Let's see your games bros!
Switch Thread
I only have
>Breath of the Wild
>Mario Odyssey
>Hyrule Warriors
>Smash Ultimate
lets start with you, op.
I've got around 70 games, but right now I've been really into Crash Team Racing, My Friend Pedro, and Downwell. Anyone else hoping the Hotline Miami games get ported to Switch?
Imagine being over thirteen and owning a cucktendo shitch
Picked up CTR, really enjoying it but been busy with FFXIV's new expansion so I haven't played it as much. Just finished it so I'll work on adventure mode more once I'm done grinding some shit.
Stay mad.
Just got to the second isle in Cuphead. Fun game
Got a bit of a lisp there, snoyboy?
>LoZ: Botw
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Mario Kart 8: Deluxe
>Fast RMX
>Dark Souls: Remastered
>Super Mario Party
>Super Mario Maker 2
>New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe
>Cpt Toad Treasure Tracker
>Blossom Tales
>Binding of Isaac
>Brothers: a Tale of Two Sons
>Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze
>Baba Is You
>Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon
>Shovel Knight
>Crypt of the Necrodancer
>Tetris 99
>Duck Game
>Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
>Don't Starve
>Portal Bridge Construction
>Worms WMD
>Tricky Towers
>Bit Dungeon Plus
>Another World
>Boxboy + Boxgirl
>Human Fall Flat
>Octopath Traveller
>Axiom Verge
Any recommendations?
I don’t own a gaystation I’m on pc but even that would be preferable to an underpowered Fischer price tablet for children.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
I'm not a weeb and this looks weeb-ish, what would i be in for?
>thinking the switch is a tablet
So when you remove your monitor does that make it a tablet?
>it doesn’t work on its own!
Neither does the switch dummy. You need joycons or a pro controller
A really good jrpg. That weebish stuff is only a very small part of the game. Don't believe the shitposters. The story is really good as well
>he doesn't know what handheld gaming is
Zoom zoom
terrible list
fortnite man!
WHO DID this? a downie?
Yes. In fact, it was Robert Downey Jr.
i'm old enough to post here.
I have
>Oddisey (not mine)
>Just Dance 2018
i'll post my digital library later if the thread is still up. the steelbooks are flashback, let's go eevee, smash bros, and xbc2
I currently have
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Super Smash Bro.s Ultimate
>Go Vacation
I also currently have Astral Chain preordered and will preorder Daemon x Machina too
gay not sure why it's rotated like that. preorders include:
>senran kagura peach ball
>dragon quest builders 2
>astral chain
>link's awakening
>daemon x machina
All digital except smash
Rate meh.
How is pokken?
yes, Yea Forums.
says the seething manchild crying for over two years over a toy, ironic.
I actually counted today. I have 45 physical games and many more indies. I also have about 20 games I wanna get physical that were released or will be soon, and that's not counting stuff that I couldn't add to the basket since there were no pre-orders. Fucking crazy, but I'll still probably put everything away once Link's Awakening and Grandia II HD come out.
Yea Forums is for video games
please take your kiddy shit to /r/toytots
>switch user calling someone else soi
thanks for the laugh
When does it get good? I'm at the part that's like an hour-ish past getting Mythra. So far it's really just follow the quest marker and talk to nameless NPCs and do boring fetch quests and I fucking hate it. Though the music and world design are fucking beautiful.
>he takes polmemes seriously
lmao seethe harder child.
anybody who gets this worked up over a console is the definition of soi
Dude stop talking about video games i don't like, play games for mature beer drinking adults like Spiderman, Star wars and fortnite
the meme originated from /fit/ newfag
Literally any game I want, hack your switch for free games retards
no seriously tho
... Yea Forums is for video games. you're gonna have to take your tonka toys somewhere else.
This board is for gamers.
Have a nice day
>Yea Forums is for video games
yet I see consoles being talked about here all the time
Because mods aren't doing their job and moving these threads to /toy/ where they belong .. /lgbt/ would work also.
>street fighter 30th
10/10! Wanna play?
Dragon Quest Builders
Octopath Traveler
The Legend of Zelda: BotW
Xenoblade 2
DIGITAL (50=44+6 f2p):
Arena of Valor (f2p)
Castle of Heart
Cat Quest
Child of Light
Chocobo's M. Dungeon: Every Buddy
Collection of Mana
Dawn of Survivors (l o l)
Devious Dungeon
Dragon Fang Z
Dungeon Rushers
Enter the Gungeon
Fast RMX
Fear Effect Sedna
Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition
Geki Yaba Runner (was free)
Ghost 1.0
Hard West
Hollow Knight
Lightseekers (f2p)
Mana Spark
Mario + Rabbits
Mercenaries Wings
Nine Parchments
Paladins (f2p)
Picross S
Picross S3
Plague Road
Prime World: Defenders (f2p)
Quest of Dungeons
Realpolitiks: New Power
Revenant Saga
Romancing SaGa 2
Sega Ages: Phantasy Star
Shadow of Loot Box
Smoke and Sacrifice
Sparkle 3: Genesis
Star Story: The Horizon Escape
SteamWorld Dig
SteamWorld Dig 2
SteamWorld Heist: Ultimate Edition
The Last Remnant
The Lost Child
The Way Remastered
War Theatre
Warframe (f2p)
Warhammer: Champions (f2p)
Off the top of my head heres a tier list of the games I have
>God Tier
BotW, Smash, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2
>High Tier
Mario Odyssey, Mario Maker 2, Tetris 99
>Mid Tier
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Box Boy+Box Girl, Pokemon LGP
>Low tier
Kirby, Captain Toad
>Multiplat/Port tier (No ranking since they arent real exclusives, though I'm happy with most of them)
Tropical Freeze, Gungeon, Rayman Legends, Celeste, Sonic Mania, PuyoTetris, Gato-Roboto, Stardew Valley, Dark Souls Remastered, Phoenix Wright Trilogy, Hyper Light Drifter, DQ Builders
How long ago did you download all those? I feel like hbgshop got a massive influx of new users recently because my downloads fail more often than not now when I used to be able to queue tons of downloads and have them all succeed.
I blame people spamming the site link all over reddit and twitter
Thinking about picking something from the eShop, what would you guys recommend? Apart from Hollow Knight and Golf Story.
Yea let me log in.
Heck yeah, I'll make a lobby, playing as Matt. What game do you prefer? I'm ok at 3rd strike and meh at the rest but like em all
I installed most of them via Goldleaf, but yeah; hbgshop is working like shit lately, not just you.
3rd strike?
Literally every single user I've seen in these threads always have Hollow Knight. It's amazing
What genres do you like? I can recommend a ton of niche stuff.
>Disgaea 5
>Diablo 3
>Dragon's Dogma
>Tales of Yea Forumsesperia
>Xenotits Testicles 2
That's it. I'll be getting FE and MUA3 this month
I don't want to get banned.
>but you can't ffs
Tell that story to someone else. Here's (You)
Do you guys buy digital or physical? Why?
How is Dragon Marked for Death?
>He doesn't know
emuNAND is a thing, grandpa.
That is a shit tier list.
lol cope
Why won’t Nintendo give us themes?
Physical if possible. Digital if i can't find the physical or want to save myself the extra $6 of tax
I only buy digital if its 50% cheaper than physical. I like having a collection
Give me some good switch recommendations guys.
Just found out my wife is cheating on me... again
Thanks god her son told me about it..
So any new mario games?
But we have a light theme and a dark one what else do you need
Physical for big games and digital for smol
I legitimately only have Mario Odyssey. Every other switch game I've played I've borrowed from my local library, like such gems as Dead Cells, Hyrule Warriors, Octopath, The Crash Bandicoot Remake, The new no more heroes (it fucking sucks), Botw, and axium verge.
I’ll play almost anything really. I thought the only genre I didn’t like was sports and I enjoyed GS so I’m just looking for great games now
Sounds like you should kys lol
You should buy God of War on the PS4 user
I always buy the cart because I can sell it later. Digital is for dumb zoomers.
Buy physical
Pirate digital
I'm sending a friend request, accept it and I'll make a private lobby for us
Look. Im not making fun of you for liking the switch, there are plenty of people who like stuff like that, lego's ,star wars action figures, MLP plushies.. but it belongs on >>/toy/
Should be easy for you to remember because toy rhymes with soi.
Digital for small stuff or games I figure might not have a future. Physical for anything I could see myself pulling out 15 years from now.
PS4 Chads always make fun of me because im transitioning
I belong here among my own
Who is this Jorge guy?
Lobby's up, just search for friend lobbies
What are the odds of Nintendo also offering tablet-only deals for the Switch Pro?
you mean like the mini switch that leaked
Lol dunno but his connection is shit
>not using dark mode
nah user they'll love you there
I hope the new animal crossing is small enough that you can take out the cartridge from the switch and still play it. Just like the one on the GameCube.
If you're being told emunand can't be connected to the internet, how do you get the games? Doesn't hbgshop require a connection?
Funny thing, user. I know one guy who is divorced because his wife was cheating on him, he took the kid, has PS4 Pro and loves God of War. So I guess your recommendation makes sense.
i mean like just selling the switch pro as a handheld for existing users who want to upgrade but don't want to shell out extra money for a new dock and joycons
Why user
guys is tropical freeze really worth $60??
you go to the internet, you just block certain connections which means you can't play over ninty servers
who /stg/ here?
alot more shmups are getting physical releases soon:
Psyvariar Delta (been out in Japan 1yr)
Caladrius Blaze
Raiden V
Vasara HD Collection
Ghost Blade HD
Radirgy Swag
Arcade Love + Pengo
Rolling Gunner
...I might be forgetting one
I tried user
They just laughed at me..
>TFW even gays laugh at you
Such is the life of a switch owner I guess.
And besides, SnoyStation doesnt come with a dilation stick like Switch does.
I think my brother is downloading porn or something...
so a sysnand can have normal connection and emunand 90dns/incognito?
>botw mid-tier
saved. good bait
You're pretty good
if you like Donkey Kong yes
Is it cuck porn?
If so plz share in thread fellow switchbro
pirate physical
The Pokemon game around atm made with love.
lol you too, IDK why this game lags and SFV does not though.
Yeah connection got spotty at the end there. You all done? I can play for a while. Still new so I only know Ken btw
>Sine Mora EX
Noice. I have that for X360 (vanilla) and EX for Steam. Not gonna buy it for the 3rd time for Switch. Great game, though.
Anyone played Earth Atlantis? Is it good?
Yea, I will still be in this thread but right now when people just got home the connect is gonna suck for a while. That being said on the Switch the ping is more apparent. Hopefully I won't lag too much for MUA3. Still SF30th seems to lag more than Smash which don't really lag that much for me.
interesting, and how about going to either nand safely?
>I love my Switch but I don't play it
hard-set flag through rcm
you either boot emunand or sysnand
no way to fuck it up
Ok no worries, it was cool playing with someone around my level, usually it's total noobs or pros and nothing between. I put up a lobby most evenings so drop in whenever
is emunand retard proof yet?
The story really peaks when you’re at the second part of the game. The last two chapters are worth the grind.
And play Torna after, it’s way better
It is, but it's pretty buggy atm.
What are the current games on Switch that have steelbook editions? Thinking of starting a collection as it's quite small atm
yes, best platformer on the switch
I know that Sine Mora gets a lot of hate from hardcore stg fans, but I loved it despite its faults
I will check when you're on. But yea I really wish Elon's Starlink initiative would finally get off the ground and in my area. Fighting games are gonna be so much fun once that is out. Elon promised 19ms ping on average, but he seems to like to exaggerate a lot of shit.
unusable buggy or?
What is this? some kind of fisherprice games for 9 years old/ or some huge tranny in progress?.
Rate my games..
i haven't seen a pokken tournament thread in months and its top tier?
I love the switch but dealing with Nintendo's customer service has been a real pain in the crotch.
I bought mine a while ago but it came missing a important piece. Had to contact them multiple times to try and get a replacement to no avail.
finally just said screw it and when out and bought the piece myself.
Fucking annoying.
Buggy in the sense of that sometimes it crashes mid game session and it has to "detect corrupt data"
sciresm already said that a big bugfix update is coming, so I'd wait for that.
Don't hold your breath
Actually dismiss me, it seems that said update already released.
Go for it.
I'm not against fortnite but it's pretty bad on the switch
What piece?
If you're happy playing older stuff check out Dragon Blaze and Blazing Star, they're some of the best shmups of all time. I also highly recommend Monster Hunter, Guilty Gear +R, Shock Troopers, Wargroove, Disgaea 5 and Puyo Puyo.
>terrible mobile port of TWEWY in anything but shit tier
No game is worth $60
2/10 list
You're wrong
>no actual criticisms
Considering Mario Maker 2 or FFXII Zodiac Age next
that got a hearty chuckle out of me
I only have Breath of the wild, Mario Odyssey and Smash Bros. I have Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 pre ordered too.
>...I might be forgetting one
ESP Ra.De.
My Dilation Stick
Pretty important piece, Cant believe they forgot to add it
Did you get yours?
I got a fuckton of games that I need to get around to on the Switch. It's a fantastic system.
Who will you be picking first in MUA3?
It’s like I’m really playing a Wii U!
At this point I'd settle for Verizon 5G.
Here's the first shelf again with Psyvariar out of the way
More than half my switch library has turned out to be shmups (with another large chunk being other arcade games like king of fighters, samsho, shock troopers/metal slug etc). It's so damn comfy. I highly recommend a pokken controller if you don't already have one, they're close to perfect. I've also ordered a flip grip (next batch ships in august), and I can't wait to get hold of it. Dragon Blaze and Blazing Star are my two most played.
i only need to say this:
>hyrule warriors is an a
>a warriors game
>a warriors spinoff
>an a
Damn, you have great taste. Wild Guns and Shiren are top tier.
Thank you. If you like similar games, did you pick up that Ninja Warriors Saviors from Strictly Limited games over the weekend? That's the next physical release I'm looking forward to a lot, although I'm cautiously optimistic about Fire Emblem
Damn dude where are you located? Your connection was great at first
Mario odyssey fucking sucks
>...I might be forgetting one
>sealed collection
>has the shit bayonetta se
i am laffin
Better than 64, Sunshine, and the Galaxy games... (They ARE trash though, so it's not saying much)
It's fun, user.
I thought about the Japanese SE, but I got Bayonetta 1 so many times physically on other platforms that I didn't bother.
what are some decent demos/freebies to pass time? I got my switch yesterday but I wont have any games until friday
Maybe tetris 99?
There's that Monster Hunter knock-off. Far from the best platform to play it on, but it's there...
Dragon Quest Builders 1&2
Monster Hunter Gen Ult
Okay lads I've been (re)playing the ace attorney trilogy while ive been running on the treadmill but im almost done and it's time for something new. Any game suggestions? Nothing requiring too much precision or great aim cause im fuckin running with sweaty hands or is turn based, but is still fun and captivating
Its okay and I normally don't have issues with games, but I want like Daigo's connection with like zero lag. Like in Japan or something.
I got a Switch for my kids, and I've got to admit it's a pretty cool machine. It really fills a hardware gap in being a reasonably powerful system that is also portable. I was immediately impressed when I first set it up.
I mostly only play boomercore PC games, but I can see the appeal of the Switch. If you like console games, I think it's a fine system.
Low tier single digit IQ b8
I own them all cuz piracy
>better than 64 and sunshine
Nice bait
Is Valhalla any good?
64 and Sunshine are both clunky as fuck. They may have been good 20 years ago, but they don't hold up in the slightest.
The VN? Yes.
How'd I do lads
>Golf Story
>One Strike
>Into the Breach
>Horizon Chase Turbo
>Enter the Gungeon
>Capcom Beat Em Up Bundle
>Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
>ACA NEOGEO Samurai Shodown 2
>Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection
>Overcooked 2
>Dark Souls Remastered
>Stardew Valley
>Mario Odyssey
>Mario Kart 8
>Mario Maker 2
>Mario Rabbids Kingdom Battle
>Tetris 99
And pic related for all the classic fighters I'll pick up
64 has great controls though wtf. In odyssey Mario has no momentum, he feels way too slow and sluggish. If you know what you’re doing in 64, you can reach sanic level speeds quickly. Can’t do that in odyssey. Also odyssey got rid of wall jumping in most cases. Sandy moons in the levels. The game sucks dude.
>Splatoon 2
>Mario Odyssey
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>Octopath Traveler
>Okami HD
>Bayonetta 1
>Mario Maker 2
>Smash Ultimate
>Gato Roboto
>Hollow Knight
Nice argument
Here you go :^)
>bayo 1
Why not 2? Although I only bought 2, it’s becauss I’ve played 1 before on 360
Play Cadence of Hyrule.
Bayo 2 fucking sucks. I learned my lesson on Wii U.
When it's on sale I will
Not him, but 1 is better. 2 is "two step forward, three steps back"; it is somewhat casualized in general, a lot easier, and umbran climax ruins the combat.
I personally use this for my SFV and Street Fighter 30th Anniversary myself. I even spent a bit more for Sanwa buttons.
Bayo 2 does not suck, although it is easier.
Okay then let me rephrase it. Bayo 2 is fun on normal, then an absolute mess on anything higher. I don't even care if its easier, its problems go far deeper than that.
>and axium verge.
Is it good?
It's an ok metroidvania. Look up gameplay and see if it tickles your need
>Travis Strikes Again sucks
Too much calling out the Jew for your taste?
Is SMM2 worth the buy? Don't really have any inclination to making my own stages, but playing levels seems like it would be fun.
Here is my experience with the Switch so far
Any recommendations?
Go to the NSO app and play the mario games, if you get bored of them in a few mins then I would skip SMM2 since your tastes in games has changed.
>, its problems go far deeper than that
They don't, you simply don't know how to play it.
Go to saurian dash site in youtube and look at his videos , he is the one who wrote that official guide from future press about the first bayonetta and he explained HOW you have to play bayo 2 due to the slightly different mechanics.
bought a few more indies on sale since this was taken. about to complete diablo3 season journey then im gonna get mario maker.
really hanging out for fire emblem. considering limited edition of astral chain.
>Breath of the Wild
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Splatoon 2
>Super Mario Odyssey
Basically fell for the 2017 " must-have hybrid console-handheld with a promising future and library" meme before realizing it was a rehashed weaker Wii U
Just picked one up. I have: Mario Odyssey
Hyrule Warriors
Mario Cart 8
Bayoneta 2
Pokemon Let's Go Evee
DC Supervillians
These are mine.
does anyone know if that 2 digital game voucher deal will still work when my subscription to switch online ends? im subscribed now, so if i buy the voucher thing, and my subscription ends in a month, will i still be able to use a voucher for astral chain or whatever?
And I have these pre-ordered:
DQ Builders 2
Astral Chain
Collection of Mana
Animal Crossing
I will probably get this week the edition with that code of 35€. I mostly play rpgs and motorsports games. what do you recommend me to play? I will also give top priority to DQ XI S once it is released in September
You fuckers think that once bayo 3 comes out they will make some kind of special edition with the 3 games on physical?
what is the point of preordering something like Animal Crossing? are you afraid they will run out of copies on release date?
Super Mario Odyssey
Breath Of The Wild
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Yoshi's Crafted World
Kirby Star Allies
Bayonetta 2
Octopath Traveler
Super Mario Maker 2
Dong Freeze
Mega Man Legacy Collection
Mega Man X Legacy Collection
Mega Man 11
Super Mario Maker 2
Shovel Knight
Sonic Mania
Toe Jam & Earl
Tetris 99
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2
Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2
Final Fantasy 7
Collection Of Mana
Physical for muh collection, digital if no physical.
Absolute dog shit.
I'm jelly. The hayabusa is fine but a little bit clicky, the buttons could maybe use an upgrade
explain pls
Super Mario Odyssey
Zelda Breathe of the Wild
Bloodstained Ritual of the Night
Bloodstained Curse of the Moon
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 9
Final Fantasy X/X-2
Final Fantasy 12 The Zodiac Age
Castlevania Anniversary Collection
Hollow Knight
Ace Attorney Trilogy
Crash Bandicoot N- Sane Trilogy
Diablo 3 Eternal Collection
Dead Cells
Shakedown Hawaii
Yet Another Zombie Defense HD
Mana Spark
Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen
Digital partly because I'm lazy and impatient and when a big game drops I want to play it RIGHT at midnight, and then there's also the convenience of being able to swap to any game you own instantly without fucking with carts.
Single player is trash because it's mainly balanced around multiplayer. Local isn't split screen and requires everyone to have a copy of the game and their own Switch. Online is dead as shit. Lmao enjoy grinding for a million hours for rare drops to stand a chance against the late game one hit death bosses.
Welp, I paid 25 bucks for it. Shit
I've thought that they might, but they probably won't (not that I really care, because I already have mine.) Best scenario is that they put all 3 on a 64GB cart, like the Metroid Prime trilogy. I think that is highly unlikely though.
Why? Mine is like half the price of yours. You can also change to sanwa switches as well as the shape of the gate on your RAP5.
>switch stopped charging for no reason
See you pals next console generation
And I paid £28 for it, at least it was sealed so the season pass wasn't used.
The level designs are boring with few parts that use a character's special abilities and even then it's almost always just to access an extra chest. At least they've added being able to change a character's element which also changes some of their attacks.
If you have a third-party 3.0 ethernet adapter. Disconnect it. For some reason it makes the switch impossible to sleep
Not included are the collector edition boxes.
And before you ask, keep an eye out of sales and pounce on them.
Hesitation kills.
Get a haircut
>wall of red
>Thinking a
No. I just always pre-order games I know I want. I just like to get them paid for and not have to think about it again.
this is fucking mental
are you trying to sound clever by letting everyone know you can see a reflection on the switch screen? my hair was like two inches long in that photo. you're a fucking retard.
what a shit reasoning is that?
>please take my money even though the product I buy doesn't even exist yet
It's coming out in March. It's not that far away. Why should I wait when I could just do it now? It's a game I know I'm going to buy regardless and it's not taking money away from anything else. And things are rough for me right now. It makes me feel better just going ahead and buying it. Like I'm one step closer to playing it and hopefully by that time next year, things will be better for me.
I hate the wall of red too. My modest gamecube collection looks much better on my shelf.
>this is fucking mental
Is that a positive or negative thing?
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD remaster
Hollow Knight
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
Octopath Traveler
Final Fantasy IX
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Games I have but bout to sell
Dark Souls Remastered (no point although it's pretty good for switch, just rather play the trilogy on ps4)
Games I want:
FE three houses (in the middle actually)
Final Fantasy VIII
Dragon Quest XI
Shin Megami Tensei V
Pokemon SS (maybe or maybe not depending on content)
Minecraft Dungeons (I just like it)
Botw 2
Trials of Mana
Daemon x Machina
b..but my favorite gigantic megacorporation NEEDS my money!
probably positive is what he is hinting at
>ITT shills for sony and poorfags are furious people support their system of choice rather than opting to steal games and hurt developers.
yeah, i meant it as a compliment. pretty crazy, though. there must be like $10,000 worth of games there. i thought my vita collection was impressive. this puts my collection to shame.
are you one of those lunatics that is trying to go for a whole collection? like, you try to buy every game released in your region or something? i've seen people like that before.
Yeah, I'm furious knowing that you're burning your money on overpriced ports when I can download the same thing for free with no repercussions lmao
Let it be known that all the money I'm saving is used on DUDEWEED and snacks, hahaha!
How's Doom user
>All of this money wasted on 0 and 1
The absolute state of buycucks
Devil may cry? Its overpriced but if you like bayo I'm sure youll like it. Maybe the new crash bandicoot racing game?
Haha. I'm pirating everything.
how the fuck do you only have that many games then? Pick up dmc, crash racing, and the crash trilogy as a start
the dmc port on switch is absolutely pathetic. it's not even the version they released in the hd collection on ps360. it's just a ps2 port. and the crash trilogy has even more input lag than the ps4bone versions.
if you liked xeno2 and dk tropical, definitely give vesperia a look (if you havent played it yet) and maybe sonic mania or gunvolt striker.
Guy with the collection here.
This is a drop in the bucket in terms of how many switch games there are total. It just looks bigger than normal because you have a shitload of companies doing limited prints of games, where if it looks remotely interesting, I'll pull the trigger and buy it. However I don't just get games I know i won't like.
As for money. Sales are your best friends. Always watch for buy 2, get 1 free sales or when a store might be selling a game at clearance to clear their stock. Also black Friday is a gold rush, I got all the Bethesda games for $7-10 each during the last one. (Skyrim was 25 though)
Anyone mess with Lakka? It's a linux distro that boots into retroarch on Switch. Performance is much better than the app version of retroarch, it's pretty comfy.
You can "dual boot" it with a cfw using hekate. If you run kosmos you can switch between the two without having to re-inject a payload.
What game is that below Smash. It's really hard to tell from vague icons.
Sorry, you're going to have to steal these (you)'s :p
i live in australia, and i've never seen a buy 2 get 1 free deal for any switch games, even pre owned. and black friday isnt a thing here. the cheapest physical switch games i've bought were sonic forces and fire emblem warriors at $30 each. those games are both garbage; i just bought them because they were "cheap."
i'd grab shitloads more games if they were like $10 each, even bethesda dogshit.
I know because I saw it once while browsing play-asia.
I was going to ask if it was any good but I saw Live2D and no longer want anything to do with it.
How can this image feature Diablo III with the game card inserted if Zelda is clearly halfway into the game card slot?
>puts the 2 Pokémon games of the same gen in different tiers.
Your the kinda of person who puts lucena in s their and marth in d their aren’t you.
Yeah, I'm in America so I can't really help you there. Just be diligent I'm sure they have to have sales sooner or later even in Austarlia. Also, don't be shy about pulling the trigger on full price games if you think it's a low print and want it.
The Lair Princess and the blind prince was a perfect example of this.
>Splatoon 2
>L.A Noire
>Shovel Knight
>Sonic Mania
>Retro City Rampage
SMO is my most played out of all of them and even then that doesn't have a lot of play-time because I have two other platforms worth of backlogs to clear. I would just hack my switch and get Dong Freeze and Bayonetta and Hyrule Warriors and such, but I spent a lot more than I would've liked to on Splatoon 2 (and I'm still stuck in casual-mode shitter hell) and I don't want to get myself banned if it ends up finally clicking and I wind up loving it.
I've got Okami, Dark Souls, Xenoblade, and Nintendo's first party games like Zelda and Mario Odyssey. Are there any 3D action-adventure games on the eshop that I'm missing that aren't JRPGs? I know there's Rime and Hob but those ports look like they suck.
I have YS and Xenoblade, both limited editions. Mario Kart, BotW, Odyssey and I had to get the physical copy of Binding of Isaac. Not much else I want on the switch.
On a side note, the left analog crapped out badly. Won't even go through calibration. Should I buy a new joycon or disassemble the joycon I have and simply replace the stick with a Chinese one off ebay? Anyone had the same issue? Anyone fix their joycon? While I'm at it should I replace the shell entirely. I really like the matte grey/black but would like a transparent one with SNES colored button's more.
I had my 360 controller off my old console that RRoD'd and one of the sticks got a little drifty so I just sprayed air into it and it was fine again.
Anyone else feel like the switch is poorly made?
Ys 8?
I'm excited for UA3 and DQ Builders 2
>torna above the base game
>owning one even under the age of 13
When the HELL is Ultra Street Fighter 2 going on sale, I refuse to pay $40.
The very definition of shit taste in a single pic. Well done, retard
PKMN: LGE (for me and niece to play when she comes over as her first vidya.)
Fun but the graphics are a bit blurry which makes demon sniping harder than it should be. I got it on sale for 30$, worth it for a playtheogh and arcade mode, but not at full price