Best melee weapons

best melee weapons

Attached: cf.jpg (2816x2075, 721K)

disable that filter and I could agree

Attached: Screenshot_Hexen_20170921_125201.png (1920x1080, 211K)

>Using texture filters

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Attached: 1398550265170.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

it's default gzdoom, how do I turn it off ?

Attached: SSS.png (1195x1144, 874K)

i like the alt fire swing too

Display options
Texture options
Set texture filter mode to OFF

Why the fuck they have it on by default is fucking baffling, everyone hates it.
Also here's a picture of a dog

Attached: 1535791120952.jpg (500x542, 42K)

OpenGL options, texture filtering to "off".

Literally came here to post the Sledge.

Playing Hexen with the HeXercise mod is literally the most fun i've ever had in a FPS my entire life.
I can't explain why but it clicks with me EXACTLY the right way, it feels punchy as fuck, fast as hell, amazing feedback for everything you do.

Attached: 1319896327464.jpg (580x509, 30K)

>just call me Ginsu

Attached: ma.jpg (480x360, 15K)


Hexercise is pretty based

Salty salty snailcorn

What’s the point of texture filtering anyway?

cool it looks nicer now

Attached: cf.jpg (3840x2160, 1.03M)

for zoomers

nice, enjoy!

I wish I had known about this before playing the entirety of doom/doom2/evilution

Don't kid yourself, even zoomers hate it.
All the indie pixel games you always shit on generally look "raw" and unfiltered on purpose, because people like that harsh pixelated look.

There was a period during the Wii when all the companies were re-releasing ports of 2D games with filters turned on by default with no way of turning it off and people fucking hated it so much and bitched about it so consistently companies like Nintendo haven't done it since.

Attached: 34636357.gif (680x348, 1.36M)

make sure to get AWideID wad to fix the widescreen display for games like Hexen and heretic.

Same, don't feel bad about it. Now you have a reason to replay them in all its glory

Blame Graf zahl, the main dev behind GZDoom. It's been a well known fact that the default settings are his personal preference and will ban you on his forum for talking against it.

Wow, That's some extra strength autism right there

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>promise myself not to use it in my next playthrough
>immediately do it anyway
Every time. Same issue with Fallout New Vegas and all of its OP builds like riot shotgun+stay back perk

It gets worse, he also dislikes anyone telling others to use any older build of gzdoom and he doesn't like the doom mod "Lilith.pk3" because it's a mod whose point is using all kinds of zdoom bugs to achieve its effects and what really pissed him off about it is that it won a community caco award which he demanded it as rigged. He also makes decisions that piss off modders such as zscript not being documented for future use. He also turns down most end user suggestions too.

I prefer it to the filters, they make it look kinda muddy.

has anyone stepped up and took over or make a replacement? this shit sounds awful

Nobody at all, even his girlfriend who is the sysop for the forums defends his autistic tirades.