>he still plays RTCW in 2019
He still plays RTCW in 2019
>Imagine not playing BEST wolfenstein
Did Yea Forums ever lobby up together for RTCW MP or WolfET back in the day? Seems like it would've been a lot of fun.
>He doesn't exclusively reinstall RTCW just to play Forest
lmaoing at your life
2009, right?
The Super Soldiers were more difficult
When they make a better Wolfenstein game then let me know.
XX century tech > X century
Zoomer here, what was gaming like in 2001?
Pure. Easily my favorite era.
>That soundtrack
Best map coming through
Same as now: fun.
>November 15, 2001
Halo CE on Xbox, couch co-op with a friend, bags of Cool Ranch doritos with Sam's Cola because that shit is somehow delicious.
>Kick open door
my man
>play RTCW for first time
>hear huge Nazi aircraft flying over
>music changes suddenly
>walk outside to see thousands of paratroopers coming down
>too shocked to do anything but stare in awe
>they land and start entering the compound you're in
>you know they're gunning upstairs for you in less than a minute and that shit's about to get real
Cringe and normalfagpilled
I knew it would be this song before I even clicked. Game has an awesome soundtrack. I need to pirate it so I can play it again because I have no idea where my disc is.
The ones with the shields were freaky
I'm sorry, I don't understand your zoomer-tier memespeak, user.
>going around tripping every alarm just to hear this track play
>It's a Kugelstadt mission
>It's a stealth in the city mission
Those levels are the only low-points of the game.
Why the fuck do I need to escort some faggot in a tank when I can handle them all myself
>Snipers that hit you from across the map for 50+ HP on I AM DEATH INCARNATE
>but Assault is the best level in the game guys!
I still play Wolfenstein enemy territory daily desu also what's with the RTCW threads every midnight for the past two months
The new Wolfenstein games are just gay leftist antifa bullshit
Commies were more facsistic than nazis
There are people playing that?
Daily reminder that it's happening
RollerCoaster Tycoon World?
What's the appeal of this game? I finished it recently and I've found it very mediocre. The occult theme was cool but outside of that one level at the beginning it doesn't show up until the endgame
Yeah there's a decent chunk of players playing ranging from NQ to jaymod and slient with full servers i can shill you fearless assassin's servers since they're the most populated also their servers always full during evening at EU it includes silent hardcore (tk on) jaymod and normal slient, also there's always people playing on their jaymod server at any giving time
Still the quintesential Wolfenstein track
How shit are you? Just run towards them and take cover behind the truck you ape. Retards like you are the reason why video games are turning into "press x to do everything".
I think to people that played it when it first came out, it blew everyone's socks off, especially mine, considering that the only other FPS I had played up to that point was Wolf3d. However, if you're coming into it from a modern perspective, there's definitely a lot of elements that age it, and it's totally acceptable to see it as an average shooter. For me, it's a 9/10 game because of the sound design, the id Tech III engine aesthetic, the map design, and just the core gameplay, although I prefer some of the mods like Venom Mod and RealRTCW to spice it up.
New Order and Old Blood were great and free of SJW bullshit, fuck off.
>Well, Agent Blaskowicz. You are a most impressive speciment. It will be my pleasure to dissect you piece by piece. Let me introduce you to someone.
>Do not confuse him with the mere prototypes you have encountered. This is the pinnacle of all my research.
>Das Ubersoldat. The Super Soldier.
>It will be my pleasure to watch him destroy you.
"Thus, you will see the superiority of the machine over flesh and blood"
"Impossible! We shall meet again another day!"
And we don't meet Deathshead again until The New Order.
moments like this
>TFW we'll never get Wolf games as good as RtcW
I hate nuWolf
>Not using binoculars
Suffer cuck
>Reports of a movie based on the Wolfenstein series (specifically, based on Return to Castle Wolfenstein) date back to 2002. In a chat with Eurogamer, id Software CEO Todd Hollenshead said, "With the writer's strike it took so long to get underway and Roger Avary, the writer, had a commitment that was in line before working the Wolfenstein stuff, but I've recently been in contact with Roger and he's actually working on the script right now." Hollenshead added, "There's some contract provisions and if they don't have certain things done within a certain period of time they can't just sit on the rights forever and not use them." Avary was hired in August 2007 to write and direct a Return to Castle Wolfenstein movie for Davis Films, but he was arrested and jailed for manslaughter after a DUI led to the death of a passenger in a car wreck.
Everything was so long ago its depressing
Gaming before women, niggers, trannies and discord ruined it.
Was heaven on earth.
I kinda want to get Old Blood, is that any good?
Games were made for Gamers and not for normalfags who want Netflix with quick time events and 3rd person camera. Also no crazy SJW shit.
simple. exciting. you always wondered what was around the corner and there was a feeling of culture. there was no post-modern irony or detachment. if you made good friends back then there's a good chance you'd still be friends with them today. the people you'd play against could still be dicks and things got heated, more than they do nowadays, but there were no convenient catch phrase trash talk exchanges. if someone pissed you off you'd call them a faggot and keep playing. getting offended wasn't something that your average gamer even considered, there was only getting pissed off because you were losing or getting griefed, but other than that nobody cared. it was all about having a laugh. game reviews and ads were funny. silly shit in games got made fun of, but in a playful way. it was all just fun. it felt like the devs made the games, but the games belonged to us. now everythings different.
>"I think you need to crank it harder..."
The multiplayer
Someone needs to make this happen.
Also don't use the in-game browser use trackbase or splatladder and use et legacy 2.25 (if you crash with jaymod or anything google the fix u just have to replace one file from the original game)
frankenstein's army is pretty fun and has great monsters even if it's found footage
Sten or FG-42?
Real RTCW or bust
Ubersoldat with the rpg is by far the most annoying enemy in the game
>that one panzer protofaggot with a flamethrower butt buddy protecting him
>and you fight everysingle one of them in crampped hallways
Same goes with the walking tesla torsos guys
They can kill you in 1 or 2 hits and you always fight them in tiny rooms or hallways
FG 42 gang
If it wasn't for those 2 enemies, I'd be able to run through the game with 0 deaths.
Yes. More of the weird occult stuff.
they wouldn't be a problem in they didn't kill you in 2 hits
they are a pain even with mods that add weapons
Facing off with a Panzer Ubersoldat when you have no rockets is hard as hell, cause you have to be in their line of sight to do any damage, and the second you're in their FOV, they blast your ass.
i usually rush them with the venom gun and hope for the best
or run away and take pot shots with the kar98k
Same. It wouldn't be a problem if the maps they appeared in weren't so close-quarters. That and the rockets travel fast as fuck, so they always hit you for splash damage even if you peek for a milisecond.
Uncensored chats, SJW-ism at a minimum, games were made by gamer geeks and not by "i want to grow up to make my own anime RPG game" lifeless interns.
I'll rather fight entire rooms of paratroopers or elite guards
they are far more manageable
Even the snipers in the air base and jet station are more balanced and they can hit scan you from across the map
I really liked the elite guards, they were fun to take on. I wish there was 1 or 2 more levels with them in it.
I love this part
never get over the fact that they use british machine guns
theres a mod that gives them mp 34s and mp 40s
>"i want to grow up to make my own anime RPG game" lifeless interns
LOL if only. Everyone that works as a videogame writer is someone who couldn't hack it in "real" writing (ie their self-published transtrenderqueer PoC of Color agenderbian muslim furry novel didn't sell more than 3 digital copies), every game journalist is someone that couldn't get a job at a real news outlet, and $60 games are made by grinding contractor bones and brains to dust, with cut content to be sold as DLC or lootboxes, just to bloat publisher executive bonuses
I miss the old days where you had one shot to make your game works, no incomplete buggy bullshit or "roadmaps" promising content 6 months from now, where the game is completely irrelevant
mp34 in RealRTCW is beast
the stg 44, g43 and bar also wreck through everything and theres always plenty of ammo for those
I played Real RTCW more than the regular RTCW
Oh yeah, and I also like that they buffed the grenades a little bit.
Even novelty weapons like the shotgun can be useful against the zombie knights
the revolver is kinda useless tho
you can add mods to it but i never bothered with it
i also tried to use cheats since i wanted to get all the weapons in other play throughts but the modders deactivated the console and I don't know what to do
>gba doom
i remember that
>Using tommy gun instead of Venom
I always use the shotgun + kicking for the zombie levels. I recently downloaded the Venom mod on its own which makes the game a lot harder, which I love since I've beaten the game on Death Incarnate hundreds of times, but the game crashes when the paratroopers arrive on Assault for some reason. My ideal gameplay experience would be to have both Venom Mod and RealRTCW at the same time, and I hear that its possible to do that. Just too lazy atm to get around to it.
>videogames with friends
>girls HATED videogames because their boyfriends would hangout with "losers" instead of talking or cuddling with them
>every new release was exciting
>arcades still existed somewhat
>renting videogames because buying them was expensive
>you all went to that one friends house who actually had decent internet to play online games
My advice to you is ENJOY your time right now to the fullest. Soak it all in and have as much fun as possible because as you grow up your defintion of fun shifts some and you cant enjoy games as you once did
forgot to link reply
>not wasting it all on regular soldiers just to watch them explode into gibs
i always forget that you can kick
i may open a door with it but i never try to kill someone with it
all it does it make me lose a ton of health
I have the same problem when it comes to backstabbing with the knife. Sometimes I'm not lined up properly or whatever and instead of tapping m1 to instakill them, they immediately turn around and light me up while I switch to an actual gun. Headshotting with the Sten has the same effect, so it's much safer to do that than sneak up behind them and backstab.
honestly just shoot them with the sten or silenced pistol
That's what I love about RTCW, the fact that stealth is possible a lot of the time, and it actually gives you a strong advantage. The only problem is when they make in mandatory.
Just play dirty bomb you faggot
And don't be an idiot when you do
by far the worst mission in the game
its like finding little turd stains on a diamond
Server browsers, private dedicated servers, mods
Pretty sure some parts are bugged, too. By far, the most annoying part is the fact that the snipers break through the walls in their towers when you kill them, sometimes alerting nearby guards.
I think I remember playing ET with Yea Forums once but it wasn't a ton of people and half of them were 350 ping BRs and then that one guy with like 5 ping somehow that always shows up to make you jealous. This would've been around 2008-2009, probably.
>Implying Wolf 3D isn't the best Wolfenstein.
People are gonna chastise you for saying that, but I still have fun playing and exploring the levels in this game.
I don't know why I remember this so well. Also..
*cracks* *sips* yep
I wish I could find my 09' disc. It wasn't that bad.