My sources tell me The dq protags release tomorrow or early Thursday. Are you guys ready?

My sources tell me The dq protags release tomorrow or early Thursday. Are you guys ready?

Attached: image0.jpg (484x467, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Your sources are shit.

Attached: a single fact.jpg (207x253, 17K)

My sources have not been wrong yet and they won't be wrong with this. See for yourself.

They wouldn't release the character without a breakdown like Joker got

Kinda am hoping he's released this month. Would like summer to actually mean mid summer and not the ass end of it.

I want it more than anything user but it ain't happening.


Can you tell us who your sources are or back your claim?

it's taking them too much time, wasn't the full dlc supposed to release this year?
they should've released each character every 2 months but we're already 3 months since joker

>still no news post uploaded by ssbubot
Not so fast OP

No, February of next year. So thats
>Hero for the summer
>Banjo for the fall
>??? for the winter
>??? for next year

My sources tell me OP is an homosexual.

And they are right!

Joke's release date was announced very suddenly, so I believe it. It just came out of nowhere. 'So here are all Joker's moves and this is some cool stuff his stage does, and he comes out tomorrow'.

Holy shit. What about banjo? Dude you're a legend
Retards. The source was encoded

My sources tell me that you're a fucking faggot. kys

why should we believe a random user on Yea Forums? where's the credibility? are you going to dodge these questions with non-answers like every fake leaker does or what

Attached: he cookin.gif (281x286, 973K)

>he isn’t going to play as 4-chan

Attached: 4246C507-6062-4E82-A538-98A229E6BB73.gif (284x498, 46K)

How am I supposed to make you guys believe me

Well MY sources told me youre full of shit. Prove me wrong, coward.

Actual sources. Something you lack.

tell us who your source is or post a screencap of where he told you. if it was over a phone text conversation, take a screenshot, upload it to somewhere, download it onto ur PC and post it here

banjo is intended to drop alongside the stadium shit in ver 4.0 like home run contest

Aight I'll try and get "proof" for you guys. In the meantime stay tuned.

Prove that you're Sabi but it's okay I understand that you can't because of the CnD which is why you're here now

Although, looking at joker's popup posts being uploaded on the same date as his video makes me think they can easily do it again
Pass on through OP

>page doesn't exist

Attached: ahahahahaha.jpg (367x451, 20K)

those are twitter accounts for the smash bot and nintendo of america

Both links work though?

They were too close together, so i coped the whole thing accidentally.

Attached: duh.jpg (500x587, 32K)

8-kun or bust.

Attached: main4.png (2075x2050, 1.57M)

understandable, have a nice day

Attached: 1561275617670.gif (400x225, 1.96M)

So who’s buying the 4 amiibos

I am

Attached: 88D08565-CD8C-4CC7-BC46-2CFC55C127A7.gif (326x192, 41K)

fuck i forgot about the amiibos
>mfw Eight amiibo

Attached: D-MG6wAXkAAcRHY.jpg (484x492, 17K)

>Nitro-Fueled Came out
I mean, it's far more fun to play and I lose just as much, so I'm selling my copy of Smash.

Close but no Terry

Attached: 1560313012100.png (2075x2050, 1.65M)

Is dragon quest even popular in the west? I know we got the mainline games, but they've refused to release pretty much every spinoff game in english.

inb4 he never returns

VIII sold around half a million units in the West, but only because it came bundled with a demo disc for FFXII. IX and XI also sold pretty decently, but it's pretty niche in the west when compared to other RPG series.

Just backtrace it, dingus

Even though there's a lot of shitters mad about Hero in Smash there are a ton of people who are putting DQXI on their radar because of it as well.
I hope we're in a Western DQ renaissance

Same desu. Imagine Your Story getting a western release

Reminder that Piranha-Planet and the use of ‘everyone is here’ was leaked by a wojak poster. Anything could be said that’s true or false.

Such as the fact that Doomguy is going to shown after the Smash finals this years EVO.

the grinch leak has changed me, i'm not falling for it

Attached: D-BwtbKUIAARj0J.png (507x506, 87K)

The Pixar artstyle choice makes me think that they made it angling for a western release.

I still can't believe we have fucking "Dragon Ball" in Smash.
Meme magic is fucking real.

Attached: 1557355255651.gif (300x420, 143K)

Here's the real leak.

Attached: 1562101923593.jpg (3640x2730, 1.36M)

What the fuck is that?

But user you can’t prove me wrong hahahahaha

I’m either right or wrong.

Attached: 1558573510894.jpg (700x573, 48K)

Oh shit is that Gremlo from the Big Gay Adventure series? I thought Flunkosoft went out of business years ago. I grew up with a GameStation so this is really nostalgic for me.

Does anybody know who this is?

Attached: literally who.jpg (1024x834, 77K)

I'm expecting we'll probably see him anywhere between mid July to the end of the month. It will also very likely be similar to Joker in that he'll drop the same day as the direct that features him.