Recommend a JRPG which will change my life

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Panzer dragoon saga is the only good one

SMT Nocturne

The World Ends With You.

russian roulette

Ni No Kuni or Xenoblade Chronicles.

Not necessarily change, but uplift or give a different outlook would be Tales of Symphonia or Persona 4. If you never played Tales of Symphonia it will absolutely uplift you, I played it when it was released on Steam for the first time and it was first time in years when I felt like a little kid excited to get off work just to play the game.

Any SMT which synopsis you like, Digital Devil Saga, Endless Journey, just look them up, one of them is bound to be to your liking.

Some of the most popular Dragon Quests, my personal recommendations would be V and VIII

Final Fantasy VII

JRPG that will change your life? Depends if you're looking for a positive or negative life change.

If positive, play Persona 4 Golden

If negative, play Shadow Hearts

Play Stargazers ( hoshi wo miru hito ) for the NES. It's good.

Okage: Shadow King

Monster Girl Quest.

If you can stomach the combat, Ni No Kuni has one of the most charming artstyles and world building I've ever seen in a JRPG. It'll probably change your life

Play dragon quest 8 or 11.
Very charming games.
Gives you the ol’ smile!
Plus it’s long and it’s worth ya money.

Ilias did nothing wrong

replaying it recently it's pretty decent but it really is a corridor simulator for a decent while
at the very least, they are very very pretty corridors and the original ost is still great, every song has an extended version on yt
Just remember to go off the beaten path and spend time in minigames or blitzball to ease the time spent ingame
oh and emulate the ps2 version

Change your life, as in, convincing you into taking HRT and becoming a man in a dress?

Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter

Ys 8

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FFX is one of my favorite games of all time. It's essentially 2 full games in one. One of the more robust modern post-game experiences in a FF game that I've ever seen


Hunting stuff like the celestial weaponry was neat but a few had iffy requirements
I'd still say that it's worth it though
I'm so glad I still have my prima strategy guide it's filled with watercolour artwork and game art


Exercise your dog lazy fuck

what's the FFX remake like?

Katawa shoujo

lucky bastard, those things are awesome


better graphics on the main characters, music remasters are take it or leave it. Overall not bad, plus getting to play X-2 for the first time was nice. Despite the story being shit, it's the best iteration of the ATB systems SquareEnix has ever made


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Phantasy Star Online.
Either be a loser and emulate it, purchase a dreamcast and enjoy it like I do (offline, sadly)
Or also do what I do and head over to the ephinea website, it's the last decent PSO1 private server - drop rates have been marginally 'fixed' unlike the other servers that drastically change everything with 4-6x XP and drop rates making everything pointless.
>but 2 exists!
It does! That's what's so cool. I'd recommend trying 2 when it inevitably drops in the west (simply because of things like a new playerbase, the lack of japanese content may hurt it and result in you just switching to the jap servers) but Ephinea is and always will have a loyal community and people to meet and play with. It's as close to the vanilla online experience you can get anymore, and thanks to the XP rates being the same there's still enough reason to do things like grind with friends and continue coming back for more.

Would recommend, because PSO is still maximum comfy in aesthetic, atmosphere, and community - I dumped about 200 hours into it offline from 2011-now on my dreamcast, but I regularly play it on Ephinea because everyone's friendly enough to make group finding easy.

It's peak 90's design and music, releasing shortly before FFX changed up the music game.

I can ask in this thread... what console right now is best for playing JRPGs? I'm thinking of getting a PS2. Was considering PS4, but that's probably gonna be replaced soon.

Sell me on Terranigma. What's the hook?


ff14 shadowniggers

Unironically worse graphics and shittier music.

Compare this

With this 'HD' Version

It's the same for too many tracks to be excusable. There's an extremely easy way to just emulate the original verison, and I'd stiffly recommend you attempt that before buying any HD version - even assuming you use the OG tracks, there's still some minor removals due to copyrights.
They also fucked up the lighting and the way characters look, there's comparison webm's but I don't have them saved.
It's a better game on the PS2 or emulated, believe me.

Vita. Huge library of PSOne/PSP games, and if you homebrew you can emulate almost everything else.

Make sure you play Final Fantasy Tactics.

Now what would be the point of that? It would just ruin it for you.

Persona 3 FES

The gameplay is average but it's genuinely one of the greatest stories ever told in vidya, despite the questionable translating at times.
Also, best soundtrack of the whole SNES library.

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FF8. I'd wait till the remaster though, apparently they're gonna add in voice acting

undisputed best Persona game


CrossCode WON'T change your life, but it's mechanically the best jrpg ever, probably.
the loot system, levelling up, combat, dungeons, enemies and puzzles are all surprisingly good, but all of it working so damn well in tandem is a goddamn miracle.

story won't blow your mind more than any other JRPG, but if you want a game that's fun as fuck to run through OR 100%, then this is it. if you find the demo interesting, it's 40 hours of fun guaranteed.


Jesus Christ RPG

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fair enough. it shares a lot of similarities with Ys and Seiken Densetsu, but you're right in that it's probably better described as an action/adventure-rpg.

still i just replayed it and i love it and i want to talk about it and i think only jrpg players will truly appreciate it.

Not a JRPG, keep your western shit where it belongs.