who cares
fuck minorities
Its almost like
Its almost like
Its almost like in order for the number to grow, the support needs to actually be built up so that its worth playing these games on Linux
You faggot
soon win10 will take over the entire system and there's nothing you can do anons
monopoly good
microsoft buttfucking me good
>Reddit spacing freetard seething this hard
but steam had a massive support wave for linux, it seems even after all the whining linux babies crying about where's our SUPPORT! they didn't care in the end
Who are you quoting?
>Redditards don't even know what greentext is
>pic shows a percentage
>no mention of total sample size
That .76% could be 30,000 people for all we know. Nice thread, faggot.
>Windows 7 that low while Windows 10 that high
God fuck zoomers willing to put up with Windows 10
>not being a windows 8 chad
The only people who actually use Linux are upper-middle class white freetard programmers from America and Western Europe.
It's almost like that isn't a very rapidly expanding demographic.
proprietary software on linux is fucking awful
Nice try faggot. I wouldn't be surprised if you can't tell why this image is proving you're retarded.
Any day now, buddy
Even Mac is a pretty poor show.
Boomers are old enough to see the world for what it is and know exactly what was going to happen. I was old enough to see every single version of Windows become obsolete for gaming, that combined with the fact that I'm not a fucking retard is what made me update to Windows 10. That ~25% for W7fags is going to get lower and lower and we're still going to hear them whine more about a video game being W10 only than anyone is actually whining about W10's flaws.
My gaming PC only has Windows on it and my Linux laptop doesn't have Steam installed. If Linux were a viable platform for gaming, I would NOT be using this bloated bullshit that is W10 on my desktop.
Wait, there's a 32-bit version of Windows 10? Why?
still higher market share than VR users
I tried installing Steam on Ubuntu a year ago and it failed. I'll stay with Windows 10 thanks.
YOu're ignorant user VR is the future it's growing well, you're just poor!
DirectX but honestly, now that Microsoft figured out how to make a ton of money with open source software I can see them porting DirectX to Linux distros.
I wonder what that statistic will look like if you cut out ruskis/brazillians who only have Dota 2/CS:GO installed
No way, that'd take quite a bit of time and effort to pull off, and for what benefit? Almost all game devs already use it anyway
don't you have to accet to participate in this kind of survey? only botnet tards would accept so theres a bias towards win10
>This free product barely has more marketshare than this 800$ product
>This is clearly indicative of the free product being worth a damn
Oh my lol
Are you retarded?
>I was old enough to see every single version of Windows become obsolete for gaming, that combined with the fact that I'm not a fucking retard is what made me update to Windows 10.
This isn't true. Windows ME, Vista, Windows 8. What do all these things have in common? I'll give you a hint. They fly directly in the face of what you just said. The problem with W10 is this update was forced on a lot of people without their concent. The two reasons people weren't able to stick with W7 wasn't because of DX12 (Vulkan proved to be better in every way anyway and works on W7) or because people wanted to update because it was new. W10 only grew in numbers because of two things. Microsoft strong arming hardware manufacturers and forcing them to "officially" drop support for W7 (which even that didn't work since the support was already built in and people created unofficial patches to make them work. IE: Ryzen patch), and the forced update debacle that Microsoft got successfully sued over. Multiple times. But the damage was done and despite Microsoft claiming you could revert back to W7, that was never true and the only way to do it is to wipe your HD and install a new copy of W7, which wasn't an option for most people.
>all other girls are collage girls
>8 presented as two middle-school girls
where is that text where a dev complains about supporting linux
like 60% of crash reports came from linux while only 1% of users were on linux
>Windows Subsystem for Linux 2
Linux support may actually improve just because Win devs have a much simpler way to test Linux builds of software now.
sacrificing fps so you can use FOSS software good
steam did a shit ton of support for linux though
>free and open source software software
go back
sorry but no
Those are some very nice faggots user
screenshot proving empty samefag accusation is reddit as fuck. no one fucking cares.
Linux is only for some sad programmer virgin neckbeards
>game releases on Windows and osx
>litterally no code needs to be changed for Linux if its cpp and builds on both Windows and osx
>still dont release Linux
Why are some devs massive shitters?
Point at the retard an laugh. Linux is fornormies, Open BSD is where neckbeard virgins at.
But gaming on Linux is pretty damn great right now. I remember that ten years ago you were lucky if you managed to get a game running. Nowadays games on Linux often work flawlessly out of the box. DXVK takes care of newer titles, DX9 games often run better on Wine than on new Windows and for really old stuff Linux is sometimes your only option.
Vast majority of games I have run perfectly fine on Linux and I don't even remember when was the last time I used Windows, despite playing almost every day.
People just don't use Linux because they still believe that it requires sitting in front of terminal and doing computer sorcery to make things work. Also an average Joe won't even think about switching the OS. Someone decided for him that his Facebook machine will have Windows preinstalled and he has no reason to change that. Most people completely lack awareness when it comes to nerdy computer stuff and function only within borders created by services provided by corporations.
freegans not allowed on Yea Forums
>less than half a percent VR ownership
Steam did, most devs didn't.
Even these kikestarter games that promised loonix support never delivered.
Well yeah, choosing freedom over convenience.
>competition is good
>now just blindly purchase this inferior product
it doesnt really help when the majority of linux ports suck balls. borderlands 2 gave me frame drops on a 970, as did civ v (which also has no anti-aliasing because ????), as did fucking killing floor 1 which also had flicking wall textures and half transparent models. the witcher 2 and dying light were also pretty infamous for being bad
i can't say i blame any of the devs for not giving a fuck with these ports with how low the marketshare is though. thankfully now that valve integrated wine into steam with proton, ~75% of games work ootb with good performance, which is perfectly fine for me.
>a decade ago
>what linux gaming
>a couple years ago
>indie devs sometimes press the button to build for linux
>just recently
>Shadow of the Tomb Raider works day 1, out of the box, with denuvo
Oh and
>daily linux shitposting threads on Yea Forums
I think we're winning and you are just salty because even in 2019 you are still too stupid to install it.
WSL isn't any good for graphical software. You can run some stuff simple programs with Xming, but it's missing a ton of extensions and any kind of 3D acceleration needed for games to work.
God bless lutris.
no more having to manually set up a thousand different wine prefixes manually.
literally just one click installs from the browser
Just because they're both Unix-like doesn't mean porting from macOS to Linux is free.
Take graphics APIs for example. Apple deprecated OpenGL a little while back (it hasn't been updated in years on macOS anyway) and refuse to support Vulkan. Unless your Windows build happens to use OpenGL/Vulkan as well, Linux support means spending money supporting yet another graphics API.
And that's just graphics. There's also audio support (a lot of big name audio middleware has awful Linux support), input support (I've encountered games that shit themselves hard when you don't use XIM or a generic US 104 keyboard layout), multihead support (Linux has historically had several multihead methods, which made simple stuff like launching on the correct monitor or querying available resolutions difficult), etc.
Then you have core system libraries that love to break ABI and with it tons of applications. Steam tries to mitigate this with the Steam Runtime, but even libraries like glibc that Steam doesn't ship have broken some games.
And finally you have fucktards with their broken riced out Arch installation complaining that their game doesn't work anymore, who customer support then has to deal with.
All of this costs money, and if devs aren't making more money than they're spending by supporting Linux, they simple aren't going to do it.
Except that Steam moved mountains for Linux gaming. It's clear that Linux gaming is just a waste of money.
The average person isn't going to go out of their way to learn something if they don't have too. This includes computers. I get that you want Linux to be more popular, but the fact remains, if you want Linux to be more popular, you have to dumb it down and make it usable from a normies perspective. They're not going to bother if they have to spend any effort learning how to use it.
that's the thing though, Linux has been braindead friendly for ages now. But people hang on to outdated stigmas for fucking forever.
OpenSUSE is unironically a better experience than Windows and OSX
>Download game
>Run it in Proton
>It works
Fuck Microsoft
Fuck EA
Fuck Ubisoft
Fuck Nvidia
and most importantly
Fuck Epic
Then explain this? And while I'm not familiar with Linux all that much, it sure as hell doesn't sound friendly from my perspective.
anons an idiot.
There is absolutely 0 reason to use any API but Vulkan, which is Windows -> Linux cross-plat. Audio could be a valid issue depending on what kind of god-awful middleware you are using. But generally middleware is fucking awful.
All the rest of his issues are on the DE /Window manager he was using and most likely some PEBKAC as well, which is honestly most of the issues people have on Linux.
GNU shit, is a pile of shit. But thank the lord we have more languages than C to use.
As for cross-plat, it really depends how much you're writing yourself.
Are you writing everything from scratch with win32 and x/xbc? Then yeah, both are awful, and people on Linux tried to improve X with an alternative library called XCB. And then there's Wayland, which is an up and coming compositor that improves on X by a lot.
But the TLDR is:
Linux is no more complicated or without as much quirks as Windows, so devs whining about support tickets need to git gud.
>0.76% of the market share
>still acts like he's worth a dime
Installing Nvidia drivers still requires you to jump through hoops either by adding third party repositories and figuring out which of the 50 Nvidia packages you're supposed install, or exiting X to run Nvidia's text only installer from a TTY (you should do this when installing through the package manager too. Some DEs like KDE shit themselves after a driver update, to the point that even the logout screen crashes). Most users are going to leave the second they see a terminal.
not my fault normans are too stupid to make a bootable USB.
Between Proton & Wine + Lutris, there's not a whole lot I can't play.
Good for you, but pretending that everyone should listen to less than 1% of the market share is incel tier.
On arch it's literally just
sudo pacman -S nvidia
on SUSE you just add the community repo ,search for nvidia, and you're set.
But yeah AMD is M U C H better on Linux.
Its almost like
Its almost like
Its almost like there is literally, absolutely, 100% no reason for companies to invest in a linux port of a game because making linux more popular has no affect on their profits whatsoever, and making literally less than 1% of your fanbase happy is not worth the extra costs of development
The same people that shitpost about marketshare are the same people who bitch about M$ fucking them up the ass with some insane change or update.
And the sheer amount of bullshit people go through on Windows, like de-bloating and de-botnetting 10, while turning around and saying Linux is "too much work" is fucking hilarious.
Humble Bundle always enforces Linux ports for their Indie bundles and (in the past) PC & Android.
Have sex.
also should mention SUSE has YAST (a GUI system tool like Windows) and a front-end GUI for zypper (it's package manager). It's honestly better than ubuntu for a first distro.
I disagree on the grounds that everything you just said would require every dev to relearn a new kind of library for nearly every system, video, audio, etc. Developers aren't going to do that. Most of them are only developers because they thought it would make them a lot of money. Turns out, no, it didn't. As someone who works with a shit ton of various kinds of devs, most of them really don't like their jobs all that much and are only there because they fell for the "coders make tons of money!" meme. I mean, it can make shit tons of money, but thats only assuming you know your shit, and thats like maybe 10% of them who are passionate about their work. Most devs can barely code a wet paper bag as it is, and expecting them to code their way out of that same wet paper bag is laughable. Now getting these same devs to re-learn or learn new systems and libraries? Pff, yeah right. Good luck with that.
But what is the number of computers Valve surveys?
surveys are fucked anyone because of chinks.Valve need to separate them.
All of this is precisely why normies will never touch Linux. This also doesn't even cover WHICH Linux distribution they need to use since theres like 75910452 of the god damn things. There isn't a single normie alive that will put up with that bullshit. As far as debloating W10, normies don't do this. They don't care as long as all they have to do is point and click to get on Facebook, Youtube or any video game without having to fuck with shit, which you can do right out of the box using Windows. You are not making a good case for yourself here.
>Be OSX user.
>Want to play vidya gaems
>Really no vidya gaems support OSX.
>Tell Yea Forums
>Lol faggot buy a PC
>I should be forced to play on Windows instead of the platform of my choosing.
>Meanwhile, PC tards will then say that console babbies are slaves to their machines.
Sure, sure, Mr. Sherman, everything is guilt of the chinks.
>buys Nintendo Switch
>wtf why can't I play FIFA 06
I don't mean actual normies though, more so the windows Yea Forumsirgins and other people who play games. Actual normies are on OSX or only have their phone. But i agree, Mint and Ubuntu have fucked up Linux adoption.
But I would advise anyone here who wants to try linux, download a SUSE iso and VM it or try it on a spare laptop.
Lutris also makes managing all your games an EMU's possible without Wine prefix hell.
>FIFA 06
Garbage FIFA, desu. 11-13 were kino though
Well, change it to PES.
>hating on PES.
I'll have you know with the power of the 2080ti Linux is now capable of breaking a consistent 40fps at 1080p in 2015 megahit The Witcher 3 and crashes have been reduced to under 15%. The day of the Linux Desktop IS near and there is nothing you can do about it.
100mb of space have been added to your one©drive®™ account.
Keep up the good work, Rajeesh!
Most people don't run Steam through Linux's native client. We're forced to use WINE which makes it think it's running Windows.
inbred trailer trash are a minority.
On how many levels are you right now?
It's almost like unix-likes are built for stability and excel at networking, which is why they dominate the server market, and have no business being hacked together for personal computers. I mean, look at that sorry ass Mac OSX.
Isn't PES 6 the most liked one or something?
what the fuck are you on about?
Native linux steam works fine
The statement that was later backtracked you mean?
something like -5% from both windows 7 and 10
All pretty good, desu.
Not playing games that don't at least support PROTON really helps filter out 90% of the shit devs, and most non-shit devs are usually fairly responsive to working with proton issues to get a sale.
He's grasping at straws to justify Linux's minuscule market share.
O shit, i'm sorry. I was under impression that this anime board was actually aboit video games
ITT: samefag
can't help but relate this to something /pol/
fuck this site
Most people are already numb in the asshole, they don't even feel that they are getting fucked by Microsoft, they don't see it as "convenience vs freedom" any more
OP of some other Linux shitpoating threads here
I'm happy to see that I'm not the only one trying to bring Linux some exposure
>game clearly state windows in game system requirements
>"devs your game doesn't work on proton i demand fix for all the 2 linux players"
Its not the fact that they dont support linux thats the issue, Its the anti consumerist shit they bundle into their games, like deunvo or easy anti cheat. Both softwares are cancer even on windows machines and the devs of these basically wont even let valve try to get them working in proton.
Also if devs would just move the fuck on from directX and use vulkan they wouldnt have to do shit for a linux AND mac version of their games since the API runs across all three. Even if they didnt release a "Linux version" with vulkan it would be extremely easy for valve to make it run in proton.
an even sadder part is, most people using proton don't run steam from the terminal to get logging to see why exactly games fail. Most of the time it's just a missing library to install.
So instead they get either no window at all or a blank one and silent crash and go bitch. Nor do they attempt to consult winedb or lutris.
>the devs of these basically wont even let valve try to get them working in proton
Why should they?
Valve is offering to do ALL of the work, it would cost these companies almost nothing to support it.
proton compatible is more money from linux people
t. have actually bought games to play from Linux
>Also if devs would just move the fuck on from directX and use vulkan they wouldnt have to do shit for a linux AND mac version of their games since the API runs across all three.
Apple doesn't support Vulkan, they're trying to push their own API called Metal.
Yes, native Steam does. Native gaming mostly is buggy.
In addition to this, Steam only allows you to download games that are marked as "linux". So in order to actually use Steam, you need to use it through WINE to play the games you own properly
She* and no, the market share is low because it's pointless to develop for a non-consumerist platform.
It's like asking why AAA games are't ported to the Switch.
>all these micronigger wangblows shills
enjoy your CIA nigger spyware watching you jerk off and selling all your data to google and xi jinping you fucking aids monkeys
waaa im linux user waaaaa
ok retard
Have you booted linux steam in the past year?
You can download windows games and play them with proton now bro, like 80% of them work.
>In addition to this, Steam only allows you to download games that are marked as "linux".
holy fuck you're an absolute retard
cuz of poorfag
>In addition to this, Steam only allows you to download games that are marked as "linux".
Don't they allow to download Windows games via Proton?
I'm aware. Running them through Proton, which uses various windows wrappers such as wine in order to flag it as a windows system to play it.
The way you word it sounds like you're forced to launch Steam with wine which is false, please refrain from making retarded statements like that.
Yeah it did, not because they want to support linux in the long run but because they wanted their own OS. Which is dead right now.
Using Proton doesn't makes it count as using Windows, fucking retard.
I didn't say that. If you read my comments and get a different meaning from what I said, that's on you and not me. English has the same definitions everywhere unless you don't speak the language fulently.
Launching a game with proton flags it as a windows launch which counts towards steam's metrics as a windows OS
I thought Gabe Newell, like Tim Sweeney, hated Universal Windows Platform and invested in Linux just in case it was sucessful.
Okay. now you're just trying to start a flame war and get off topic.
Gaben already said due to how the metrics works, they can't tell a difference between the wrappers working under Linux or Mac (where needed).
I do agree, however, that it's a fuck you to inux users but it's Valve, they've never been for anything other than profit, like with their paid mods cons that allowed people to steal free mods, mark them as paid and sell them if they got a small profit
Both really, does not matter anymore
You are so high on Mt. Stupid it's painful.
Yeah, because both products are dead and six feet under. Thank God for that.
Are you afraid Yea Forums "infect" your OS with bad practices such as using SystemD and ubuntu?
We're going in, and ther's nothing you can do about it, /g/.
I like that Manjaro has it's own percentage and Arch doesn't.
it's almost like
people who play video games
don't give a shit about ricing
at fucking all
vanilla arch is too scary for plebs, even though there's loads of ones with graphical installers. Vanilla arch isn't even hard to install, especially if you pre-format your drives in Gparted so you don't have to do it on the terminal.
Artix 4 lyfe though
are you really pretending windows doesn't have a gigantic fucking ricing scene?
which is still absolutely negligible compared to the sheer amount of casual users
linuxfags are 100% made up of ricers by virtue of being
and windows ricers still get to play video games uninhibited
OSX is not designed for gaming despite it does - really poor. Someone must be retarded to use OSX to play the game.
>Arguing over the computing habits of normies and the usability of desktop operating systems when the vast majority of humanity shouldn't be allowed within 50 feet of a personal computer, never mind being entrusted with the responsibility of using one
Why does Yea Forums suck corporate cock so much?
Linux is fine.
>linuxfags are 100% made up of ricers by virtue of being
that's not even true.
most linux people are using XFCE like i used to, or their DE of choice with barely any changes.
I'm personally on KDE right now, and the only ricing i've done is one-click install theme packs to see if they're any good.
The days of custom xorg.confs and trudging through json theme files is long over. I'd say ricing on Linux these days is even easier than Windows.
Wait for Windows 11.
Despite being 0.1% of the population, Linux users account for 20% of crashes and tickets
Because Linuxfags are the vegans of gaming.
I started using linux "full-time" the same night proton was released, and it's been very nice. Unfortunately, I still have a windows partition for the few games I want to play that don't quite work. This is mostly due to anti-cheat and drm in multiplayer games, but I'm a lonely bitch who mostly players single-player only shit. Even then, there are plenty of Windows multiplayer games that work good in Linux. I commonly play CS:GO, Risk of Rain 2, Tabletop Simulator, Killing Floor 2 and other shit with friends.
More like we're the friend desperately trying to save you from your abusive spouse, but windows users are deep into battered-wife syndrome.
Can't wait for W7 support to be dropped. Nobody uses that shit anyway.
22% of the market share. 22 times the Linux market share.
How is Proton a slap in the face to Linux users?
>windows users are deep into battered-wife syndrome.
That would be mac-os users
Everybody but you are sheeps, got it.
you aren't really that different at this point.
more like who gives a shit syndrome
when Microsoft sends a death squad for me, I'll give a shit maybe
until then, I will play video games
help? if you want to help why is it when we ask for it you screech, "fucking retards" and "not spoon feeding". doesn't sound like help to me
>While the market share is low, it's advantageous to support Linux because the majority of developers are Windows users. There are currently 15.8 million Linux users globally, of whom 20% are in the US.
>So the Linux software ecosystem as a whole — the number of projects and versions are quite high — is very diverse. In the Linux world, there are around 20 million developers in total, while the number of companies running Linux for their core business is likely between 10 and 20 million.
>Here are some of the interesting facts:
>Linux is the software most used on Apple's mobile devices (Android, Apple TV, iTunes).
>Linux uses an open-platform approach to building desktop systems, thus making it easier for others to make such machines to run the Linux operating system, as well as to implement their own software on them.
>The Linux kernel provides many advanced features, so that modern computers from most vendors will run smoothly and comfortably.
>It's one of the most widely used code bases in academia, and has found a significant presence in leading research institutions, especially at universities around the world.
>The Linux Foundation supports several of these developments, including free open-source code (for which companies pay license fees), projects such as LibreOffice and GNU Image Manipulation Suite, and open-source projects in general, like OpenStack.
Why wouldn't most people use the native Linux client when Proton is built in now? It even lets you use custom built versions of Proton/Wine. There's no reason to ever run the Windows client through Wine anymore.
The statistics in the OP are from Steam's hardware surveys, which counts you as Linux as long as you're using the Linux client. Whether or not you use Proton doesn't matter.
If you're talking about sales statistics and not the hardware survey, you're still wrong:
>I spoke to Valve earlier, about how buying Windows games to play with this system counts, they said this:
>Hey Liam, the normal algorithm is in effect, so if at the end of the two weeks you have more playtime on Linux, it'll be a Linux sale. Proton counts as Linux.
depends on the question.
but what do you want to know?
Arch people preach RTFM for a reason though, because it's REALLY fucking good and will solve your problems faster than google searches.
Yes, which is why it's still prefable to launch it through Wine to get actual compatible gaming instead of Proton
what the fuck are you talking about retard?
>Everybody is stupid except me
Linux has been shit for gaming for 20 years, it's still shit, no one fucking cares about it for gaming, no gamedev wants to invest in it, and it blows my mind that people are still arguing this. It's shit! Move on!
But beyond gaming, the Linux family of OSes are actually pretty cool and fun to use, if you're a nerd.
>it's still shit
i can install and run pretty much any steam game
i can install epic's launcher and install and run pretty much any game
i can use any emu
how is linux shit for gaming?
Who's still using Windows ME?
>use Linux
>refuse to use Steam
Bringing that proprietary shit over and catering to normalfags will just turn Linux into Windows in the long run.
Based. Play only games that released their source code.
Purchasing power. One Linux is worth 50 Windows, appleboys even more. They have a ton more money to spend on gamu too, micros already spent their allowance on proprietary software.
Vulkan however does run on mac tho, its the devs implementation more than anything.
I'm on windows 7 because it supports games, but I'd be on Linux Mint in a heartbeat if all my games worked.
what games are you playing?
I recently switched to arch and found all but like two of the games i wanted to play where either native or worked fine in proton.
What the fuck is up with Ubuntu? Were the devs paid off by Epic or something? No fucking way right? Why the fuck would they do this?
I don't really mind closed source games actually. Games are just entertainment software. Steam isn't. It's a tool. Any software that isn't just entertainment needs to be open source.
Pure laziness im guessing
based theo
>One Linux is worth 50 Windows
What do you define as "works fine"? Every time I go onto protondb, you see retards with
>Drops frames at random, some settings don't work, randomly crashes during final boss
>Platinum status
>Played for 1 minute on start menu, saw no problems
Tekken 7 wasn't working in Proton last I checked. Even trying it could get you banned.
Considering Epic shut down EAC linux work, possibly. More reasonable though, it's just 32bit finally dying, as it is only 1% and some change these days of steam users.
You failed to understand his point. Good job. You're retarded.
Doing what?
1% of Steam users is still millions of people, and they are a more active userbase that spends more money.
Linux used to be almost 2% before China started playing PUBG.
China using Steam literally took Linux down probably 2%.
>Most of the time it's just a missing library to install.
I have examined hundreds of games in Proton (Wine) and why they don't work.
I have literally never seen this. Stop making up bullshit.
The vast majority of games that don't work, don't work because:
1) Anti-cheat (Valve was paying EAC to be Wine compatible but the Epic bought EAC)
2) Video file playback requiring WMP/quartz features, or in newer games Media Foundation (but MF can be worked around).
3) .NET stuff
That's it. Any other reason a game doesn't work is rare.
Does anyone here run a Windows VM under Linux KVM using a GPU pass through?
I want to ditch Win10 entirely as my host OS and this seems like the cleanest way to have my gaymes and still have an actual functional operating system
Me and my friend played well over 20 hours perfectly fine in proton, sometimes theres a few tricks and shit you have to try but they are almost always posted on protondb.
Again it really depends on the game, the only game that truly stopped me in my tracks was path of exile.
>and they are a more active userbase that spends more money.
[citation needed]
Tekken 7 is officially supported by Valve to work on Linux.
I have over 50 hours of Tekken 7 on Linux and not banned.
I also can play DoA6 online.
Street Fighter 5 unfortunately doesn't work because of the anti cheat.
Ive been doing alot of homework on it and im going to be trying it in the near future, oly problem is im using Vega which is apparently notoriously buggy in a VM if you dont shutdown the VM properly.
Linux users tend to be white men from America and Europe.
Windows users includes everyone from Central and South America and Asia.
>lol samefog
>I'm not a samefag, here's proof
>lmao who cares
>Does anyone here run a Windows VM under Linux KVM using a GPU pass through?
really no need to these days.
but it's much easier to set up if you're on AMD.
I have a 1060 GTX and new-ish i7 (8700K I think). Vega is integrated graphics correct?
Do you know which is better with Nvidia vs AMD? I know AMD has better open source support in general but IDK if that matters for virtualization?
also any links you may have saved would be much appreciated my dude
You need a motherboard that has the PCI-e slots in different IOMMU groups.
If not you can't do this. You can only pass through IOMMU groups, if the PCI-e slot is in the same group with anything else, it won't work.
Motherboard manufacturers don't list the IOMMU groupings either, you need to look up reddit posts or something just to find them.
Basically, you are stuck with extremely overpriced 2066 socket Intel CPUs and motherboards, or high end AMD motherboards.
If you go with AMD, the motherboards almost certainly don't have the USB controller in it's own group. You will need to buy a USB PCI-e card and pass that through if you want low latency raw input.
After all this, anti-cheat systems will still ban or kick you for running in a VM.
There is zero benefit to running Steam through Wine. Not is having two different versions of Steam installed wasteful, changes to CEF often render parts of Steam unusable in Wine. Proton is just a version of Wine that can be launched directly from the Linux client and provides a shim to let Windows games talk to the native client as if the Windows version of Steam was running. It completely eliminates the need to run Steam itself through Wine, which avoids both of the problems mentioned earlier.
>Vega is integrated graphics correct?
nigga what, no Vega is a flagship AMD lineup.
integrated graphics are Intel's HD XXXX and Ryzen APUs.
He's just pulling out of his arse to justify Linux's low market share.
Proton has built in tracking. If you believe in FOSS, it's far easier to advoid Steam's tracking to sale you ads
AMD does say their Ryzen APUs have "vega graphics".
But yes if someone just says Vega they mean the dedicated cards.
How do you know this ahead of time? I plan on upgrading to the new ryzen if the numbers they provided are accurate.
>There is zero benefit to running Steam through Wine.
Some games require newer versions of Wine or staging patches to run.
Proton uses wine-4.2
We're on wine-staging-4.11 right now.
You have to look up reddit or forum posts and trust the person posting the IOMMU groups of the motherboard.
Motherboard makers do not advertise the IOMMU groups anywhere.
look up youtubers doing passthrough on AMD boards.
level1tech probably has decent guides.
Every garbage Windows 10 patch that Microsoft shits out is just another reason for me to switch over to Linux full-time. I use Linux at work and it's so nice compared to the trash that Windows is turning into. Most things nowadays are written to be cross-compatible, and there are usually tricks to work around compatibility issues anyway.
based. thank you for your post
Of course I bought Intel in 2018 like a retard. I'll have to look up my motherboard, though I'm sure my CPU supports the virtualization features
Does suck ass about the anti-cheat though
>Using loonix
>Still crave for non-free game
So like, what part of the hardware determines the IOMMU group? Is it the chipset? Is it how the PCIe slots are routed to like, the PCIe I/O pins on the socket? Is it some arbitrary shit in the BIOS firmware?
> though I'm sure my CPU supports the virtualization features
Doesn't matter, the vast majority of Intel motherboards don't work unless they're the workstation/server socket motherboards. (e.g. 2066 socket right now)
The motherboard does.
It's not solely the chipset because two boards with the same chipset can have IOMMU groupings that work and don't.
I don't know in full detail. You literally have to look up reddit posts and forum posts to find people who bought the motherboard already and confirmed it works.
More like, there are literally dozen of you. Lmao gotem
Linux users were gamecels for a long time and vidya starting to show off its ankles made the starved gamelets paypig.
fug so probably not possible on my machine then. oh well its good excuse as any to buy some new hardware
cheers, thanks for your help user
No, there are no Vulkan drivers for macOS, and there probably never will be until Apple changes their mind (macOS doesn't provide a way for drivers to expose their own API, so vendors have their hands tied when it comes to supporting Vulkan or OpenGL). There are compatibility layers like MoltenVK, but as always it comes with a performance hit and some compatibility issues.
If you believe in FOSS you wouldn't be using Steam or playing 99% of games in the first place. If you're going to run Steam, you might as well run the version that works. It's proprietary software either way, Wine doesn't change that.
Steam lets you build your own version of Wine/Proton and use it instead of the built in version. It's a bit more than just downloading a binary from winehq, but doable. There are also some popular/well maintained forks on github like github.com
I've stopped running it due to Gaben tracking you for selling you games he gets paid to advertise on his app
linux needs to add windowing support to the kernel, and windows needs to add support for the posix API to the NT kernel, as well as use the itanium ABI like literally everyone else
all problems solved
>70% have switched to windows 10
I'll probably switch to linux when this pc shits the bed if windows 11 isn't better than 10
>windows needs to add support for the posix API to the NT kernel
Windows NT 3.1-Windows 2000 actually did that due to a government mandate at the time.
Wait for the inevitable shitshow when China launches their tencenthuawei chinkowindows and bribe devs out their ass for exclusivity.
Maybe that would make Microsoft to get their shit sorted.
Unironically I see MS starting over with a Linux based OS in the next decade.