Gamer boys, are you thirsty? :3

gamer boys, are you thirsty? :3

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Other urls found in this thread:

the worst part is, i know a bunch of horny idiots will buy it all

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This seems like a waste of money, I would much rather buy the bathwater of one of our local femanons.

>she'll probably make more money off of dirty tap water in a few days than I'll make doing actual work in a year
Unchecked capitalism was a mistake

drink bleach, shit wipe

Where's my gamer girl pee?

>people having more money than me is a mistake

Yeah but it's probably one of those horny rich guys buying off from her so she does a good job relocating money.

Don't hate her, hate the pathetic thot enabler.
This is the equivalent of selling panties without actually being sexual, its kinda genius.

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gamer girl and boy pee are indistinguishable from one another

m i x e d i n

god i wish i was a moderately attractive woman, i would make so much money.

I fully admire her for accelerating the fool-money separation process

Bath water is shit, call me when she sells gamer girl pee

Anybody have the elven webm I missed it

>moderatively attractive
Somebody post her picture without a makeup

I actually ordered some, it hasn't arrived nor has it shipped yet. I could post some pictures or a webm of me drinking it, though I will censor my face.

Water confirmed as true Gamer Fuel

Wouldn't that just further support his point?

This cant be real. What has happened to the world? Is this the clown world meme? How do I wake up to reality bros?

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Why do people like her? she looks super fake and not cute at all. i never understood this hit or miss girl obsession either.

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If your not lying you better do it faggot.

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No one wants to see that. No one is entertained by your pathetic behavior, no amount of self-deprecation or flirtation with irony will change that fact. You're just a dipshit with a can of old bath water and no one is impressed

i hate the internet

>Yea Forumsirgins pretending they dont think with their dicks even though 90% of threads are about video game girls or people buying shitty games exclusively for waifus
>uhhh bro its ok when a man exploits our horny retardation for profit but not when a woman does it
its all ok or none of it is

So do you want to fuck or what?

The West is dead.

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This. I can't blame her for taking advantage of pathetic people, it's the ones giving her money that are the real degenerates.

Can't she just fill all the cups with normal fucking water now? Can you sue her for not being in the water before bottling it? Can you even sell something for "thirsty" people that isn't safe to consume? Seems like it's either not safe to drink, or it's really bathwater. Feel like this would be a legal minefield if it weren't a fucking meme to get her in the public eye before making her fetish pornhub account

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Waifus are pure.
Delphine is a cunt

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>Tfw I bought one

I'm so fucking lonely bros. Just getting a pretty girl like that to notice me is worth it.

>I would much rather buy the bathwater of one of our local femanons.
10% of that would be balls sweat.

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A crummy pail of bath water?

Cumbrains of all forms are pathetic but obsessing over 2d girls is less cucked desu

NyanNyan at least looked cute imo
Belle just looks like a fucking annoying valley girl, I HATE how she looks, most punchable fucking face ever, she looks so goddamn fake

but I have my own bath water for free

You're being exploited in both scenarios but you've been tricked by Yea Forums hiveminding and marketing into accepting one but not the other

This has nothing to do with video games. Sage

>no webm

One job OP

I'm not thirsty but picrelated would definitely buy this product

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That's not even the same person.

is this a fucking joke

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I like to think that she fucking despises her fans and that the bath water is actually from her boyfriend/manager's bathing.

>he's still in his "coherency in ethics" phase
Over time the illusion will fade and you'll realize that the only tool fit for an ambiguous, infinitely complex social landscape is a code of ethics that is equally ambiguous and complex

Forget ethics, it is philosophy's most useless timesink. Either approach infinite complexity or forget codes and simply act from moment to moment

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Looks like Justin Long with braces

How does this goblin do it. Make-up is so fucking OP. Please nerf.

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i suggest we come up with a term to discribe these pathetic men who spend money on these ethots
i like the sound of thirsties

I feel like that is years apart though. Idk. Seems to big of a change.

>females have it so har-


Not gay but still would. I'm that desperate now.

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End Me!

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>discribe these pathetic men who spend money on these ethots
white men

Fuck off discord tranny.

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>not gay


They are been called paypigs for a while.

It's fake.

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I bet you guys buy $200+ anime figures and then when you complain about not being these female taken advantage of others.

What the fuck has to happen to a person in order for them to be like this?

Orbiter is already an established term

She's still wearing makeup, whale.

minus the acne, she's more attractive without makeup. looks like less of a whore and is just plain cute. can't see half of her hair and stuff though

>still wearing makeup
>best lighting possible
>best angle possible
>still looks retarded

Nice try white knight faggot

It's always a fucking whitoid that supports and funds these whores

make up is magic, here's cincinbear without makeup

Attached: cincinbear.webm (720x720, 2.49M)

whitoids have money

She was wearing eyeliner, fake lashes and caked in makeup since 14. Her skin is shit and dry by this point.

whitoid's are just so damn thirsty. If it's not orbiting twitch whores and giving them money, it's jacking off to anime figurines, or turning tranny/homosex.

3-Dimensional Pig Disgusting

I don't understand these losers who give money to internet whores for no reason. They do understand they could buy a real whore and have sex with them right? I don't understand.

Women were a horrible mistake

Someone post the webm

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Gross, I would drink Miyabi's bath water though.

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The west is dead

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>why won't this anonymous image board have consistent opinions like a single individual!
Actual brainlet


I don't know why the hate in her. She's cute and found a way to market herself. Be mad at the fucks who pay for the shit.

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does she sell panties though

>without makeup
>luscious red lips

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Autism. In it's natural and unfiltered state leads to such things.
Some guys genuinely think theyre friends with the bitch.
Some guys hope it will bring attention to them as potentional mates.
Some guys just do it because they got money to burn.

the expression she make after the memeface is so much more hot and exciting.

If you think this shit is cute then you need to go outside some more

Honest question, what drives many men to be so pathetic that this will probably sell out in less than a day?

She looks great, like a genuine healthy human being
Imagine suckling at ad executives' teats for so long that you only find attraction towards whores caked in foundation by this point

A pretty girl without makeup fucking obliterates any girl with makeup. No comparison

the only cure is for wh*te men to cut off their dicks.

Maybe I should start pissing in bottles and call it girl piss. You autists would never know the difference.

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It's called ahegao you fucking peat gavel.

casting a wide net just makes you look desperate.

not the same girl fucking morons

>A pretty girl without makeup fucking obliterates any girl with makeup. No comparison
Calm down pedo. Norman men like make up on women.

No. Won't buy it, and the fact that she is the first girl to pull shit like this amazes me. Nerds, be they otaku, comic book ones, or gamer geeks, are cash cows that love being milked. If you fall for any of that shit but think this bitch is the devil for taking advantage of her fame, you are a retarded hypocrite.

She doesn't even show nipples what's the point

Um yeah cute. She ain't no 10 but I wouldn't kick her out of bed. I think she looks better than my wife

ironic weebs are a meme

Yeah, I should hate the men who have issues they should be address and not the cunt who's taking advantage of their vulnerability. Some people can't fucking help it.

>Lion hunts prey
>you: Just hate the slow nigger antelope for being an enabler

Based Contra, no idea she made that much. Definitely well deserved, her videos are super well made.

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She's unironically a genius.

I hate e-thots and I hate their horny pathetic beta orbiters.

>Nerds, be they otaku, comic book ones, or gamer geeks, are cash cows that love being milked.
Yeah, she's just taking money that would otherwise go to figurines or gacha

>mass reply
You seem a bit defensive. . . . . .Just try talking to a girl instead of wasting money on e-thots. Stop being so pathetic.

A bunch of people are going to buy this shit, and you know it

>Normal men like make up on women.
Men "like" it when it makes them feel like they're succeeding in hitting it off with a woman that's more attractive than she actually is
Chads who are actually desirable to women pull ass that's even gorgeous without makeup

She looks fucking bitchy
I hate when women look like that
I see cuter and more attractive girls on a daily basis


Those who are vulnerable need to be held responsible for their actions unless they are under care of a guardian. I don't hate the prey. They try to flee but can't. The other fucks don't flee at all. I'm not mad at them though. They are the ones that make capitalism go round.

>implying she even bathed in it

People are buying basic tap water in a baby food jar LMAO

This just made me see the state of the world, it hit me like a truck.

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Be honest Yea Forums. Would you whore yourself out like Belle if it meant hundreds of horny desperate women would give you money?

She should fill the containers with ricin, at least it would do the world a service

A gorgeous women "even" without make up looks even better with it, which is why they wear it, retard.


I'd drink it.

You can say what you want, she knows how to get tons of cash from retards.

I'm a piss connoisseur. I would know

We were all supposed to die some time in the 2000s, but reality just kept on going.

This is how communist revolutions are created.

Probably, one or two years of hard work and virtual e whoring then you could retire

Don't you retards realize that you could probably sell your own pee and poop via a patreon, there are THAT many lonely gay men out there with$$$

Jesus fucking Christ I wish her and all her paypigs would keel over and make the world a slightly better place.

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I like it when they look bitchy. I love me a good hate fuck.

Here have some video game bitches

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to earn that kind of money? absolutely. You'd be set for life after only a few years, and by that time the whales will have moved on to another whore anyway.

>whore yourself out
Literal whores, prostitutes, pornstars etc earn infinitely less money for doing things much worse.

You are the gender you identify as.


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>videos are super well made
>anime poster
my cringe meter is going off the charts

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Hate fucking has to be really specific to me
I don't want to hatefuck Belle, I just want to knock her fucking teeth in

Unlike niggers
>Niggers cant stop seething about whites 24/7

Don't know where you got the estimates from but Contra has 9,000 patrons now. She's definitely making a living from the videos though, but I will admit, the quality of the videos and effort put into them are good, even if you disagree with the content itself.

Some eyeliner or mascara or blush might not be a big deal or may even improve but foundation (completely covering the face to mask all imperfections) is fucking disgusting and a huge red flag. If a woman is caked in foundation she probably looks like the spanked ass of a fat teenager without it

>self identity is the only kind of identity

Yeah you're what's wrong with society. Mentally ill

The picture that ended an entire gender

I'd rather have a girl who is comfortable with herself and doesn't wear makeup, even if she has visible pores, dark circles, uneven skin tone etc. And I've been jacking it to anime girls for 20 years, the bad thing about 3D girls isn't their looks but their attitudes. The attitude behind wearing makeup is disgusting, too bad every girl cakes that shit on. Even if it's natural makeup I don't care, it's still disgusting

this is fucking disgusting she legit grosses me out

I mean, I don't like it, but you can't blame her if her retard fans make it so easy for her.

I'm white you dumbass, you literally can't deny that these whales that fund these whores are always fucking white, same with SJW, most of them are white, always some cuck low test whitoid

>be average - above average looking girl on the internet
>dozens of thirsty beta males will orbit you and throw money at you

Sometimes I wish I was female. They live life on easy mode

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Yeah as opposed to wh*tes that kill themselves if they can't scream nigger on the internet.

>tranny subhuman makes at least half a million per month exploiting current cucked, degenerate state of society in so called "progressive" 1st world contries

>Headset in the bathtub

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>n word
>White people can't stop being racist 24/7

Jesus Christ she looks like one of those smug ass emo girls who knows if she raped you she will get away with it because she's a girl and you're a guy and you'll love it.

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When it comes to gender it is, you get to be whatever you want.

Get mad bigot. Also TF2 is trash.

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>Imagine ignoring centuries of indisputable biological study defined as fact and mutilating yourself to feed your mental illness urges.

Cope harder tranny.

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>"men" will pay for this

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I can't be the only one who finds her looks slightly off-putting?

You know what's funny?

I can snap and kill every mother fucker like you on this board if we met IRL.

Seriously, think about it. I'd have your windpipe crushed and your eyes gouged out before you would even know what's happening.

You guys talk big shit. Watch yourselves.

>Indisputable biological studies

Yikes, you know this guy unironically watches Crowder.

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Contrapoints has a PHD. I think s/he's more deserving of that money than anyone here.


She is gross as fuck. She disgusts me.

>anime poster
>"TF2 is trash"
did you forget to dilate today, tranny?

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Reminder that this is an idea ripped off straight from a cult. In that insane murderous japanese cult led by this fat guy, if you gave enough money to the cult, you were given the "sacred" bath water of this fat ass to drink or cherish. Anyone who buys this is like the deluded idiots who thought this fatass had holy superpowers and thought his bathwater was special. Just like hers.

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She's hising a nasty gut. Bitch is already starting to spoil.

God the more this bitch does to mock pervs to their face the more I unironically like her.

She's literally laughing at losers and those losers are lining up to give her thousands of dollars.

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If you ran a butter knife across her face, how much make-up do you think would come off?


How is this not hella based? Nobody worth a damn is being exploited by this.

gaming """culture""" is dead and we killed it
we let this shit happen

Gender is a linguistic construct that began as one of our many adaptively developed systems of abstraction/categorization and has since become a completely meaningless term. Trans women will always tell you they "don't feel like a man" but the dirty secret is that is doesn't inherently feel like anything to be a man. It doesn't inherently feel like anything to be a woman. Cis men are not constantly feeling like men, they are simply existing and everyone else categorizes them as such.
The trans movement has incepted a very incorrect and confusing idea into our society that gender is itself a genuine phenomenological object that is "felt," and that if you do not "feel" your assigned sex, you could be trans. There never was anything to feel. We're telling people to start paying attention to something that does not exist, and from that well of confusion a miasma of broken theory and logic has flowed forth.

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I'd watch what you say user or you might have a few antifa allies at your door armed with milkshakes and bike locks

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Nigger you have crossed the line.

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Probably not as much as the same thing done to you would scrap off incel tears.

this obsession with identity is yet another CIA psyop.

I actually got a Bulma figurine for around the same price. I could at least put that on my desk and have people admire it. Who in their right mind is going to publicly show that they bought bath water from some ugly ass thot?

>tfw gf is cute as fuck and only wears subtle eyeliner, if anything
Life is great guys

Mass genocide & extinction soon

the white man died in Stalingrad


Oh shit there's a new contra up. Her videos have been kinda boring lately but I guess she has a lot on her mind with transitioning and all.

You've got to be kidding.

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This is what Facial Blindness looks like folks. This user is probably on the spectrum, facial blindness is common with them.

Since we are just ignoring anything previously said

>Anime girl responses.

Kill yourself my dude. Oh sorry, should say dudette if dude is too much of a definitive outlook on your gender.

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based antifa


She has the whole "wounded bird" thing going that I would have been head-over-heels for from years 13 through 17 but have learned to absolutely detest since then

Her teeth look completely straight, why did she get braces?


She's not noticing you, you inbred idiot

A figure is better than paying for some girls water shes been in you fucking utter massive beta orbiting cunt.

There are literally people on this site that can't stop mad at/about niggers for two second.

Meanwhile she probably make 0.1% of someone born in the right family just possessing things and not doing shit all day.
That's just how it is, maybe instead of infighting with people making slightly more than you you focused on the real parasites draining your money, things would change


>retards taking le anime tranny bait

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She was even a slut back then, amazing.

>Can you sue her for not being in the water before bottling it?
can you prove that she wasn't in the water?

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this is woke. modern trans identity is peak heteronomy.

become a trap and sell your bathwater then you aren't trying hard enough

oh no no no no no

samefag tranny

Have sex

i think hes trying to say shes an uggo without the wig and makeup

wh*te people literally create entire internet communities based solely around hating non-whites and wishing for them all to die, yet when one person asks why wh*te people are hell-bent on exporting their LGBT or similar degeneracy to the rest of the world, non-whites are the ones being obsessed.

this. the n*zis tried to exterminate the last white men but were thankfully crushed by the georgian bvll, stalin - the whitest man alive.

Do you ever reflect on your choices in life that lead you to believe being a women would magically fix them all?

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I'm actually scared. What the fuck will the world look like in 10 years?

>$30 gamer girl bath water vs $200 figure
The answer is obvious on which would people would want more.

have sex

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How do you know


How does something that's supposed to be cringe feel so fucking based?

You quoted exactly ONE post of mine, you retarded motherfucker.

>Be mad at the fucks who pay for the shit.
this desu. she wouldn't be doing this IF THERE WEREN'T PEOPLE WILLING TO PAY HER FOR IT.

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I’m unironically thinking about buying one to drink, someone please fucking stop me

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this post just unironically changed my thinking on the trans issue

>Replying to other people

Based retard user

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oh god. these women look like how shaved cats do. With fur cats look cute as fuck but once you shave it off they look like hellspawns.

To be fair, being female basically erases 99.9% of problems. It's life on easy mode after all. Trannies however are delusional if they think they can get that by chopping their dick off.

That's precisely my point. This seems like a scam to sell normal water with funny packaging

Nuclear wasteland if we're lucky.


I'm a 250lb 6' guy who moves fridges all day
There's no way I could pull of being a trap. Plus I have a shred of dignity and feel shame


get owned dorks


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Yeah a figure that lasts.

Go fill up a cup of water and just label it as Belle's water. You'll get the same effect you fucking massive orbiter.

I bet youre subbed to Belles $2,500 a month tier.

She looks beautiful, have you guys never seen skin without makeup before?

dilate tranny


does she at least do nudes for her super-exclusive patreons?

Attached: neethelmet.jpg (448x486, 46K)


>Falling back on meme parrot talk to try and weasel out of being absolutely BTFO

Not this time tranny

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There are literally hormaonal differences between men and women that change a variety of factors, both physically and mentally.

complete social isolation or alienation. They probably grew up in a dense urban area, never really had any close friends as a child and probably never asked out or dated a girl before. This is the only way they can receive attention, especially female attention. The 30 seconds of some person they can never truly know acknowledging their existence is the only affirmation they get in their empty, hollow lives.

Not only are you retarded in claiming samefag as you quote one of my posts, it didn't even have anything to do with a tranny discussion anyway.

No, he dropped out of his PhD program. He has as much a PhD as the average Yea Forumsirgin
>t. someone with an actual PhD and who ran away from academia afterwards

slow antelope was going to die one way or the other rules of nature

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Nope. She has never been nude and she will never have to.

>>'Falling back on meme parrot talk'
>counters with greentext, reaction image and a buzzword
oh lol

Missing the point. Not one person would watch her if she only streamed without makeup. So her entire value comes from something fake.

what a fucking shithole

It's still just the beginning. It's gonna get far worse.

Barely. She censors them with heart emojis judging from the leaks I've seen.


>6 fig salary
Yeah sure. i wish i didn't live in the UK ffs being europoor sucks ass

>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:37:46 No.468952143
>mous 07/02/19(Tue)17:38:03 No.468952174▶
>How is this not hella based? Nobody worth a
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:38:09 No.468952190▶
> (OP)
>File: saythat2myface.jpg (47 KB, 600x777)
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:38:42 No.468952241
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:39:07 No.46895228
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:39:19 No.468952305
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:39:19 No.468952305▶
>Mass genocide & extinction soon
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:39:33 No.468952326▶
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:39:36 No.468952327
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:39:37 No.468952328▶
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:39:37 No.46895233
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:39:52 No.468952349
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:39:52 No.46895234
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:39:53 No.468952352▶
>File: 1555342031729.png (2.33 MB, 1764x1768)
>Anonymous 07/
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:40:03 No.468952372
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:40:20 No.468952397▶
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:40:25 No.4689
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:40:31 No.468952420▶
>Anonymous 0
>Anonymous 07
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:41:53 No.468952581▶
>Anonymous 07/02
>Anonymous 07>Anonymous 07/02/1

I love all these okuu reaction faces that have been popping up lately.

there's literally so many other camwhores just as hot who will actually show you titties for 5 fucking dollars. they'll probably sell you panties they came into for cheaper than that bath water

Trannies and gender fluids are mentally ill and dysfunctional genetic malformations.

Attached: 1480862205515.gif (250x250, 460K)

props to her for scamming thirsty beta out of so much money and not even showing anything.

Attached: NerdExplosion.gif (200x200, 1.83M)


I'll be buying a couple liters

heh downie


>its all ok or none of it is

THIRTY fucking quid, is she avin a fuckin laff

Attached: grodon ramsay main.jpg (444x393, 75K)

>beta orbiter getting mad people are calling out his shit.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, ResetEra

the amount of people this girl pisses off is impressive

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Reminder: behind every anime post, there’s a tranny. Every single time .

It's inevitable you'll accept them soon bigot, just like we got you to accept gays.

"people" who buy this should unironically be hanged and shot

>I love all these okuu reaction faces that have been popping up l
>there's literally so many other camwhores just as h
>Trannies and gender fluids are mentally ill and dysfunctional genetic malfor
>props to her for scamming thirsty beta out of so much money and not even showing
> (OP)
>I'll be buying a couple liters
> (You)
>heh downie
>>its all ok o
> (OP)
>THIRTY fucking quid, is she avin a fu
> (You)
>>beta orbiter getting mad

trannies will never be real women
trannies will never have children their own
trannies will kill themselves before they become 35
trannies dilate 'til they die

I mean it's whatever if losers want buy stuff from this meme girl they can. The people who enable this kinda shit are the problem. Like what do people get out of Pateron?

Attached: LOW 1.jpg (852x478, 58K)

I'm not talking about biological sex, I'm talking about the "felt" component of identity that the trans movement insists exists

>shitpost for 30 minutes straight
>finally get a (You)
>excitedly tab back to thread
>it's just a mass replying spammer


Attached: 4Chan_Meme_Wojak_Crying2.jpg (601x601, 106K)

Yes, the figure.

What is society?

Attached: 1559945866197.png (800x448, 475K)


Attached: 1561822205359.png (3588x3596, 1.13M)


i think most are mad at the losers who are enabling this kind of behavior

She lost 75% of her power when she got her braces removed.

>The people who enable this kinda shit are the problem
this is the thing that nobody seems to realise.

Attached: goodstuff.png (1024x768, 1.36M)

>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:49:48 No.468953447▶
>Ironic shitposting is still shitposting,
> (OP)
>the amount of people this girl pisses off is imp
>Reminder: behind every anime post, there’s a trann
>It's inevitable you'll accept them soon bigot, just lik
>"people" who buy this should unironica
>trannies will never be real women
>trannies will never have children their own
>trannies will kill them
>I mean it's whatever if losers want buy stuff from this meme girl they can. The people who enable this kinda shit are the problem. Like what do people get out
>I'm not talking about biological sex, I'm talking
>>shitpost for 30 minutes straight
>>finally get a (You)
>>excitedly tab back to thread
>>it's just a mass replying spammer
>Yes, the figur


Attached: Ampharos 6.png (270x301, 102K)

>Counters greentext with greentext
>Reaction images and greentext are now suddenly not allowed on Yea Forums apparently

Nice try weasel tranny

Attached: 1443893228966.jpg (744x615, 53K)

I unironically would

Jokes on you, I think gays should be drowned in a bog, tribal Germanic style :^)

Attached: 1475440853356.jpg (376x210, 41K)

Welcome to the club bub.


I'm a cis white male trans ally, I can't speak for the experiences of all trans people but from the ones i'm aquainted with who have transitioned they couldn't be happier, especially since they have a network of supportive friends like myself. I've also got some non-binary friends who are still figuring things out about themselves. It's a lot more complicated than just "becoming a woman", not everyone is fortunate enough to be comfortable with who they are as is.

Have sex and nice trips

Attached: 1517173890446.png (677x720, 433K)

Its the one time Okuu looks cool and cute and not just a generic moeblob tard.
Probably some /jp/non making them.

Attached: dadadadadada-1-1.png (4079x5000, 3.27M)

Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it. If someone's willing to pay money to get attention from a stranger on the internet, then clearly that stranger's attention is valuable enough to sell.

Attached: Adam_Smith_The_Muir_portrait.jpg (540x694, 93K)

Well, technically, she noticed that guy bought her bath water because the funds went into her bank account. It usually gives some kind of alert, otherwise she went and checked her balance
tl;dr: she indirectly noticed him

>does it again but adds in reddit spacing
top zozzle

Giving women any autonomy whatsoever was the real mistake. This is the one thing Muslims have figured out.

Trannies can not and will not respond to this post

>waaah society bad!! it's lik weimar!!

you've spent your life playing video games and posting on a video game forum while others (women, minorities, leftists) have tirelessly worked to shape the culture to their advantage and now youre a being seething, impotent cuck *on that same forum* because you have no power or stake in anything

you don't fucking *deserve* to feel bad about the state of the world, it's like never tidying your house for years then one day you realise you live in a dump and feeling bad about it

Attached: DqJiGmXVAAA7nDh.jpg (1000x700, 57K)

Attached: 1552244582808.jpg (250x250, 35K)

she might have noticed, but does that mean she actually cares?

>>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:49:48 No.468953447▶
>>Ironic shitposting is still shitposting,
>> (OP) (OP)
>>the amount of people this girl pisses off is imp
>>Reminder: behind every anime post, there’s a trann
>>It's inevitable you'll accept them soon bigot, just lik
>>"people" who buy this should unironica
>>trannies will never be real women
>>trannies will never have children their own
>>trannies will kill them
>>I mean it's whatever if losers want buy stuff from this meme girl they can. The people who enable this kinda shit are the problem. Like what do people get out
>>I'm not talking about biological sex, I'm talking
>>>shitpost for 30 minutes straight
>>>finally get a (You)
>>>excitedly tab back to thread
>>>it's just a mass replying spammer
> (You)
>>Yes, the figur

It's time.

Attached: 1.png (2000x2000, 54K)

The unfortunate reality is that it's not inevitable. We don't even accept gays yet.

>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:51:14 No.468953601▶
>File: 1559945866197.png (475 KB, 800x448)
>What is so
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:51:46 No.468953652▶
>i think most are m
> (OP)
>She lost 75% of her power when
>>The people who enable this kinda shit are the problem
>this is the thi


>>Counters greentext with greentext
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:52:29 No.468953734▶
>I unironically
>Jokes on you, I think gays should be drowned in a bog, triba
>Welcome to the cl
>I'm a cis white male trans ally, I can't speak for the experiences of all trans people but from the ones i'm aquainted with who have transitioned they couldn't be happier, especially since they have a network of supportive friends like myself. I've also got some non-binary friends who are still figuring things out about themselves. It's a lot more complicated than just "becoming a woman", not everyone is fortunate enough to be comfortable with who they are as is.
>Its the one time Okuu looks cool and cute and not just a ge
>Everything is worth what its purchaser will pay for it. If someone's willing to pay money to get attention from a stranger on the internet, then clearly that stranger's attention is valu
>Well, technically, she noticed that guy bought her bath water because the funds went into her bank account. It usually gives some kind of alert, otherwise she went and checked her balance
>tl;dr: she
>>does it again but adds in reddit spacing

who the fuck is even attracted to this chestlet? real woman have curves.

Who the hell considers whoring out a good life? 80% of people here say they would do it if they could, but when push comes to shove most people have more self-worth than that. You literally have to be brain-damaged, sexually abused, and desperate for attention to go this route. Nobody who does this shit has a satisfied, happy life.

who are you quoting


>200$ figurine
I bought this for 30$. Kill yourself, beta cuck.

she's already ugly with makeup, tasteless user

anybody here wanna drink my bath water?


The term is virgin

Those are two completely different responses, though

Here we go faggots.

Attached: 2.png (2000x2000, 23K)

I ain't complaining, I can't wait for the inevitable societal collapse.

People should try to learn to love who they are instead of escaping reality and pretending to be something they can't be

Attached: 1386170734941.png (447x329, 196K)

lmao what does the faggot think he's doing by replying to every post? he got so asshurt he's gonna post til the thread dies?

Attached: 1280px-NYCS-bull-trans-2.svg.png (1280x1280, 41K)

>nonymous 07/02/19(Tue)14:54:40 No.468953970▶
>>>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:49:48 No.468953447▶
>>>Ironic shitposting is still shitposting,
>>> (OP) (OP) (OP)
>>>the amount of people this girl pisses off is imp
>>>Reminder: behind every anime post, there’s a trann
>>>It's inevitable you'll accept them soon bigot, just lik
>>>"people" who buy this should unironica
>>>trannies will never be real women
>>>trannies will never have children their own
>>>trannies will kill them
>>>I mean it's whatever if losers want buy stuff from this meme girl they can. The people who enable this kinda shit are the problem. Like what do people get out
>>>I'm not talking about biological sex, I'm talking
>>>>shitpost for 30 minutes straight
>>>>finally get a (You)
>>>>excitedly tab back to thread
>>>>it's just a mass replying spammer
>> (You)
>>>Yes, the figur
> Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)14:54:55 No.468953995▶
>File: 1.png (54 KB, 2000x2000)
>It's time.
> Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)14:55:04 No.468954007▶
>The unfortunate reality is that it's not inevitable. We don't even accept gays yet.
> Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)14:55:08 No.468954018▶
>>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:51:14 No.468953601▶
>>File: 1559945866197.png (475 KB, 800x448)
>>What is so
>>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:51:46 No.468953652▶
>>i think most are m
>> (OP) (OP)
>>She lost 75% of her power when
>>>The people who enable this kinda shit are the problem
>>this is the thi
>>>Counters greentext with greentext
>>Anonymous 07/0

I think they want the water to taste her pucci juice, not for any existential awakening but i guess for some people that might be the same thing.

They're making serious bank from Patreon, but those numbers are way off.

It would imply on average each Patron is giving ~65 dollars.

Pedophilephobes btfo

>double arrows for greentext
>"NO GREENTEXT ON Yea Forums!!!"
get outed, redditor

Attached: 257.jpg (600x598, 41K)


what's happening?

Attached: NYCS-bull-trans-3.svg.png (1280x1280, 44K)

I'm gonna drink it then some of Belle will be inside me. I get aroused just thinking about it. I love Belle.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-02-13-00-58-1.png (720x1135, 120K)

It's happening.

Attached: 3.png (600x600, 21K)

>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:55:09 No.468954020▶
>who t
>Who the hell considers whoring out a good life? 80% of people here say they would do it if they could, but when push comes to shove most people have more self-worth than that. You literally have to be brain-damaged, sexually abused, and desperate for attention to go this route. Nobody who does this shit has a satisfied,
>who are you quo
$ figurine
>I bought this for 30$. Kill yours
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:55:51 No.468954086▶
>she's already ugly with makeup, tasteless user
> Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:55:53 No.468954089▶
>anybody here wanna drink my bath water?
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:55:53 No.46
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:55:56 No.468954093▶
>The term is
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:55:56 No.468954096▶
>Here we go fag
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:55:59 No.468954107▶
>I ain't complaining, I c
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:56:02 No.468954113▶
>File: 1386170734941.png (196 KB, 447x329)
>People should try to learn to love who they are instead of escaping reality and pretending to be something they

Forgot pic

Attached: 20190702_175451.jpg (4032x1960, 1.77M)

reminder that the trannies are using this as a falseflag you fucking newfags
anime is Yea Forums board culture and they're trying to turn ourselves against us to make them feel better about their internal struggles
trannies should die

Attached: 1560462200481.png (300x300, 148K)

Newfags don't even recognize chaosposting anymore
This site needs a bullet in the temporal lobe

sold if it contain at least 1% urine

Belle appreciate her fans something you can get with a figure.

Attached: aq.png (639x356, 218K)

Attached: NYCS-bull-trans-4.svg.png (1280x1280, 35K)

>open it once and its spoiled, assuming you don't fucking use it, whatever that means
>will still look the same in 10~20 years unlike this goblina

>Yea Forums
>in charge of not inflating numbers or cherry picking stats


You haven't seen nothing yet.

Attached: 4.png (225x225, 3K)

Attached: NYCS-bull-trans-5.svg.png (1280x1280, 41K)

>he's gonna sit and look at his anime figurines when 50 years old

>why would you want free money for simply existing like every female

>My friends who have entered an echo chamber are happy because of people like me who enable their unhealthy thoughts
You're a monster. You trick yourself into thinking you're the good guy for helping Steve become Stephanie, but when Stephanie ultimately grows up old and alone rejected by an aging society that has given up on them you won't be anywhere in sight to help them. You give them short-term relief for a life of pain.

If someone wanted to change their race, species, chop off a limb or kill themselves I wouldnt be surprised to see you hand them the noose as a "supportive friend".

>Belle appreciate her fans
This fucking delusion lmao

Crashing a garbage thread

>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:56:21 No.468954145▶
>File: 1280px-NYCS-bull-trans-2.svg.png (41 KB
>I think they want the water to taste her pucci juice, not
>They're making serious bank from Patreon, but those numbers are way off.
>It would imply on average each Patro
>>double arrows for greentext
>>"NO G
>what's happe
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:56:54 No.468954203▶
>File: NYCS-bull-trans-3.svg.png (44 KB, 1280x1280)
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:56:56 No.468954204▶
>File: Screenshot_2019-07-02-13-(...).png (120 KB, 720x1135)
>I'm gonna drink it then some of Belle will be inside me. I get aroused just thinking about it. I love Belle.
>(Tue)17:56:57 No.468954212▶
>File: 3.png (21 KB, 600x600)
>It's ha
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:57:05 No.468954236▶
>File: 20190702_175451.jpg (1.77 MB, 4032x1960)
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:57:07 No.468954232▶

imagine the smell

Attached: Chinatsu.gif (460x351, 309K)

I don't get the appeal for this girl, she isn't even that hot. I mean that honestly, looks like a plastic doll. Whats the reason for her being so popular bros?

Attached: 1562025329651.png (645x773, 20K)

Is everyone ready?

Attached: 5.png (250x250, 29K)

Attached: NYCS-bull-trans-6.svg.png (1280x1280, 46K)

An order confirmation is needed. No pic, no proof, no penis.

>get boyfriend to take a bath
>sell it to thirsty beta cucks
>laugh all the way to the bank as they drink man sweat

Attached: 17c43877868d903542a611514881b5c9.jpg (500x375, 19K)

it unironically is in this circumstance

Attached: heavy.jpg (412x262, 20K)

Assuming she isn't just sticking jars under a faucet and maybe scenting them, could someone viably order this and get any meaningful information out of the residual DNA? Maybe we could figure out the likelihood that her male children would go bald or something like that

For Redditors, that is, along with with incel

This isn't her though.
This is.
Whether you thinks she's attractive without make up or not, she's still pretty WITH make up. Here's the thing about appearances; if you appear to look good, you do look good.

Disclaimer; I would never spend money on a degenerate Internet thot, but I reserve the right to jack off to her pictures.

>>open it once and its spoiled, assuming you don't fucking use it, whatever that means
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:57:28 No.468954270▶
>File: NYCS-bull-trans-4.svg.png (35 KB, 1280x1280)
>Belle appreciate her fans something you can get w
>>he's gonna sit and look at his
>>why would you want free m
>>My friends who have entered an echo chamber are happy because of people like me who enable their unhealthy thoughts
>You're a monster. You trick yourself into thinking you're the good guy for helping Steve become Stephanie, but when Stephanie ultimately grows up old and alone rejected by an aging society that has given up on them you won't be anywhere in sight to help them. You give them short-term relief for a life of pain.
>>Belle appreciate her fans
>This fucking delusion l

>Whats the reason for her being so popular bros?
ironic weebs and thirsty incels

>Only $30
Not even that bad. Might order one, just for a joke haha

Attached: gamergirl.png (975x691, 259K)

Attached: NYCS-bull-trans-7.svg.png (1280x1280, 38K)

There is no way this is real

She looks cute and exciting.

Attached: gamer fuel.webm (814x594, 2.49M)

She's a lesbian.

Attached: 8_(1967-1979_New_York_City_Subway_bullet).svg.png (1280x1280, 42K)

>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:58:50 No.468954417▶
>File: Chinatsu.gif (309 KB, 460x351)
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:58:59 No.468954434▶
>File: 1562025329651.png (20 KB, 645x773)
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:59:0
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:59:11 No.468954451▶
>File: NYCS-bull-trans-6.svg.png (46 KB, 1280x1
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:59:12 No.468954452▶
>nonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:59:15 No.468954456▶
>File: 17c43877868d903542a611514(...).jpg (1
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:59:19 No.468954467▶
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:59:33 No.468954490▶
>File: heavy.jpg (20 KB, 412x262)
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:59:36 No.468954495▶
>Assuming she isn't just sticking jars under a fa
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:59:40 No.468954503▶
>For Redditors, that is, along w
>Anonymous 07/02/19(Tue)17:59:41 No.468954508▶
>This isn't her though.
>This is.

Attached: 1505957334564.png (416x425, 347K)

Attached: gamer girl pee.png (568x526, 381K)

>what is whale behavior
>what is statistical distribution

But there are a million cam whores and girls selling nudes etc. I don't get why this one is so popular

I unironically love Belle.
She's mastered the art of extracting money from retards while trolling the shit out of them.
That pornhub thing she pulled was fucking hilarious.

more impotent cope

there's never going to be a collapse, not socially, not economically, note even in the video game industry. women are not going to hit "the wall", "racist" is never going to stop working as an insult, white people are not going to become class or race conscious, donald trump isn't going to save you, no one is coming to save you

Is this what paypigs really believe?

Attached: NYCS-bull-trans-9.svg.png (1280x1280, 46K)