Just finished this. All I can say is... what the actual fuck? Any other mindbending titles like this?

Just finished this. All I can say is... what the actual fuck? Any other mindbending titles like this?

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Good taste. That's probably my favorite or second favorite game. I'll add Steins;Gate to the list, and the prequel to VLR if you haven't played it. The sequel is alright (in my opinion), but if you want a conclusion to VLR it's better than nothing.


Zero Escape is old hat now and nobody talks about it anymore because of that.

>this shit again
OP asked for titles. I added two. There's winning conditions and losing conditions, there's gameplay, and you control the images on the screen. Thus it is a game.

I guess life is simply unfair

Ever17. Would have been more of a mindfuck if I didn't read 999 and VLR beforehand though

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A snail killed 's mom

>ywn play 999 for the first time again

I literally finished 999 last week. Dude, it was so fucking good. These two games are ultimate mindfucks.

Yes the director has made several others.

why was zero time dilemma that bad

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Because life is simply unfair.

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this shit is fucking great. ztd was good for the memes


It seemingly didn't care about VLR or 999 for starters.

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Without details, are there many similarities between Ever17 and 999? I played the Zero Escape games and was looking for Ever17

Uchi dropped his initial draft, played too much Telltale and didn't write 2/3rds of the game.

There's a few yeah. Still plenty of surprises though.

Zero Time Dilemma :^)

There are a bunch of similarities.

they're by the same writer and he's kind of a hack, so similarities are to be expected

I'll still play it then

It took so long to get greenlit for production that the story he wrote after VLR seemed "old" to him and he just decided "what if I just fucking rewrote the whole third game with some other people" and thats how ZTD came to be

Have you been following Lemniscate A-Set / Tesa? (A virtual Youtuber from Uchi's new project.) She made a video where she answered questions. Someone asked her "who's your favorite Zero Escape character?" and she said "Kyle". Cracked me up.

Ever17 is 999 but WITH AN EVEN BETTER TWIST, except you have a lot more filler to go through to get to that part.

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