Can someone explain to me how this is possible...

Can someone explain to me how this is possible? How did an anime phone game become of the highest grossing things in human history? Nobody in the west even knows it exists.

Attached: fgo 2.jpg (883x602, 132K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck retards

Big. Anime. Tiddies.

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Mobile games make money off a small percentage of customers known as "whales", which are mentally ill people with addiction problems that these games are deliberately designed to exploit.

Yes you can get this for free

99% of the money these games make comes from less than 1% of players.

Isn't this shit dying anyway?

Who cares anyway. I hope the "whales' all kill themselves once this game dies.

Casino slot machine in your pocket with an anime skin.

not having and ethics department does this

Attached: Ethics Department.png (800x1000, 130K)

Pokémon GO is no better. I have friends who basically made their entire life about Pokémon GO because of how addictive that game is. I got out for good of that addiction a few months ago.

when you spend money the virtual women smile at you, for less than it would cost to get the same warm expression from a real woman

also FGO is a game where you literally are implied to be fucking magic heroes or rubbing their naked bodies to give mana, and you get Absolute Control commands to use at your leisure. Your imagination can fill in all the blanks. It's the ultimate wish fulfillment app

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Japanese salary men are literal cattle

>Does mobile right by letting you play the first world for free
>Charges $10 for the full game and has no monetization beyond that
>Underperforms and Nintendo adopts the same greedy and manipulative model as the rest of the mobile marketed

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 150K)

>Uses a popular anime as a base
>Make people feel attached to the characters through story and voice lines, so much so that they're willing to pay to have them at their best (NP5)
>Make a lot of them with designs that appeal to horny weebs

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Posted the wrong pic. Oh well, enjoy Bride Catherine.

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0.01 cents were deposited.

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dude i fucking wish i could get paid to post here.

im sorry, sony? what?

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I wonder if the people that get addicted to this kill themselves after realizing they wasted so much money on something that will soon die.

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I know you do it for free, I was just trying to be funny about it.

>can somebody explain
>someone explains
>hurrr shill

i've had the same shitty $100 nokia windows os phone for like 6 years. it can't even run the app.

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Fucking tertiaries. REEEEEEE
This is why I won't get my turkeyhandle remake.

japanese, chinese and koreans are gambling addicts but don't understand that its a problem

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They just move on to something else that they can get addicted to and waste money on.

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Whales and luck. It was incredibly shitty for the first year and then got immensely popular.

People will claim it's because of Fate, but even the creator said outright that only a fraction of the players care about the the franchise itself.

god, I'm so glad I basically quit. I only spent fifteen dollars but I put in so much time. fuck you, /fgog/.

>Only use our fiction.

but I don't like Harry Potter, Comic Books, or Star Wars.

The new meduka game they made is better tbqh

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it's like two or three years old

I know right? The fucking irony.

Seriously it is unreal, what massive fucking hypocrites Sony are. Because they would never, in a million billion years, start censoring Fate Grand Order or toning down the OVERT and at times extremely LEWD content. It makes them billions. It's probably the main thing besides the PS brand making Sony real money.

Yet, at the very same time they allow children to play and pay into FGO and look at erotic almost-naked anime women, they masquerade as a morally pious company who uphold their game content to some kind of special moral standard and "protect the children" by censoring adult women in bikinis in PS4 titles.

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Loli butts

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sex still sales incredible well
actually I think it has become even more lucrative since every aspect of society right now is getting censored by feminist to no longer have sexy women

>for less than it would cost to get the same warm expression from a real woman
It's hilarious that you think this to be true. for one thing whores don't really amile at you, they wanna get their business done with and go, unless you're paying for an escort that charges 3K a night I should know, I've payed for such priviledges. Not the 3K mind you, that's too much, even for pussy.

Nah, if anything the wish fullfilment part comes from having no negative conotations on their made-up relationship. Everything the 2D hot girl tells you is positive and loving of you, that happens maybe 20% of the time in a real-life relationship, and that is if you're lucky with the girl you get, most of the time is spent being "meh" with an occasional fight over something dumb or silly every now and then. again voice of experience With 2D waifus you don't run any of that risk.

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user, it's different departments. The PlayStation Sony is not remotely the same thing as Aniplex. Sony is so big it has literally sued itself.

>Nobody in the west even knows it exists.

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Loli sell

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Do the people that play this garbage even get full pics of their bodies or just cropped art like the one that's being posted itt?

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You know that the subsidiaries they have are pretty completely independent to the point they sued eachother at some point.
Aniplex doesn't give 2 shits about what California does.

Autistic straight men.

Want to become a millionaire?
Market a product with sexualized female characters to Asians and potentially underage westerners.
Set for life.

>anime expo
>shilling mobile garbage
How low one have to sink

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>denying fujo and homo power

Meant to post this one

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I know they aren't the same departments, but they are the same company overall. They can't seriously pretend that it's not hypocritical to make billions from naked anime women in your gacha app but still pretend your company has some sort of social obligation to be family friendly.

Didn't work for NiS

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Losers spending money on fake girls.

All of the Western anime cons are incredibly shitty.

Alright, which one of you bastards did this?

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It's illegal to gamble for money in Japan so they have to do it with toys and iphones and shit.

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Nippon doesn't care what America does

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I really don't get it. I played it for like 2-3 days, got extremely bored and never played it again. How is unlocking PNGs of anime girls that you can just Google for free worth spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars?

So how does mana transfer work? Let alone how does it work in the GO-verse?

I'm not saying they do, but I am pretty goddamn sure everyone at the top of the company is kept well-aware of the updates to the game that makes them buttfuckbillions every year.

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I bet you were also screeching because NoA censored everything on their own while NoJ didnt

horny and lonely weebs with lots of cash

>give money to Sony by buying semi naked 2d girls for your android phone so their ethinics department can censor everything else
Ayy lol

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I gave them those $3 billion.

>implying the west even matters anymore

that slut's body is just pure perfection, those hips and thigh could break any dick and then she tops it off with a divine DFC

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>fate as VN was already bad enough
>turn it into mobage

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And they have put a stop to that as far as I can tell ever since Xenoblade Chronicles 2. It's been lewd outfits and waifus practically nonstop since BOTW.

This is Musashi-dou, right?

Have these people never heard of e-hentai? Of all the places a porn-based mobage would take off, you think it would be South Korea where pornography is banned.

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I still don't know what it is.

so what this means is that, companies should hire porn artist to become character designers to made mad profit?

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Tits too small

Fuck e-hentai. The money these losers put into this game they might as well buy videos on clip4sales or something like that.

Or pay for a hooker or an escort to have real sex.

I think you do not understand the the difference between Japan and America departments. People are retarded to think they are linked somehow.
Yes but that's the fault of the American Branch itself not Japan.

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Someone doesn't know how a megacorp works. It's all independent silos user, they don't even talk to each other. and the guys at the top don't care that they don't talk to each other because at the end of the day all they care about is lining their pockets with money.

Say Sony does drop FGO because if it's "Oversexualized depictions of womyns" and is no longer a hypocrite, you wanna know what happens? Aniplex just goes finds another partner for publishing rights and the whole thing keeps chugging along, making money for Overlord Sony while Sony's Gaming division gets to pat themselves on the back for doing nothing. Only difference now is that some other company is making 0.05 cents for every dollar spent on FGO.

>someone that isn't me succeeding

But you can just internet search it for free. There's something more than just "weebs wanting to jerk off to anime"

Pretty sure it's just addictive in the same way gambling is.

Most japanese games already do

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The only good parts are Camelot, Babylonia and Solomon.
They are getting anime adaptations so you don't have to slog through them ingame

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The feet is fucking cropped.

To be fair FGO girls are better than the girls in any Compile Shart game


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I don't get it, does google images not exist in Japan? Can they just not find the jpegs on their internet?

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and that's a good thing.

It's unironically this.

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Seems like cope on your end. How much have you wasted in this crap?

>Pretty sure it's just addictive in the same way gambling is.
This is it. There are plenty of F2P players completely addicted.

I know because I was


Babylon is only alright. I'd prefer some of the LBs over Camelot.

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I understand that they don't have say over each other I was just saying it's hypocritical, that's all. Why can't reporters ever ask company CEOs hardball questions like that? I want to fucking ask Jim Ryan what he thinks of FGO making Sony billions with hypersexual females people pay for ownership over, while their western marketing paradoxically snubs and even borderline shames Japan as problematic and regressive towards women.

>So how does mana transfer work?
Like this.

Attached: illya kissu.webm (808x454, 3M)

It's a good thing paying for cropped pics? If you say so...

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Holy shit i'd lose my dick fighting against that butt and those thighs, makes me so fucking hard

Can't be, there are no bulges.

Anime titties+gambling addiction=profit

I have a friend IRL who is always playing this shit on his phone, he's always watching the anime and he's a MASSIVE retard. It can't be a coincidence


>Seems like cope on your end.
Nope, just facts

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I don't know what this says about me since I spent the most trying to get the cock wizard, a literal skeleton in armor and a dapper old man. I got the lewd big titty women with tickets.

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you have the anons who actually ruined their life because of that?

Answer the question

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user this is a little girl
Sadly no

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Reminder that if you play gacha shit you deserve a painful death

the ones in Toronto are good though maybe i'm biased. but i've never had anything stolen, not too many obese people, no smell, good merch, decent cosplays, just really pleasant overall. no crowding or rushing really.

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Yeah that's a cropped pic. Only good as a wallpaper.

Wasn't Fate supposed to be some sort of treatise about ideals and self sacrifice or something?

Then i guess you dont like video games anymore, do ya, buddy?

Because the same autistic waifufags who bitch about how SJWs are ruining the sanctity of Japanese traditional gaming and reeeeee about shit like Tifa's tits are perfectly willing to spend billions of dollars on some of the shittiest, barebones "gameplay" ever devised as long as there's enough half-naked anime girls they can "own". And since more and more companies are basically abandoning proper gaming for gachashit they're ironically done more damage to nip games than California liberals ever could.

Attached: 70508312_p0.jpg (1000x1533, 670K)

No it's been chunni shit since day 1

That plus if you dump money into her and level her up, she levels up and smiles at you appreciatively.

counter point: mollusks

Pretty sure Nintendo has made more than 3B from mobile.

Pokemon GO alone probably did that.

It's Ancoman

The original VN is about that, yes. The relationship between our concept of what it means to be a hero, what defines a hero, can someone set out to be a hero, etc So is its direct sequel and prequel. Then it sort of goes off the rails

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Don't forget that city dwellers have a shittonne more spending power than you ever will.

Something I think you guys are miscontruing is that the people spending on the game are just waifufags, a lot of the whales spend money just so they can get whichever characters are useful gameplay wise/ meta because a lot of the game involves farming so getting those characters makes it more efficient. Yeah, there are people who unironically enjoy the gameplay, surprisingly enough.

>sloppy ass and thigh fat
it's the simple things in life that are truly gods gifts bros.

I would happily whale for FGO if the gameplay was any good. The match 3 combat is braindead and the grind for ascension materials is fucking insane. From what I've seen so far Magia Record plays very similarly to FGO but with enough variation to keep me at least somewhat engaged.

This. Its not as simple as people make it out to be.
>I want to fucking ask Jim Ryan what he thinks of FGO making Sony billions with hypersexual females people pay for ownership over, while their western marketing paradoxically snubs and even borderline shames Japan as problematic and regressive towards women.
user it's a complex answer. Let me try to make this simple. In the West we have a lot of people that are cucks that are willing to bend over for the wahmen because they cry and because there are desperate men who are thirsty to do anything for sex. Even to the point of giving rights that are not earned, censorship and believing Egalitarian ideals(women are equal to men vice a versa) to shame everyone who likes beautiful females. In the end they get #metoo'd and are found out to be legit pedophiles. Unfortunately in the West they have control of the media and our institutions. The only way this changes is to not bow down to outrage and to not care about their feelings. And to take things back etc. I can tell this is a phase currently and it will change as Everytime these things happen they lose money instead of earning money.

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time to wake up, this stuff is main stream now and mobile games are more popular

More cropped art. Can't even see her knees.
>paying for this

Wow, I never thought of it like that. You're right. I'm leaving and never coming back here.

Can't wait for dead seasons

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I just jerk off to the doujins for free. Checkmate.

do yo at least have more gacha salt
if not just keep posting jack butt

Popularity doesn't stop it from being trash.

this is all fanart, user, there is no official art in this thread

it's just one autist who thinks this is /e/

Anime expo happens once per year and they had to sell out to this shit to promote themselves.

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Then this spamming is pointless. I thought I was looking at the real thing. + tiddies.

>play FGO for 30 minutes on the train twice a day every day instead of scrolling through Yea Forums
>spend no money on it
>get to play through some halfway decent story chapters featuring different historical and mythological characters interacting in some dumb animu chuuni fantasy world
>get to experience the momentary thrill of gambling without any of the drawbacks by spending free in game currency rolling for characters
>get to collect cute waifus and cool bros
>end up being motivated to look up and learn more about some of the more obscure characters from things like Indian mythology, Chinese history, etc.
Wow truly the scourge of the industry

I am hoping that soon the optics vs profit pendulum finally begins to swing back because this is ridiculous. There's only so much hypocritical bullshit people will put up with. At some point people have to address how stupid it is that we police sexual content in such a weird half-assed way, where it's normal and fine to put sexy women in lingerie up on giant billboards but somehow it's a problem if the kid occasionally sees sexy content in a piece of media. and only if it's content that doesn't make us billions of dollars.

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>I understand that they don't have say over each other I was just saying it's hypocritical, that's all
>Hey guise! guess what? dogs bark!
What's next? you're gonna tell us cats meow? how about the fact that cockatiels caw caw? is that enough of a discovery for you?

Really shitty anatomy my dude. Her ribs are almost jointed with her pelvic bones.

Delete this fucking pic from your computer

Just these 2

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can(t believe this board memed me into watching this shit show.

It's abysmal on every level

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Cringe and bluepilled.
Based and redpilled.


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the fact that Yea Forums doesn't have "/e/ spam" as a reportable option yet is bizarre

It's not. Politicians and corporations already discovered the fact that people don't mind getting fucked in the ass just as long as you use a little lube and put it in slowly. That's for people being fucked over, now for sexualizing in media being some horrendous thing you need to look at religion and how they used shame to control people.

Well, i will say a lot of are virgins or weebs, second are chinks. gooks and japanese who play a lot of mobile garbage and the third group are addicted to this type of pay to win games.

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Hit all the key points
Literally a recipe for success

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>Everytime these things happen they lose money instead of earning money.

Meanwhile in the real world MK is the best-selling game of 2019 and shitty anime titty games are selling worse and worse every year. Probably because all you retards spend money on gacha now, since there's less pesky gameplay getting in the way between you and pixel waifus.

Fate isn't an anime.

>FEH thinks it's any fucking better
El oh El .

I spent $57,200 grand on Fate/Order in 2018. AMA.

Quick answer sheet: No most of the money I spent was not for myself. But for various friends.

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i don't know how FE fans can live with themselves after seeing the hundreds of millions they poured into the IP funding a game with animation on the same level as RWBY.


Thing is, that revenue is on the scale of Grand Theft Auto. Everybody knows what GTA is, but Fate is unknown to the average person. How is this possible?

fifty seven thousand grand wow

ur loaded bro

Attached: 67585937_p0.jpg (2208x1560, 764K)

Is this money that would have otherwise elevated your quality of living or are you just rich?

Or they just use the pachinko loophole, where you can exchange your bb's for prizes like giftcards and shit.

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This is true. But like all things it's no different than the Satanic panic of the 80's and 90's, the Salem Witch Trials. It's due to Paranoia and mythos. I will take a guess that in a few years with the PS5 being a huge failure for trying to be Woke, the Switch and PC selling like hot cakes due to the uncensored stance that they have taken. It will eventually start to become obvious that Feminism and Societal Justice are a huge failure. But sadly it might be 2023 or so we begin to see the change.

It really is a mystery, there's a lot of franchises that follow the trend with anime tiddies and lolis yet fate/go got such popularity, maybe it was the name of the franchise that helped, or maybe it was because of Nasu reputation, I think it was kind of a miracle like Touhou or Kancolle that not even the devs were expecting.

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Inheritance from my Grandad who passed away from cancer 2 years ago. So Im rich, but it's not a cash flow.

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Fuckers like this

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yeet yeet

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Mobile players are fucking stupid and won't pay for shit ever. Most of them will play these games because you can play them for free and never need to pay, but will end up spending more gambling than whatever the full game would cost.

yes, but waifu faggots ruin everything, and kikes want to make money so they knee to weebs.

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Well I'm a poorfag so I can't relate but I will say, please do something useful with that money. You wouldn't believe how much stuff you can actually get done even just being able to burn one or two thousand. Please don't hand all that money right back to the machine.

you would think the endless piles of fate go doujinshi would make people not need the actual jpgs as badly to feel satisfied but hey, different strokes

>sony's fate grand order is generating more money than all of nintendo

This game make more money than League or Fortnite?

if this is not a bait , i bet your grandad is spinning in his grave because you're a fucking retard. Somebody with brain could just make more not just spend them on anime tits.

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Reminds of that one faggot who left his job so he can travel the world to catch them.

I'm surprised it's Fate of all things.

personally i thought it was rather deceptive to make it ""free"" and advertise it as ""free"" when the free part is almost nothing. you gotta paywall them at the start or people will just satisfy their curiosity with the demo and not play anymore

Nintendo has Pokemon (the highest-selling franchise in the world), so nope

>t really is a mystery, there's a lot of franchises that follow the trend with anime tiddies and lolis yet fate/go got such popularity
It came out around the time Ufotable did F/Z and UBW.

Asians are the biggest consumer lemmings on the planet.

You all like to bash on SJW's for censorship, but they're all decided on in order to be able to sell their games in China.
Asians are the biggest threat to mankind, that's why all yellow fever faggots need to be gassed.

Nasu has already said that the new fans don't care about the rest of the franchise. Indeed, previous immensely popular characters who weren't pushed in FGO have become completely irrelevant since no one knows who they are.

And yet...

What, like the fate/shit games are some bar of excellence in the medium?

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My grandfather was a hedonist. He would not give one single fuck about your assumptions of his character, he tried to get me laid with fat tit prostitutes every year after my 16th birthday. He made his wealth fucking over many people in horrible and I have no issue spending his dirty "fuck you" money as I want. He was a bad person that I love, but bad nonetheless.

Fate Extella is absolutely better looking and almost certainly better in gameplay than FE 3Houses will be.

>buying .jpgs
if you're throwing up to hundreds of bucks for that shit, what's stopping you from just buying a scale figure/figma/nendo of your waifu?
since clearly any signs of responsible spending or dignity are out the window already

Sounds like World of Warcraft all over again. I doubt 80% of the player base today, even the ones shilling for classic, know that the series was once an RTS.

>certainly better in gameplay

Most of Fate/go players ignore even the animu, Even Riyo makes fun of them.
UBW and zero did nothing for Fate/go popularity.

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>Riyo makes fun of them
*is one of them

>make billions off of mobile game based of a vn
>still wont officially release it, OR CCC, in the west

>Weeb character with sword again
Fuck off I'd rather have fucking sans than another weeb sword shit

Asians in General, that where they put most of their Money, Koreans, Japaneses, and Chinese are slaves to those games, is really sad.

I would honestly have Emiya Archer over Saber.

meant for I'd take a game with art done by toddlers before I play a fucking musou.

And that's why japs phone game are always shit

I can't say he is one of them, I don't know him.

>vidya company ethics teams trying to reduce sexuality in video games
>sex is selling better than ever before
Sony has been fucking up since the ps4 was first released

>lol gooks are so stupid for falling for gacha
didnt this place had daily FEH threads for months when it came out?

reminder that all fate girls are made for pig cock

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>sex is selling better than ever before
only in gacha, all weeb pantsu games are tanking hard if you look at the weekly charts

Sex and violence have always sold well, what the hell is Sony thinking?

I dont think they've censored any violent game recently

Fate was a mistake

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That like 80%from Japan
15% from SEA
and 5% from Westkeks
Japs dont know what new pickup banner will hit them,while the rest have Clairvoyance Rank EX and know who to save for

Imagine being poor lmao

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Fate is a great example of commercialism ruining something and braindead customers allowing that to happen.

You just realize you would have wasted that same money on something else that's just as stupid. You are brain damaged if you think rolling gacha is somehow worse than hard drugs or having an actual real world gambling problem where you have to take out a lifetime mortgage just to save yourself.

Go be a communist somewhere else you fucking loser

Was it worth it?

It's funny actually. The Grail was bait to capture the whale.

Blood drinking, saliva, rituals or sex.

Yes. They ended up dying because IS is unbelievably incompetent at managing their golden goose.

Must suck to get an ugly servant of the same gender huh


Did they ever add captain Ahab?

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mana has been recharged through sex from day 1 you fucking poser

what about urine?

Nemo is in FGO as a NPC. He made a deal with a son of Poseidon to aid Chaldea in taking down the Lostbelts and he reveals his identity in the India one.

Based lolicon animators amping up the lewdness of the scene in the adaptation.



Kill yourself pedophile

>sex is selling better than ever before

A fully robed dickwizard made more money for Sony in 3 days then all those games people cry about getting censored do in a year. Maybe 2 years.

I don't get why people act like any real money was being made off shit like Senran. Waifufags aren't as powerful as they think.

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Fate as we know it is the result of commercialism, that's why Seibah is a girl.

Thanks to gambling addicted retards we'll never get another typemoon VN
I wish all mouthbreathers who ever spent a single $ in this game would die in a fire

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Retarded people. Most of these people are a bunch of rich teenage kids who never had to work to earn money to bunch of loner weebs who has nothing better to do in life.

Imagine working hard all day to earn your money then waste it on gacha shit.

>I dont think they've censored any violent game recently

wasn't DMC5 censored?

She would actually work well with the invisible sword gimmick. Invisible Air makes her stand out from the other anime swordsmen.

Yes, even if got patched retards come with mental gymnastics.

does it have nudity or is it just tease? If it doesn't even show nipples, I'm completely confused by the massive popularity

>Implying I give a shit about profits
Game is shit and will always be

>I don't get why people act like any real money was being made off shit like Senran.
Because they are waifufags


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NIS isn't even remotely sexual compared to Fate though.

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Yes Sony owns Aniplex which is where FGO comes from

Fate has been nothing but blatant waifufaggotry since day 1. Case and point: Rin.

There are too many idiots with gambling addiction.

Sony owns aniplex but Playstation don't see any single cent of it.

You retards try to spin like PS rake gorillions due FGO, also shit still licensed and even if TM is aniplex bitch they get the fat share of money.

No idea how anyone enjoys this. I played for the first time recently and got fed up and quit after 2 hours of that mindless grind. It's not even a game. I only tried it for Shuten but I'd rather just admire images of her on the internet.

>got fed up and quit after 2 hours

>Sony owns aniplex but Playstation don't see any single cent of it.
>You retards try to spin like PS rake gorillions due FGO
People never claimed that user, same way people dont say Xbox rakes millions because of Windows OS bucks

user, that's not even the most popular gacha game in Japan, Monster Strike makes even more and yes it's stupid.

Retarded logic. There's always going to be something more stupid than what you're doing, doesn't mean what you're doing isn't stupid.

I'll never understand why spending money for a small chance to "get" things you can just view online is a decision anyone would ever make.

I'm quick to realize when something isn't worth my time.

I have an Asian friend who rails against loot boxes all the time yet has spent thousands on Granblue Fantasy. The delusion is real.

>highest grossing
>not even top 10

Honestly think pokemon masters will overtake FGO in revenue.

Did user ever finish the Merlin ones?
Honestly I think everyone got him

You are dead kiddo.

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It's not impossible that it would overtake FGO, but you're vastly overestimating Pokemon's state of affairs in Japan. Masters knocking it out of the park would be the upset, not the expected course of action.

I mean Fate only is not even 20 years old and started as a VN and only took a mobile game to get into that chart, while the others are decades old and have tons of entries

OP is a dumb faggot trying to bait (You)s. Who knew.

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I played for a year. I felt like quitting several times throughout but I just kept on fucking luckshitting everything I wanted until I decided the grind wasn't worth it. It is hot garbage, and I say that as a fate fan.

I fucking wish
free me from this nightmare already I want to wake up

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Mentality ill people. That's how

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>others are decades old
>ben 10
>call of duty
>angry birds

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And to add to this, chinks love to gamble and addiction is more socially acceptable in east Asia.

Pokemon popularity zigzag a lot and never exactly remains consistent.

But shit still prints money no matter what.

So are these fags with high paying jobs, rich kids or idiots taking on debts?

>the grind wasn't worth it
What grind? I've been playing it since the western launch and I just play it for like 20 minutes at a time during my daily train commute and my lunch break, and I spend all my AP and get all the stuff I need from events. People make it sound like this game is fucking World of Warcraft or something.

Nigga pokemon go is still making 2 billion a year despite being written off as a fad

No that isn't the case at all. Whales spend $60 to 80 per month on these types of games, though it's more likely to say that most of FGO players spend $80 - $160 per month. Which for hardcore gamers, that's fine, because that's how much they spend on video games per month anyway. Those games addicts at best is a nice bonus, but the usual case is that they are worth less than a Free to Play player, because they'll turn them off from being a potential whale, let alone spend $20- $40 per month.

>multiple entries backed by fucking Disney
>backed by fucking China
>ben 10
>multiple entries and shilled to no end
>call of duty
>a million entries and shilled to death by Activision
>Angry Birds
>shilled to no end with multiple entries/spin-offs
Was proving me right part of your plan?

>weeb pantsu games are tanking hard
Yes. Because of the censorship.
Try to keep up with the conversation, dipshit.

Kids don't exactly waste that much money unless retard parents put the credit card on his range.

So it's mostly retards with ton of money and idiots taking debits, one even got money from yakuza to get scat.

FGO isn't even that bad.
FGO arcade, however, is the most jewish scheme ever conducted.

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Grind in the context of tedium. Those 20 minutes were not something I looked forward to every day.

>2 billion a year
Please don't be a shilling retard. It made $2 billion by the end of 2017, and another $800 million in 2018. It makes good money, but it's on a slow decline and even at its height only matched FGO and didn't outperform it.

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>FGO isn't even that bad.
It is, but you're right that the arcade shit is worse.

English, do you speak it.


Well, what else am I going to do on the train?

>Because of the censorship.
>[NSW] Senran Kagura: Peach Ball & Reflexions Double Pack (Marvelous, 12/13/18) – 10,321 (New)
>bundle two pantsu games
>barely sell 10k copies

>fate doesn't have multiple entries
>what is hollow ataraxia
>what is zero
>what is extra series
>what is apocrypha
>what is requiem
>what is strange fake
>what is prisma illya
>what is case files
>what is prototype
>what emiya gohan
>what is carnival phantasm

Not my problem. I'm not telling you what you can and can't enjoy.

Nigga, only reason that FGO is remotely relevant is because they always have at least 1 anime airing per year or two.

FGO took off when UBW was airing.

>what is hollow ataraxia
A niche fandisk
>what is zero
>what is extra series
Games on a dead system
>what is apocrypha
>what is requiem
Who fucking knows
>what is strange fake
Not done yet
>what is prisma illya
Pedobait with maybe two worthwhile scenes
>what is case files
Niche books
>what is prototype
Not fucking released yet
>what emiya gohan
>what is carnival phantasm

that makes no sense, that's like saying pokemon needs the anime or else no one would buy the games

this The western gaming market is shooting itself in the foot and committing suicide when all you need to gross 3 billion is to give us the fucking hot, sexy, feminine women we demand.

>d-doesn't count!


>Faggots unironically bragging about how sex sells
>In relation to an overall small number of addicts wasting hundreds of weebucks to look at pngs you can find online for free
There's nothing dignifying about this. Even if anime titties and owning duh libz were so important to you those money would be better spent supporting lewd artists that sell stuff on dlsite or something. Hell, they're popping up on Steam now, there's literally no good excuse to support these mobile scams

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arent most of of those ONLY released on Japan while the other examples have been pushed to have a worldwide appeal?


Especially considering most Fate fans fucking hate the anime and wish they'd stop. Apocrypha was dogshit and Last Encore made Apocrypha look good

>Fate fans.
>when 90% of FGO playerbase is fucking secondaries.

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An autist and his money are easily parted. These games are designed around milking retards dry.

Fate is one of the few franchises where secondaries isn't just a dumb complaint by retarded oldfags, but a genuine problem that worsens the community and the franchise itself.

Whale's spend $60 to $80 per month, game addicts are fucking worthless.
Average FGO players spend $80 to $160 per month.
Gaming addicts are fucking worthless.
Your average gamer is more than likely a whale, as the mobile user base, let alone any AAA video game with MXT.
Latest call of duty sold 20 million, a quarter of that, have more than likely been spending $60 each month on average since it came out.
$20 to $40 tends to be the largest user base to these games.

>but for various friends
wtf bro I didn't get anything

Never ever because Narita made him a meme class servant
He canonically can be an avenger so it isn't off the table, but this last year of FGO doesn't make the future look bright

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Are you that richfag that commissions your writefag friend to write embarrassing fanfiction?

>Average FGO players spend $80 to $160 per month.

I fucking wish, those retards drop 1k -2k like nothing.

The interface and story content is identical to the mobile game, but with 3d models, less servants, and sub mediocre hacknslash gameplay, it's literally an analog stick and one button.
You put coins into the machine to fill your stamina bar which actively drains while you navigate menus.
In order to do a 10x gacha, the game requires that you have enough quartz and pay 100 yen per card draw in addition to charging you 100 yen per card print out so you can use them on subsequent plays.
It's actually more economical to just walk into a fucking card shop and buy a pack of secondhand trash cards because they at least guarantee you a certain amount of 4* servants for far cheaper than the actual machine.
It had loli Davinci though.

What he said was just reality

>last encore
Thanks for making me remember

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Do you have the bunny hop webm?

They're smallest group out of close to 40 million downloads. If half the player base is spending $80 to $160 per month, they outright beat the 5% that spends that type of money, hell they more than likely under a percentage point.

Are they too poor to pay for ufotable anymore?

Memepilled and memepilled.

>people regret the fact that the guy who thought Last Encore was a good idea will never write another VN

Attached: the chad stride.webm (418x504, 396K)


Is the blonde bitch even a good character?

>My little pony makes more money than fateshit


>Do a tabletop game with "figures" and cards.
>Nobody gives a flying shit.

TM can't handle the franchise. Those retards just got really lucky with FGO.

Look at what FE do with cipher for example.

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>highest grossing things in human history

Are you braindead? It's not even close to the top.

>Can someone explain to me how this is possible?
Anime tiddie fan art. Same as overwatch.

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why is Cygames the only gacha company that actually uses the money to make good stuff?

The worst thing about the trainwreck that was Last encore was the retarded plot and shitty MC.
I'll never understand why Nasu went with that shitty excuse for a plot instead of an adaptation of regular Extra.

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>1300 yen for Camilla

Lootboxes and other gacha style of games are literally designed to take advantage of the weak willed and stupid. They're designed to milk as much money out of people as possible, so its not remotely surprising when they do just that.

>Nero trading blows with Shuwen

What in the goddamn


she was okay, nothing amazing and very simple overall, but she never actually got old or was plain unlikeable
After seeing how fucked the rest of the characters have gotten over the years I ended up liking her the most out of the original heroines even if I found her very bland and boring when I first read the VN

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He also managed to make an unsatisfying romantic conclusion that pissed off both yurifags and hetfags at the same time, both convinced that they were the ones who got cucked. Last Encore was like a work of art, if being bad can be considered an artform.

Nohr cards worth more than hoshido ones. Quite amusing.

I play a lot of mobage (without using real money) and always feel sad when I check the gem boxes "deals" and think someone unironically buys the +60 dollar ones.

The only good thing that came out of Fate was Zero

Why is she making that face?

As someone that read Zero when it was first released, fuck you and the horse you rode in on. Zero was a 6/10 and actively caused over half the cancerous problems that now plague Fate as a whole.

right now it's actually 3.5, but ok

Well around 25% of the mobage user base buy the +$60 packs a month, while 40% of them buy the $40 pack. This is how game with gacha's lootboxes and microtransactions make their money.

Monster Strike is actually the biggest phone shit game in japan, but ironic weebos only know fateshit

Still easily the best fate anime.

I hate you even more than I thought I did.

I only ever watched Zero and Stay Night and stay night was retarded in every possible way. The series went from cool believeable characters fighting for their own values to a dumbass high school kid who's able to kill motherfucking Gilgamesh for absolutely no reason at all with waifus thrown around everywhere. Fuck stay night, fuck you, and fuck your family.

who gives a fuck about Shuwho

Not even him. I read the VN right around when it was translated. The deen fate and ubw both blow ass.

whales in fgo spend more than 500 or even 1000 in this game

one guy has spent more than 100.000 alone

>good characters outside of MAYBE Waver

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Why does Fate/Zero and HF get so much hate?

Are UBWtards that salty?

Attached: fate zero.png (1044x1165, 179K)

fgo is the jewest gatcha ever made, no way in hell theu would pay people to post here.
localization team is literally 1 person

probably all the games together, because while PGO was and still is very popular, FGO has massive whales bigger than any other gatcha

That's it. THAT'S FUCKING IT. I just put another $200 into FGO. I will do this every time you people mock me for playing gacha games. DO NOT TEST ME. I WILL SINGLEHANDEDLY FUND THIS GAME'S SUCCESS AND IT WILL BE YOUR FAULT.

Needlessly edgy

Nice meme, secondary.

>sticking to ideals and gaining a mind of steel
>abandoning your ideals for worm slut sex.

Choose one Yea Forums

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There's your mistake, secondary.

As a free player the progress is glacial. Even if you log in every day you get to roll for new servants like once every other month.

Worm slut sex.
I prefer to be a human than be an autistic robot.

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Industry considers them killer whales, and they are fucking tiny as far as they are concern. The more they spend the tinier their population gets. The people that spend that much are less than a percentage point in terms of population and revenue. Thus they're not consider whales. The money is in getting FGO players to spend the $80 pack, and if not that then the 40 pack and so on. Which is where majority of the players will fall in. What gamer's considered whales does not match what the industry considers whales.

Let's ask Kerrytugu

Neither, I like UBW route more than HF.

it's not like this game is going on for just 4 years but has already topped Zelda and MGS or anything

>highest grossing things in human history?


I don't remember it being that bad.
I played jp from launch until 2017 and I remember being constantly showered in apology quartz.

No matter how pathetic you are, at least you aren't as pathetic as those who legitimately play these games and pay money to wank off to glorified jpegs---is what I would have said if this board didn't have actual gachashit threads.

I pick the box.

>Whales spend $60 to 80 per month


"5th Planet chief executive Robert Winkler revealed at the Game Developers Conference Online in 2012 that with its game Clash of the Dragons, 40 percent of revenue came from 2 percent of players who spent $1,000 or more. Ninety percent came from those who spent $100 or more, and the top whale had spent $6,700."

And that was 7 years ago, before the techniques we have today

For me, it's Taiga

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Kerry... had a hard life...

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So where are your real games, FGObros? Grubbletards are getting some soon.

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Isn’t that C Catherine?

So (the highest selling franchise in the world) still can't compete, retard.

cute and funny characters

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Even when you get free quartz it's enough for one roll and the rates are so shit that chances are you get fuck all.

Using buttons is too hard for FGOkeks.

>So bad it sues itself
You’d think they’d be getting hit with Anti-monopoly legalization out the ass by now.

It's ancoman

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The fact the the original apocrypha game was cancelled is a huge loss for us all.

Finally, a man of good taste


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>Can someone explain to me how this is possible?
A combination of >Mobile games make money off a small percentage of customers known as "whales", which are mentally ill people with addiction problems that these games are deliberately designed to exploit.
And pic fucking related

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>I only ever watched Zero and Stay Night and stay night was retarded in every possible way. The series went from cool believeable characters fighting for their own values to a dumbass high school kid who's able to kill motherfucking Gilgamesh for absolutely no reason at all with waifus thrown around everywhere. Fuck stay night, fuck you, and fuck your family.

Why is UBW considered the worst route?

Otaku and weebs are super easy to exploit.
>remind them how lonely they are constantly
>give them faux people to interact with
>character designs that are tantalizing enough to make some people horny
>sells them stupid shit because their waifu

reminder: it is not the normies that are fucking up gaming. it is the lonely desperate fucks

>blatant boner bait game makes more money then 99 percent of games ever
>Sony “We got to sensor all our games or no one will buy them!”
Half the Sony higher ups Should have been fired immediately after reading this news

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Fgo is currently bigger than both Smash and Zelda

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>Why is UBW considered the worst route?
It's not. Fate is generally considered to be worst, while it's about 50:50 between UBW and HF being favourite.

>childhood crush decides to drink magic juice that Kerry's father would have tested anyway just to prove him right
>Natalia has the brilliant idea to perform a mission on a plane without any parachutes
>surely working as a mercenary will make me a hero of justice
why do people like Zero again?

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Nigga that’s my rent and car loan payment combined

But FGO is a Sony game

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Aniplex just have fate license, Marvelous have license for console fate games shit is multiplat.

>went from
Fate Stat Night came first
>believeable characters fighting for their own values
Shirou and the conflict of his ideals
Archer and his existentialcrises
Rin and her confliction of heritage/perfect magus vs humanity/flawed magus
Sakura and her self loathing, and undeserved victim complex
Shinji and his desperate desire to prove himself
Zouken and his perveted desires (not sexual)
Kotomine and his desire to find meaning/joy in life
Medusa and her desire to protect Sakura from a fate she suffered in the past
Medea and her desire to be loved
>dumbass high school kid who's able to kill motherfucking Gilgamesh for absolutely no reason
Gilgamesh underestimated him and wasn't fighting seriously. Shirou's projection was a hardcounter to GoB AND his projection let him move at the speed of a servant
Read the VN you fucking retard

I find it so weird that kids can use credit cards

I'm 28 years old, months from being 29

I'm a wagecuck for a living. I earn my wages in the contracts and service department of a medium size company.

I don't know how to use credit cards, in fact, I don't even know how to take money out of the bank without telling the cashier lady that I'm here to take money out, and give them my ID and take it out.

I, monthly, ask my mom to take my wagemoney out of the bank for me.

How do you do it?

>why do people like Zero again?

Why do people say that Urobuchi is a better writer than Nasu again? Everything good about Zero was Nasu's idea.

Can you realistically play this game without spending money
I'm asking out of curiosity, wondering how many of you gachabros give money to Snoy

This. Zero is just the dark parts from Heaven's Feel expanded on.

Yes. It has no pvp and everything can be beaten with low rarity servants.

Yes. It's less "pay2win" and more "pay2waifu"

yes, you can and should because spending money make it worse, with restricted options you have to learn game mechanics and how to use your servants well.
The game is totally beatable with free to play servants and the game reward you in a lot of events with free SR, that sometime are really fucking broken

Depends on your patience for mindless grind.

Thats horseshit and you know.

Unless you have the enough autismo to crawl through everything with low rarity shitters you will be forced to roll for better things.

A support can carry your ass through story but challenge nodes still exist.

Wow, a gacha hate thread that didn't turn into an unironic gacha thread after 100 posts.

Almost all financially successful Gacha Games can be played without spending money realistically (that means clearing anything Story related and being able to "clear" PvE events within the allocated time-frame without playing 16hr a day). Obviously when you throw PvP in, F2P'er know they have no chance but usually don't care.

The only reason games are designed that way is to generate comments like every time someone like you is asking "can I enjoy this F2P?". This is the #1 argument to get new people in "You can play fine without spending". And DEVs don't care if (You) don't spend, because someone else will anyway. Revenues are coming from whales, for every X new players there will eventually be a whale among them, it's as easy as that. And whales do want people below them as well, without free players, whale wouldn't spend as much (or at all), they are buying power after all. Power means nothing if you cannot show it off to others and yes even in a PvE game people will want to show their power to their friend on social media etc.

not really the game is piss easy and you have command seals for a >fuck you i win if you need it
challenge are only in events and they can be done with low rarity too

Its clearly not a small percentage of people.
Your victimhood complex is showing.

You're basically saying "there's only addiction", which is a very stupid statement.

This thread convinced me to log in for the first time in forever.
Are any of the current banners worth it?

no, anniversary in 4 days

Isn't that one paid?
Or am I thinking new years?

there is one paid, then in the normal Holmes and some others. Probably last summer1 too

Older people with a lot of money I guess.
I played a phone game that was basically a dress up/character raising simulator and it had a monthly gacha for limited edition outfits. No player interaction whatsoever, just dressing the characters or doing a monthly story mode. Someone complained that they spent over $400 to get one outfit and still hadn’t won it.

>challenge are only in events and they can be done with low rarity too

Unless you have the required servants maxed and past event CEs on top of patience to reset to proper card rng good luck on that shit.

I'm not saying that everyone should roll for meta shit, but saying that everything is perfectly fine and doable with 1-3* shitters is bullshit.

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Far East Asians are prone to addictive habit behaviors, and mobile gacha exploits that. So not surprising really.

please provide an example then

In Japan you're mostly looking at single man between 35~45, advanced enough in their career to earn decent money, little to no obligation (very small apartment or still at parent's, no kids/wife to take care of, no money spent on vacation, no car etc.). That means a huge amount of disposable income.

A skilled worker in Japan in his 40's will easily make 400K/month after taxes. A small apartment within 45min commute of Tokyo center will be 100K/month at most. Bills aren't that high when you live in a small place. Food is pretty inexpensive in Japan if you don't go out eat fancy shit. That's how they manage to have so much money to throw on gacha or any other form of entertainment. You can easily end up the month with 250K+ available to spend on useless shit, that's like $2,400. Even people making lower wage still have a decent amount to scrape by at the end of the month due to their way of life.

You can grail Cu and solo most shit with him.

Nobody is going to read any of that.
It's a worthless picture.

Is extella link worth 40 burgers?

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Irrelevant anyway, without even moving goalpost, as a F2P'er you will always eventually pull SR/SSR with free currency regardless of the game. Some people like to push the narrative further with FGO saying you can do everything with 1~3* but it doesn't matter does it? Whoever can do everything with his maxed 1~3* will ALWAYS be a point of progression where they have obtained a bunch of 4*/5* with free currency anyway (+events).

Talk to anyone in the bank and they'll be sure as fuck happy to use their boring ass time in there to explain some utterly basic shit.

See you tomorrow faggot.

No. Both extella games are trash. Just pirate them.

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Just pirate it.

why is blonde girl so surprised? isnt this standard procedure?

Prison Tower or the upcoming Summer boars challenge ate two examples that require some rng with all bronze/silver servants

>spending money to get a .jpg which you could find 4 free from the Internet
I finally understand the Clown World meme. Fucking honk honk.

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But you need to roll them to use them in game, and shuffle between what sprite you want to use

Why isn't it worldwide?

I don't spend money because I play it for the story and because I got into the series around 7 years ago and I'm in too deep to quit now no matter how shit it has become

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Anime loving subhumans aren't known for being smart.

Imagine going for another dude when attractive females exist. I just don't understand gays.

95%+ of the money is coming from Japan anyway.

She is a 11-something years old girl who fights with magical girl rules the corrupted versions of the servants from F/SN (except Cu and EMIYA, who got literally punched to death), unaware that the main reason she has a happy life is because this is a timeline where Fate/Zero ended with Kerry saying "Fuck the Grail, I want my family!"

prison tower has a lot of videos of people clearing it without SR or more

summer is trickier, i found only the crab one, but it may be because i can't find the name of it

>where Fate/Zero ended with Kerry saying "Fuck the Grail, I want my family!"
And even that part doesn't make sense (everything about Shirou in that show).

Prison Tower is doable, true. But you need specific CEs and some good rng or you'll get fucked.
I found one of the Summer boars a year ago, it just took an obscene amount of turns and came down to a lucky crit at the end.
Both are doable, but you may need to reset a few times if you're not using any gold servants

it's the only gacha with a good story so people get attached to the characters or were already attached to them through VNs, LNs, anime, manga, etc.

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>it's the only gacha with a good story
>good story
Why must you lie to him? Only Singularities can honestly be considered good in all of that schlock.

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>Only two Singularities*
I forgot to triple-check.

all lostbelts except china are close to the same level as camelot and babylonia. shimosa is great as well.

which ones?





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Is that Oath Under Snow?

Imagine believing this. FGOcucks are really on denial.

pretty much answered your question.

>all lostbelts except china
Wait, seriously? I dropped it around Agartha.

you're all fucking insane.

>all lostbelts except china are close to camelot and babylonia

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The Lostbelts do look well written, and the productiom values are clearly higher. Have you seen the Karna vs Arjuna fight for example? It's pure chunni.

So he's lying? I'm honestly curious.

>LOOK well written

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I don't speak japanese, so I'm not going to talk out of my ass. But the summaries and cutscenes I've seen do look fun

Yeah, I'm not a fan of the ones that give Jack a super fat butt.

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Somebody please respond.

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East Asia is fucking addicted to that shit.

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I'm just f2p lol, so far its fine i guess

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Common agreement is that Camelot and Babylonia are good in plot matters (at least for cellphone game's standards). And in the Losbelt arc Russia was great, Norse one was ok, China sucked and India was DBZ-tier fun (which it is faithful to hindu mythology).

Try Otakuthon in Montreal if you legitimately think AN is good. AN sucks ass.

what year did you go, maybe you just had a bad experience, but i've never had a single issue i hear about from other cons.

>Can someone explain to me how this is possible?
How is it popular for this to become so popular? It's a porn game that a bunch of kids and young adults found out about. How do you think it became popular?

As for how it became so profitable, that's how the whole gacha scheme works. Include something that everybody wants, put it in at an exceptionally low chance of acquiring, and allow people to buy lottery tickets attempting to get it. They've intentionally not made any new content for the series recently (outside a shitty anime and a few manga) so that the fanbase is starved for content. Hey, new game, and it's free. Why not play? Then you get fucked because the one character you want is coming out, so why not throw down $80 for the one you really want?

Multiply that by several million users, then add in the usual gacha whales who try to 5x summon every character to show off their wealth, and of course the income is absurd.

I've gone for like the last six years or so. AN is a very low tier con, it just so happens to be the major con in Canada though.

If it were any bigger i'd probably get tired out after one day. maybe it's just too small for some but i like it, the small size makes scheduling manageable

Scheduling what exactly? The programming is some of the worst I've ever seen at an anime convention.

I like it more than Fan Expo where you have to walk up and down like ten different staircases to find the entrance

Takeuchi might be an average artist, but he is a brilliant businessman.

What a shit game. Who do I even level first here?

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fucking gay pictures

the nigger

Hey. Hey. You stop that. He's a poo.

>New lostbelt is full of fujoshit homosex gay ass
I like it

Based and lizpilled!

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ozy and kiara

What the fuck is worng with your account? why are they all lvl 1?

>tfw been play for free this whole time and still get most of the Servants I want
Feels good, and it's honestly more rewarding from a gaming standpoint.

So they're all garbage.

Ozzy, Jeanne, Scathach, Mordred for grinding. Or better yet, go play a proper game and actually enjoy yourself.

Most asian countries were jumpstarted into the digital age without prior cultural and societal developments required to facilitate a general decency. Basically they're fucking stupid and don't know they're being fucked. This coupled with Chinese overpopulation basically creates a moral and value sink that causes them to subject themselves unquestioning to the predatory shit. They're a society of tasteless proles basically.

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You don’t even need to pay for this incel
They will shills your product for free

If sexy girls sell so well why don't western companies do it too? They already went all in on the gacha part, why not the other half of the equation, everyone is always trying to convince me that they avoid sexy stuff because it'll lose them more money than they'll gain out of social backlash, but I don't buy it.

redpill me gud game wit hot girls wit big tiddies, no p2w/p2p, not boring, not too grindy and some cool bros in there as well

>prior cultural and societal developments required to facilitate a general decency
I don't know man, Japan and Korea seemed like way more "decency" developed countries than anywhere else I've been. China fits your description, but 90% of money from Fate and the big gacha is made in Japan.

snoy is consolidating all waifu bucks into their F/GO property by killing them on consoles. and, coincidentally, killing their console as anything besides a movie player (just like the ps3 days!)

How does Sony in the same investor meetings justify doubling down on censorship of anime titties on their console business while 15% of their entire company's profits are from ONE phone game that sells anime waifu jpgs?

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When Blizzard said "Do you not have phones?!"
They were actually on to something

they are separate companies. sony just happens to own aniplex but aniplex does whatever they want.

thoughts on magia record?

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Cute Jeanne d'Arc!

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shameless clone

How can tits hold such power? It's just skinbags filled with fat. I fucking love big titties but everytime I meet a new girl and squeeze her tits for the first time I get bored after a few squeezes and think 'Is this is it? This is the feeling I'm so obsessed with?'. Then the next day after we split I can't stop thinking about boobs again and how much I want to squeeze them. The human mind is fucking weird.

Aniplex is a subsidiary of Sony Music, not just some company they own stock in, it's all under the umbrella of Sony corporation just as SIE is.