How the fuck does anyone take this seriously?
How the fuck does anyone take this seriously?
The autism is part of the charm.
kingdom hearts is genuine as fuck no matter what stupid bullshit is going on and that's why it's so likeable
I doubt anyone does, its for children
We don't, but we still have fun with it.
it's not something that you take seriously.
Terra is best BBS, change my opinion
I like Nomura's brand of autism
this is where the humor is
Playing through BBS, Terra didn’t really come off as that trusting of villains, really. Maleficent controlled him, he BTFO the Evil Queen, was considering not going with Hades’ advice, and didn’t know enough about Stitch to not trust Jumba.
It's cute
Aqua fucking imprisioned Stitch that damn bitch
WHy does OP like to make this thread over and over
Is she smuging at all soriku shippers?
kingdom hearts pulls no punches
XV-kun still can't get over it
Reminder that Repliku sacrificed himself to give Riku a waifu
I actually LOVE those cringy fanfiction scenes. Those are actually the good parts of kingdom hearts. The bad is when they try to remake 1:1 scenes from the movies with awkward pacing and horrible directing without adding anything special to the scenes. When that happens I'd rather just watch the goddamn movie scenes on youtube or some shit, they could have saved a lot of money if they just edited scenes of the movies in there instead of trying to re-enact them in horrible 3D
>Sora didn’t get to smash Kairi before getting sent to Shibuya
Reminder that Ventus is literally fucking a cat
Xemnas did nothing wrong.
You don't.
Reminder that Neku is literally fucking a stick
A cat is fine too
Pooh I will never forget you.
Reminder that Xehanort is literally fucking his bf in heaven
>implying he isn’t smashing Real Shiki
>implying he isn’t smashing the entire Shibuya workforce as well
What do ROEN and BoP stand for? Also is the shit on the upper-left the theory about there being a dimensional split or whatever in KH3?
>Pegasus onee-san
Maxing that shit has become my new life purpose
Is TWEWY good? Been thinking of giving it a go on the DS.
Clothing brand
Book of Prophecy
Part of the chart is a shitpost, but KH3 did introduce the concept of worldlines.
It's a good
You're stupid
One of the best games on the DS and one of Squeenix’s best games post merger.
Someone posted a long-winded source to the theory that there's a "drop" at the beginning of KH3 when Xigbar says "may your heart be your guiding key". I didn't read it so I don't really know what it entails but I guess it would explain Sora and Riku using the same combination attack they used in DDD at some point the game.
Ventus has Wingblade style and those screen-clearing Holy combos.
That's probably the 400 page fujo theory. Don't listen to it
And he can hide behind a rock and cheese the Vanitas fight.
Terra punches the shit out of monsters with his own fist in Dark Impulse and he has the best keyblade of the series
Unironically the best game of all time
Its only flaw is the fact that you need multiple NDS systems to 100% it
I genuinely think people aren't giving the Kingdom Hearts series enough credit. It might be gamings first great, postmodernist epic. Taking fixtures of popular culture and repurposing them into a deep and complex fantasy epic with its rich story, lore and iconography.
This was pretty meta in the Chinese version.
On a scale of KH games, where would you put it at?
As a child, you take the series seriously for it's edgier moments.
As an adolescent, you laugh at how ridiculous the whole thing is.
As an adult, you admire the series because of how sincere it is despite that, which makes you more invested in it.
Kingdom Hearts is arguably one of the most soulful game series in existence. You can't deny that.
Does KH have a chinese dub?
It's just a metaphor WWII and Japan reconsiling with America and how children gain hope through stories and fairytales and literally Disney movies.
The whole game starts with a war that ends with a giant nuke going off aka Kingdom Hearts. Sora is an islander because Japan.
If anything Aqua was more trusting of villains considering she just took Maleficent at her word that Terra went dark.
>Unironically the best game of all time
gee i wonder where he would put it
But regardless TWEWY is pretty different from a KH game so it's not really comparable, the closes it got was Re:Coded borrowing some of its ideas like adjusting difficulties on the fly and receiving different loots for it. As a matter of fact to this day there isn't a single game comparable to TWEWY, it's that unique
That was the point. Eraqus did the same to Xehanort. It implies too much light makes you niave.
You mean steal Roxas' waifu.
TWEWY > KH2 > KH3 = DDD > BBS > Coded > shit > KH1 > Chain of memories > 358 days over 2
>tfw TWEWY is a fucking KH game now
Not to quote the pancake but Riku really was pretty genious
Roxas is for Xion only
naminé's a fucking slut she hops from sora to christopher lee to roxas to data sora to riku fuck she even held kairi's hand at some point
Yeah, but she’s cute so people tend to ignore that.
Xion is garbage and should never have existed. But since Nomura insists on having her the least he could have done was give her to Riku so as not to completely shit on 2.
I love how Colisseum, Deep Space and Neverland completely reafirmed her trust in Terra only so she immediatly starts doubting him again when she gets to Destiny Island
The same way people find talking raccoons crying over a stick very sad.
By looking at the motivations, feelings and ideas behind the superficial.
Does this count as incest or masturbation?
Guardians of the Galaxy is unironically my favorite movie in the entire MCU.
Aqua's route was chalk full of shoddy writing, it's safer just to pretend only Terra and Ven's stories exist.
this is the only character in the entire franchise that at least attempts to act like a Disney villain. How does that make you feel?
In a weird super convoluted way that's kinda Sora's body there so it's okay
Really happy that he got Sully'd and his end in 3 was pure kino.
His voice acting was great.
Incest if a threeway, masturbation if it's just the two.
It's fine, since Riku gets blonde Kairi while Roxas gets black Kairi.
>You will never have Kairi and Namine on your dick
Why even live?
Is that why Sora has a sub 80 IQ?
The writing's on the walls, huh?
Riku stole blonde Kairi and Roxas has to settle for a tranny.
In KH, retard strength is the way to go.
Please, spelling errors like that are a diamond dozen.
They barely knew each other. If Riku was getting anyone at all, it was Namine.
Riku barely knew Namine either, his only link to her was that she smelled like Kairi.
Sora's got 80 iq because of the time Namine broke his brain
All that time working together behind the scenes has to count for something.
Speaking of smell
Why did they drop that smell thing anyway? Was it a translation error or something?
What does Kairi smell like?
>working together
You mean how he went out in the field to dab on the Organization while she sat in her room fixing Sora's memory? She has more connection with DiZ over Riku.
Holy shit I finally understand!
Tropical flowers and deep sweaty musk, she's an islander after all.
>This Ansem looks shopped. I can tell by the smell and having sniffed quite a few darknesses
When I was younger I was engrossed because I was dumb. Then I just thought it was genuinely stupid but whatever it was cool
Still more than Roxas. And even if it wasn't, Roxas has much more to do with Xion. I don't think you have to pair everyone just because the storyline ended, but this made the most sense.
It didn't. Xion's whole existence is a retcon to 2, all her screentime is forced as fuck.
Wow. I can’t believe v likes this shorty autistic series. Pull off the blinders, the concept is cringey as hell, and doesn’t mesh well. Gameplay is mediocre too.
You know, it's really not that forced compared to every other relationship in the series. It's one of the better written ones, anyway. The fact that she came out of nowhere and was forgotten is super convenient, but it still towers above some of the writing.
I don't, it's a trainwreck and I love it.
The autism is exactly what we like about it. And it’s fun.
There's a reason why it has the nickname "Nomura's Wild Ride"
Seriously this is the series in which there was a possibility of being able to summon motherfucking Bahamut to nuke Ursula or some inane shit.
Nope, Days is completely unsalvageable trash so long as she exists.
Okay, well, I hope one day you get over shipping.
I don't give two shits about shipping, I care about needless retcons and garbage writing.
Apparently it was in the Japanese version too so it wasn’t a translation thing. I guess they just never brought it up again cause it was weird
>gameplay is mediocre
Thanks for outing yourself as a moron so I can completely disregard your opinion
user pls, I can only get so erect.
we don't, ive been a fan of kh since forever, but its not to be taken seriously. its silly and fun
What the fuck is this fever dream of a game?
For me, it's the Disney levels. Everything about KH plot itself is just writers pulling shit out their ass. But I guess they come up with some logic to how things work.
If you count the handheld games he's not wrong. Only 3 games in the entire series have legitimately good gameplay.
I need porn of this...
>hey guys do I need to play every single game to understand the story?
You think you have it bad? I had to try and type that one handed while my brain racked over how hot and sweaty her pussy must get sitting in the sun all day
Why would Roxas seethe when he gets both Xion and Olette?
You must stop, I beg you.
BBS literally derailed the series, it was fine until KH2 but I guess Nomura can't help himself and ruin everything
By not being pretentious and narrow minded.
I want Larxene to bully me.
really is the peak design is the series
aztec motif at the tip
looks unbreakable and break boulders in 2
fucking nice color scheme with that green patina coppery hues(its just leaning more towards the blueish green end of the color silver) in the silver handle and a bronze/copper blade in general. It is defined by earthy metals
I've always appreciated the whole time of day deal in the KH trilogy box art
Stop what? Thinking about how her crimson red bush must trap all that scent in her crotch? About what all that fruity, salted sweat must taste like?
Bro I'm pretty sure KH1 is practically midnight.
It's still pitch black during the dawn in most places user
Just play the ones in the 1.5, 2.5 and 2.8 then you'll be up to date. They even have this collection of all 3 that you can buy.
Sora's a retard because he was mindraped by a ten year old into thinking nothing bad could ever happen if you're a happy go lucky hero with friends
I love the whimsical atmosphere of Kingdom Hearts 1. Is there any game with the same vibe?
Why is she carrying so many paopu fruits and why did she go to the trouble of buying a seasalt icecream in the main inland and only consuming it on the tiny island while hoping it wouldn't melt during the trip?
Something about Xemnas saying "bits and bytes" in Dream Drop Distance made me lose it.
What the FUCK did you just say?
Daily reminder there were no final fantasy characters besides a moogle in kingdom hearts 3
good looks
Kairi made me rock hard for short haired girls AND red haired girls in one fell swoop
Had it not been for Katara and Korra, i'd have been obsessed with emo ginger minge to this day
That 3/4 profile sameface nomura can't seem to get himself unstuck with really ruins 3's cover for me.
>Only 3 games in the entire series have legitimately good gameplay.
Only one has good gameplay, the others are "mash X until a triangle pops up"
The moon is in the center of the sky, I'm pretty sure it's not dawn.
>No Freya and Basil teamup
>no Cloud and Auron joining the party in Olympus against Hades
>no Squall and Rinoa
>No Zidane and Vivi
>No Steiner applying to become a Knight at disney castle
>No Cecil with light and darkness story.
>No Dissidia figma superboss in Toy Story world
What a letdown
Hollow Bastion is still one of my favorite levels in a game.
It's Sora, Donald, Goofy. You really haven't played all the games if that isn't burned into your mind yet.
Because it's a fun video game series with a lot of charm and a buttshit insane anime story.
Better than 2serious4me garbage "not a movie i swear" like TLOU.
Because it was legitimately good and holds up on its own.
>The only time a Disney character outside of team 'tism actually went to go fuck up the dumb anime villain
Beast was a fucking baller in 1
But consider delicious brown emo ginger minge.
Oh fuck
Here's a better one, I left the mask too sharp in the first.
Dark skin kairi is my new fetish
roxas and namine don't feel like they even shared something important, if anything roxas and xion shared more moments together than roxas and namine
Xion stole all the events that should have gone to Roxas, all his character development was given to her and then he just sort of absorbed it at the end of the game. The only thing the two of them did was eat ice cream and laugh.
>The only thing the two of them did was eat ice cream and laugh.
wish i at least can do that with someone
Can you give her silver hair and yellow eyes haha just a suggestion
Yeah this part was pretty wholesome.
>same way
No. KH takes very simple material and fucks it up filtering it through a dozen levels of unnecessary stupidity and anime edge, it is not the same as genuine storytelling that balances the silliness of a talking raccoon with level-headed drama
does that zipper covers both his cock and ass?
>Pete trying to corrupt the Fantasia wizard with the power of darkness while Goofy ponders how he escaped the nightmare dimension Mickey Mouse sent him to because he was kind of a dick, while Sora acts smug as shit and information Pete that he killed someone with a huge shit eating grin on his face
That segment is fucking surreal
Read the whole thread thus far and the appeal still doesn't come to me. Whatever, I gave it a shot.
Xion is literally made of a teenage boys memories of his first love, that makes her more perfect than any other girl
then shouldnt you be way more pissed off about BBS than days?
Back in High School, I knew this kid named Jackson. Guy was absolutely fucking obsessed with KH, so much so when the 3DS one came out, he claimed he was "sick" for a whole week just to play it. He once claimed out of every piece of fiction in existence, KH is his favorite. How autistic do you have to be?
>Short haired emo princess whose only mental primer is sexual and romantic angst
sign me the fuck up for that "settle"
They were hot as little girls.
Because there's literally nothing else like it
I can swing that. I wanted to do that thing like Darkqua where her roots are still slightly red but I've no idea where to even begin with that.
when you walk away
BBS has a mildly shitty retcon but the whole game doesn't revolve around Terra being Riku's motivation to leave.
Namine is still hot, Kairi got beat with the blase stick in 2.
since i'm already autist
the story isn't cringe for me
>destiny meaning nothing, keyblades are passed on like inheritances
>there are now waaay more keyblade wiedlers than we thought
>mickey mouse is a sociopath who left three friends in different states of purgatory without telling anyone
>ok the castle oblivion origin was actually pretty cool
BBS, while not necessarily retconning, changes a lot of stuff about the story by filling in gaps in really weird ways, some good and some bad, but it has parallels to the star wars prequels in more ways than one
>destiny meaning nothing, keyblades are passed on like inheritances
Destiny never meant anything, even if Riku had never been gifted the power he or Sora would still have been chosen by the Kingdom Key because it had to go somewhere.
>there are now waaay more keyblade wiedlers than we thought
So? That's not a bad thing, they're just fucking weapons.
the worst thing bbs ever did was make mickey look extremely incompetent and command deck nonsense
Only faggots like this series prove me wrong.
I'm literally on the spectrum, and used to like Sonic. KH's story, even as a little kid I knew it was cringe
My brother likes it and he's straight (unlike me), checkmate!
He is gay but not for you.
>tipton lobby is nexus of all realities
Is this actually in the game?
Nah, he even has a girlfriend (disgusting I know) and they're getting married soon.
Uh no. He plays KH. He likes his gfs dick.
To be fair, who wouldn't?
gelbooru com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4495756
jesus christ dude
there are five (5) twitter screencap threads in the catalogue right now