Neptunia OVA

>Neptunia OVA
Have videogame memes gotten out of hand?

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Nep is made of mostly memes so this shouldn't be surprising.

Cute tongue

How come when someone else does it everyone demands for their heads when when Japan does it it's okay?

>some dude from /vg/ is now immortalized in anime
I can't believe it.

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People think this is a Bowsette homage because besides vaguely resembling the outfit, SMB 1-1 is in the background. Whether or not it's actually Bowsette, people certainly didn't give Riot flak for it.

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Because memes used for fapbait is alright but using it for legitimate attempts at comedy is awful

Either way imagine being a Blanc fag.

Weebs have no standards whatsoever.

>Videogame series about vidya and memes has vidya memes
no way

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Are you mixing up a mere outfit reference to straight up making bad jokes with memes? Videogame references have appeared on tv/movies all the time and depending on the execution it gets different reception. For example this is NOT a good way to do it:

Whereas something like a plumber that resembles Mario making a cameo is far less bothersome.

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What's this meme?

Wait a second, that isn't a doujin?

Why is Nepgear showing me her asshole?

I buy sausage

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official, but mikage baku was/is a doujin artist

No, it's Choujigen Game Neptune.

They hired hentai artists to do the manga. It's why they're so fun.

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Hentai artists are hired to do a lot of sfw stuff. Xenoblade's artist does porn. At least one Pokemon manga artist does porn (electric tale of pikachu). Some artists hired for official Touhou books do porn. etc.

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>Zetai Karen Children episode 5

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Fucking based Neps!

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Thats a cute bowsette!

did he marry Blanc?

/vg/ Blanc-user was immortalized in-game
/vp/ global trendsetter and malaysian intellectual was immortalized in the OVA even though NicoNico and Pixiv did it first by literally sending him a fucking statue for being such a baller

a statue from a website in your living room isn't as immortalizing as appearing in an anime.

That statue won't inevitably vanish due to bitrot.

nobody's gonna remember that trophy but him, whereas people will remember neptunia.

Any links about this? I never heard about this

Sonic Boom TV show used memes in a decent way that wasn't annoying and everyone's fine with it.

However 99% of shows try too hard to force memes to be with the 'in' crowd and completely misses it's mark. Especially when they reek of some producer trying to look at what's cool.

So stop trying to make this an east vs west thing.

I gotta ask since that Noire thread just died, is there a way to change my platforming character in Super Neptunia RPG? Blanc and Noire just joined, and I'm getting tired of Neptune's voice lines.

>rom and ram

god damn it

i wish they were real so bad

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One last feeble attempt at getting the answer to this.