Admit it. it's better than breath of the wild

admit it. it's better than breath of the wild

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there's no fucking way in the world bro

It some ways it is.


I love SS but nah


SS is the worst 3D Zelda. Even the stuff it did better than BOTW is pointless because the other 3D Zeldas did it even better than SS, and none of its """innovations""" were worthwhile or meaningful

anything is better than breath of open world

don't forget ghirahim

that guy was fucking nuts, and is better than every character in botw

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Hell no, nigger. The game is obnoxious and patronizing as fuck.

The music isn't just clacking on a keyboard for one.

>comparing SS to literally any main Zelda game.

Gladly. BotW leaves me with no desire to replay it. I loved Skyward Sword and had a fucking blast. Getting the Hylian shield was great

Why did botw not have a final battle like this? Why was there no sword battle with ganon?

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No it is literally the only zelda game i would say is a "bad game" not just a bad zelda game but an outright bad game.


OOT, MM, WW and BOTW all had central concepts/design philosophies that the games were based on and around, and were really focused and honestly kind of elegant for it. TP is a bit worse because the wolf mechanic is pointless and it leans too hard on being OOT2, but it's still really well-designed.

SS is just a mess. It feels like they didn't know what they wanted the game to be about so they chucked in a whole kitchen sink of random ideas, regardless if those ideas added up into any kind of cohesive whole, and hoped it would work. Some of the ideas are brilliant, to be fair, but a lot of them are decidedly not. It also doesn't help that the game feels rushed because they didn't actually start making it until mid-2009 (the Zelda team just kind of fucked around for a while after TP) and most of the development was spent getting the motion controls to work, so the final game had to reuse so much content as padding.

What exactly was wrong with it? What didn't you like about SS?

Not in anyway
The ones with the time stones, sure
SS ruined the series with this reincarnation shit
DLC boss is better than all of SS bosses

>DLC boss is better than all of SS bosses
I like how you casually left out the main bosses of botw

christ I don't even know where to begin. I've never tried to actually list the problems with it

- replacing the organic world design from every other Zelda with an almost Mario-style "hub and discrete levels" setup
- the hub itself (the sky) is the most boring thing in a Zelda ever
- reusing the same areas over and over but with dumb new twists (stealth sections, collect the tadtones)
- everything about Fi
- I'm going to list Fi twice because she's so bad
- motion controls were pointless for most of the experience
- sword combat is ruined by the enemies constantly changing what direction they're blocking from at random so it constantly feels like a "stop and start" sort of deal, and it looks and feels dumb when Link slowly aligns the sword with the direction the enemy isn't facing to line up an attack, it's so weird because the swordfighting was awesome in Wii Sports Resort that I have no idea why it's so "off" in SS
- the dungeons are kind of weak for the most part, eveything's too telegraphed
- repeating boss fights
- a lot of the bosses are boring or unremarkable
- for a game where there's nothing but dungeons and which leans as hard into "dungeons are what makes Zelda 'Zelda'" as BOTW leans into "exploration is what makes Zelda 'Zelda'", it's a huge problem if the dungeons are iffy
- lots of other dumb things I'm putting into one bullet point (picking up items retriggering the little cutscene when you turn off the game, the escort mission with the robot, etc.).

the whole game's an absolute clusterfuck when compared to the other Zeldas. It's literally the only entry in the series I'd consider sub-par.

I didn't, they are shit. But SS isn't better

BOTW is the worst Zelda game and SS is the best. The only people who hate SS are the dumb motherfuckers who were too retarded to know how to properly set up their motion bar.


Skyward Sword is complete shit.

Because that's gonna be in botw 2.

Any Zelda game is.
Breath of Shit a shit.

Unironically based

There was a final battle with a sword wielder. It just wasn't against Ganon.

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>The only people who hate SS are the dumb motherfuckers who were too retarded to know how to properly set up their motion bar.
Based and truthpilled.

>motion bar

this best be bait. I refuse to believe SS fans are that dumb, bad opinions aside