Rank the Atlas games library.
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Persona 3 top notch
Soul Hackers
Trauma Center was their best series
etrian odyssey iii is their best game
I guess if you like it in the butt
Underrated as far as megaten games go. One of my favourites for sure.
>t. retard
SMT > P1 = P2EP > P2IS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anything else
Shit>atlus games
There, ranked
Nocturne = Persona 3 > Persona 5 > Digital Devil Saga > Persona 4. All are good at the very least. Nocturne and P3 are fantastic.
When will we see another Ogre game?
Power Instinct > Trauma Center > SMT > Catherine > Persona
Jack bros.>Trauma centre>>>>>>>>>>>>>literal shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everything else
Does it feature true strategy or is it a braindead grindfest? Have only tried disgaea and front mission 3 so far and none of them really held my attention.
>no love for Super Robot Taisen
>Nocturne = Persona 3
>calling someone else a retard
nice bait
Absolute shit taste
Dokapon Kingdom is too goddamn stressful
Try Ogre Battle 64?
SRW is done by Bandai Namco.
Localizations for a few GBA titles were handled by Atlus, but the games are not 'theirs' at all. Also more vocal fans liberally hate Atlus with a pashion for foresaking localization of the PS2 Original Generations game and basically closing down the path to having both that and the PS3's Original Generations 2nd available in english.
Their bullshit excuse being that it wouldn't sell.
(Meanwhile Bamco has started localizing the SRW games themselves and they've never sold better -- foreign regions overtaking domestic sales even, iirc.)
Strange Journey>>>everything else. And yes I'm neutral. How did you know?
Where do you place Soul Hackers?