>win GameStop gift card
>pick up PSN card
>"Hey what's up, bro!"
>me: Hey
>employee picks up the card and shakes it
>"So what game are you buying?"
>me: idk probably Bloodstained
>"You should pick up the physical version bro. It'll be backwards compatible with the PS5"
>me: but so would digital
>"Nope. Just physical"
>me: I'm pretty sure that's not true
>"We had a rep in here the other day confirm. Just trying to help you out man."
>me: I'm good
>"You sure man? You're going to regret if you get stuck with a bunch of games you can't play."
>me: I'm good
>finish transaction
>"Enjoy it while you can!"

What the fuck. Is this something GameStop is doing now? Spreading misinformation in order to curb digital sales? Has anyone else had this experience?

Attached: Gamestop.jpg (1600x472, 137K)

You respond to “hey, what’s up bro?” with just “hey”? Are you autistic, or severely socially inept?

You should report that on the survey.

>enabling any kind of conversation
You deserved it

cool story brony

Next time tell him you already own it digitally and you want to own it physically as well.

Should have told him you planned on getting the next xbox

I assume you mean the reverse of this.

>implying "hey, what's up bro" isn't a way more autistic way to just say hello

>waiting around while getting work done on my car
>there's a strip mall nearby
>walk over there
>haven't been in one for like a decade
>go in
>there's a literal child behind the counter watching something on an ipad and a female employee/manager playing on her phone
>don't even acknowledge me
>look for PC games
>barely any games at all there, just stupid merchandise
>about to walk out and the employee stops me
>hey can you watch my kid for me while I get some food?
>she walks out before I can respond
>keep browsing for another 10 minutes until she gets back

what a fucking dump. how are they still in business?

He should've been

t. non-bro

best way to get someone fired? Tell them they called you a nigger and it was unprofessional as fuck

Gamestop has always been like this. They were a big reason as to the spreading of the myth that the 'real' seventh gen consoles were Xbox and Playstation and that the Wii was a baby's toy.

Yeah, I'm retarded.

What do you mean? I visited gamestop a lot during 7th gen and I never heard anything about the wii being considered a toy

>Buying digital
We don't have proper legislation for that.

Its probably just management at OPs store but I wouldn't be surprised if something like this was coming down from corporate.

If so they'd probably commend the guy.

>not helping brick and mortar stores
Soon amazon will corner the entire market and then start fucking your ass and you will have nowhere to run.

You should have known they don’t carry PC games you dumb nigger. Even 10 years ago they had next to zero inventory for PC.

I say howdy

>actually waited
Would have just left desu

>helping GameStop

I buy my games from local big box grocery store. Fuck specialty gaming stores.

>buy games
Y tho

I don't know why anyone bothers with consoles, you're slaved to a platform that can go poof at any moment, can't buy used games, can only play the company games, and the graphics aren't ever even as good as what actual computers can achieve

it's like gimping yourself, and paying 300% the market value to do it

You should have left, you cuckold.

everything here is wrong except the thing about graphics

>can't buy used games
implying PC can, trash argument

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I'm not just abandoning a child, you retards.

midwest is best west

Same. Moving to a city from a rural area gets you teased for stuff like this tho

Holy shit this made me crack up. Thank you OP

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Howdy is not midwest wtf

but you most certainly can

Here's what should have happened:

>win GameStop gift card
>pick up PSN card
>"Hey what's up, bro!"
>me: Hey
>employee picks up the card and shakes it
>"So what game are you buying?"
>me: idk probably Bloodstained
>"You should pick up the physical version bro. It'll be backwards compatible with the PS5"

What kinda bullshit rumors would you spread if you worked at a game store?

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Yell to her that you're leaving and to watch your own kid. Then call the cops on her if she doesn't come back.

Lads theres a cute skinny emo girl working at my local gamestop. I want to ask her out but she looks really shy (I am too)... what do?

>responding to "bro" talk with someone you don't even know with anything more than a standard greeting
I would feel like a goodamn faggot if I responded with anything more than a "hey" or "hello."
"Bro" talk is fucking ridiculous and is more than sufficient for ridicule.

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Gamestop customer service is the worst. They wont give you shit for complaining like most companies. I got em back by saying a $90 order went missing tho ss paybacks :)

as a man from the midwest, i can confirm that howdy is indeed midwestern

>Psst hey kid. I just got a list from our distro. It has BTOW on the nexbox. Spread the word

I don't ever recall anyone saying howdy in minnesota

>too autistic to say "nothing much how bout you?"
That's kinda sad dude
I've lived in the midwest my whole life no it fucking isn't. Midwest doesn't even have a discernible dialect that's why everyone on TV talks like us.

>"Nope. Just physical"

I know this cant be true but i so wish it was, Fuck Digital

As someone working in a grocery store, people like you are the fucking worst. I'm actually autistic and speaking to customers is awkward and uncomfortable for me. The most I say is "hey" and "have a good day"

>not just saying, "Hey kid, lock this door when I leave."

I started saying howdy as a joke. Dont ever do anything as a joke

i prefer physical if both are same price

>hey kid, I got some keys for that game in the back, cheaper than noodles, cash only, what do you say?

Ask her

Fuck gamestop, but do people actually believe Sony is gonna make their ps4 digital games backwards compatible and not use a disc only excuse so people rebups4? Digital on ps5?

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Holy shit I would have called corporate that second. This is horrible. I know you're a spaghettilord, but if you can't manage a phone you could at least fucking scram to teach that bitch a horrifying lesson.


Meant to say rebuy. Have no idea how I typed that and still managed to hit post like a retard.

Jesus, I would. Who gives a fuck about your dumb kid. She's the dumb mom who queefed it out and left it unattended.

I'll always remember my gamestop story
>how's it going how can I help you
>Yes, I'm looking to see if you have a stylus for the 3DS?
>okay sure one moment
>walks to his counter
>what system is that on?

Real talk guys. As much as I dislike GameStop, I want to trade in my PS4 Slim 500GB for credit towards a Switch.

Should I? I don't want to go thru the hassle of selling it on Craigslist (though I've done that before and the buyer was great), or eBay with all the shipping crap. I could get $160 for it at BearStop.

>tfw the zoomers of Yea Forums probably don't get why I called it GameStop

anyways yeah

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>wooden doors? we made it up

Watch my kid

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I remember buying AVP Gold edition and AVP 2 Primal Hunt from ebgames many years ago

good times

people like that should be rendered unable to reproduce

>nothin' much, how 'bout you?
>implying I give a shit how his day was

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Boomers say howdy in Ohio, but it's falling out of favor with the younger generations.

>call the cops

1. I don't need to deal with having to file witness statements and testifying in court
2. It's a stupid fucking risk to take. What if the cops come back and the mom makes up shit that I scared her off trying to molest her kid or something?

Maybe in a year or two, wait for the Switch library to expand a bit.

only do it if you have either a pc or a bone as an alternative main platform

>"I'm not really planning on buying a PS5 to be honest"
Here's your joker card for next time. You're welcome

As if the PS4 would just stop existing once the PS5 comes out

>implying you'll ever see that woman again if you left and never came back

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Should've grabbed a game or two as payment bro.

Yea that sound bull shit. You made the right choice op


It's not marketing, he's just retarded.

It's like me on Black Friday.

>go in to get free 360
>look at other consoles on the way out
>look at the cabinet
>"uhh it's not, that's an 80GB model"
>"I am, it's an 80GB with four USB ports, that's not backwards compatible"
>"oh....you have a good day sir"

I want to do this to my standard Xbox One just so I can get a prepaid card for some shit I actually want. I got it while my PC was in the shop but now I know how to repair my own computer so I have no use for waiting consoles.

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>What's up bro?
>It's ma'am.

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Never trade in hardware at Gamestop.
Individual games are harder to sell so trade those in generally. But the consoles sell super easily. You probably could get $180-200 on Craiglist.


>watched after the kid

what are you a faggot?

>go to mall
>go to Gamestop with intent of buying old game
>nothing but Funko shit and nothing I’m looking for
>leave Gamestop
>go to bookstore & food court and blow my money meant for vidya on biography books & crappy chicken teriyaki
Fucking Gamestop. I’m gonna miss my mall when they inevitably shut down in the online shopping generation. Shit felt like a culture hub growing up, now it’s just nothing but tacky designer clothes, fucking Gamestop, and Starbucks.
