Smash bros addition. Literally who

Nobody is gonna believe this, desu I barely do. Goodbye.

Attached: 65841874_341707630117376_2950057351647854592_n.jpg (2730x3640, 1.7M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: what tha fuck.png (1667x858, 844K)

Possibly a better picture. up to you really.

Attached: 62574066_2804563522893149_7838047210456481792_n.jpg (3640x2730, 1.36M)

Wtf is that

this nigga looks like iggy's recking balls

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 20K)

Attached: 1488553004480.jpg (2700x2200, 1022K)

LOL balls

I know this is fake, but I'm genuinely curious as to what - if any - character this is supposed to be. I'm pretty damn knowledgeable about obscure old games and shit, and I have no idea who the fuck this is.

we need to find out who this fellow is

team fortess too

>this is the one that is real

That reminds me of this zelda leak I found!!

Attached: 155479028589.jpg (536x362, 180K)

>this is the one that was real


I'd say keep an eye peeled and remember this day for your own butterflies sake. Or not if you fi]

Fake as hell leak but genuinely curious who the fuck this guy is. Never seen a fake leak go this obscure.

Attached: 1306135607580.jpg (640x480, 84K)


I miss calling 4 kerfuffle before release

Who the fuck is this.
Is this your OC donut steel, OP?

if crash gets in this is basically real

My bad I forgot how you guys expect this to go. There. I fixed it for you.

Attached: 65879209_2334659240187775_3037636686910586880_n.jpg (1280x691, 54K)

y'know, i've always felt like sakurai should add a completely original character with all new moves, a contribution that is personal to him and represents what he would add to the game without being based on anything.

smash bros doesn't really have a mascot or representative avatar

Found him

Oh fuck they’re finally adding Grinklepuss?

Who the fuck is that, for a fake leak you picked a pretty random fucking character

Stop being funny OP tell us who the fuck this is.

He's bubble bobble dinosaur new design.



>Skyward Sword leak


Attached: ayy1.webm (950x438, 177K)