Will there be a sequel to Nier Automata?

Will there be a sequel to Nier Automata?

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I'd like to give her a sequel if you know what I mean.

Is Nier Automata a sequel to Nier?
And what is the relation between these two games and Drakengard?

I wish I could personally hunt and crush the skulls of every stupid subhuman that defiles perfectly good pieces of art with their stupid cuck fetishes.

>even touching a white boi

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calm down

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Count me in brotah.

Id like to remind Yea Forums that /trash/ has a /blacked/ general, ran by whites and only used by whites

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explain these secret cuck codes for me
I get spades blacks due to the racial slur and it's a fetish for racist white men but what does the heart mean

>white bois continue to ruin things with their racial insecurity

white dudes

Likes white guys, just that

Queen of hearts is insecure white guys getting upset about queen of spades and trying to mark women as only fucking white guys
It's what bleached is to blacked and screams insecurity and that the poster has a small penis

Nigger please, I know for a fact your ass is white and so is every other faggot obsessed with this BBC shit. Like yeah we like white girls but not to this cringy degree with tattoos and white extinction shit.

It's a counter-strike by insecure jackasses who are legitimately offended by the "u mad white boi" shit and playing directly into what the people that spam that shit want

The Red Heart shit is BLEACHED, like only white guys, but what they don't realize is it's white cuckolds spamming that BLACKED shit


find it out for yourself

>always the same dumb responses
I'm not even white, my dude

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Hearts = whites
And if you see the level of seethe that it works blackedfags into you should understand why people post it on Yea Forums


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are you by chance that hapa who runs r/hapas and constantly makes bbc threads and posts all across Yea Forums?

lolcow farm/ot/res/204719.html

QoH doesnt work at all, QoS works because its degrading but fucking white guys improves your social status so its just a dumb tattoo.
Might as well say an engagement ring is a degrading sexual symbol.

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Ok, what the fuck does the queen of spades have to do with interracial sex?

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Yes. First part is coming in ~3-4 months.

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Bleached is NOT about degradation

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cucks should be wrung out like a towel and have their blood drained from their body slowly

she's in smash

yeah bruh, brb gonna post more "blacked bbc lmao how can white bois even compete" posts because that isn't insecure at all

>I know for a fact your ass is white
I'm not, you don't know shit
Now let's watch you project some more like you did by immediately screeching about BBC, which proves your insecurity, or watch you start trying to guess what race I am and throwing out insults to try as make yourself feel better
Stupid cuck, I bet you cant even enjoy pic related without having the urge to brand her with something

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I wanna marry 2B.

Tattoos are degenerate
what would be the point to imitate a degrading tattoo with a pointless one? To show how retarded and insecure you are?

Yes, but probably a sequel in the same way its technically a sequel to the original Nier. Yoko Taro pretty much closed the book on all the protagonists in the follow up materials to Automata.

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So does this mean 2B only does anal with niggers?

It's just showing her love for the white race, dumbass. And I don't think tattoos are degenerate at all. Only exaggerated ones are, and I'm not white. I just like the fetish

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Spade is a racial epiteth for blacks

Anybody who unironically posts "white bois" on here is a pasty white faggot pretending to be black.

Don't you have a /trash/ general to be posting in?

You dont "love" the norm. You're just part of it.
You love being the outlier if you love anything.

>that awful shop job
Look at the fucking pixels on that shit, that's hilarious.

>yeah tell us how insecure we are so we can rage and show our insecurity
Silly white boi

She's in.

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Thanks for proving my point.

>is a pasty white faggot pretending to be black.
not really. Many turks and pajeets also do this

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>he sees the world in black and white absolutes
Pottery, seethe more white boi

Can you retards stop fetishizing race god porn was such a mistake all you degenerate zoomers wouldn’t be so fucked in the brain if you weren’t constantly jerking off and craving more outrageous shit

why? because they used to be tools too?

sure is down syndrome in here

You know Taro is writing the next 24 man raid series for FF14 and its going to be based on Nier, it looks like the story will focus on 2P

I haven't masturbated for a week and it's all thanks to crippling depression.

Jesus Christ, what a dumb reply. Just stop posting, lol

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>N-no you're white!
Okay, whatever you say. I'm not the one so obsessed with race that I fucking fetishize it like a limped dick loser.

COLONIZED is such better branding

Who /blacked/ here?

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>he thinks he made a point by reeeeeeeeing and going no u
The state of white bois

It's a 'white only' mark. It came about in response to blacked spammers on various boards, notably /gif/ and /h/. I can't imagine that most of the people who make it actually have a meaningful fetish for it, it seems more like motivated trolling. We'd all be better off if they were both bannable outside of /trash/.

>I'm not the one obsessed with race
>his first reply was focusing on my race when I said this whole thing was cringy insecure shit

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>who make it actually have a meaningful fetish for it, it seems more like motivated trolling
nah, too many edits to just be trolling. Literally thousands of edits

I'm new to it but I like it desu
About half the thread judging by the anger OP stirred up


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Do you have trouble understand the social ladder?
You cant equate fucking blacks to be the same as fucking all the other races.
Blacks are at the bottom, everyone else is above. They're the ones your parents dont want you to bring home.

>see a porn image
>save it, photoshop on a queen of spades tattoo on her ass
>Perfect, now I can fap to it!
Just the idea that people feel the need to do this in order to get off is a riot.

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I was calling you out for pretending to be something you're not, because I know for a fact you're a pale ass faggot pretending to be black and acting like any black dude thinks this shit is anything but cringe.

>ruining good art with your BWC/BBC shit

bunch of faggots

>You cant equate fucking blacks to be the same as fucking all the other races.
I don't, the marking is just expressing her love for the white race. There is nothing more, nothing else.

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>motivated trolling.
Can it really be considered trolling if it just makes others laugh at you and call you insecure? Especially if your response to that reaction is it chimp out

If you guys had meaningful lives and relationships you wouldn’t be doing this, this is fuckin pathetic on both sides

I pity those who can't enjoy it.

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Fixing OPs mistake

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Fucking blacks is taboo but fucking white guys is the default in porn. It's like trying to make missionary into a bdsm tier fetish.

God I fucking hate this tribalistic autistic bullshit. Ruining breeding tattoos and porn, who the fuck pays attention to the fucking guy? A dick is a fucking dick, literally.

Used to be back in the day you could jerk your shit and not even notice if it was a black dude, white dude, or fucking Hamburglar fucking a girl, but now they quantify and categorize that shit. Thanks Obama, you did some real good shit on race relations you fuck.

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I'm just glad these edits are always so shitty i can still RIS the original

And thats nonsense, no one loves the white race.
It's like loving drinking water or breathing oxygen.


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>all this projection
Still not white, never said I was black either, you sound really upset there oreo

Just because black people are barely human doesn't mean other kinds of miscegenation can't be socially prohibited

Gamer fact: This symbol means a girl only fucks white dudes

>that awful hue correction on the dude

It also has a /bleached/bwc/ general

This is the most based voice of reason post but unfortunately you’re talking to 16 year old virgins

if you say so. I disagree

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Based user, the hero we don't deserve

Thanks now I can jerk off without looking at gross tattoos

Her name is 2Bleached

Two can play this game

>like any black dude thinks this shit is anything but cringe.
False, I'm black and I think this shit is hilarious for how easily it upsets people like you.

True but only the biggest taboos matter.
Otherwise you get to some misc family expectations "only marry tall rich korean guy with stem degree who drives a BMW or we disown you".

You are both sub-human niggers who are defacing someone's art and should kill yourselves instantly

Thank you

>It's just showing her love for the white race
Get help

That sounds unreasonable.
Why can't I appreciate white people for the society I live in? Or, for that matter, fetishize them for the history of colonialism that my ancestors experienced?

bleached fags are even more pathetic than blacked fags. atleast blacked was original

God I wish that were me

Daily reminder that people are legitimately paid to come here and spam BLACKED memes and porn.

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Shut up, nigger

thats a great gif
mind if I save it

Tribal heart tattoos should be inscribed on every fertile womans womb, and they should glow during impregnation.

Also fuck these normie interracial shitters for ruining my fetish.

>people are unironically taking time out of their lives to create these fucking blacked and bleached edits
Go out and get some sunshine you fucking faggots

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yeah so? its just a fetish. but /pol/niggers have to make everything about MUH POLITICS and MUH RACE

>True but only the biggest taboos matter.
Bleached is NOT taboo, jesus, you guys try to compare bleached and blacked way too much

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>atleast blacked was original
Were you born in the last 8 years, or have you literally never been exposed to porn before?

You mean like gyaru-oh NTR doujins?
I don't look down on you if you have a bestiality fetish but I think you're overplaying the social disapproval angle. If that were the point of interracial corruption fetishism people would just jerk off to regular cheating and NTR

i not here because blacked/white stuff i just have a womb/ass tattoo fetish

It's all yours, my friend.

>people fighting over blacked and bleached
>not realizing all racemixers deserve death, no matter who you mix with destroying what makes each race unique

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> fetishize them for the history of colonialism that my ancestors experienced?
I know blacks tend to bitch about other blacks dating white ppl. I guess thats a fun pastime.

in short "have sex"

Most based posts in this shitfest of a thread, thank you user

Imagine being this triggered over tatoos

>but /pol/niggers
Blacked became popular by being spammed on /pol/, much like how incest captions were spammed in 2011

Don't need help. As a brown guy I can tell you one thing. WHITES ARE THE MASTER RACE

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thanks user
tattoos are shit

It's probably mostly mixed mutts making both sides of this shit anyway. Who else would be so obsessed with this polarizing race stuff that they want it in their porn than somebody who can't call themselves either black or white? It's filled with spite, most directed at whites because they're an easy target but Yea Forums breeds contrarians so no surprise when the opposite popped up too.

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>fetish tattoos

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Based as fuck

Amerimutt detected.
Why do Americans insist on ruining English?
Is it your low IQ?

Racemixing produces the healthiest offspring
It's like the opposite of incest, you get robust genes and fewer pathologies.

It’s not the tattoos that these people are jerking off about retard

Americans are programmed to corrupt English, ruin and hate the west, and serve Israel.

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Expect it is

Outbreeding depression is a real thing

>Especially if your response to that reaction is it chimp out
the irony and hypocrisy is outstanding

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nice try schlomo

Why do black people photoshop this shit so much? Is this an inferiority complex issue?

This is literally just a false statement look it up mixed race kids have more health problems and identity crisises cause they’re fuckin mutts and mostly are uglier than the average human it’s sad and I feel bad for them not to mention the statistics of interracial marriage being significantly worse between literally any two races like wow cool I’m an ugly mutt with contradicting features and my parents are divorced and come form two conflicting cultures and backgrounds

You can't "bleach" a girl who already has white skin, dumb shitposter.

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Do I need to have played Nier to play Automata? Does it help? Can I play Nier later?

I doubt it's niggers. It's shitposters, cuckfags and the endless hordes of south america.

I watched a video about all that lore and connections between games but it's in spanish. If you want to watch it just tell me.

Mulattos tend to succeed way better than pure blacks, just look at your pres Obama.
Lots of american sports stars are mulattos.

bleaching is about loving white guys

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>white people trolling other white people with BLACKED
>trolled white people try to counter troll the other white people with BLEACHED
If anything, it's a few amused blacks laughing at the whole thing and a few asian incels upset when asian characters get involved

It might make sense if you were asian in asia or a black living in some black dystopic suburb, it doesnt make sense for white girls.

But black girl white girl marriage longevity is insanely high compared to other similar pairings

No it isn't.
Even when the data supposedly said so it wasn't "insanely high".

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because they usually dont have nigger tier IQ

Black girl white guy*

The tattoos are in really bad taste, and are chiefly used by insecure white dudes who are also really racist and have no sense of humor outside of "nigger pajeet chink gook".

Personally, I think womb tattoos in general are nasty.

Gay marriage is another cup of tea and it varies for all races but I’m general it’s almost always negative just to varying degrees

cuck faggots

You'll miss a few nods but it's not needed at all, Automata wouldn't be nearly as popular as it is if that were the case. Nier doesn't play that well so it's difficult to recommend to people these days, it just has a really memorable soundtrack and story.

Gee, I wonder who is in this thread.

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Same my dude.

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True, which is why you should race mix.

Yall whiteys finna boutta go extinct lmao

>>white people trolling other white people with BLACKED
>>trolled white people try to counter troll the other white people with BLEACHED
blacked and bleached weren't made for trolling or counter-trolling. Maybe on Yea Forums is for trolling, but people genuinely like these fetishes. Smear campaigns will never work
white girls proclaiming their love for their race is pretty hot. Especially when they use some nazi attire. Girls with extreme political ideologies are pretty hot

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Ah yes, typical American argumentation.

The country that makes it's worldview from a single Tweet.

gonna need sauce bud

Daily reminder that black dicks are only 1 inch longer on average than white dicks and by spreading the meme you're convincing women to fuck black guys instead

This is total bullshit. The absolute best moments in automata are throwbacks to NieR and only secondairies who didnt play it first will try to tell you it's not important

you will still produce a mentally ill mutt

Reminder that women don't read or care about Yea Forums.

Well you can use your high school level understanding of genetics to make the conclusion.

kys discord shill

>[Rebis] Your Post-Apocalyptic Bimbo Waifu

>1 inch longer
it's 0,5 inches longer, according to some studies

Right they're not reading Yea Forums but as the meme spread across Yea Forums it spread across the rest of the world

Or I can use a handful of Twitter screencaps and 3 pictures of succesful mulatos, right?

Unless they’re mentally ill and most of them hate back people anyway

>shopped anime pictures are convincing women to fuck black guys
You belong with in the paranoid nutjob bucket

It doesn't matter how much bigger black guys are if their penises look like feces
t. gay

2B's story begins and ends in Automata, so you're basically playing a standalone game. The lore of the world extends to past games, but it's something you can easily look up on youtube.

No it doesn't, Yea Forums has lost all it's influence to the point where it's other websites the ones that influence Yea Forums.
Yea Forums hasn't created a single meme that has spread since pepe and wojak, and even then that one is limited.
Look at the "memes" nu4chan has.
>le epic twitter FOTM meme pic #49781605813658901

This place is a has-been from a bygone era populated that has been abandoned by the people who made it great a long time ago.

Yea Forums is the Bioware of Internet websites.

>the meme only exists on Yea Forums
Anything that spreads on Yea Forums inevitably spreads to the rest of the world
See: pepe, OK symbol, basedboy, and cuck

You think whites getting cuckolded by blacks started with Yea Forums? Are you underage?

gonna dump some bleached images then

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That alternate color job is amazing.

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No, it started in the minds of Amerimutts.
Sadly, this website is plagued with them, which is why there's so much cuckshit and racemixing propaganda.

America is a rabid dog that needs to be put down.

No one is aroused by them tho

Why are americans so obsessed with race?

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I am

If the idea spreads within Yea Forums, it'll spread outside of Yea Forums. That's all I'm saying and if you think I'm trying to suggest that interracial hookups would never happen without Yea Forums then you're clearly trying to distort my point so you can disagree with it rather than understand it
Congrats on disagreeing

Fuck off weebshitter

I am, and that's good enough for me

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Because, despite living in a multicultural shithole, they realized they all behave and talk like niggers, so they are sperging out.

America is just an example of why multiculturalism is cancer.

Sauce is bluefield btw.

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Cuck faggots

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Imagine being this obsessed

>dude race doesn't exist

Ah yes "obsessed", the word americucks use to try to protect their decadent existence.

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