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Does Yea Forums agree?

Cyberpunk thread.

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I like synthwave

What an autistically whiny rant.

God Cyberpunk is gonna be a boomer's idea of resistance and anarchy isn't it?

I like Reddit.

Yes. The true cyberpunk music is techno.

death to reddit but hes right

>people who loved Blade Runner 2049 but thought the original was too boring
these exist? the BR2019 audience is pretty self-selecting; everyone I know who actually saw it were fans of the first one

imagine disliking this

he propably listens to vaporwave

I really enjoy synthwave and your video too but this sounds more like vaporwave if i'm not mistaken

based good opinion redditor

the original Blade Runner is a well made movie but it's fucking boring. also very rarely people prefer the sequel to the first one. i don't even care about cyberpunk 2077 but this guy should fuck right off

oh my bad, i got them condused

Personally I do think sthe first one is a boring film. The story it tells is boring for the most part, but the visual storytelling of the setting is enchanting. It's fun to watch when you are picking out as many details you can see in the background as possible.



oh it's okay user there are a shitload of subgenre in this type of music

I think the irony is that Blade Runner is an objectively boring film, but it is an incredible film for many other reasons. The sheer banality of it all is what helps bring the setting and atmosphere to life.

Imagine painting your generalizations with such broad strokes.

enjoy some toe instead
>is an objectively boring film, but it is an incredible film for many other reasons.
this describes 2001: a space odyssey perfectly


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Synthwave isn't offensive to listen to and it can help when you work but it's indeed all the same shit very quickly and there's little to no work for the composition and the artistic intent is close to zero.

As for cyberpunk, I don't know much about it. The genre sounds interesting which its "very high tech, low life" basis but transhumanism, while it is definitely one of the subjects that should be touch upon more often nowadays as we are gradually integrating the concept in our everyday lives, is an uncomfortable and rather scary thing to me that redefines the concept of humanity and life.

i own the trilogy on vinyl and it's awesome

soulless manufactured nostalgia-pandering hauntological cuckwave fits the theme of dystopian, corporate-driven megalopolitian rootlessness perfectly. cyberpunk is not supposed to be representative of any sort of counter-culture, it's a reductio ad absurdum extrapolation of where hyperreal culture is heading.

the "fast food of electronic music" is the fucking anthem of the future cyberpunk represents

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Surely an accurate construction of this world wouldn't just contain the aspects of punk culture. What would the overproduced, overthought and superficial pop music of 2077 sound like? Synthwave is maybe grounded too much in nostalgia for 80s futurism, but also that make it somewhat appropriate in a way.

>Here's fine example of historical art in the form of a statue and the piece in question is David, by Michelangelo
>And here is vomit, produced today, by our resident feminist artist
>How much for the vomit? I'll pay a million dollars because it's so NEW

You can't really say that carpenter brut is your standard synthwve though. Same with perturbator. They took the concept of the genre and made their own thing.
I can't really disagree that that syntwave fell flat when everything is a copy of lazerhawk or powerglove.

OP here that's a based response and exactly what I thought but couldn't put into words.

Reducing it to what it originally was in the tabletop in terms of rock and punk just seems like the creators are old and don't get the new gen Z society that is being created. My dad was an anarachist in the old Soviet bloc and it seems the CP team is taking inspiration from that first and foremost.

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Is Carpenter Brut even considered synthwave?

I agree with his sentiments but Cyberpunk is gonna be for the synthwave audience anyway.

This is now a synthwave thread

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r8 my battlestation sunfags

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can someone point me to an opinion piece that does not excessively suck cdprojekt's dick and is actually willing to criticize this game anywhere?

I swear it's a psy-op or something but all i can find anywhere including youtube and forums is just relentless praise and MUH KEANU

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0/10 not enough magenta

>reading opinion pieces on a game that isn't out yet

You are part of the problem.

THIS is cyberpunk music

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It makes sense for soulless interchangeable music banking on nostalgiafaggotry to be representative of an era where originality, truth and feelings got buried into the overwhelming technological hell that is the cult of appearances.

Except our own version of cyberpunk is already here, with our flashy neon light being replaced by the familiar blue and white page of our FB/Insta/Twitter feeds.

I want to see the person who wrote this try to produce a synth track with a euro rack synth and build it from scratch, Taking the output from said synth into your PC and recording the output to a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation), Do some touch ups and post it and try to garner likes and or love.

lmao i will never forget the comfy apartment in that game

I don't disagree entirely but synthwave is based on taking a sound that's dated and reinterpreting it with modern technology. I think that dates it on multiple levels and I'd like to think they could extrapolate what kind of musical sounds might be commonplace sixty years from now and come up with something that's not based on our own current nostalgia for 80s pop culture.

I fuckin love synthwave

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Why the fuck is this great album being posted on Yea Forums? Reminds me of good high school days.

I don't go on Yea Forums, so I don't know if it's a meme there or not.

What's Yea Forums's opinion on vaporwave?

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If I were feeling lees tired I'd add to the conversation but as it is I'll just say reasonable and thoughtfulpilled

because its damn good

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It'll follow the same arc as the Witcher 3. You'll see nothing but effusive praise outside Yea Forums (and that will just be bait posts) from now until a year after the game releases and someone who's not beholden to clickbait dollars spends time actually analyzing the game at a mechanical level.

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are they actually getting people to record tracks for the game?

they already got refused (the band)

The fact that they seem to imply that there is some intellectual depth to Refn's other films completely makes their point invalid.

Synthwave is cool.

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What's the difference between vaporwave and synthwave?

Vaporwave is more abstract, While synthwave is more orderly.

Vaporwave is a sort of 90s vibe and aesthetic. Think 90s mall music but remixed a little.

Synthwave is 80s with, obviously, synthesizer.

>synthwave bad because buzzwords
>if you like synthwave you hate bladerunner and philip k dick but you love drive
what a gay wrong opinion having false equivalence spouting bitch

>nothing punk about synthwave
and thats a good thing!

Oh, synthwave >>>> vaporwave then
The 90s were a terrible, terrible decade for popular music.

I mean he's not wrong

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Pretty much what the other anons said, here are some example



>Blade Runner
try again faggot, that's cyber-noir

Punk is an ethos not a fashion style.

>Philip K. Dick
lmao, imagine the kind of parent that names his son dick.
Son, one day you'll be known as Mr. Penis lol.

we postin cyberpunk music?

Nice Gif, Who is she?

What a reddit post. Whole lotta words for very little content. Fuck off OP.

Beezy Beiley, but the video that's from is like 10 years old.

How old was she back then?

>The 90s were a terrible, terrible decade for popular music.
Absolutely shit taste, user. Jesus you couldn't be more wrong if you tried. I guess you never heard about Eiffel 65, Smashing Pumpkins, Darude, Aqua, Vanilla Ice, MC Hammer, Nine Inch Nails, Will Smith, Stone Temple Pilots, or Smash Mouth huh? Did Kurt Cobain slip your mind? Feel free to name a song that's ever been as popular and catchy as the Macarena but you can't.

Well, she looks like an emo, so she was probably still a teen back then.

Witcher 3's combat was perfectly fine.

What kind of teen? Like Eight and above or seven and below?

How the fuck am I supposed to know exactly.

Vapourwave is much slower, based more on sampling existing music, slowing down the tempo and heavy distortion.

Synthwave is replicating and expanding upon various forms of electronic music from the 80s, especially synthpop and EBM.

Synthwave all the way.

is Kavinsky synthwave? that has some edge to it. i wouldnt doubt the OP pic is mostly correct, despite sounding like a fag. in short, i think he's generalizing

I like vaporwave music too.

Here's one of my favorite mixes.

what is the difference in the way boomers and zoomers view resistance and anarchy?

boomers have humanity, zoomers are soulless like chinese people

Yeah this is just gatekeeping hipster shit. And I first read the Sprawl trilogy at age 8

Zoomers think that resistance means supporting government and corporate agendas.

the other user sounded distraught over the fact it would be boomer anarchy, so im thinking he had a different idea in mind

How much of it did you truly understand at age 8?

>people who don’t read books but have read the entire hotline miami wiki
haha thank god i’m not one of those guys

I went to the record shop on the campus of the Conservatorium in Vienna and bought and listened to a recording of "Resonance" by HOME. I suffered a great deal in the process. The melody was dreadful; the music was terrible. As I listened, I noticed that every time a bar was played the artist had added a squeal of reverb. I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that squeal was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. HOME's music is so governed by empty synthetic gestures and shallow played-straight repetition that he has no other style of playing.

But when I posted that on Reddit, I was denounced. I was told that children would now listen only to HOME and synthwave, and I was asked whether that wasn't, after all, better than listening to rap? If synthwave was what it took to make them turn off niggerbeats, wasn't that a good thign?

It is not. Synthwave will not lead out children on to ACDC's "Back in Black" or to Greenday's "American Idiot." It will not lead them to Paschabel's "Cannon in D" or Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit."

Later I read a lavish, loving YouTube comment on Resonance from Chris Christodoulou. It was something to the effect of, "If these kids are listening to synthwave at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to listen to video game music." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you listen to synthwave you are, in fact, trained to think that video game soundtracks are real music.

they should include trance, techno and hard rock with the punk

a man of taste. Toe's drummer is on par with Neil Peart imo. then again maybe the genres arent comparable

Before synthwave, I always considered industrial-electro / aggrotech to be very cyberpunkish music.

Example (the song is about ww2 but the sound I always considered to be cyperpunk)

This is dogshit

This, however, is good

Original user here. I mean like 90's and early 2000's punk. Weird spiky hairstyles, fight the power, grafitti, resistance against societal norms. Nowadays we live in an age where the people in power are overwhelmingly liberal so liberal resistance makes little sense to the younger generation. In fact it seems that young extremists now either want to become communists or fascists. Nobody wants to take drugs and be left alone by the government as it used to be back in the days of the boomer.

I hope my explanation makes sense I'm half asleep.

What genre would you call Metroid Prime music?

Double Shit
Edgy Shit
Mumble Shit
Nirvana sucks ass.
Kill yourself boomer.

so you're actually in favor of it being boomer resistance/anarchy ideals? your original post made it seem like the opposite, which is why i was confused. otherwise i agree, except that, in the US, at least, conservatives are in control of the three branches of government currently

post some real cyberpunk shit, you faggots.
AKIRA: the manga is a serious must-read for the cyberpunk connoisseur

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zoom zoom


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Synthwave is literally discord tranny: the genre

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this one isnt cyberpunk but its still pretty cool.

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synthwave and vaporwave is for people that don't listen to music

Nice opinion, fag. Scroll through my MP3 player once and you'll find Synthwave, Jazz, Folk, Metal, Pop, Classic, Oldies, etc. etc.

The manga goes so much more in depth than the movie does. I loved it.

most likely the most entry level of each especially since you didn't mention any sub genres

>sub genres

What a fucking moron.

does that take the real value of the amount into account, i.e. inflation? that specific art piece looks sick as fuck, btw. if other art goes for a similar price, id probably take that if i had a retarded amount of money that altered my perception of value

just make that shit yourself lol

im tempted, but it has that wabi sabi(sp?) that would make mine look like shit by comparison

Synthfaggots are just today's zoomer fedoras who obsessed over the 50s and listened to Fallout and Bioshock soundtracks

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Synth and Vapor are two separate things.

>I'm into REAL cyberpunk
what a faggot

It all boils down to muh 80s

Synthwave was never a Cyberpunk thing

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The first two tracks on this album are the greatest cyberpunk/synthwave/etc music ever made.

Prove me wrong.

He isn't wrong. It also sounds good, so I don't really care.

It is to people who the OP is describing, that poster included.

Brut and Perturbator are both synthwave you giganigger. I bet you're one of those subgenre dicksuckers that will scream "IT'S DARKSYNTH!!!! WWAAAHHHH"

Pic related is you.

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hey, Fallout's soundtrack was pretty good
but synthfaggotry is really kind of shit compared to real music.

I actually agree with this, now while I don't think it's wrong to like synthwave, I really don't like any synthwave myself and find it's aesthetic too faux. In many ways a simulacrum rather than something that builds on established concepts.

I think neon in itself does have a place in cyberpunk, especially when you consider neon signs were still very common in the 80's when much of the groundwork of the aesthetics of cyberpunk were established. If I had a choice I wouldn't want 2077 to have a sythwave soundtrack but it wouldn't stop me from playing and likely enjoying the game.

Also I think synthwave peaked years ago, when you have fucking Muse making a synthwave album and shit like Kung Fury and Far Cry Blood Dragon you're really at the point where the vogue moment has passed.

Now, I myself am into and have been into since the begginning anything dealing with synthesizers, One of my favorite artist Jean-Jacques Perry. He was what actually got me into the "style" with Baroque Hoedown. Sorry for digressing what I was wanting to ask is, Have you heard any songs from Magic Sword?

I meant beginning

It might not be punk, but it's pretty cyber.
Shouldn't cyberpunk have a good deal of both represented?

I think we're going to see a whole bunch of Diversity and Representation in said game.

Literally who?

nothing is cyberpunk. stop trying to tell me or anyone else what is. apparently cyberpunk doesnt have days, gays, and now syth music? fuck off with your analogies i wish theyd just called it nightcity 2077. and just claimed it was based off a pen and paper game. never mentioning cyberpunk genre.

sounds good to me

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