It's time. Get your class and aspect and we can start the game already.
It's time. Get your class and aspect and we can start the game already
my emblems >>> your emblems
Wish he could fucking have homestuck threads in Yea Forums. Should we complain to hiromoot?
Try tumblr
Fuck off tranny
To make this vidya related name one character and his classpect. I will start
Sora, heir of hope.
I got Witch of Light.
I'd need to read up a bit on what classes and aspects do to know if I agree.
I've typically identified as Knight of Breath, which also fit me quite well when I read about it.
I know I've changed a bit in the past few years though. I've gotten much more edgy and radical in my opinions,and I hate other people more. That could have changed my classpect, I guess.
Witch manipulates their aspect or through them.
I believe classes are chosen based on what you need to practice to reach your full potential? Then I need to understand what my current personality is lacking compared to what my true, hidden personality is. And whether witch is the class that best helps me reach this true potential.
Been a while since I read about this thouhg and this may have just been theories by one guy
I haven't read homestuck since like 2010 but I got Heir of Space.
What the fuck is that?
What the fucks a heir of time.
where my breathchads at?
Heirs are literally niggers, game plays by itself like easy mode.
Reminder that this is fact.
What’s a Thief of Blood?
I got seer if time
>implying you have any choice in the matter whatsoever
You are "born" with it and have to stick with it for the rest of your life, like it or not.
Time to send you to another point in time cunt.
I now send you to a timeline where it's only niggers. Enjoy.
you invite manipulation of time or by time - i.e, you're constantly being protected by you from the future, like a cool bodyguard
you steal other people's relationships and bonds and shit. or just go straight up dio and literally steal blood, that's also possible.
Thiefs steals aspects of others for themselves.
Blood is about relationships and people, (and lava), basically you would wreak havoc among people while making yourself likeable.
Holy shit, I’m a dick.
Huh, they have lifesteal then, heal themselves when they do damage
so Knight of Void
I got Prince of Time/Void
Which one is better?
Thiefs players are dicks in general
if you have time, would you mind filling out this survey about the epilogues, while we're here?
nah, you're only a dick if you make yourself a dick. but sburb will definitely try to cram you into a dick-shaped hole since it thinks that's what is correct for your character development (in order to make frogs)
Got Page of Void.
What the fuck is that?
Wow, this is helpful
You can noclip and transform yourself into anything.
You can rewind time and even plan ahead for anything.
You are fucking worthless.
You exploit black holes.
You are fucking worthless.
Void, a time is a very important aspect for sessions so things do go to shit and prince players are too much of a fuckups to dont screw it.
>you are worthless
You only say that because you don’t have any good relationships for me to steal
no such thing as a better or worse class, they have all different utilities in different situation. prince of time can king crimson through the timeline by deleting events, prince of void can destroy secrets and possibly just erase people
pages are the passive imbuers - think of it as an anti-thief. a thief takes X from an object and puts it into them, a page takes X from themselves and puts it into an object.
so, as a void player you can basically perfectly hide objects, contain secrets, or, at high levels, ALSO wipe people from existence by "imbuing" them with "nothingness".
pages are basically the magikarp class. start off useless and then fuck shit up at high levels
Unga of Bunga reporting
What's my deal?
Oh goodie
boss of wheels here, what does my classpect do?
also keep in mind that each aspect is not only a fun quirky elemental power but literally is a unit of narrative descriptor, which means that at higher levels you can start affecting the "story" that you are in. here's the cipher key:
light/void = where the plot is focused (light players affect the spotlight, void players affect the hidden things)
hope/rage = plot coherence/contrivance (hope is factual and "real", rage is bullshit that makes no sense (i.e jojo or david lynch).)
mind/heart = audience interaction (mind is speculation/ heart is interpretation)
blood/breath = narrative priority (character driven/plot driven)
time/space = the “stage” (the sequence of events/the setting) you can’t have a story without the place the story happens and the things that happen
life/doom = character arcs (high points/low points)
you're basically every kind of scientific measuring tool crammed into one person. you can look at a thing and determine its size, shape, distance from you, mass, density, etc. etc.
>Better or worse clases
Do you fucking want a fucking page or prince as a time or space player in your session you fucker?
Post signs.
depends on the person. if this is actually a sburbian system, also, everything is predestined so it doesn't actually matter.
>was thinking this was a game
>fill out entire sheet
>this actually isn't Yea Forums related
I've never felt more baited in my life.
like lord of rage but german
i got witch of void
im a guy irl
what does it mean
You could make a dnd campaign out of it.
Threadly reminder that Spades Slick did nothing wrong.
Also, Knight of Doom reporting in.
>got Heir/Knight of Void
Got a price of void, what does it do.
No but you cant complain about it, prince and pages are deadweights
>hope aspect
>sign is 2 letters from "anus"
Make a campaign user, there should be a system for it.
Classpectanon, who's the best partner for an Active Light player?
Please don't say Blood
then faggot. get the fuck off Yea Forums.
Knights equip and weaponize their aspect, heirs are surrounded by them and have it in excess.
As a void player with those classes you would be doing a lot of shit behind the scenes and be pretty strong combat wise, basically deleting things out of existence when hitting them.
you can manipulate hidden things, secrets, nonexistence, and basically whatever the "plot" isn't focusing on.
canon heir of void is a freakishly strong mutant and doesnt show any GT powers but ends up being one of the most important people in the setting thru arquius. a knight of void can imbue themselves and their objects with voidiness, so you're a hidden weapon kind of asshole who's just pulling out more knives more knives more knives where's all this ammo coming from.
pages may be weenies but they're not dead weights and dirk is literally one of the most important people in the setting, whose actions apparently the majority of the plot end up revolving around.
it depends on the person and the class of the light player and also the classpect of the other person, like pretty much anything else. blood
So I got
Mage of Mind/Space/Time
How good is this?
>mage of void
huh, always thought i was more of a knight of breath but okay
do i have any cool powers
that sounds fucking broken strong
Space players are all phat tittied breedsluts.
I would fuck off to Yea Forums but mods are awful there.
You destroy nothingness, basically nothing would be hideen from you( which could make you go insane). Combat wise no idea.
page of doom, sounds pretty cool to me
Switch mage and heir.
>Heir of Void
nice, just like the best character
Equius could have been fucking broken if Hussie wasn't such a bitch
>Princes destroy the aspects in themselves
So what does this mean if one is a prince of time?
Heirs and knights are top tier classes, very strong like princes and bards but not self destructive douchebags.
I never get consistent answers on these things, got witch of space here, but got mage of hope previously
you skip through events in your life. so you probably sleep a lot, or go into altered states of being like get high and shit that causes you to "lose time"
King Crimson at their best, deleting yourself from timelines at worst
weird doomed timeline bullshit/time paradox, i guess
Wtf is a Mage of Blood? How do you even use this information?
>page of blood
i can’t fucking believe this
i also got sylph of void when i turned off "no female only classes"
Hussie hated trolls while giving free powerups to humans.
>Blood player
I feel sorry for you
>he's a blood player
Nepeta, Eridan, Feferi, and Equius might as well not have even existed
Instead of making Feferi more compelling at all he just obsoleted her with herself AND another human
>Knight of heir of void is basically Unlimited Blade Works
It even fucking fits Shirou holy fuck.
Witch of Light, since I'm a manly male it's rather Prince of Light.
Jesus fucking Christ
hussie retconned gendered classes, for the record.
i prefer this one honestly.
>Worst class
>Worst aspect
Holy fuck user.
Joseph is a thief and Jotaro i feel is more of a hope or light player since his arcana is the star but heir of time can work. Everyone else fits
Redpill me on why void sucks
it doesn't
Is there a difference between inviting something and actually doing something then?
Is Johny the only tolerable page in existence?
it doesn't, everything is useful in certain contexts and since sburb wants you to make frogs its not going to give you a class that will actively hinder you
Who cares about Hussie's retcons?
If he doesn't care about his setting why should we care?
>allows you to move without being detected by the universe's omnipotent characters
it doesn't suck.
inviting basically = making it easier for/allowing other people to do X
a bard of breath makes people get into weird choking related accidents just kind of sporadically around them, a prince of breath shoots your lungs
what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence -- what makes you think he doesnt care after spending two years making an epilogue that he was under zero obligation to make?
at least if you can git gud you are broken
Everyone asks you for relationship advice, you fuck up your relationships with other people, people get inspired if they see you fuckup
>Bard of Blood
How horrible am I.
I am a Knight of Void, whatever that means.
Ok last time I was a Prince of Void, with that you get to destroy people with black holes, or create stuff from nothingness by destroying it, those are very fucking cool powers.
Fuck I wasn't thinking, I meant blood
A ticking loser bomb who will say something anti-sjw to the wrong kind of people and then turn into a sjw later in life
Congrats you fuck up relationships of people around you
it also doesn't suck, we just got shitty examples for it. theoretically should karkat have god tiered he would've became bonkers strong by using dumb shonen "i fight for my friends" bullshit, but he didn't, so in the pit of useless characters he goes.
sollux and mituna didn't do shit but nobody ever goes "why is doom the worst", and i say this with both of them as my favorite trolls.
Because the epilogue is full of cynic insincere bullshit? You cant just keep deconstructing deconstructing without constructing, no one fucking likes that, not even evangelion did it.
It makes looks Hussie lile he hates his work
Time editing, but you can only take away scenes and no backsies. All edits are final.
Huh, I got Page/Prince of Doom/Mind/Time
Last time a thread like this popped up with a different quiz, i got mage of time.
I'm sick of all this deconstructionist bullshit. Just give me a solid story.
Weaponize void, think of Shirou
Because it isn't as flashy since to be good at it you need to not be autistic
>full of cynic bullshit heavily written and influenced by other people
Blood is the other half of shonen protagonists along with hope, every shitty powerup at the last second you saw via "power of friendship" a blood player can do.
>Knight of blood power ups througj his friends like the opposite of a page of hope
It makes so much fucking sense, blood players are a like rage and hope players, a stick of stats.
>Bard of Void
You know, I've always thought of myself as a playful trickster, and that people find me charming with my natural knack at bullshitting and getting lucky and doing really difficult things without trying, but after reading a few synopses on Bard of Void I realize now that I'm just a gigantic asshole.
>Page of Space/Mind
Which one is it and what can I do?
Holy shit I get to be an active manipulator of light that does stuff about data/information.
I guess I can make propaganda?
>liking sollux and mituna more than any other troll
fucking horrific taste
Homestuck did it correctly till act 5, hussie would deconstruct to then show heartful moments to show these are real people with emotions.
Look at dave crying for his brother before hussie turned it into le abbusive relationship.
Your game is shit
Space and time are the same thing.
Bards are assholes but it's good you know what you are
I'm curious if any of you fucks are going to anime expo. I'm probably just gonna do a lot of karaoke between panels Saturday until the dance floor opens up.
But your first description fits bard or void too, bards can be both
My first quiz from yonks ago gave me Mage of Breath
Newest quiz gave me Slyph of Rage/Void. What exactly does this point towards
nice goalpost shifting, that's not what i asked. i'm not trying to start an argument, i was just informing you that hussie retconned gendered classes, which you strangely took umbrage to for whatever reason. you can continue whining about the epilogue but this thread is about classpects, so try to remain on topic.
yeah sure. you can also manipulate the content of information, as well as change who the story is focusing on at higher levels.
c'est la vie
Knight of Space
Homestuck never deconstructed, Hussie got up his ass and thought his work was some hypertext masterpiece after PBS called it Ulysses, not understanding that the comparison was that both were intentionally obtuse works that rewarded commitment and reading deeper into it.
Homestuck didn't deconstruct shit. Things were wacky but it didn't go look at cliches and go "Nuh uh these won't work because tumblr said X" until the end, and it was bad.
>go to a friend's birthday party
>everyone dies
The story legitimately would have been better if it stayed with the 4 kids and played it straight the whole time. and i liked the trolls at first
> change who the story is focusing on at higher levels
Ajimu was a Witch of Light all along? Among other things I guess.
He should have survived the final battle. Fuck Bec Noir, piece of fucking shit, why did he get let off easy when best character fucking died.
> this thread is about classpects, so try to remain on topic.
what are you, a janny? fuck off faggot.
She is a lord of hope or light.
>Page of void
What powers do I get and what does that say about me?
I got three. What does it mean?
I got Page of Time, anybody know what that is? I'm almost afraid it's something as shitty as me.
you're gonna fuse with 2 other page players via sprite/godtier fuckery and become page of all 3.
you you don't lean far enough in one for it to pick one for you
you start off with jack fuck for 99 levels and then at level 100 you can erase things from existence.
you do jack fuck for 99 levels and then at level 100 you become mega ultra chessmaster, shuttling everyone else in your game backwards and forwards through time to make sure shit turns out the way its supposed to.
Means you should go over the test again.
Nice try with the skirt, drop it sissy, you walk in underwear.
>official zodiac test gives me time
>previous class test gives maid with mage as second
>this one gives maid of time by default and mage of time when excluding female only classes
Well apparently my session fucking sucks, so my Space player is currently initiating the scratch. The asshole who told us about this mechanic was intentionally vague on what exactly a scratch entails, describing it as a "second chance with a few caveats", so hopefully this all goes w
please no sprite^2
Do 5 others then calculate a mean.
I'm a bard of void. What does that mean?
How do you weaponize time?
>30 fucking multiple choice agree/disagree questions
oh I'm sure this is going to be worth my time
Page of Void?
Seems cool
I got Bard of Heart/Space what does it mean?
why stop at squared?
Know what can happen next, utilize this to make better choices in battle, in a pinch go back in time to help yourself to even the odds
Are there even 5 other decent classpect tests?
Huh. Got the same as Johnny. I'm cool with that.
You have a very complete understanding and knowledge of time and timeloops, see dave and his time clones. You are basically untouchable but it also means you are a bitch to time as well.
You take a clock and throw it at the enemy, then you quickly accelerate time for the clock so it reaches the speed of sound and punches and hole trough them.
How many Blood players did you kill today? 26 for me
The moment I noticed homestuck turn to shit was around act 5 where characters stopped being themselves and instead focused on angsty drama. I was really insatisfied with the ending
Thats a witch though. Or a mage and maid maybe.
who gives a shit about homestuck classpects are more interesting
Age/de-age someone to death
Heir of Breath how nice glad to be the best
what game is this
Seer of Void
redpill me on this
hiveswap 0
Homosuck is the dumbest thing to ever come out of the internet.
Bard of mind again hell motherfucking yeah
I got Seer of Mind. What's that do?
>Mage of Black
what do?
you go blind
Enjoy being a sprite
I hope you fuse with instead of me
You can see and understand everything that its not, it a seer of light can see the most fortuitous outcomes you can see the most unlikeable and get information from there.
you can see into alternate realities in the quantum sort of "what would happen if i did X instead of Y" sort of way
Summon Alt-time versions of yourself to fight with you
Breath and Time are the two best
Got Knight of Time
What's that mean?
>Page of Space
What does this even mean? Why is there no concise explanation on the site?
>Knight of Heart
>Knight of Space
Where do I go to find out what it means?
Oh wait. That's super fucking cool. Like getting to look at what choices and seeing what would happen, then picking the best outcome?
If a seer of light can see where to go, a seer of mind can see how to get there. With a time player they are broken as fuck.
okay but can someone please explain what mage of void does ok thanks
Enjoy using time fuckery to fight just be sure you can handle seeing your dead body
so I can see the worst outcome possible and base my strategy on the information I collect from it?
Page means you're a Magikarp tier weenie until you "evolve" in the eleventh hour
you intuitively know everything that is unimportant or secret/hidden, and use that to make decisions
You're going to spend your life being molested by a dog girl.
Yes but you would be awful at determining if its the "best" outcome.
Know the unknowable
Well fuck. Does the magikarp analogy extend beyond the "evolution" as well, and pages become Gyarados' afterwards?
pray you get reclassed into a seer
Endgame pages are basically broken so yeah
Not the worst, just the ones that are more hidden, secret information in general. Seers of light, void and doom are very similar in what they do but even though a lot of classpects can do very similar stuff their aspect determine who they are in sort of way, as a void player you embody void so you would be behind scenes, making everything more obsure and complicated for enemies (and maybe allies), like other user said, you could go blind or be forgotten and deleted in some sort of way.
how do you play
You are really good at getting others to create or teleport others but not yourself, Basically you are top tier support and can cause others to create even better thing while also being able to empower them with space
Mage of Void
this lol
Just torrent the demo bro
Nice, that means I just have to bide my time. What about the aspect? What does Space do for a page/in general?
>Knight/Witch of space
What the fuck does that do?
so pages in particular are theorized to be the passive knight - i.e, they imbue things or other people with qualities that are "spacey". space is the domain of physical dimensions, so you can control someone's size, density, speed, etc.
basically, you become Accelerator from that one anime but on crack
Well you will have the task of frog breeding to pass your time thats one part of space, Space is creation manipulation of the object
>mage of void/hope
If you're a guy you're a knight of space who's gonna fuse with a witch of space and become a sprite
If you're a girl you're a witch who becomes sprite with a knight
Basically you're the schizo tranny of the team
>Seer of Hope
If Seer of Light sees the luckiest outcome, what do I see? How is the most hopeful outcome any different?
Knight of Space you are ant man and fight by changing your size
Witch of space means you're very attractive.
>Become Accelerator
Say no more, my nigga. I am sold.
>stealth thread has 200 posts in 2ish hours
Fuck classpect quizes, they take way too long and i get a different result each time.
Prince of Time here. formerly page of blood
>mage of mind/space/void
I don't know what this means but thanks homosuck quiz
hope is more related to belief and things being "real", along with the plot's ability to remain narratively coherent. so a seer of light can see the most fortuitious outcome, but you can see the most realistic or likely outcome, and can abuse the rules of the setting by knowing more about the rules and their loopholes than anyone else
I got thief of rage
You see the outcome that is the most "right" to you so at best you see an outcome in your eyes that is positive, caring, and warm. At worst they can be narrow-minded and selfish and the outcome is good to you but not necessarily the best for others
>Prince/Seer of Time
That sounds about right.
Seer of Blood?
>prince of void
So just erase nothingness into something right?
>Rogue of doom
So I take the suffering of others and redistribute it to make everyone suffer equally?
Light players are utilitarian while hope players are idealist, it wouldnt be the best outcome but the outcome that would make your companions take their fate by their own hands and make everything right ( or fail miserable) they would be kind of self righteous asshole trying to make everyone their best version of themselves.
Seers of light, doom, hope and void are kind of similar in what they do but how they do it and the aspect they embody are completely different.
Page of time/void
It's dead man. There's no going back to how it was before the gigapause. And that obviously fake second ending hussie released just to piss off his fanbase has made civil conversations about the ending impossible as well.
That would be nice, but I don't see it happening.
Classpect 'em
This is what happens when you starve people of discussion, if we were allowed regular threads on Yea Forums this wouldnt happen. Also I think a couple of mods here are our friends and dont mind us from time to time.
You are able to guide the relationships of other and see the intricate chain of how people are related
Page of mind, void
You got this man.
Mage/Page of Void.
But I don't want to be a sprite...
Yes, you would basically equalize the field, no secrets, nothing unknown to anyone. You also would be miserable to hang out with, basically no filter so you would share everything with everyone.
>see the intricate chain of how people are related
how could that be intricate?
Honestly, I prefer something like this to a daily thread
>knight of mind
>Knight of Mind
space is the most important aspect because it's the one responsible for basically creating the genesis frog, which is p much the endgame reward
space is literal space, but also size, position, velocity, and in a less literal sense creation, innovation and beginning
it's also the most feminine of all aspects in a "mother earth" kind of sense - it's the basis of all creation
page is "serving X or serving through X for themselves", which means you'd inspire creativity withing yourself in others to feed your own goals and desires
as a page of space that also means your whole session is practically fucked from the start unless your teammates can/you can trick your teammates to give you time and proper motivation to get your shit together
nah last two threads that I noticed also got nuked one was like 20 posts to the bump limit as well
Lord of mind/void
How can you weaponize decisions?
Knight of hivemind
Void knight reporting in
Me too, like a monthly thread or so like this, this thread is nice.
>20 posts to the bump limit
Thats basically a mod letting us hang out but then deleting the evidence so shitters dont complain.
Congrats on being able to exploit your inner knowledge
Vergil is prince of light/hope.
Riku is a prince of light
This is like astrology for gay teenagers?
king crimson but without the timeskip part
>Lord of Doom
Is this good?
too good maybe, didnt knew you could get lord on the quiz
>tfw no good SBURB sim
When can VR stop being a meme?
its myers briggs for gay teenagers
>Lord of Doom, how fucked am i?
>Prince of Time
Fellow timechads, report in.
You cant get fucking master classes? Lords are the strongest class
I think sburb would be fun with 4 friends that do not know nothing about homestuck, knowing things about classpects or the scratch kind of ruin the fun also lead to metagaming.
as a lord you basically have command over your aspect in an authorial sense - caliborn, the lord of time, commands the timeline and thus becomes a narrator of events. doom is, narratively, bad shit happening to people, so you do that math.
Naw man. Real talk, if I woke up with powers one day I'd go full edge-lord and nobody can stop me. Trench coat, boots with spurs, you name it. I'm going to be the edgiest motherfucker on the planet with a god-awful name that people will have to use. I'll be skullface and vergil's lovechild.
You guys are broken as fuck
You are practically the grim reaper.
This, especially if I can King Crimson people
>Mage of Doom
Sounds metal as fuck. What does it entail?
literally guts from berserk
Going blind, apparently
Prince of mind. What?
you go blind and have 3 lives instead of 2, you sacrifice yourself (literally and figuratively) to keep the plot moving forwards
You know how the people around you including yourself can/will die
You go blind, give up on everything, and get ditched by your best friend in an irrelevant existence because you're too much of an ass for her.
>Mage of Blood
I'm fucking invincible!
So what are the roles of each class/aspect?
>Prince of Doom
I have no idea what this means, how much of a fuckup am I.
You cause destruction with, though or of decisions
>So what are the roles
That's tricky to list since there are so many combinations but at the very least the one role you always need is a space player to make the Genesis Frog if you want a session to bear fruit
Non meme answer is that you know everything about doom, when you know enough about doom you will fucking unleash it like a mage would do, most probably killing yourself since mages usually get consumed by their aspect.
>page of void
I hope my teammates are capable of carrying be through the game.
As long as they get me to the endgame, I'll be able to make sure erase any possibilities of failure.
so im a verbal autist? I fuck the world up with verbal shitposting? That actually describes me IRL.
You contain no doom in you due to being a prince and can destroy suffering
Uhuh, whats that?
Witch of Mind here. I enjoy that I'm supposed to be one of the most powerful manipulators in the entire game, but really I don't really get along with people and I don't wanna mess with them. But I guess if I had an objective, that'd change.
so he is a suicide bomber
Princes lack their aspects, so by lacking doom you dont like negativity in general (also incapable of seeing it in yourself) you would do your best to eradicate all of negative emotions, outcome and decisions. Like any other prince player, you are a fucking insufferable asshole and would need to understand doom is a vital part in everything.
You are the happy go lucky guy that removes suffering from people
>Prince of Space
Do I become this guy?
mage is all about knowledge - it's the active counterpart of the seer, but instead seeing, it's more like knowing
you gather first-hand experience of your aspect, and use that knowledge for your own benefit
doom is all about suffering and sacrifice, it's accepting the harsh realities and coming terms with the inevitable
putting the two together, mage of doom is one who goes through a lot of hardships, gaining first-hand experience of it from first-hand and from their environment, and use that knowledge to clench teeth and steer forward, gaining wisdom along the way that they can use for any future endeavor
>Heir of Space
Not sure what this does, but cool.
Nope you become The King of All Cosmos and destroy space
>seer of rage
this better not be edgy weeb shit
>page/seer of space
why do i have 2 classes? and what do they do?
You are Knight Artorias.
In a sense, yes.
You kind of have a lobotimize ray beam when you get strong enough, before that you are a trickster that fucks everyone plan and makes chaos.
Knights weaponize their aspect, you weaponize the void, which could be materialize things out of nothing or delete stuff when hitting them.
>page/bard of time
I try and pull off sick munchkin meta strats but fuck up everything in the process
you get two because the test can't pick one for you since your answers are borderline both just pick one
Since you destroy decisions I suppose you somehow make people unable to make decisions or render their decisions null and stuff. That's pretty neat if you ask me.
what’s a sylph of void
>Knight/Mage of Void
you do not exist
whoops misreply
The Mage of Blood is a natural leader that leechs on a party. He knows EVERYTHING of the human nature and BEYOND. He can force bondings or clash entire groups and armies working from the insides. He can turn any mind into mush, make you believe in things that are not real, turn friends into foes, only for his own will to reign supreme. His only real enemy is his own solitude and trickery of the maind that can effecrs himself if too much powerfull.
If there is a way the story needs to ends, is the one that the Mage of Blood wants.
No because Prince(Class) is destruction of aspect and your Prince(Cute) creates not destroys
>Knight of Rage
So am I literally just a berserker or what?
>Prince of time
How much of a fuck up I am?
probably the most broken classpect out of them all since you can just make all the others your pawns
fuck you man
>Page of Rage
If nothing else, at least my title rhymes
You are about to speedrun this game you don't even know so god damn fast
More like mylph
okay, what does seer of space do?
You heal through lack. Help others to understand what they're missing, and to heal the gaps in their awareness. Probably physical gaps too, ie closing wounds, be they on people, events, or spaces.
The little prince creates to construct which really fits a prince of space since at the end, prince players understand their aspect and come to terms with it.
We know jack shit of sylphs but they are a healing class, so you heal by manipulating void? No idea.
90's doomguy
False. Master of Blood can manipulate his will.
He can make the Witch of Mind his bitch.
Seers understand their aspect so you know rage so in short you know what will cause madness and insanity basically You live in a society
I'm not saying he deserved to die, but it was a cool way to go, helping the striders and terezi take down proto-english
Fuck yeah
basically yeah
Mage of Mind
hope and rage are solipsism and anti-solipsism, respectively
i.e you can disbelieve attacks from hurting you. as long as the strength of your disbelief is strong enough you are invincible because you don't think enemies can hurt you
Yes. rage players are most of the time just big stats.
Basically omniscience at the current time at the very best, you would basically be all seeing.
But Porrim was a Maid.
>at the end,
Sure but low level would be more like the King so yeah in this case it would be going from King of all Cosmos into the Prince
Get fucked by the Mage of Blood.
Welcome to the club, brother. We end up completely fucking up the session irredeemably, or crushing it like child's play depending how bad is our impatience and self-loating is at the moment.
omniscience, you know where everything is
Yeah but he better not fuck up his strats
thanks i guess
>Page of Rage
So am I a professional shitposter that can make people foam at the mouth with rage or something?
what is the point of the prince class? just a meme class designed to fuck shit up?
knight of doom, im ready to protect others with death
On the plus? side while you know what will bring chaos if it means bring about something true while destroying something based on lies
What is this and what is a bard of space?
They are like the strongest class but they need supervision since they are prone to fuck shit up. They are a strong asset but sure as fuck you dont want them in an important position like time or space.
You are stoic as fuck and are not used to strong emotions of any kind. If you do manage to access these emotions, you are virtually unstoppable by how powerful the passion of violence is.
Pages don't have to be weenies. They just have to be severely lacking of their aspect, which they must learn, and then become overwhelming in.
Princes are about learning that their aspect in necessary and their destruction of it might not be in the best interest.
Bard of Void.
Special Note: I'm legitimately confused if the test was made for autistic thinking in mind because I know how people joke about the fanbase of it, and I'm more of a touch/sound/sight autist than a fanboy one and usually my thinking interferes with proper results from tests like this.
It's all in good fun. I think.
Yeah well I don't have any milf Kanaya pics so you'll have to excuse me.
What strats? He doesn't know the game at all. He is going to live fast, get cash, eat ass, die first or dead last.
Knights don't "protect", knights "imbue" or "equip".
So, you're going to imbue doom into other things/other people. Thanks asshole, my life sucks enough as it is!
>What is this
weird webcomic power bullshit
>what is a bard of space
you fuck over your teammates with the power of space
>Page of Void
So I teach others how to use The Dahkness as a weapon, huh
sylph is the ultimate support class - it uses it's aspect to create through it, or creates it's aspect directly
in a nutshell, you're pretty much make your team invisible to the enemy
>rogue of hope
what do
>implying that's not bards
you steal hope and give it to others
all these people randomly clicking on the link and posting ITT not knowing the autistic clusterfuck that is hs its too funny
But he is right, knights are self sacrificial people, a knight of doom even more so. Also they tend to equip things to themselves so you wouldnt get doom.
take away hope from others to redistribute it to others
think of robin hood, but instead of stealing gold you're holding speeches to lift up everyone's spirits while shitpost your enemy into submission
what is my thing
but i dont wanna be a criminal...
You give conviction to others
ayo same brother
>mage involves losing their aspect
yeah sounds about right
who else /mentally unstable/ here
what is the point of bards, why do they exist
The analysis I read a long time ago made me think that pages basically inspire their aspect in others. So they may not possess it themselves. It fits with what Tavros accomplised, he inspired a huge number of people to take up arms, which is a movement or direction so to say, which fits the breath aspect.
Has this interpretation of Page been deconfirmed?
I like it more than the "magikarp" interpretation.
>Sylph of Rage
Okay, how the fuck does THIS work?
Basically the leader of the session.
I think that's the whole point, really.
I knew what it was, but I don't know anything about it. I just used to take tests like these all the time.
you are a massive dick who has autism
Anime sunglasses and muscled horse furries
>self sacrifice
Please, Dave ruined everyone's lives because he wasn't willing to go the distance.
Knight of heart (soul). You weaponize souls and use it in combat
autism powers
My nigga, I can't wait to kill somebody else with my depression.
yo are an emotionless guy with emotional beams of destruction
>mage involves losing their aspect
I think its more in the like that they accumulate their aspect so much it reaches a point when it overwhelms them and fucks them over.
no because Jape going crazy strong shows what they can do
>Knight of Hope
Sounds paladin as fuck, but I guess it might be something totally different since I know fuckall about this shit.
As a bard of mind I can assure you that that's a question I ask to myself every day.
Enjoy healing the mentally fucked up you are a top tier therapist
Its both.
You understand that negative emotions arent bad per se and necessary for any well functioning person, you would show your team feeling weak and sad is an actual good thing.
Also it would be a bard with tons of aoe buffs.
one does not exclude the other
pages start with a lack of their aspect, and they use others to inspire that aspect for their own benefit - think of how tavros inspired direction in the ghost army to feed into his own ego so he can tell vriska to suck it, or how jake kept constantly bullshitting others with false hope to avoid confrontation
that's the whole point of the "magikarp" interpretation, you start from completely zero and need to grow in order to not suck ass
you heal people with rage you know hating cancer so much you nuke all the cancer cells
>user gets invited round because he can do magic tricks
>Entertains the whole night
>Disappears an hour before everyone else with all the remaining drinks and a couple of wallets
No that's pretty much it you fight with your conviction stronger your conviction is the stronger you are and you weaponize that
>king of kong
whats my classpect do exactly?
literally a paladin, you fight using hope
This is us
I'm claiming the Louie outfit btw
Yet every time he is up to the task, every time there is a suicidal mission he is the first one to volunteer and take others position.
No, you are pretty close to it, paladins are knights of hope.
>The analysis I read a long time ago made me think that pages basically inspire their aspect in others.
That is what a Muse does. A Page lacks their aspect and must learn it. Breath has some stuff to do with freedom, but more importantly has to do with inspiration and sweeping up in their wake. Tavros inspires others to action in the end, and John inspires his friends to not give into despair.
>bard of life
so i cause everything in my session to die.
you are really good at playing arcade machines
>you fuck over your teammates with the power of space
That actually hits real close to home minus the cool space powers.
You fight with your faith and conviction. If your faith, whatever it may be, is broken, you are powerless.
>Breath has some stuff to do with freedom
Don't make me post it.
You're the leader of the bunch
What's a paladin?
You are equally like to cause harm as you are to make a boon you are the able to fuck over the undead
Do it you coward.
Holy knight, who fights for a higher power.
If you meant in reality then they're the personal knights of King Charlemagne.
Bards aren't inherently bad they are as likely to help as they are to hinder
>every time there is a suicidal mission he is the first one to volunteer and take others position.
That was pre-retcon Dave, post-retcon Dave learned that being there for your friends is toxic masculinity.
God fuck game over Dave had so much more satisfying of an arc than post-retcon Dave ever did.
>Homosuck in 2019
It was cool when you were entering high school, but come on guys. Do you still read Smash Bros fanfic too?
Now I really want to make an outfit to fit my classpect again. Most of the designs look really cool so would be nice to wear in the city if i want to wear something extra nice
Page of 8lood here. Where my weenies at????????
They are more unpredictable than the lottery so yeah, they can fuck your session to the point of no recover or basically win the whole game for you.
Eh, he also volunteered to fight the jacks basically alone since they were the strongest thread
the worst weenie
Prince/Bard of Void, what do I get?
whys there so much homeshit in this thread
Destroy void/destroy through void.
One of the Void Page Triumvirate here, how would a page 'not have' void at the start?
>Lord of Breath
and they are likely to do both at the same time
>Page makes you be shit until you hit max level and get the overpowered power of your classpect
>Blood has no power
Imagine being this guy
but on a serious note, your main power is to revealing things (objects, concepts, whatever) - either by to your own benefit or the benefit of others, depending which class you're leaning towards more out of the two
Prince of Void: You destroy irrelevance, or destroy with irrelevance.
Bard of Void: You invite the destruction of irrelevance, or invite destruction through irrelevance.
Basically a bard of void goes "off topic" in many scopes.
I would imagine it's because this is a stealth homestuck thread, dumbass.
>thief of blood
so i steal friendships?
You best start believing in homosuck threads, user. You're in one.
you make yourself the center of attention
The thing with pages is that you don't have any power until you hit max level
So we can't do shit until we're level 100 but when we hit lvl 100 we can erase anything and anyone from existence
Now choose a duck
Good for pulling aggro at least if he can learn to be a tank he would be unstoppable aid
>tfw none of the god tier outfits have open-toed footwear
>Lord of heart
So I command myself? Or the self of others with mind control or some shit?
Wouldn't that be more fitting of a thief of life?
I got mage/page of time
>Page of Space
I mean I am an autist who happily spends most of their days locked in their bedroom so I suppose that fits with the "lacking aspect" part.
Yes, you would also get stronger the most relationships you steal, also lifesteal in general.
You have complete control over emotions, both of your own and everyone else's.
Make of that what you will.
>Lord of Breath
Sounds like a dark souls boss
>Page of Hope
holy fucking shit
Good. You footfags are completely insufferable.
Get fucked, dude.
>mfw infinite harem of troll bitches
though thieves aren't that bulky so sure he can steal the hate an enemy has for his friend but he needs to live long enough for it to be useful
To be fair if Jake gained control of his powers he would be virtually unstoppable.
Thanks for the info kind anons.
Congratulations, you share classpect with the most irredeemable piece of shit.
Yeah but pages are incapable of self improvement.
>Rogue of Void
What do I do?
>Prince of Time
Later virgins, gonna cheat my way to godhood.
You steal things from the void to help your friends. Also void players for some reason are strong as fuck physically.
he's a prince of blood?
But he's not a knight of a blood.
steal void for the benefit of others
in short, reveal information, objects and people you need to hide whatever your teammates require
>Prince of Doom
Fools, Doom goes where he pleases!
Fine I'll be Dewey I guess
We'd probably be having Ducktales-like adventures for a long time anyway, since we'd be underpowered and just running around trying to do stuff while not getting killed
Honestly that's a pretty decent concept for a comic on its own, 3 main characters who can't do anything instead of the usual 1
why me
yeah but if you fuck up once you are screwed also enjoy being late to everything your internal sense of time is fucked
Bard of Doom.
A-am I fucked?
Muse of Mind.
Muse is the most passive class as I remember so my power would be to THINK SUPER BIG?
>Heir of Light
Got no idea what it means, but that's a pretty kickass title
you make things out of thin air to give to your friends
So I'll eventually learn to go Super Saiyan as long as I'm not an aloof retarded asshole?
No, the three Pages we saw were all hindered by something else. Tavros was actively kept down by Vriska, Jake kept hindered by Jane and Dirk, and Horuss became too obsessed with the possibility of potentiality that he never actually specced into anything, and always stayed at level zero.
A Page with friends who encourage him in the manner that would benefit him will grow into a powerful force. But if a Page is held down they'll never be able to grow.
>Give them a single panel of interacting together after all those pages of chemistry building.
>Write Terezi into hatefucking the clown and Dave getting weirded out by Troll romance quadrants so they never speak again.
Thanks Hussie.
>page of doom
I do not like the sound of that
>Bard of Space
What the fuck even am I
>People getting Muse and Lord classes
literally how
No, you inspire others to think big. A Muse of Mind would be the ultimate instructor of possibility.
Lord is like Prince+, Muse is like Sylph+
You are living luck
who’s the enemy
sasuga andrew
>try the same thing with him and Jade but fail
The person who made this quiz is a huge faggot.
Did Hussie plan all of homestuck or what?
How the fuck did he get so many cyclical plotpoints to align so perfectly?
Dave terezi work so fucking well, even their classpect work well with each other.
He's just that crazy
Too bad he gets cucked by a Ghostbusters nerd
>y-yeah but you're gonna mess up
Literally this, he's gone on record that he didn't plan much of it out in advance (though there were aspects he did)
Dave hates polygamy. That's why he split off from that.
Gamzee ruins pretty much everything he's involved in just by existing.
He clearly didn't plan all this out.
Also in regards to classpects, they most likely started off as simple RPG classes, until he figured out he could flesh them out into huge meta concepts.
Yeah but one can't help but wonder if Pages aren't inherently predisposed to being held back by something. It's almost like they're fated to never reach their true potential and will be hindered by themselves or others in some manner no matter what they do.
If you actually want to do this here's what I look like slap a Louie outfit on me and that's my design
For weapons I have a shitty white plastic katana and a bunch of vynils I can throw
Personnality wise I'm the tranny loving comic relief and I go berserk when I haven't had at least one cigarette an hour
Good luck
Backwards foreshadow is the only way I can think he could have pulled that shit of
So how would he react to a timeclone orgy
God homestucj mythos is so fun.
In what sense? Am I just outrageously fortunate in everything I do or something?
his genius comes from being able to lay down a lot of plot threads and then picking some up at a later point in development, so it always looks like he planned everything, even if he's making it up on the spot
example: Skaia's agency + Rose's rebellion, and the thing with the guardians playing a part on the Betas' session themselves
pretty damn clever, but nothing that can't be replicated
>Bard of Void
wow i am a sad, sad individual
Dave is the hero we didn't deserve. Also I never read the ending and epilogue I heard Dirk and Karkat both got done dirty?
Homestuck is best when it's not focusing on pointless teen drama bullshit.
I wanted to see more of the Denizens.
>thief of space
Don't know much about this franchise, what'd that make me bros
What the fuck is this even. I got Page of Space and have no idea what any of this is.
On the flipside, it would be impossible for your teammates to get away from you or keep secrets from you.
rent free
The Heir of Light would reveal information, inspiring a change in relevance and information, and be protected by luck.
Please fuck off, let me forget about this awful webcomic already.
>I wanted to see more of the Denizens
There's a new level of God Tier. It's called the "Ultimate Self" and it's a merging of every single one of your other selves, from doomed timelines, dead or alternate selves and so on.
Because Dirk exists in fragments like Caliborn/Lord English, Auto Responder, and has control issues of his own, when he reached his "Ultimate Self" he wound up becoming a fucking cunt and taking control of the narrative. He wrapped up the story the way HE wanted it to be wrapped up then fucked off after making himself out to be a villain so the other characters would try to chase him down, giving "relevance" back to the universe so they don't die of "irrelevancy" or whatever.
Well yes, their growth is scaled disproportionately towards the endgame, and they struggle with everything in between. In classic vidya terms, a Page is an Onion Knight, whose potential and ability absolutely explode once they reach level 90. Keepa, the default goalie of the Besaid Aurochs in Final Fantasy X is a classic Page/Onion Knight, he's good at only goalkeeping for a long time but at very late levels his Shot maxes out and he's ridiculously good at scoring goals, better than almost anyone else.
you have to build a universe yourself and you start out even shittier at doing so than the average person would be
if you manage not to die you become super broken though
you steal the physical aspect of things like you could make a wall no longer solid and transfer that solidity into the air
>Page/Prince of Void
Not sure if good or bad, but I'm down for void.
So is it even possible to actually win a Session or are games rigged to fail from the start?
>new level
Bitch if you think ultimate selves are anything good or equivalent to god tier you're an idiot.
It's the platonic ideal of you.
Like what if there were 1000 iterations of you, and 999 were all super-hitlers but 1 was a good person. Then you're only 1/1000 a good person and 99.9% super hitler.
You're pretty assertive and take what you want. Specifically as it relates to creations - literal and figurative.
You're probably pretty creative on your own, but you're quite adept at ganking other people's shit, and using the things you've made to gank shit.
Goddam I hate you people at Cons.
>Page of Space.
Sounds Cool. Still wish I never discovered this webcomic though. Would of made high school me less spergy.
You break reality by throwing a Sburb disc into your kernelsprite
in fact the trolls did technically win their session, they just got a bad ending that prevented them from getting the reward
What the fuck does this mean
At the very least if he manages to get end game he will make the best universe ever
Rose mentions once that like 90% of sessions are void/null sessions. This creates a parallel to sexual mating where you move stuff (like sperm) from one session to another (egg) to give birth to a new universe. It's one big metaphor for the universes being birthed like living beings mating.
Huh that actually sounds pretty neat, I like the potential to become super powerful.
Based and sandwormpilled.
Heirs just basically roll with everything, shit happens and their aspect protect them in everything they do.
>Lord of Rage
so you become baba?
>Inspiring a change in relevance and information
This sounds pretty broken, if I am interpreting it correctly.
>Page of Breath
You're a useless faggot troll with brown blood who nobody likes. You get bullied and then die pointlessly.
Watch out for so-called "helpers". Most people will get super impatient with your slow growth rate and try to jump-start or control you in ways they think are "better".
It never ends well. Find nice people who will leave you the fuck alone.
Thanks lads
I don't see myself ever getting into all that but it sounds like a lot of autistic fun
why are there so many pages and mages here? what is this, a fucking spellbook?
Exactly what I was thinking of
Since magic is fake it means everyone here is a dummy putting up an intelligent facade.
Just go fuck a slutty jade cosplayer
Just a lot of weenies
I got page of blood, I have never read homestuck and I know nothing about it, what does this mean?
based and ragepilled
we live in a society
*wwalks into thread*
it's not a new level - dirk is actually just straight up wrong on this. nobody who brings up the ultimate self before (jasprose and davepeta) ever mentions "attaining" it, just "understanding" it. dirk is just shinji throwing a suicidal temper tantrum.
I suppose we'll never get the chance to witness a page assume their full potential in Homestuck, unless the Epilogues are expanded upon into some sort of Homestuck sequel. Though Jake was instrumental in defeating Caliborn I guess so there's that.
The fuck is an Heir of Heart? Sounds like some Captain Planet shit.
In order to win, you must
>Have a Space player
>All players prototype their kernalsprites at least once BEFORE entering. Failing to do this even once renders the game unwinnable
>More than likely, have a Time player too, because it's way too easy to screw up and a Time player is needed to correct errors
That's it, really. Complete your personal quests to obtain the Caches, defeat the Dersite royalty before the Reckoning destroys the Battlefield, and craft a perfect God Frog. Everything will fall into place after that. Any fuckups beyond that are either someone on your team's fault, someone from somewhere else's fault (Karkat caused all human sessions to fail by default), or your session is needed for a higher destiny and you don't have much of a say in the matter.
Lord English's dominion over fate overrides all other potentialities. The alpha timeline will always bow to him until the time came to slay him for good. The players involved with this fate have to work around it and cannot choose a destiny for themselves until they do.
you are shit at having relationships but in being the butt of jokes you make other relationships better
absolute lowest-tier possible outcome