Muh attention span

>muh attention span
>muh no character development
>muh stereotypes
The only reason Yea Forums didn't like the three protag set up was it forced them to keep track of 3 plotlines and character arcs. The narrative benefitted greatly from this triple POV method.

Attached: characters.jpg (2880x1800, 317K)

>no character arcs
>have to keep track of 3 character arcs
Mediocre narrative backed by the same gameplay present in every modern Rockstar title. Yea Forums doesn't like it because its objectivity an average game, not because of some "2 deep 4u" plot you've imagined.

Deathwish should have killed all 3 of them.

What narrative?

Nah. I liked the idea of having 3 characters. But when all 3 of them are pretty much forgettable/unlikable, then you've got a problem.

Give me 3 characters, not 3 empty vessels.

I love GTA5, I think its the second best GTA game, but that last missions was so meh. Its basically the equivalent of that episode of IASIP where they settle their beef with people. Its like they took the 3rd act for every character's story, and mashed it into a disappointing mission.

Niko =/or/> CJ > Michael > Trevor > Franklin

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i'm going to buy it today, is GTA Online playable or do I need to buy some premium shit?
i don't even know if it will run on my shitty pc

GTAO is freemium. Everything is doable for free but requires a lot of grinding for the good shit. I don’t know what state the online community is in now, been a while since I played

You got it wrong it's just not long enough. If it was RDR2 length every character would get 40 missions a piece but instead it's half the length and things escalate quickly with little development . You barely even deal with all the villains and kill them all in one go there's no reason to care about any of it.

>>muh down syndrome

The game itself is long enough if not too long but the problem is that most of the missions do not even progress the story and made me lose the interest to even continue. It took me almost 2 months to finish GTA 5 just because I couldn't be bothered to do some boring back and forth missions.

fat has-been dad
trill nigger hood shit
steven ogg typecast once again

The only character that had any semblance of development was the rich white dude. It wasn't a bad story, but it was years more simple than the ones before, made for simple minded people.

I didn't even hate the story I just found the gameplay to be complete ass. There's nothing to do outside of the main game really and the business missions aren't even really available until you beat the game due to costs and never pay off anyways. 3d GTA has always been about dicking around in the open world for me but I don't really get that experience with GTA 5.

3 protagonists are actually a splendid idea but it would work best if the story was much longer or if the game encouraged you to replay the game from the other characters' point of view. Unfortunately, there is none of that.

Have relatively high level friends who know what they are doing, otherwise when you begin to move to the actually profitable freemode missions you'll be brutally raped by flying rocket bikes.

It was a very good story.
I see nothing wrong with it.

The only good character was Micheal.

Franklin was boring and Trevor was a stupid meme.

>tfw we'll never get RDR2 with an actual branching narrative
Fuck prequels and fuck Rockstar's addiction to maudlin "Death of the west" bullshit.

>t. IVbabby

no it didn't this game is so shit and the only thing that ever saves these gta games is funny relatable or likeable characters had V had none.