Steam Sale thread

Steam Sale thread

Post carts, rate others, etc.

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to answer the 999 user last thread the pc port removes sudoku i believe

oh also post dem free games ya got BOIIIIIIS!

Any decent space sims? I see Yea Forums dislikes Elite. I am not that interested in Everspace. Are there any others I should check out? Also, should I get grim dawn or just play poe?


edf 4.1

halo wars
sunset overdrive
ace attorney trilogy

Rebel Galaxy was good fun but you drive a capital ship around on a 2d plane

any 3d platformer worth?
heard mixed things about hat in time

sunset overdrive

Asking about Full Metal Furies again. Anyone played it and have any opinions of it? It's 60% off right now.

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I got a little bored of that aspect. I might check out the new one when it comes out

go cockatiel
we can still winnn

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>paying for games and not getting them all for free from athletic female

Dumbasses, all of you.

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here is your free (you)s enjoy it while it last

Alright user here's a (you) for bumping the thread but don't ever reply to me again.

Is Euro Truck sim good or just a meme, looking for something relaxing

Bought Celeste and Yakuza Kiwami, but my cap is still 100. Shouldn't it increase? Are 10k of my Isaac points going to waste? I'm so fucking confused.

Truck sim 2*

I think you have to install/play them but I'm not sure

Weren't spent boost point supposed to reset each day?
I could only boost for 100 today what the fuck

open world sandbox space survival games
which should i get:

- Empyrion: Galactic Survival

- Osiris New Dawn

- Astroneer

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played it co-op with my twin brother. I thought it was pretty good. it's long enough, the four classes are all interesting in their own way and it plays fine with both keyboard or controller (though i would recommend the latter, especially when playing sniper). Hope you have someone to play it with as playing alone makes it a tad harder when mobs only have you as their target. It also contains some riddles which are actually challenging. in conclusion, if you have a buddy who likes these games, I'd reccommend it

Cute fur games?

Which of those should I buy?

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Is final fantasy xv and monster hunter world decent? I know they have some problems but I just want some new games to play. I can get them both for 40 bucks right now

Good goys! Give your jewish overlords shekels even though you can easily get everything free!

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do you have friends to play with? playing lonely sucks in mmo

None. Most of them are cheaper being sold as keys online. Recommend looking at CDKeys or EBay before buying one of them.

>jewish overlords
Which one of them? Not every game is made by a billionaire company.

Played Astro and watched vids of the other games. Astro lacks purpose. The other games look unpolished. They look like typical early access garbage. Ever sale I look at them and every sale I pass.

Avoid FF XV. Never played MH.

Nope. I'm 6 hours into Celeste. That's some bullshit.

fuck off retard. I'll stuff my money down your throat til you choke if that's how I wish to spend it.

Prefer buying it legit than getting viruses from Pirate Bay.

2 late. I’ll refund if it’s that bad

help i dunno what to get

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>cheaper than my slav regional prices

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americans are literally brainwashed and will spend money for the sake of spending

Which two should i get?
I'm running out of games i want on steam

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what genres do you like
do you have friends to play with?

Reposting since nobody replied. Are there any decent:

>mecha game
>stealth with rpg elements
>turn-based party rpg
>RTS similar to Settlers V (yes, I really loved this one)

Heat Signature and Spelunky

>metal gear survive
Didn’t that bomb? I wouldn’t desu

Pls respond

>he thinks Pirate Bay is the only place to get free games
>he's scared of viruses
>year 2019


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Don’t get MGS and WW3. Shit games

athletic female?

Shadman Warrior 2.
Deathwing if you have friends to play with, there's no point in playing it solo.

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>stealth with rpg elements
Deus Ex
>turn-based party rpg
Divinity Original Sin 1&2

Don't know about the others

i like fps or adventure and shit like that
i dont have any friends

No, you get +100 capacity every day.

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I just want to make people aware of this game. If you wanted an actual good front mission like game instead of the dogshit that was left alive check out them demo.

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my picks

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Get a job

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Rec me some hidden horror gems, Yea Forums. Already got Darkwood, Tamashii and Charnel House.

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Epic just gave away $10 for every game you buy.
Meanwhile you have to spend trillions dollars in order to have a privilege to buy something with -$5 discount during steam "sale" ONCE.

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i can vouch for doom and vallhalla

He's right though.Especially Warhammer total war. Both are cracked and mortal empires works fine. No point in paying over 100 bucks for one game.


>no mad max
Shit taste

>can get those games for free
>would pay instead

Shalom! Oy vey!

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I don't have a buddy but thanks! I'm gonna try to get good with one or two characters and beat it on my own.

buy the old dooms and mod to hell my friend. serious sam is also on sale

just got these three
>Hotline Miami 2
>Lobotomy Corp

r8 and h8

Cool it with the racism

Is frostpunk any good?

I'm not poor and pirating is more effort

Shadow Warrior 2 gets repetitive after a while and the level design is pretty mediocre, especially since you have to retread some of them repeatedly. I guess it's worth $10 though.

Earth Defense Force 4.1

I avoid movie games like the plague, also lel you just drive a car around the desert, amazing gameplay


I only bought Off the record on this sale, my backlog is too big

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Reminder do not reply to pirate fags, that just waste thread space. just report and hide

bump for Euro truck sim 2

when are NEETs going to stop shitposting JOOOSS whenever someone goes the safer route and just get a game legitimately?

hide pirates? what the fuck is this twitter or reddit?

>pirating is more effort
I'm genuinely curious what you mean by this user. Please enlighten me.

got the civ 6 expansion I didn't even know was out. The new mechanics are pretty cool, but I don't think they realized how exploitable they are. You have to choose not to cheat basically.

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Got it pirated. Will try this evening to see if I wanna buy.

I'm sorry I like to support games I like and like the ease of use that comes with spending 3 shekels on a game.
Oh the humanity.

no it is 4channel. what are you, too retarded to read an address bar?

So report the entirety of Yea Forums and the board culture we've had since this place existed? Nah, jew.

Mechwarrior Online aka Piggywarrior Online aka Boomerwarrior Online aka Minimun Viable Product Online aka BUY MORE MECHPACKS SILLY WHALE
Battletech aka Shallowtech aka Niggertech aka La Creatura Tech aka "we promise it'll become a decent game after 10 years of DLCs"

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There's also sweet ass explosions, you dumb faggot.
>avoids movie games
What is Spider-Man 2?

>I'm sorry I like to pay people that don't give a fuck about me
Hey, being retarded is your choice. Go for it.

take your sanitized can out of this place

Just fuck off. Fish for (you)s elsewhere. Start a pirating thread if you want to talk about pirating.

Empyrion has way more content depth and stuff to do

Osiris has much more polished mechanics and better graphics


>if you have friends to play with
I don't

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what makes you so unlikable?

I'm sorry you're entitled enough to feel like every company you buy products from should give any fucks about you?

While you're doing that, I'll be playing SoulCalibur for the first time in a long time. Used to play the shit out of 1 and 2.

The fuck is this webm


MGS is notoriously shit, don't do it user.

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Cultist is free if you have amazon prime

>asked what the effort is in pirating and unable to answer
So you admit you're paying people who don't give a fuck about you just for the sake of paying them. Pirating is literally just a few clicks, zero effort. You're the one taking screencaps, going on sale threads, seems like more effort to me. Stay seething.

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Unlike that franchise, Mad Max is actually fun. It has decent combat, big ole beautiful explosions and I don't know, driving the wasteland is strangely comfy. It's a steal for that price, to me.

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Sorry for you. Consider finding some coop comrades for comfy PURGING.

HM2 level design is awful. The locations are unneccesarily too big, there are windows everywhere and you get shot from the other side of the map. You are also supposed to use guns which is a huge let down for me. The achievements are also fucked. I have beaten the first Hotline Miami 100% having a blast. Here- achievement for 50,000 kills. What were they thinking?

>While you're doing that
I already have the games I want, and I didn't need to toss shekels at jews. You're the one participating in jew threads instead of just getting the games you want. I'm just here to call you all out for being retarded because it's funny.


I'm always up for EXTERMINATUS senpai

It's decent , nothing ground breaking or mind blowing. I will put a second vote in for if you have a friend to play with through then buy it , otherwise you could find something better for the same price for single player

I feel obliged to support good games because I make money drawing fanart of bad games.

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What are some games to avoid?

Buy Heat Signature instead.

What are the MUST HAVE games ATM? I want to get some BANG for my BUCK!

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super cloudbuilt is great. way better than a hat in time.

Should I drop Rain World, Mania or Ikaruga.
I heard Ikaruga was pretty easy, is that true?

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>spend hundreds of hours to create entertainment for me and make me happy
>people that don't give a fuck about me

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shadow tactics

ikaruga. if your even modestly competent it is ez pz

Popular ones.

Name jrpgs that aren't on PSP/Vita and that aren't Tales games.

That looks like a completely different game. Why would you recommend that?

How is The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut, it's 90% off and looks like a fun story driven arpg? I'm also eyeing at BallisticNg.


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>spend hours to create entertainment
Because their boss told them to, not because they personally did it for you.

>and make me happy
They don't know who you are and don't care either. They just want your shekels goy.

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Dusk +Amid Evil bundle
FTL +Into The Breach

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Very niche game though.

>fall for the shill
>it's actually pretty fun

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damn, any better alternatives?
so far I've played Crimzon Clover, Danmaku Unlimited 1/2 and Space Moth.
I'm just looking for another fun but challenging shmup.

I never played a Tales game before, is this a good start?

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Is Blood Bowl even worth playing solo? I can't be arsed to play multiplayer shit.


any good alternatives to Crazy Machines 3? i saw a neat one the other day but i can't remember the name

What did I just watch

reviews say the AI is terrible, so I'm guessing it's not good for solo play

My money, my choice

>muh achievements
>I need a carrot on a stick to have fun

Ikaruga is an interesting shmup because you can play it safe, or you can play for score and the game becomes much harder. Still, Battle Garegga it is not. As far as other shmups Mushihimesama is a must.

Is god eater 3 worth it?

how the fuck can people defend piracy?
i mean, if you want to pirate go for it
but to shit on people that buy games is plain stupidity
if nobody bought games, there would only be miniclip games kek

I want it just cause there's an event where you can play as a frog from MGS4

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Yes, of course.

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Don't fucking listen to Ikaruga is challenging enough unless you're someone that plays hardcore bullet hell shmups every day. Drop Rain World instead, game is mediocre regardless of how much people here try to shill it.

>You are also supposed to use guns
Dead wrong.

Yes, Symphonia is considered one of the better Tales games.

They're baiting people for reactions.

vahalla & vanquish

hm, good point
but probably there's at least few of them that think like that

Mostly interested in hearing opinions about Vanquish. Is it MGR levels of ridiculous ham?
But also how's Rain World? I heard it's pretty punishing but I don't really mind that too much.

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Vallhalla and Lobcorp

Not that user but I had the same experience with the Hotline Miami games. I continued to play 1 longer than 2 because of that , it isn't about a "carrot on a stick". Its because the level design in 2 is not fun to try and do the same thing as you did in 1

I'm feeling a fun mecha game to play with friends. Override or 100ft Robot Golf, which is worth it? Or are there better options?

Override is a 10/10 played locally. Online connectivity is hot trash

Glad you like it, user.

Well shit, there goes that one then. Shame because that game looked great in the previews.

Because it's great.

whats should i get rid of?

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>Shame because that game looked great in the previews
It really is. Me and my pals hang around every few weekends and it's always a must-play. All the mechas feel unique, the controls are great, even the "2 players control 1 mech" mode is brilliant in 2v2.
I say give it a shot, maybe the servers are less trash wherever you live. It's worth a try, the game is really good.

Got all three but thanks anyway.

Have Battletech and loved it but thanks as well.

Looks cool thanks.

Vanquish isn't as crazy but gets pretty close. It's a lot of fun and a steal at that price.
>Bullet Witch
I had no idea this trash was on Steam now.

Should i? I'm thinking about replacing DSR and gungeon with something else, but gungeon looks cool so idk.

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99 dragons is up there too senpai

Buy the newest Assassins Creed then if you want a tried and true timewaster then.
Being niche isn't a negative. It is fun to try new things.

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>spend an hour on qualifier tasks
>get no points or point limit increase
Fuck you gaben, you fat fucking kike wannabe. I'll be using GoG even if I end up paying more. Choke on lard you fat sack of adipose.

>4 feminist action characters
>female protagonist tag
>Scott Pilgrim but neo retro pixel art
Gross. If they had a male protagonist tag I'd be fine with it.

They're all based and redpilled so it's okay

I'm not the same user but I used to play one of these top down stealth games. I got frustrated after a minute or so and uninstalled.

Gungeon is the same price on GOG, and I've seen it lower there Probably worth skipping on steam.

I think the game is pretty fantastic. All of the characters are unique and interesting to play, and the game can get decently challenging at times.

If you or the people who play with dislike puzzle solving though, maybe consider passing. There are a number of very cryptic puzzles, and some of the challenging fights, among other things, are locked behind them

Free soda

Which total war for a series virgin? I like the look of Rome 2

is this game any good?

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>bought MHW because only on steam
>downloading at 300 kb/s
No seriously, fuck you gaben, you fucking kike. Never another cent.

Why the fuck is Blazblue over 50gb? It's a 2d anime fighter. There are 3d fighters that take up less space.

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At least you tried it. I would rather play a hundred niche games and find a single one interesting than just slog through AAA monotony.
If you have some odd recommends on sale right now I would appreciate if you posted them.

Is this kino?

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Can you use the $5 discount to purchase a game under $5, say $4.99 or lower?

>tfw Hitman's 2 standard pack only includes 6 maps
Fuck, bros. This format sucks.

laughing my ass off at all the pathetic games PC MASTER RACE players play on PC
literally pathetic

Now at 150 KB/s. Can someone kill this fat, greasy, lazy fuck already? I'm borderline willing to shill for epic bugmen at this point.

80% off of Mankind Divided and Payday 2, I had to.

I spent more on lunch yesterday than both of those games combined.


shut up


been looking for something simple to play that isn't story focused at all, any recommendations?

preferably with rpg elements

Get a brain. Rich people are the biggest thrifters out there.


The real texas

Civ 6 worth getting if I pirate the DLC?

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What are some games that everyone should have in their library?

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Literally none.

That's literally my wishlist

Thinking of stocking up on some stuff to keep myself busy until next sale.
Anything that should be removed or that is missing?

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definitely not any contemporary iteration in the Duke Nukem series, that's for fucking sure.

I'd go with DOOM, DUKE NUKEM 3d, SHADOW WARRIOR, KOTOR I & II, and any Total series up to METWII with exception of Shogun from the new shit

die communist

>piratetards start invading Steam Sale threads
Every year, every sale
Fag, If I wanted to pirate a game I'd do it, don't need an autist to tell me how

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>he proudly lines Gay Ben's talmudic pockets with his hard earned shekels in exchange for not actually owning his games

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I'd play with you, fag
Hope you like jungle book cause it's all I sing

Apparently you do, retard. It only requires an IQ above 90 and more money sense than a negro.

kill yourself, none of us want you around

He probably doesn't have your negro mindset though

>not paying for thing
>not a negro mindset

Someone give me a rundown on pic related, I need a good RPG to throw my life away on. Do I need to play the first one or can I go straight into the sequel like a pleb?

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Don't get mad at me just because you're a fool.
Wallstreet ballers do it; don't hate the game, hate your smooth brain and misplaced morality.

superhot is short drop it

also is pic real better?

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Thought the first one was strange. If I played alone I felt like I needed a buddy to coop, but when I got him to play it it was just a hassle.
I didn't like that it didn't take itself seriously at all either.

I already got it, though. For free. Stay mad.

Short as in too short for its own good? I would rather have a game be too short than too long in general but If it is literally 20 minutes or something then I might pass.

user please, some games are deserving the money.

Good games for Core2duo and 4gb of ram?

2 hours or less

>DOOM, DUKE NUKEM 3d, SHADOW WARRIOR, KOTOR I & II, and any Total series up to METWII with exception of Shogun from the new shit

You're not wrong. I have bought games I truly enjoyed directly from developers when possible.

Recommend me some good twin-stick shooters.

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Do I need high IQ to play this? I enjoyed to fuck out of Commandos as a kid but never managed to beat it, it was too fucking hard for me. Dunno if my brain is more powerful now.

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I bought dead space 1, 2. Both were 5 bucks.
And stardew valley, I played that for like 8 hours yesterday. Peak comfy.

Are there any good murder mystery or horror games? Currently I'm playing Vampire The Masquerade and I loved the haunted house quest.

I only have an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB.

Gameplay is fun but the story is kinda shit. Its a good game though, you should try it.

Opinions please.

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Return of Obra Dinn. But buy it off GOG so 35% of the profit doesn't go into gayben's snack fund.

Tried first one. Absolutely amazing combat but le funny schizo writing fucking killed it for me.
The best way to play it is in coop with someone who already finished the game once.

What are some actually good AAA games on sale?

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Grim fandango, vanishing of Ethan carter, heavy rain,and the sucken city is pretty good.

>Euro truck simulator
Why not american truck simulator?

Cities Skylines is kino and gta is kinda fun, idk about squad.

the fucking sherlock holmes games. i think im the only one that plays them but they're great mystery games especially the recent ones.
here's a list.:

One collection is pretty good. 6 games for 10 bucks.


fug gta and autism simulator

GTAV is only worth buying for heists with friends.

I think the complete edition on cities is on sale as well you should get that version if you can.

It's newer. Why get American besides 'Murica

As a kid I couldn't even beat the second level of commandos and I could plow through shadow tactics no problem on hard with no alarms aside for some few almost impossible sections. You'll be fine.

Remember to go non-lethal

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Divinity has some narrower class roles, and the combat gets really repetitive and predictable once you've reached the later parts of the game (like 80 hours in). It's a great game, though, and I'd recommend it.

I have mixed feelings about Pathfinder. On one hand, it's exactly like the tabletop game. On the other hand, it's exactly like the tabletop game. You can make any character you can make in tabletop Pathfinder. Your stats page is literally a Pathfinder character sheet. However, you still play with dice rolls, so you can have a high modifier, but still fail because the game decided you rolled a 2. Get ready for a lot of savescumming. Can't speak much for the story yet, I'm not too far.

Inquisitor masterrace!

Does it have pixelhunting/walking simulator/movie game bullshit?

>Based using trip as intended fag

nex machina

Dude sex: Human Revolution is dirt cheap if you somehow missed it.

>Currently I'm playing Vampire The Masquerade and I loved the haunted house quest.
Try Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth.
It's janky as shit but about 40% of the game (when you don't have a weapon) is absolute masterpiece.

I had a great 30 dollar haul.
Grim Fandango, Oddworld: Abe's Odyssey: New 'n' Tasty, E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy, To The Moon,
Hotline Miami, The Talos Principle, Octodad: Dadliest Catch, Papers, Please
I'm starting with Oddworld, with is pretty fun, but not quite what I thought it was.
Which should I play next?

Deserts i guess? Or people that doesn't like driving in the left lane.

it's a mystery game so im not sure what you're expecting. frogwares Sherlock holmes series it's up to you to solve puzzles and interpret clues because each case has a multitude of conclusions plus a morality meter that effects future cases.

Hotline Miami or Talos Principle depending if you'd like some action or puzzle autism.
>tfw went full autismo with both games and collected all stars and letters
The way Talos Principle makes you literally think outside the box to collect some secrets is truly amazing.

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>and interpret clues because each case has a multitude of conclusions plus a morality meter that effects future cases
That sounds pretty cool.

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Half-Life series, Portal series, TF2.
Basically just Valve stuff.

sunken city is terrible and what killed it was the shitty open world

Mad Max, DooM.

>half life 3 left to rot on the vine
>supporting that shit
Yo ho and a bottle of rum, nigga.

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not the guy youre replying to, but you make a convincing argument for the sherlock bundle. my question is how well the bundle games have aged. you sound like a fan of the series, as an entry to the series, would the newer games be easier to start with? or is the quality pretty consistent throughout?

I was eye balling Helldivers myself

Are there any curators worth following?

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i'd start with Crime and Punishments. Probably the easiest to start with and has the best story i think. was released in 2012 and graphics are pretty good plus good entry price at $4.99. from there see if it's for you and branch out to the others.

Cook, Serve, Delicious was one of my favorites and I don't know why I never bought 2. Is CSD 2 more of the same?

Anyone play Car Mechanic Simulator 2018? Thinking about getting the platinum edition, are the DLCs worth it or should I just get the base game?

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>don't play a good game because it doesn't have a sequel!
Anyway, HL1 is better than HL2.

I never played it but I've heard it was fun.

Brigador is beautiful but so fucking boring.

Thanks bruv

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My Summer Car is the better, more comprehensive, and more fun game. Still pirated for me because steaming pile will never see another cent from me.

Ys origin for 5 bucks is good opportunity to play one of the best games ever made.

Nah, I'm just saying paying money for a game that old when the publisher turned greedy fucks that flip off the ones who made them is faggotry of the likes we've never seen before.

god i wish that were me

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You just didn't tried vehicle for 20KK$.

some random user on here gave me it as a gift. it is definitely worth 5 dollarie doos

it really isnt but i would say pirate before you buy

Fun ARPGs? Looking into Van Helsings Final Cut

Divine Divinity

Enter the Gungeon, Monolith

Is Hitman 2 Standard worth it? Or should I just wait for GOTY?

Gal gun VR or Gal Gun 2
which has best VR

recommend good indie games for 12 dollars or less.

Finally bought a few games today,

For honor
Tomb raider
Killer is dead
Portal 2

Tried the first 3 so far and am not disappoint..

For honor seems solid so far although not what I expected in terms of fight mechanics.. bought base so the fiend should be.. fun.
Got tombraider because it was visually polished and fluid a few years ago, I'm not sure what I expected but it seems ok.
Killer is dead is fun and reminds me of MG rising but I'm liking it.. although it's a console port.. literally by the feel of it.

Looks autistic, but fun. Name?

Someone's gifting?

l4d2 is great if you have friends to play and hit up the mod maps after you play the normal ones

What are fun rogue-lites?

Anyone have Between the Stars?

it was yesterday. some guy was giving 5$ and under games on your wishlist. he told me it was found money so he was paying some of it forward

some mech games i've played and had an all right time with:

also check out this demo, game comes out this year hopefully:

Shit, I missed it
also, how cute.

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pls respond


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What is this Executive Assault game?

Do you need to have played the other ones or no

If you're looking for Mech games, here's some lesser known titles you may enjoy that are on sale:

Hardcore Mecha ($16.99 usd) - A 2D platform shooter that's finally released. Sadly however a lot of the sizable cast is behind backer codes which you have to use to unlock new mechs and characters (they're posted around online). These are regrettably only usable in vs mode multiplayer, hopefully just for the time being.

Project Nimbus ($14.99) - A stylish high speed anime influenced mecha game with some minor elements of bullet hell. Very fast and frantic, but the lack of customization options is something of a downer.

Garrison: Archangel ($11.99) - Basically the spiritual successor to Custom Robo with quite a few customization options. It's an early access game with active devs. Has online multiplayer options, but it's kind of buggy at the moment. The team is apparently working on a story mode. Also free demo, but the controls take some getting used to.

Mecha Ace ($3.89) - A text based adventure, Yea Forums's favorite. A somewhat linear story with a few branches and a skill system, but your choices have more impact than mass effect at least. If you're a fan of old school text adventures it may be worth a lot. It's got a free demo as well.

KO Mech ($0.49) - A simple platformer type game with the gimmick of flinging enemies into one another. Somewhat short, but pretty addictive, also made by someone who shitposts on Yea Forums and for half a buck it's worth selling a few cards and picking up.

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tiny & big: grandpa's leftovers
assault android cactus
mute crimson+
bleed 2
nex machina
super cloudbuilt


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I want to rp as a wizard with a thirst for learning more about magic.

Oblivion or Skyrim?

fuck me lads I've bought maybe one game in the past year
does anyone else feel like they're going overboard?

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>Doodle god
What is that game even?

Talking about mechs.
It only allows you to pilot a bulky small mech (pic related) in a few levels, but enemy mechs look pretty cool and final bossfight is absolute kino.
It's cheap, short, good looking and pretty fun. Also some janky physics to fool around with.

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unironically picked up the Freddi Fish complete bundle two days ago for nostalgia. They've held up well

no. i know nothing of YS. i had it on my wishlist because my friend said i would like it's gameplay (arpg)

you combine 2 items to make more items, like lava + earth = volcano

Flight sim autists where we at? 50% tons of stuff in DCS and IL2. Nabbed the rest of the luftwaffe planes, grabbed Flaming Cliiffs 3 and the Viggen.

It kinda spoils Ys 1 but otherwise it's a standalone game since it's a prequel to everything.

where is all this mecha shilling and games coming from all of a sudden? because I don't mind it one fucking bit, most of these look great

Grim Dawn, nothing comes close.

But why?

Sorry, 4chanx submitted my post before I finished it
Grim Dawn, nothing comes closer to a fucking snoozefest

Xanadu Next is pretty neat.

I can vouch for Hollow Knight being fantastic, and Styx: Master of Shadows being cancer.

it's actually pretty fun, despite how it sounds

Any solid hidden gems?

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I too like games that are still bugged years after release and the enemies in the second area oneshot you when dying

>does anyone else feel like they're going overboard?
Yep, I've bought shit tons of games already (finished 1.5 of them in the meantime) and will buy more.
I got a new PC recently so I'm fucking thirsty for MORE GAEMS AAAAA GIVE ME THE ENTIRE GAMES UGHHHH OH OOOHHH.
Thankfully it's pretty good timing for the sale, exactly when I'm having some spare cash.

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What X-Com 2 DLC is recommended?
Is Rimworld actually worth it?

>don't play a good game because the developer are lying scum that constantly break promises and never even attempt to deliver, apologize, or even fucking acknowledge it.

It's was used to be a flash game, right?

What game is this from? Was it a lego game?

>Styx: Master of Shadows being cancer.

>and Styx: Master of Shadows being cancer
I'd like to know more.

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I don't even know what you are talking about. If there were game-breaking bugs I must have played around them without noticing.

Yeah, it was an old browser game called Junkbot. I think it ran on Shockwave.

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If I remember correctly it IS a flash game.

this is mostly a clone of an old phone game called alchemy thats free.

Both are cancer.

doodle god is on phone and probably cheaper their

Cool. So it's the kind of ARPG where you only need a dpad and a few buttons right? Not some kind of weird WoW 50 cool down skills mouse bullshit like western ARPGS right? I ask because I think the older games were on the NES. Hows the customization? Are there lots of playstyles/characters or are you railroaded with the same kind of shit the whole game?

anyone recc'd outward yet? it a nice open world rpg thats even better with a bro.

the game is 4 buttons (jump, attack, special, kaio ken) and the dpad. there are 3 characters (1 has to be unlocked). the main draw is the difficulty of the bosses. Look up the final boss nightmare mode no damage

anyone got any recommendations for a game that captured their attention long enough for the game to be worth it?
I've got $12 in my account and got money in the bank so price isn't an issue

I just can't seem to bring myself to enjoy video games right now for some raisin. probably cause of all the politics that seeped into it

Don't bullshit me user. The red slimes explode into nukes when killed. People talking about this bug all over the community hub. The only way of not experiencing the bug is either not having reached the second part of the dungeon or not having played the game altogether

Any good city building games or games similar to that genre?

Already have skylines.

The gameplay feels too clunky for me. Not to mention, every time you die, the "Game Over" screen shows your character deliver some WILDLY OOC fourth-wall breaks and pop-culture references.

Look at this garbage.

shadow tactics

Man, I loved that game. Thanks for telling me the name.

Cool it with the anti-semetic remarks

Is Grim Dawn any good? How much of a grind is it to play solo? One of the problems I've always had with these point and click APRGs is that you need to grind for things that have like 1% drop rates or some shit like that.

Unironically Blood Bowl. In both vidya and tabletop form

that's the sequel you fucking idiot

I meant that I must have though it to be intentional and somehow played around it. Not accusing you of lying.


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slay the spire but with anime waifus and combat

plus v has a league. a regular and a newbie one

Well I'm retarded. Still, if the sequel was clunky and full of dumbshit references, I doubt the previous installment was much better

I got a bit over fifty bucks, what should I get.

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Do any of you bros know a good rpg like DA:O or New Vegas that let me autistically role play as a specific character? Some anons recommended me Tyranny but I’m concerned that it’s shit, any suggestions? Also I already have Witcher 3

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Space engineers, here is a venator for your travels build in space engineers

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Grim Dawn is great with the expansion

>role play as a specific character?
>New Vegas
>The Witcher
I don't understand. You want to roleplay your guy? Or someone else's guy?

Rate my cart Yea Forumsros.

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how is Hunt Showdown?

buy the industries and transit DLCs at least for cities, amazing game though

Either or but I prefer to role play as my own guy. I just said I own the Witcher 3 because a lot people kept recommending me that last year when I asked something similar

Spaceman Sparkles

How's Bioshock Infinite's Burial at Sea DLC?
Story decent? Is it an improvement or should I just ignore it?

get all the dlc or you are getting only slices of the main story.

First one is great, feels like BioShock 1 but improved upon. Sadly it's incredibly short, second one is almost entirely stealth gameplay and feels longer than the first, but still somewhat short.

fuck off agdg


Forgot to add, the story is great. It's just the length of the DLC that's lacking.

What are the beat games I can buy for under $5?

the dnd rpgs like planescape and baldur's gate. Tales of ma'jeyal.

How is Troubleshooter?

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>Resonance of Fate went on sale today
finally, what the fuck took them so long

it's ok, lots of engrish though

>reviews mixed
Uh oh

if you like xcom you should like it

That's not a trip, retard.

Hollow Knight, Doom, and Vallhalla. Not sure about the others.

did you not play it back when it was on console?

I like autistic weebs.
Wanna give it a go?

Thanks friens, I’ll give these games a look

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What's a good game for me to play with my sister and her girlfriend?

Before pulling the trigger on your cart, check my pastebin. I have keys for games I've seen a lot of people looking to buy; I've traded with several anons in the past few days, and even though it won't due any good to have any of them vouch on Yea Forums, they've all left comments showing that I'm not a scammer. So if there's something here you want to trade for, let me know.



How anime trope-y is it? I like the idea of the recruitable characters with actual relationships, but if it's not at least decently written I'm not interested.

I've got keys for Dead Island and Immortal Redneck if you wanted to trade for something.
And I have a key for Duskers.


Tell me about good games on steam that are on sale.
What should I get?
I like stuff like kenshi, running with rifles, MOWAS 2, Rimworld, ect.
I also however, have been wanting to play a good fps or action game lately, with lots of movement and fun gunplay.
What should I spring for?

Why do people buy games you can pirate? I buy games but rarely, only when I feel the game is so good to me that I really want to show appreciation to the devs who deserve my cash.

Maybe cause I use piracy like a demo I guess.

Why do underaged kids go into Steam Sale threads to brag about piracy?

Any hidden horror gems besides Tamashii, Darkwood, Charnel House and Duskers?

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Which is best?

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Because I try my best to only buy games at a price where I will get my full money's worth? If I'm not willing to pay for it, I'm not going to miss much by not playing it at all.

kill yourself nigger
I'm not bragging about piracy, I question bargain binging on every nice looking vidya with a big price slash.

This dude's dumping 80 bucks, like half of that is single player. Is that really necessary? It's certainly not thrifty.

MGR. Quite short though.

Lone survivor


metal gear

what is Yea Forums's obsession with zeta greys and still frames

>I question bargain binging on every nice looking vidya with a big price slash.
Must suck being poor. Maybe someday you'll be able to buy things you like. I recommend some books to study English.

>like half of that is single player.
What the fuck does that have to do with anything?

>like half of that is single player
this is why most games these days are half assed mp cashgrabs
support the games you like you dunce

I don't have any actual idea so I can't give you a definite answer but based on how discount bonuses usually work for other places I would guess probably not

Maybe someting like Hotline Miami is for you? It's top-down but pretty fast-paced.

There anything good for sale that the steam controller is just ace for?

I've played it before.
I liked it.
When I play running with rifles sometimes I pretend it's the war in hotline miami.

I think Walmart currently has trash cans on sale

I bought a steam link back when they had it for like 2 bucks. what the fuck do i use it for because it's been sitting in this box for like a year?

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is universim any good?

Thinking about double dipping. Is it viable to play FF14 vanilla at first and take on the expansions one at a time?

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Name ONE game that's $30 or less and I'll buy it unless I already have it

Is Kingdom Two Crowns better than New Lands?

This. Preferably of small stature. Any suggestions?

Mu Cartographer

That's what I was thinking, thanks for the response anyway.

It's on sale lads, you have no excuse now.

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Reminder that xiv only gets content every 4 months which can be completed in 10 hours or less. And at least half the story is bad to garbage.

sure you can take on the expacs right after you dilate

House Party.

>visual novels

OK, sweaty, but only after you cope and seethe.

Gona take you some time to level up, no need to buy the expansions before you hit 50

if you are playing an mmo have at least one friend to play with. that's the only advice i can give you

>English language not supported

sounds like a pretty good excuse to me

How much time?

I have no friends and also I'm new to mmo's this would be my first, but I've had my eye on it for a while now.

Is this what books look like to illiterate people?

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Dragon’s Dogma

have I already bought all the good top down actiony and strategic games?
are there no actiony cool fps games for me to buy on pc until mcc comes out?
c'mon anons, gimme suggestions

If you read the story it should take upwards of 50 hours at least per expansion, maybe 30 if you skip everything, and zero if you ignore the story and irrelevant content and pay to skip the story and boost a job to max.

well try to find a noob or two. be nice. and don't be afraid to join and leave a discord to try and make friends to play with

These are not the 2d girls we are looking for.

How are the trails in the sky games?

good waifus, rest is okay

brainlet monkey 'have sex' poster, enjoy paying for mediocrity

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>Give your jewish overlords shekels even though you can easily get everything free!
So do you shoplift everything? How did you build your computer?

I'm looking for a new RPG but I already have some things like most of the Ys series, the entire Shadowrun series, .hack//GU (IMOQ wasn't remastered yet but I still love the franchise for some reason), Divinity OS:E, and Shadows of Adam. Only FF port I have is FF3 of all things thanks to a trivia contest.
Like for example how's Edge of Eternity? It looks a lot like a post FF7 Square-Enix RPG but it is still pretty early on in development.
Legrand Legacy I remember trying the demo out a while back. I think it had an edgy as shit plot? Might be good for a laugh.
Light Fairytale on the other hand I remember having a halfway decent beta build demo set in an expy of FF7 Midgar but the FF DS-like graphics with really bland placeholder face images for the characters annoyed me.

That's all that really matters though right? I'm fine with generic RPGs and the main girl in these seems cute

I only buy Intel when I know it's coming at cost at most. And I'm starting to get some dick envy for ryzen 2.

>have I already bought all the good top down actiony and strategic games?
into the breach

But you can easily get all of the parts for free too.

What's the difference between Half-Life and Half-Life:Source?

>Lone Survivor
Have it. Mostly looking for newer or lesser known ones since been using Steam for 11 years.

fallout 4 dlc's any good?

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Dumpster diving or what?

Is Towerclimb good? Fucking answer me. It seems like some next level shit based on the reviews with upwards of 1000 hours but I want opinions.

Bought Vanquish, Stellaris, and Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak. Good games?

Graphics and physics engine I think?

It's a port to source engine but it's not tweaked for it at all. Get the original.

Is FF14 optimized well at all?

wandersong made me cry like a bitch. if you liked the charm in undertale, give it a shot.

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War of the Human Tanks
Fortune Summoners

Should I get Wreckfast?
I don't have a single car game, and I want to play one. This looks fun. If not, what's a good racing game?

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Looking for good RPG recommendations


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yes, it's really good

I'll try it out then, gon need more still.




metro exodus
outer wilds
shenmue 3

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>bought Monster Hunter World
>never played a MH game before
>really liked Dragon Dogma
What am I in for Yea Forums?

A lot of fun with a steady decline into more and more bullshit till you get tired of it and quit.

How is the online community? Anyone still playing this game?



dragons dogma
knights of the old republic 1 & 2

I haven't played many old FPS games but I recently played Unreal Gold, any similar games with great single-player campaigns?



find curators yourself my man, it's easy.
Go into a game page, check the curato reviews, go down the list, way down past the generic ones and the meme ones.
At one point you'll get into the interesting niche curators

Haven't played since one of the PSP games but you can expect hunting dinosaurs and reptilian monsters for their meat and body parts to craft better weapons.
Some of the creatures get ungodly huge but everything can fall to your weapons. There are also a wide variety of weapons and combat styles to pick from so if you favor speedy blades or heavy mallets or archery or spamming grenades you can do whatever.
also sapient cats pretty much fleece you as hunter support.

How is Underrail? Its been sitting in my cart all sale.

I'm not sure for pc, but last time I played a few weeks ago ps4 was fine. You could ask /mhg/ how many of them still play on pc.
In general I did most of my hunts solo though, as long as you are decent at it you will be just as fast if not faster than doing multi, much easier to predict what the monster is going to do too.

Someone's gifting?

>got $5 discount

what's a good game around $15?

TF2 but don't be a shitter

its a decent game but some builds just DONT work late game

There's a lenghty free trial for FF XIV

I didn't get much

payday ultimate edition
the hunter call of the wild
battleblock theater
kerbal space program

Blood Bowl 2: Legendary Edition

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Is there online multiplayer?

TF2 and corpse of Quake Champions are your only options unfortunately. Multiplayer FPS are fucking dead.
Maybe Mordhau would work for you if smashing people with lute or mace instead of shooting is your thing. But it isn't really fast unless you get a horse.
There was also Halo with portals recently but it's already dead.

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>what's a good game around $15?
Any specific interests in genres? Are you willing to try out some unusual titles? You want more bang for your buck or are you more interested in paying about $15 no matter how tiny the sale percentage is?
Because there's a lot of good (or at least interesting) games under $15 and some stuff are better off as part of a bundle/package.

Far Harbour > Automatron > Meme Cola > Vault building > everything else
You can find it for $12 on cdkeys

You can read the steam player numbers you know?
Average 30k daily players

There was on the PSP so I believe they'd keep it for the huge fuckoff raidboss monsters and smaller scale co-op hunts.

Bought Dead by Daylight, but returned it because of the Killer que. It doesn't have to be that long for $60 worth of stuff I bought.

Ended up refunding and putting the money into TF2 keys from the market.

prefer aaa/aa titles, but if a game is gud then it gud

but that game is 80% dlcs

Far Harbor is basically Shivering Isles 2. It's the best
Automaton is ok. The plot is short and dull, but robots are kinda cool!
Nuka World is fun to explore, and you get an AK-47 out of it. Outside of some fun combat, it's also kinda meh.

Everything else is just filler, and Vault 88 is just a NIGHTMARE if you're the kind of builder that's meticulous.


How is TABS?

obra dinn
nonary games
yuppie psycho
battle brothers
hypnospace outlaw
killer 7

Legendary Edition contains everything

Why dont you just buy the games of the russian steam market? its so much cheaper

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>Yea Forums doesn't know what tripfags are anymore

but it is, sperg

Region lock. You'd have to launch them from under russian vpn (if it even works at all) and maybe even risk getting banned (probably not but still too much hassle).

>30k players for an MMORPG
lol ded game, even fucking FFXIV had like a million players a day.


World isn't a mmo.
Around 50% of xiv's playerbase isn't at max level let alone relevant content.

Both are cool for that. Skyrim has better magic mods, though.

Yeah, don't buy it lmao

I would if I knew how an the cash translated

Alright I can spend about another $20-$30 before I have to stop. Recommend me some good metroidvanias or multiplayer games. also your hair looks nice today, user

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Jesus i want to hit her head on a table, bend her over on it rip whatever shes wearing fuck her dry and cum inside of her

local or online only for the multiplayer? will girls be playing with you?

Enviromental Station Alpha
nah I need a haircut

Vermintide 2

Online and yes

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Jackbox party pack if you have dedicated friends to play with
Ultimate chicken horse 4 pack to share and play a cute obstacle course game
Bloodbowl 2 if you wanna join V league

>not playing mordhau
haha pleb

Who's that? I want her to rub my penis with her buttcheeks until I ejaculate prematurely and spend the rest of the night trying not to cry.

kike detected

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be honest Yea Forums how bad is your backlog rn?

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As long as it is understandable
Is it of similar quality or do you just mean that the gameplay is similar?

awful like 20+ games that are actually good and worth the time but i just dont

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I have an issue where I have no backlog.
I guess mordhau but I can't afford mordhau.
Everything else has yet to come out or I already own.
Maybe my test in games is too autistic, like my taste in almost every other form of media asides webvideos.

I've got at least 30 games on my backlog. :(


Oh I didn't see this thread, thanks for answering

I lost control a lot of time ago. Is hard when the long RPG game accumulate

Are the Lego Batman games any good?

hey no problem man. im just glad you got the answer

Pretty bad. I swear I have ADHD when it comes to video games. I get about halfway through when I discover something new and go jump in that and the cycle repeats endlessly. Between every console and portable system my family has owned (mostly due to older brother hogging everything and finishing things first in front of me thus killing my interest in said games), PC games, legitimately good freeware games and rom hacks, and all the demos and beta builds I try out... The list grows pretty much every damn day.
Also nice use of Lain.

How is it

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howdy anons pls help I need a long ass ARPG with stats and leveling and shit that can\t be dark souls or dragons dogma or elder scrolls or fallout pleaase help aaaaaaaaa I can't feel my legs anymore aaaaaaaaaaaaa the sales gaben has my legs I must consume more aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa my legs they are gone the pain the phantom pain

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it's great. fun to co-op with a group.

just counted, 25 games.. (i keep them sorted on steam)