I just started playing the first DMC and it's up there with RE2make and Shadow Tactics as the greatest games I've played this year. It's so fun to launch niggas with Alastor and finish them off with the shotgun. Do the games get better from here or am I going to be disappointed? Already on Mission 14.
Devil May Cry
Other urls found in this thread:
2 is the biggest disappointment of all time
3 and forward are different from dmc1 because of director change
just skip 2 and go for it with 3
The real game goes from great to amazing after mission 15, the difficulty cranks up, you can expect to take as long if not longer to go from mission 15 to 23 (last mission) as it took you to reach mission 14
DMC2 is very disappoint because of a terrible development cycle. You can try it, its a pain, it does not flow well. Game had potential but lacked polish
DMC3 had said polish and more. Its great, although a bit too long for my taste (i like the replayability of DMC1 thanks to its short lenght)
DMC 4 is even better combat wise, but too short, lacked budged
DMC 5 is the full refinement of everything the series had so far. Gameplay wise, its the absolute best for normal players (Some people prefer 4 because it has some bugs that allow crazy combos and movement options)
When you beat the game you'll unlock hard mode which has significant changes. Make sure you try it out before moving on to 3.
It's disappointing in what way? Does the gameplay take a huge dive?
Sorry I responded before reading this post. Can mods or something fix all the shit up?
DMC 1 is still my favourite game of all time. Even tho 3 and 5 are technically better games, I still go back to 1 the most
Also probably the only one, but Ifrit is my fave DMC devil arm ever. There's just so much CRUNCH behind every move, so satisfying
DMC1 is really short, honestly he should at least try Dante Must Die before going to 3.
Also hard isnt that hard if you have a full save NG+
Balancing wise, hard is in an odd place.
Normal is balanced for NG
DMD is balanced for NG+
Hard is the akward in between
DMC1 is a great game. 2 is one of the worst games ever but it gets better after it. 3 is my favorite game of all time.
I liked Alastor the most in 1. Any DMC as your favorite is acceptable but 2. 3 is my favorite and 1 is second.
2 is broken, has very little weapon variety and is too easy. You can beat most bosses by only standing still and shooting them.
Naw, its fucked in its core. Imagine the following:
In DMC1, the combat flows because the enemies are aggressive, are always getting close to you, the areas are usually small, forcing contact with enemies.
The AI is aggressive, has multiple options, and so on.
In DMC2, i think that area surface wise, the first level is larger than the entire castle of DMC1. Enemies are slow, chaining combos is nigh impossible because there is no reach.
Camera is bad, balance is bad, the guns are horribly overpowered.
It's shit. DMC2 was rushed out and it shows. Big boring levels, no satisfying moves that feel powerful, easy as pie, no weapon variety and rehashed missions for both characters. Anyone have the image that summarizes the development when Itsuno had to try to salvage it?
Don't play past the 3rd game, it's just disappointing after that one.
How do you guys feel about the control layout for 1 versus 3? The latter felt much more natural, only having to hold down when I wanted to lock-on.
Disregard this guy. 4SE is great.
DMC2 would need an entire overhaul to be worth playing.
I can appreciate the things it tried to do like weapon switching and bloody palace, but the gameplay is just so shit.
DMC5 was disappointing. The combat is the best it's ever been but enemies and bosses suck. The level design is almost nonexistent after the first 1/4 of the game.
3, 4 and 5 absolutely double down on the insane action but downplay the Resident Evil roots of 1.
DMC2 is an awful misguided sequel and it's a miracle the franchise survived from it at all.
I think the one thing HD Collection did right by 1 is making a remap that's closer to 3's controls the default.
>weapon switching
I've only played DMC1 and 3, what are some actual good games that do weapon switching?
I remember DoD3 doing it but that game's engine was fucked to the point of being barely playable.
DMC5 has the highest quality enemies and bosses in the series.
But DMCV gave us Lady lewds
dont get this
DMC5 has absolutely no "that guy" enemies like shieldfags or chimera assaults and every enemy except the basic ones can be experimented with and has multiple ways to be approached
the only really bad bosses are gilgamesh and nidhogg, the rest range from ok to fucking excellent
>Enemies suck
Say what you want about the bosses but DMC5 had far better enemies than 3 and 4
The only thing I remember from from time with DMC1 is the end scene where Dante screams something like "GIVE ME THE LI_IIIGHT" and his voice cracks like he's going through puberty. One of the greatest cheese moments from vidya. I miss that in games. They are way too mainstream for their own good.
Yeah the line was "I should've been the one to fill your dark soul with LIIIIIGGGGGHHHHT"
I laughed my ass off
2 is shit.
3 is the best one but is different from 1.
4 is good but unfinished.
5 is ok, better battle style than 4 but worse on the rest.
>enemies and bosses suck
What are you talking about, 5 has the best enemies and bosses since 1. There's no "THAT enemy" like 3&4 were riddled with, and no godawful bosses (aka a third of 3's boss roster). M19 Vergil (especially after patches, but even at launch) is mechanically superior to 3's Vergil fights even if it lacks the thematic weight and the music isn't as good as Vergil 2, and most of the other fights are very good (Goliath and Cavaliere being standouts to me, as well as Urizen 3 despite the first two phases probably being the weakest in the game after Nidhogg). 5's also got one edge on 1 in that it mixes and matches enemy types together in interesting ways in both the campaign and BP, whereas 1 kept to one type per room.
That's it! I couldn't remember. That shit is so funny.
I can’t think of any.
Really crazy how an absolute abomination of an action game from 16 years ago managed to have on the fly weapon switching while most modern games still lack it.
Like the other anons have said the enemy and boss variety never sink to the lows of the other games. There isn't anything similar to Arkham, Leviathan or Gigapede and it's a better game off for it. Now whether those same elements reaches the heights of the other games is much more reasonable since I personally still prefer Nelo 3, Vergil 3 to the final two missions of 5 and I wouldn't begrudge anyone who preferred other elements of the older games to 5's.
After putting in the time to really get Dante in DMC5, I can definitely say the people who post this shit played the game maybe once, MAYBE twice, and have not gone back.
>better battle style than 4 but worse on the rest.
God where are you fucking contrarians coming from? Marionettes are not engaging enemies. The lightning dudes are not engaging enemies. The only good enemies in DMC4 are the holy knights.
A master baitsman
Not only that they even fixed the idea behind Blitz with Fury.
It is hard for a newbie to learn how to approach the ferrari lizard but at least is that thing not blowing itself up after getting beaten like that sore loser that is Blitz.
>The only good enemies in DMC4 are the holy knights.
they make up for it by being the best goddamn enemies in the entire series
>bosses suck
Soulsfags are the worst
Just because the boss doesn't kill you in 3-4 hits have 666 phases and combos doesn't mean that boss suck.
100% agree with this post.
DMC5 just has the best enemy design in the franchise, you could make a case for DMC1 but I think DMC5's design is just way more ambitious and interesting in that regard. The gimmick enemies in 5 are actually clever and fun and makes you consider how to deal with a room of different enemy types. For instance a Behemoth is one of the most dangerous enemies in the game once you destroy it's shackles, but once it goes berserk it will also start doing massive friendly-fire damage to other foes as well.
Infested Chopper is probably the worst boss ever put in a video game
What the fuck are you talking about?
Mashing the square button is great boss design
So DMC4 has the best enemy in the entire series with everyone else being shit, and a rather lackluster selection of Devil Arms.
>DMC5 has absolutely no "that guy"
DMC5 has a lot of mediocre bosses and few highlights I feel, on top of a shit story.
3 had shit bosses with Doppelgänger, Leviathan's heart, Gigapede, Geryon, Arkham
4 had statue Sanctus and lolwindow
5 has Qilpoth Roots, Qilpoth parasite
I'd argue the Urizen fights are bad, but they're obviously nowhere as bad as the rest on this list.
Still, when comparing shit I'd say I highly prefer Berial to Goliath, simply because Berial doesn't slow the fight down by moving through the cathedral. Credo is also incredible gameplay wise.
Also Fury < Blitz, there is nothing you can really do against a Fury except for wait and parry, Blitzes you could be really proactive against or wait them out. JCshotgunning them, abusing Gilgamesh into RG to utterly BTFO them. But most people didn't actually play 4 properly, it seems.
DMC2 may be the worst game I've ever played. I think I went through the first several hours without dying.
Furies are well-designed. They have clear tells and are designed to teach you that parries are important to learn. I still have trouble with them but they're not the kind of frustrating where I hate their designs, it's the good kind where I feel like I need to improve.
If 5 has "THAT guy", it's Judeccas.
>He doesn't play DMC5 with All Furies mod enabled
Furys aren’t that bad once you get the timing down on their teleport.
Fury with Dante are a goddamn joke.
Literally just use ice age when you seem them getting their blade ready before a teleport. GG ez
seems like a very arbitrary reason to prefer Berial
I'd say when you're on top of them, Goliath has a way more unpredictable pattern of swinging which makes him more fun to try to stay in air around
Blitzes aren't nearly as fun as you probably remember, it's kind of neat to do those exact two ways of beating them the first times but afterwards they're a chore. Not necessarily think furies are a lot better but at least you can try to parry their unpredictable patterns or find neat new ways to clash with it
Fury is easy to beat once you learned his pattern and it it's really easy with Dante with royal guard especially with royal revenge/ release.
Rawhide practically deletes that fucker too and I love the animation that Nero get's when he busters that speedy gecko.
I do not know V's best way to get rid of them but I bet it involves jumping on nightmares back so that he can tank all the damage.
Is this a joke? Flint Wheel turns it into a punching bbag
You literally don’t even have to deal with these guys as V, just use blockade when they teleport and they get fucked.
I love Dante
boomer Dante is a blessing upon video games
At least by that point you had your stuff fully upgraded
I think DMC5 has some good bosses and enemies, but it really dropped the ball on enemy placement and level design. You're only ever in an empty hallway or a typical gauntlet arena; the game is not very dynamic with its room structures or combat scenarios. It's so afraid of stepping on the player's toes that it's paralyzed. It doesn't do much of anything. Ironically V is more annoying to me than anything in DMC1, 3, or even 4. I still like DMC5 a lot, though.
What the fuck was Capcom thinking when they put one of Dante's best fucking moves behind a paywall and then decided to make it unusable in BP?
I can stomach all the other DLC bullshit in DMC5 but this one legitimately hurts the game.
Dante's a blessing in general
except for you-know-who
Even those guys can be beaten before they teleport away and that is by keeping these fucks in the air for as long as possible.
But I do agree that they are annoying.
>seems like a very arbitrary reason to prefer Berial
It is extremely noticeable if you do boss rushes, you spend a lot of time doing nothing of note against Goliath. Particularly because of that and his vomit tornado.
>Goliath has a way more unpredictable pattern of swinging
There is a spot near the back of his head where his hands don't reach, he is really safe once you get a feel for it and not a threat.
Berial can fuck you with sudden explosions or lava pillars. Neither of them is a challenge, but one of them wastes my time.
>Blitzes aren't nearly as fun as you probably remember
I've played DMC4 literally two weeks ago again, I know what I am talking about. They're a downright better version of Fury because if you're good enough you can shorten the amount of time needed to fight them drastically.
Fury you can't really do anything other than wait them out.
>it's kind of neat to do those exact two ways of beating them
Are you pretending Lucifer darts don't exist? Or all of Dante's ranged attacks like overdrive, slash dimension? Those will fuck a Blitz out of his shield in two rotations. God forbid if I mention Pandora's box opening, which immediately destroys their shield.
The only one who is limited is Nero, who just charge shots them twice and dodges. But that is a Nero problem, not a Blitz problem.
You don't know what you're talking about
Your ONLY legit point is the level design.
I somewhat agree that after a certain point it just becomes "walk down demonic-organic hallway to large room and fight enemies" after we had Redgrave City opening up the game, but the combat and enemy design is so good that it's a negligible point
Can we make a list of tactics and attacks to deal with Furies for each character? I already have my Dante figured out, but Nero can be tricky.
-Balrog {jab a lot, or keep jumping with Flush}
-Cerberus {Ice Age}
-Devil Sword Dante {Swordmaster summoned swords/Round Trips}
-Shotgun {jumping shots and Gun Stringer dodges because of i-frames}
-Ragtime's Breakage
-Rawhide's Breakage
-Fully charged explosive shots
-Nightmare + Promotion
-Shadow {Hedgehog}
-Griffon {Divebomb and Charge Shots}
-teleport around with R1+circle for easier dodges
Crowbcat made a showcase that should answer this question for you within the first 40 seconds.
I have that DLC and I never bother with it. I like my super armour.
>Also probably the only one, but Ifrit is my fave DMC devil arm ever.
Dude, there's a whole crowd of us who love to punch shit til it explodes.
Level design, sure. But 5 was amazing in terms of enemies and bosses. You might be conflating the difficulty setting with the bosses themselves. DMC3 Normal in the West was much harder than Devil Hunter in 5.
Dante and Nero can counter Fury by virtue of swinging at the right time with any attack.
Honestly I think there's showings of good level design in the game, it just abandons it for portions of the game which is a shame (and four boss-only Missions don't help). Missions 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, & 15 have good level design IMO, and I think 10, 11, and 18 are okay in that if not super interesting. Prologue, 1, 9, 13, 14, & 16 are essentially just straight lines with a couple secrets. 6/17/19/20 are obviously just bosses.
Personally, Mission 7 is one of my favorite Missions in the series. I love the intertwining paths Nero & V take and the subway station as the primary location, the escalator fight is one of the coolest encounters in the series, the long hallway that ends in the spawner that summons Antenoras is fun, and on DMD the rooms with the Riot spawners are tense as fuck. Then the co-op fight against the Angelos in the falling theater is fantastic.
Literally time your DT as Nero and fist them for $300
>Also probably the only one, but Ifrit is my fave DMC devil arm ever.
I'm with , Ifrit is the shit. Not #1 but it's a Top 5 weapon for me:
1. Balrog/Cavaliere R (tie)
2. Cavaliere
3. Spiral
4. Ifrit
5. Nevan
King Cerberus would be my number one if it it didn't have the lock-on + forward swordmaster auto combo.
I'm not saying Goliath is necessarily a threat but neither is Berial in that case. His explosion tell is super obvious and so is he when he casts the lava pillars. And if there is a spot at the back of Goliath's head then even getting there would also be part of the fun. You can also reflect Goliath's fireballs which is neat, either way they're similar that it really boils down to nitpicks anyway.
And yeah sure we can sit here and pretend that all that shit you listed are totally unique ways to interact with a blitz when all you're really doing is just trying to get him vulnerable while he dashes around like a madman. It'd be the same as me saying every unique move that clashes with a fury is a totally different way of making him fall on his ass
>that it's a negligible point
I really don't think it is. There's a reason the training room and BP exist. The boring level design severely hurts my interest in the game. Previous DMC games had their own issues, but they were willing to shake things up in ways that DMC5 just isn't. Even the earlier city missions limit their dynamism to aesthetics and it's a shame. DMC has never been like Prince of Persia or even God of War, and that's a-okay, but it didn't have to be so bland. There are some moments of great design (I'm a big fan of how the game handles its secret mission locations and orb fragments, for example) but DMC5 is otherwise very timid to a fault.
>Actual discussion instead of shitposting in a DMC thread
What the fuck, did all the shitposters just get bored?
neros got a fat ass
They're both very comparable and one is arguably better.
Berial doesn't waste your time, Goliath does.
Blitz has the option of either disabling him early, or waiting his attacks out. Fury doesn't, you have to wait out and counter his attacks.
Yes, he is QUITE the master baiter.
>mfw just spent 5 hours trying to beat DMD vergil 3
I can't do this anymore, I'm about to just go with the super costume and end this
At one point he literally had 1 pixel left in his HP bar, I just had to survive the helmbreaker orgy to win and I fucked it up like a bitch
12 year old me would have geeked out over this guy
Bajiru when
I guess i can concede that Goliath's jumping around can be annoying on repeated attempts but I still don't think thats a negative in itself. makes the fight more dynamic
Blitz are fags tho, disabling him early my ass, you can disable fury early as well by SDT+demolitioning his red asshole
There comes a gap in DMD in these games where you HAVE to git gud with Royal Guard.
About a year most likely
badger when
As long as it's worth the wait.
Which one is that? Cavaliere R?
Yeah. The two differences it has with the main Cavaliere are that it doesn't have the hyper armor (which can be good or bad depending on the situation) and it has an exclusive Lock + Back-Forward Style attack called Redline, which is a Stinger-equivalent with Dante riding the bike that has way quicker startup than the Lock + Forward Style attack and is Air OK. It's an incredible tool for both approaching midair enemies and extending combos (assuming you JC the early hits, use Magic Hat to keep them in place, or Quad S out of it, since there's a TON of recovery frames if you don't cancel it early).
Cav R and the Deluxe Devil Breakers are banned in Bloody Palace and that sucks. I'd like to use Mega Buster and Gerbera GP01 in BP as well.
My favorite Devil Arm in the series is Beowulf