Now here's one "pocket" monster I wouldn't want in my pokeballs
Now here's one "pocket" monster I wouldn't want in my pokeballs
This is just evil. To do this to a man because you don't like what he did to a videogame franchise is the lowest of the low.
He deserves it, to be fair.
>account made yesterday
>single digit follower count
I know you made this account OP and now you're trying to use Yea Forums to spread it. Go fuck yourself.
Why do you feel the need to defend a human monster like Masuda?
literally all he did was take out a couple pokemon from a game and people have berated him non stop about it like he came into their homes and stole all their pokemon merchandise and shat on them in front of them and their children. And NOW after people are out for blood someone makes a post with outrageous content in it, that's pretty fishy man.
I'm not defending him, I'm saying you're a dipshit for using such as obvious smear tactic while simultaneously killing threads
>my english isn't very good
>writes better than most of the people attacking masuda for taking out the national dex
>dude trust me
He could have gone on living his sexually degenerate BDSM lifestyle of human enslavement if he had just included the national dex.
>They also cast ideas for Pokemon, based on the infamous Hollywood actor Nicholas Cage
>all those fetishes
>people are taking this seriously
I know pokemon fans are retarded but fucking really?
Nothing relating to the video game franchise "Pokémon" can be considered a real controversy.
>account made today
>blogpost also made today
>this few followers
The only way OP could have found this is if his was the account in question. But he already stated in the OP that he isn't the twitter guy, so this makes for some pretty shitty bait.
>He even used the hashtag
Well, about time you dexfags killed yourselves.
The idiot who made this have become better in telling their lie if they want anyone to believe in it, don't even read half of this to realize this is a lie.
People like you are the fucking monsters.
imagine being so mad over a video game made for literal children that you try to slander one of the people working on it like this
I can't even begin to fathom how trying to ruin someone's life over such petty shit even begins to seem like a good idea in someone's head
Wow, even Yea Forums tards are less petty than pokefags, that's a surprise.
>all the /vp/ drones getting butthurt because someone slandered their god
fucking kek
to be fair he does look like a nigga who would be into shoving bugs up asses
i swear to god this is a false flag by gamefreak to make poke critics look "problematic" so they can use it as an excuse
you dumb faggots are falling for it, because it's either shit bait or that. keep posting about it and some fagrag like polygon will pick up on it and we'll never get a national dex and a better dev on poke. you dumb fucks
>implying /vp/ has liked Masuda in the slightest, especially since ORAS, let alone XY
it's /vp/fags that are trying to pass shit like this off as true.
Sounds loike /ourguy/ after all.
>XY and ORAS were bad
it was posted here first
I'm so glad that i'm not a pokemon autist. Imagine actually getting mad over a fucking video game. Pokemon, of all things.
>I was not very involved in the game other than calculating sales and deciding on marketable gameplay mechanics.
Stopped reading there
The accountant excel jockeys were deciding the gameplay mechanics based on their pivot tables?
ORAS failed to live up to the legacy of HGSS and while I liked XY it can be rightfully argued that it started the downward trend leading to Sword and Shield.
because fuck thots
>their god
If it would be about Morimoto, you'd have a point.
XY had the benefit of the doubt being the first 3D Pokemon, hoping that an eventual Z version would correct the mistakes and expand on the story. Instead we got ORAS which was a downgrade in every bloody form.
>Skeleton and slender, close to starving woman
Sacrilege, i say.
oh no, won't someone think of the e-celeb threads?
For me it's Shigeki Morimoto.
Props for being this imaginative. looking forward to your next work of fiction.
What in the hell is the appeal of Pokemon or Nintendo games in general?
I don't need a game to be ultraserious or gritty to be good. HITMAN 2016 has a great sense of humor, doesn't take itself that seriously. It's just that Pokemon/Nintendo games are literally, truly, genuinely for children. I'm not saying that to be insulting or anything, but Mario Party/Kart are the only ones I could see people having fun with because they're party game. Being above 10 and playing any other Pokemon or Nintendo game to me is sincerely cringeworthy. I'm not trying to be aggressive but I'm not memeing, someone please explain the appeal. How can you seriously sit there and play a game like Mario Odyssey BING BING WAHOO'ing all over the place and not feel like you're watching a cartoon for preschoolers? How is that not boring to you?
I literally couldn't care less that there's no national dex, mega evos or z moves and I am genuinely looking forward to sword & shield.
Have you ever considered that he actually might be guilty?
everything in this twitlonger is bullshit and the fact that the dude doesn't even know what an accountant does should've given it away. Plus some of this other shit is just too absurd to believe and it's outrageous that anyone would believe this for a single second.
The Yea Forums I loved would be laughing about assbugs right now instead of this gay bullshit
accountants in japan have different job duties
No matter how weird or suspicious,you should ALWAYS believe women when it comes to that.
Why would they lie?
Going public with this stuff is highly embarrassing even though they're victims
they don't do the shit that this twitlonger said they do
Congrats pokemon community you took the number 1 spot as most toxic fanbase i hope you guys are happy
How does it feel having such low standards that you're looking forward to one of the biggest trainwrecks of the year?
what was is
There's zero reason she would lie. Too many people in this thread are carrying water for a billion dollar company and the sexual predator they harbor.
this. pls send help
>account banned
must be real then
they claimed to be an accountant that apparently also is charge of game design and masuda is into bleeding skeletons that take drugs and bugs up the ass and they moved to Florida to avoid being his lab experiment.
Degenerate shit
>There's zero reason she would lie.
except for the fact that pokemon fans are autistic and are seriously sending death threats to the guy just because their favorite pokemon may or may not be in the next pokemon game.
No shit, Nintendo is doing everything they can to bury this.
I mean, masuda lost all my respect after LGPE but that doesn't slandaring him because of a fucking video game is right.
literally just look at who this person is following on twitter and that should be enough to tell you this shit is fake
>all ecelebs like Odd1sOut, Markiplier and Game Grumps with the exceptions being Donald Trump, Kellyanne Conway, and Tucker Carlson
japanese people love trump
I doubt many of them are also following tucker carlson and kellyanne conway though also doubt many of them watch JonTron and H3H3
she's a westaboo
Based Masuda
who is that and why is he banned?
some butthurt klefki fan got mad that his pokemon won't be in Sword and Shield and wrote a twitlonger trying to act like Masuda raped and abused him with drugs and spiders. It's blatantly fake but people are retarded
I doubt that it's going to be a trainwreck because Yea Forums has a low opinion of it. Anyway it has nothing to do with my standards, it's what parts of the game I care about. Every time there's a new pokemon game I play through the single player adventure, catch whatever pokemon I find that I like, and enjoy checking out the new regions. In sword/shield I'm excited about being able to finally explore from more perspectives and see Pokemon around the world at scale. I've never bothered to import old pokemon from previous games, I don't get into autistic online pokemon battles and I also thought mega evos and z moves were dumb and never used them. I realize some people liked those features and care about them and I can understand why they're disappointed, but I think you're delusional if you think that everyone who's ever used them is going to freak out on the same level as you guys are and participate in some kind of dramatic twitter hashtag boycott.
>Surprise rape
>1. Bugs in private places such as anus
Is that why bug type resists ground type?
>The bug was constantly in my ass
Go Metapod!!
Data driven decisions are killing gaming, news to you?