deployed it to hundreds of millions of devices. They could quite easily make it check like every 5-10 seconds on opening an "adult only" gambling app and autofail if it's not the registered credit card holder. I'm sure they don't WANT to do that, but it'd be entirely feasible with what's there already. I'm sure console makers wouldn't WANT to start having to actually require cameras rather then having them be optional, but they could.
Of course more likely is if the government said "you're free to offer this, but you must have adult recognition tech" most companies would just say "nah not worth it" and ban it entirely. The government wouldn't have officially and completely banned anything, but the effect could be the same.
Pretty sure in the French Revolution the rich and the clergy were the first to die.
>Why the fuck would you vote your rights away for fake safety? Why the fuck would you reduce your market options just because a gaggle of fuckwits buy lootboxes in games you probably don't even fucking play?
What fucking market options, you retard? More and more games are incorporating lootboxes and microtransactions because it's the big moneymaker. Even fucking Rockstar fell victim to this shit and their games sell dozens of millions within the week of release. What fantasy world are you living in?
This. Sometimes regulation is needed to protect the consumer, but in this case they're just offering a product that people are willing to pay for. As bad as this stuff might be, it's just too nebulous a thing to really regulate precisely, and is the first step in allowing probably these exact same politicians to start regulating how much violence is allowed in games.
There are way, WAY too many things that could be regulated as "we're protecting these people from themselves!".
Shall not infringe you commie bastards
the petit bourgeoisie can rot in hell for all i care
>leftist is against loot boxes
Wtf I love loot boxes now?
>buys a game knowing it has lootboxes
>complains anyways
What pushes an honest citizen to spend their sweat and free time dickriding and defending multi-million corporations?
it's funny because the USA is at a very real risk of succumbing to corporate totalitarianism
I think I've found your issue here
like some sort of absolute retard, you believe that this bill is going to be trying to catch and sue kids? who use their parents' credit cards?
No you absolute fucking mongoloid. The way this works is eventually you get a parent who complains that their kid used their credit card and spent 5k on EA Surpise-Mechanic Amusement Boxes (you know, just like the complaints you literally hear coming up through the news today), and then that lawsuit is used to punish EA for some arbitrary sum with the purpose of deterring that behavior.
Jesus christ how retarded are you? When someone told you "hey it's illegal for bars to serve you alcohol if you're under the age of majority" did you say "WOW WHAT, ARE THE COPS GONNA COME INTO THE BAR AND CHECK MY ID? HOW ARE THEY GONNA CATCH ALL OF US ALL OVER THE COUNTRY?" you absolute dumbfuck? All it takes is one instance and the bar is fined an exorbitant amount and they lose their liquor license. Presto. You've created a market environment that seeks to self regulate.
Do you need me to slow down the absolute fundamentals of law and order a little more for you or are you good?
>communism works guys trust me
>its 4 the people
So what? No seriously, I want to hear your retarded logic for how it's the government's job to enforce quality standards in games you probably don't even play, like fortnite.
How is it at ALL worth it to have the government take over the industry over time like in China just so a few shitty AAA games won't have a specific form of monetization? How fucking stupid do you have to be to not realize that whatever monkey-brained complaint you have about loot boxes will pay in comparison when the government's regulations start extending well past loot boxes? Why the fuck would you ever take that option? Just to 'stick it to EA'? What sort of stupid as shit logic is that?
>Lootbox money
>Going into game development
Unless the company is called CyGames, you're making shit up.
Money doesn't trickle down, you dumb burger.
Go easy on him, he's only 13
Blizzard/EA/Mobile on call psychologists out of a fucking job.
So people won't put out videogames with lootboxes because the higher upfront price will disencourage purchases. Sounds like a victory.
They're delusionals who think they'll surely win the lotto aaannnyyyyy day now and then they'll be super rich and do whatever so better to suppress the poor ahead of time!
>"It is my right to be scammed by Jews"
lmao @ Americans
>Everybody I don't like is American!
>Everybody I agree with isn't!
/int/ posters sure are fucking dumb.
>t. someone who uses lootboxes like heroin
More Russian propaganda and shit posting.
Thank you for this thorough prediction, Mr Krugmann.
How about I vote with my vote instead?
What did you think leftism was, retard? Identity politics?
I've just straight-up given up. Even after these past few years where basically every conservative/right-wing voice has been completely censored by the monopolistic social media companies, "conservative" politicians still refuse to even attempt to do jack fucking shit about the censorship, because "oh but that'd be government regulation and these are private companies!". They're so brainwashed by their retarded propaganda that they'd rather be completely silenced from public discourse than actually do something about it.
>All games
Nope, just lootbox ones.
>just increased in price because they need to price match the tax increase.
Good. Higher prices discourage use.
In the case of the MARKET, games are created based off of what consumers want. That is always, always signaled entirely in the form of dollars spent.
t.class cuck
>You incel manbabies
Right away you've shown you have no argument.
>just so a few shitty AAA games
You keep saying this and you're convincing nobody. It is the fucking industry standard and has been for nearly a decade now. NOT having lootboxes in a AAA game or F2P titles at this point is a rarity, almost unheard of.
Get out of your fucking mystical fantasy world.
>don't buy game
>no longer getting fucked by corporation
Wow that was so hard. Good thing I'm allowed to buy games based on the value I personally see in them.
Sometimes you have to use horrible weapons with horrible consequences to stop worse shit from happening.
Consider this our nuke on the studios so we don't need a brutally long war that might get physical.
>His understanding of politics is literally "government intervention = communism"
How do you achieve the brain activity to actually fucking post on this board?
>Regulation on companies is a left or right issue.
I can't imagine being so naive. Escape dialectical tension.
>has never exercised hard
>has never drove really fast
>has never sky dived
>has never had great sex
>does not understand how dopamine and adrenaline work
like a said. boring life.
>they'll just increase the price of loot box games
no they'll increase the price of loot box games to say 70$.
Then they'll price match that with other games, and disguise it as a "tax hike, sorry goyim"
Other companies will see this, and do the same.
the mock commies and socialist for being delusional utopians while being delusional utopians
>at least, it's not the government
Can't fucking wait for the Burger King police and the Walmart firefighters.
t. anti-American faggots
You don't like something a game does? THEN DON'T FUCKING PLAY IT. You want to still play the game even though it has some shit in it you hate? THEN PROMOTE SOME OTHER DEVELOPER TO MAKE A BETTER GAME OR DO IT YOURSELF. Do you not understand AT ALL how this works? The more fags like you out there, the closer we get to this beautiful system of ours crumbling down entirely assuming that's not secretly what you desire already. Fuck you.
I bet you also believe it when the big companies tell you they need shitty lootbox and DLC practices to make up for the cost of games, all the while they continue making exponentially higher and higher profits each year.
Law forces you to play exclusively new games?
>Please give me China-style control of gaming, big government! Please! I'm too stupid to control my own spending! Please government! I need your regulations, then I can enjoy my EA games again! Just take the industry!
It's a transparent falseflag user. Nobody on /pol/ or "libertarian" uses that stuff or complains about trump. It's a /pol/flake trying to "appeal to liberals" because all he knows is wordspam, he has no actual thinking going on in his brain.
see >Good. Higher prices discourage use.
>surely having less money will help these people that waste all their money
Shouldn't lootboxes only be legal in states that allow gambling?
>its afraid
You didn’t vote for shit. You have no control — that’s the best part :^)
The people defending this are mostly trannies and underage leftists from r/ChapoTrapHouse, they'll grow out of it eventually.
My post was taking the piss of when people drop support in something because the other side agrees
Such as /pol/ with net neutrality
You're still sidestepping the issue. This isn't ancapistan, there is more than just a market to answer to. Just like I can't sell crack and then just shrug my shoulders and say "lol well it sells so therefore it's fine".
Fuck your autistic objectivist lolbertarian bullshit.
I don’t think he understands how inflation works either, no need to keep responding.
Then pirate the game, or buy a key on G2A worst case scenario. This really isn't any of the consumer's concern.
Love it, you went from
to, after being told nobody here buys lootboxes
Neither option is viable, as the game you protest will still sell gangbusters because of industry hype.
You forgot #1 in hockey.
I mean it is
Almost like it's not the government's job to regulate your entertainment industries just because you're butthurt about phone games.
I've yet to have a single game I actually give a shit about do this. It's ALWAYS been the AAA trash aimed at dudebros and women on phones.
maybe I will
>government isn't just a few people, its the whole community
>lootbox ban
>nanny state takes control and starts banning violence, sex, free speech in games
>like prohibition, a lucrative black market is formed to cater to audiences of these games
>no one but corporate suits and whale retards want microtransactions or p2w, with no demand they die out and move on to real gambling
Fuck faggot companies and their shit monetization practices.
FuCk OfF ChUd
:weed cough:
Heh heh
americans are fucking retarded
loot boxes are inoffensive
what's the next step banning gacha games?
Private owned sectors are much better than anything the gobberment does. Amazon gets my shit to me in a day, meanwhile USPS would take a week even with express mailing
>used to think like this
>than lootboxes and micros pushed their way in to 89% of games
>basic game mechanics and unlocks are locked behind the loot boxes.
It's not objectivist anything. There's always going to be game mechanics they don't like. Sometimes they'll be things morally worth legislating away, but sometimes they'll just be shit you don't like. The main mechanism for correcting these things will always be through showing developers that your desires are actually worth a damn.
Lootbox consumers are worth more than you, by your choice.
And now we have less AA games and more AAA games.
You're absolutely retarded. People like you are why the conservatives have done nothing but lose for decades, because they're afraid to actually fucking do anything. So all they've ever done is cede ground and conserve nothing, all because of some autistic metaphysical principle that if they lift a finger to actively do something to their own benefit, that's letting their enemies win.
You are useless and should just kill yourself.
I hope
reminder that the government existing at all is immanently an infringement upon your rights
>its not a market decision because muh feelings
>t. anti-American faggots
You mean PRO-American patriots, unlike you who would betray our country.
>You don't like something a game does? THEN DON'T FUCKING PLAY IT
I have a better idea. Since I live in a country that values Freedom, Democracy, and individual voices, that was founded on fighting unelected rulers, I'll use that to fight for myself and the common man against unelected corporate rulers who parasitize off society then don't want any responsibility for it.
>Do you not understand AT ALL how this works?
We do, and a lot better then you. If you don't like it so much how about you move to Somalia or some similar FREEDUM FROM GOVERNMENT country huh?
it's a flyover state because it's a shit-hole
lots of newsworthy shit happens in shit-holes.
you dying to go visit sunny detroit?
maybe vacay in syria?
>what's the next step banning gacha games?
that cancer needs to be removed ASAP
^This. It's not a matter of them wanting to avoid getting assfucked; it is a matter of them choosing who gets to fuck them in their ass.
>Advocating for facial recognition for private companies
Can we ban titty streamers next?
>Government stopping lootboxes is literally Chinese style censorship
Libertarians are so cringe bro. I can't wait for the state to take away all of your rights desu.
Do you cry about casinos being regulated? You corporate shill
yea and also amazon treats their workers like shit and doesn't pay taxes
is that nick cage?
>Every thread without fail we have that one retarded libertarian who literally just keeps spouting "vote with your wallet, durr stop asking the gubment to baby you" over and over to every argument that proves him categorically wrong. Time and again being told that nobody here that complains about lootboxes buys them, that companies hire psychologists to target a small minority of players to milk money out of them, that these games will still sell because impressionable retards see ads on TV and big review scores
>Walmart firefighters.
>he doesn't know
Fire fighters are volunteers not government, you fucking retard. Theres a reason they're not run by the government.
>government decides to tax one tiny, well hated by everyone, niche of videogames
>retarded ancaps willy-nilly start fantasizing about how this will unequivocally lead to the IVth Reich
You fuckers need to chill.
>when you're county liberates itself from the rule of a select royal few only to be ruled by a select corporate few
ah well
Judeo-capitalism needs to be destroy
be a strasserist
Amazon treats their day to day operations people like garbage. Their engineers are treated like kings
>he actually thinks gaming is a monopoly
Guess what happens if a bunch try to just unilaterally increase prices? Others will undercut them. The market at work bitch.
nice to see cancer getting chemo'd
keep it up boys, ban this sick filth
who the fuck are you quoting?
>than lootboxes and micros pushed their way in to 89% of games
I can't even remember the last game I played with these things and I play a lot of new stuff every year.
But even if this were true, it doesn't matter. What I said still applies. Don't fucking play the games then, and support the growth of games you want to play. Stop being a coddled little faggot and stand up for yourself.
>Trying to ban violence
the american government went there already in the 1990's it ended with the esrb being formed.
>Trying to regulate ratio of gender/racial representation
why is this something that the government would regulate, they don't do it with the music or movie industry
>Giving incentives to companies that push agendas through their games
developers already push their own agendas, for all we know this is/has already been happening.
>Banning certain imagery because it is deemed offensive
Too vague, too subjective.
>proven wrong
>"dude... regulations are good"
no they're not. You guys just plug your ears.
>what's the next step banning gacha games?
What a wonderful thought.
Voting with a wallet is a meme shilled by corporations to get goyim to sit down and shut up instead of voicing their complaints. It does nothing. It doesn't matter how much I support quality games, because there will always be more retards with a gambling addiction who fall right into the trap that these companies tailor to extract maximum profits from them.
There is no reason not to ban it. Autistic lolbertarian principles are not a valid reason.
I know it's hard for commie brains to understand complex concepts, but I'll try to keep it simple and to the point:
If the government gets involved in gaming, they aren't going to stop at lootboxes. Have fun with the inevitable push for censorship of violent games and/or H-games and shit.
>proven wrong
lol ok
First, not once did I ever say I play games with loot boxes in it you fucking retard, stop assuming. Second, America is in a tight spot right now so I don’t think it’s good to be so embracing of that. Third, some of my favorite games have sections that I hate, doesn’t instantly invalidate my entire experience of enjoyment with the game itself. Stop mass responding with this bait man, not everyone here has time for shitposting.
Holy jesus this is the hottest discussion on Yea Forums in a while. It's actually invigorating.
Just because people don’t like something doesn’t mean you need to steal their money
not yet
I have a right to shaft the populace and advertise in every facet of their life?
>proven wrong
Typically you have to actually prove something in the first place before proving anyone wrong.
>no they're not.
Yeah they are ignorant child. Plug your ears and eyes all you want but 1900-1960s wasn't that long ago. We know exactly how shit went down with no regulations and no free market.
Mass Effect 3's multiplayer was genuinely improved by lootboxes. It kept me playing LONG after I'd have gotten bored with it otherwise. However, this was back before companies viewed them as an important revenue stream, so whilst you COULD buy them for real money, in-game currency rewards were generous.
>government decides to tax one tiny, well hated by everyone, niche of videogames
>government should be used as a weapon to hurt people I don't like
>Others will undercut them
are you retarded?
How many games are "under cut" everything is 60$
No I'm pretty sure the conversations against your retarded ass go
>Vote with your wallet, stop buying lootboxes
>We don't buy lootboxes
>Well then stop buying these games
>We don't, but they still sell millions
>Well just stop perceiving them as a problem because MUH FREE MARKET can't be wrong
>loot boxes are inoffensive
American's are indeed retarded and so are you apparently
>what's the next step banning gacha games?
No the next step is to not ban anything, you wouldn't ban fucking trading cards would you?
The correct answer is don't play gacha games and don't buy lootboxes because there isn't a single game worth playing that utilizes this shiet and I am disappointed in all of you.
Don't threaten me with a good time
There's no "meme" here. Lootbox purchasers are catered to because they're spending more than you. If you were spending much more than them on your preferred game or game mechanisms, then you'd see more of what you like. Publishers absolutely prioritize profit and there's no way you can pretend that they don't.
Says the guy who’s so addidcted to a video game, he can’t put it down for one that doesn’t make him assblasted
Low IQ take. Government is natural. "Rights" do not exist.
Libertarians understand when you give the government power they don't take a step, they take a mile. We're looking after you because we are you.
Except there is a hard precedent for them shitting in loot box trash. Nice slippery slope fallacy, retard.
>We know exactly how shit went down with no regulations and no free market.
Clearly you don't, the market was fixing itself and the regulations created Unions. You're just brainwashed by the public schools to think the government regulations actually fixed this.
>He actually thinks prices will increase when the $60 standard is so hard baked into the audience
Protip: AAA gaming has already tried to overcome this perspective by introducing deluxe+ultra day one editions, because releasing a game for more than $60 literally doesn't work ever.
>AAA trash aimed at dudebros
That's because you're too much of a stupid fucking zoomer to remember when AAA franchises weren't a fucking death knell for creativity. Remember when EA published and created games like fucking Timesplitters, NBA Street, SSX Tricky?
Lootboxes are the natural apex of chasing dollars - they released Apex Legends actually functionally fucking unfinished and it soared for months on lootbox profits alone. Titanfall is dead now, and you have this unchecked industry to thank for it, you scum-sucking retard.
You really are going to stretch this dumb thought experiment until it's horrific enough that I can't say anything against it, huh?
No, games in the 90s used to cost more than today when you take inflation into account, and this didn't mean that there were less "AA" or small time company games put out than there are now.
You're on the right track. Both unbridled capitalism and communism suck ass, and I hate the false dichotomy that brainlets force on the world.
That said, strasserism is a bit too far for my taste. But I can get along.
what's the difference between lootboxes and trading cards?
>everybody i dont like is a communist
nice facebook meme too
>>Advocating for facial recognition for private companies
But I didn't. I just pointed out it's already there and already happening, and therefore it's fucking retarded to say "oh it's impossible" as an argument. If you want to argue against it, argue against it. But saying "it can't be done" just invites "oh yes it can" and now what faggot? You're stuck there like a retard.
literally several examples in that post you quoted
voting with your wallet is irrelevant because these games sell millions and earn billions. this drastically increases the chances of games you do like becoming infected with this garbage.
retarded fucking libertarian.
>stop protecting children and the vulnerable!
>denies reality about modern gaming industry trends
you know They aint gonna make you rich right? get real nigga.
Then why aren't you protesting the FDA's existence?
It doesn't matter if I play it or not because I'm not the people it's targeting. Lootbox and gacha games are scummy as fuck and my wallet doesn't matter in this. It's more profitable to rob a small group of people for everything they've got than it is to have a large paying playerbase. These systems are gaining more and more traction because of this.
Why is someone always trying to convince me to champion their political views by describing some absurd slippery slope?
wtf u mean they get money by other means if whales aren't allowed 2 buy lewtboxeS?!?!?!?!?!
>please nanny mods, make Pokemon/generals/etc. their own containment board
Let’s see neo Yea Forums defending this
>every thread without fail every single retard replies to a guy who takes the libertarian position
>somehow they fail to connect the facts together
>if you dislike lootboxes, you're a communist
>banning gacha games?
Yes, a thousand time yes.
>He actually thinks prices will increase when the $60 standard is so hard baked into the audience
>he actually doesn't remember when games were 50$ before Xbox360
>he actually doesn't remember when they claimed the HD disc was cause for the price hike, and everyone else copied them
Which is why we need the government to ban the practice. I'm glad we've finally converged in our thinking.
we're well past the point of nanny state, if we are to have our diaper changed, let us have warm milk as well
If companies thought they could get away with charging more then $60 for a base experience, they'd have done it already, loot boxes or not.
>the market was fixing itself
Hahahaha. Yeah sure thing, Love Canal and all was just the market fixing itself! You clearly have no idea what a Free Market actually is. Amongst other things it requires cost internalization, which requires government regulation. The Free Market is a creation and tool of government & society. It's not some standalone thing. It doesn't "fix itself" ever, that doesn't even make sense.
I'm far from a communist. I'm an actual conservative. Not a libertarian retard. Your argument makes no sense. You can't point to another media industry that the Gov stopped an abusive practice in that they eventually ruined. Online poker has been illegal for years now.
>t. publicly traded multinational company
do you proof read the dumb shit you post before hitting "post"?
They shouldn't ban it. They should've just required games with loot boxes be labeled as AO(18+). A responsible adult should be able to gamble if they please.
As a side effect it would open up the gaming industry allowing for more adult themes in games.
The cost isn't causing AA games to fail. Its the regulations.
No, dumbass. What would ideally happen is that game production budgets would scale back to reasonable numbers instead of inflating constantly so that smaller AA companies can actually flourish again. Remember AA companies? The ones that got beaten into submission with the rising cost of video game creation?
>dude just like spend more money than whales lol
>Because facial recognition software is available companies will be able to use such a thing when it would be a breach of the fourth amendment
Keep going euro, it's funny hearing you argue about all this shit and about why people spying on you should be okay because it would keep retards from having to actually supervise their kids
so you guys want to ban something just because you don't like it? you are no different from sjws...
Eat shit you no-argument loser.
Same to you.
>Since I live in a country that values Freedom, Democracy, and individual voices, that was founded on fighting unelected rulers, I'll use that to overthrow those values entirely, while pretending that it's EVERYONE ELSE who parasites off of society and not the other way around.
Fixed that for you, cunt. You want freedom and democracy? Then you drop shit you don't like and you go and support what you do like with what you've got. Everyone has this opportunity. It doesn't get ANY freer or democratic than that.
What are you even trying to say? Make a coherent argument. What business is it of the government if whales buy loot boxes for phone games? Are you assblasted about F2P games? Assblasted about shitty EA rehashes with loot boxes?
This shit literally doesn't effect anyone but people with shit taste to begin with. Why would I want government intervention on a total non issue that only effects people that play shit like fortnite and clash of clans?
You would be banned
Fucking 10,000 (you)s only one of me
what about third universal theory?
>dumb leftist saying everybody they dont like is a nazi
>ayo hold up? you are a fucking commie!
This. They can barely even manage that, most people wait for sales. If they could charge $100 MSRP for the base game and $250 for "deluxe" already they would.
Amazing to see all these "market defender liberturdians" who don't even show the vaguest most basic understanding of a market.
Okay Yea Forums, take your pick. If you had to move and it had to be in one of these places, what would it be?
>A country where a government controls every aspect of your life and if you fail to comply with the rules, you get executed.
>A country with no government. No rules. You can literally do anything you want with no consequence.
Take your pick
I bet you're the guy that thinks child labor was stopped by the government.
any data to back that up?
Maybe if they need to spend that much money to make a game they serve to die.
why are you quoting yourself
Fuck gachaniggers, fuck gachashit, and fuck you faggot
God I love Wojak posters outing themselves as retards and dethroned the dumb frogposters. Just no actual response, arguments, rebuttals but just a shitty greentext, some buzzwords and a bad edit of something that needed to die off already.
More like protect us from whales with addiction problems that have absolutely turned gaming into slot machine skinner boxes.
I don't care about sjws
so fuck gacha and all kinds of monetization on non-free to play games
Corporations aren’t anyone’s friends, so stop defending them, fuckhead
I want to ban them because they are actively making bad games with poor gameplay elements and by conjunction encouraging the industry to follow them.
SJWs want to ban games because it hurts their feelings.
Big difference.
life isn't normally an only-this-or-that dilemma, though
>microtransactions are considered art
I guess the art of manipulating retards into giving you five dollars is still considered art.
Libertarianism is a jewish ideology meant to keep good people out of government. It has a double Jew effect. It keeps good, libery-loving boys out of government and it makes those same people shill of the rights of their corporations. You have been brainwashed.
lol who the fuck are you talking to or about?
Being mad that developers are catering to people who spend more money than you is stupid. Trying to ban every mechanic that people spend more money than you to get is a silly approach. Inevitably you're not going to be able to ban everything you dislike.
Get over yourselves.
I'd probably die in both of those worlds because the second would be no different than one of the Purge movies.
How does it feel knowing you're actually shifting the opinions of retards who think your shitposting is genuine and in their eyes - correct?
Because your innocent little game is genuinely damaging.