>blood on the toilet paper again
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>blood on the toilet paper again
Games for this feel
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go to the doctor retard
Doesn't matter unless it's from internal issues. You probably just wiped too much, too hard, or have cheap ass toilet paper that drags.
Stop having bumsex.
Bright red is fine unless it doesn't stop for like a week
Dark red is bad go to the doctor asap
>Work out a lot
>Ass becomes itchy
>Blood on tissue
>Go to doctors
>Bunch of hemorrhoids
>"user, have you done anal?"
>Give him a stern look and say no
>"It's okay if you have, but I will believe you."
>Blood on the toothbrush & upon spitting again
What do, Yea Forums?
Not OP, but I've also been like this for several years now.
brush more often so your gums build up resistance
If you have sensitive gums, it may remain like that.
I floss regularly, and it's like my mouth has a period daily.
Go get your teeth cleaned at the dentist. And then floss and brush every day.
Mine used to do this too.
Ps cleaning sucks major anus.
Hemorrhoids can cause that. It's pretty normal. As long as symptoms didn't worsen over that time, you're good.
Also, change toilet tissue type.
I don't work out much but my asshole gets really itchy sometimes. Kinda worried 2bh.
A cleaning? Or are you recommending a deep cleaning? Because those are two very different things. Don't get a deep cleaning no matter how bad your gums are, it'll just make them worse. I speak both from experience and from anecdotal evidence. Start flossing every time you eat a major meal, so at least once a day. Brush your teeth and make sure the bristles get to the gum, in fact you should brush your gums a lot more than your teeth. Also start using mouthwash before bed.
stop having anal sex
Do you want to go the way TotalCasket did?
It's plaque build up between your teeth and gum that causes this almost exclusively. Get that shit cleaned out
post tits
It's most likely hemorrhoids flaring up.
See a doctor.
stop shoving things up your ass you faggot
I'm not too sure what you mean by deep cleaning. From what I recall all he did was clean just under the gum where you can't usually get to with a brush or floss and after that my gums where a healthy pink color and I haven't had a bloody brush since
Fuck. Do I need to change my diet or just wait until it's back to normal by itself.
Is this a normal fucking thing? I have never once had blood on the to or in the toilet after a shit. What are you people eating that is stabbing your anus on the way out?
pokemon GO
injustice 2
spec ops THE line
DOCTOR mario
I think hemorrhoids can have multiple causes.
Try getting some ointment and hope they don't come back.
Is it bright red or dark red? If it's bright red you're fine, probably just a hemmeroid, meaning you pushed too hard. If it's dark red, see a doctor.
t. someone with inflammatory bowel disease
>not wiping your ass with sandpaper
fucking casuals
based underage
Internal bleeding from straining too hard or having such a bad costipation their literally shitting bricks.
>wiping your ass
normals get the fuck out
A regular dental cleaning is where the hygienist uses a mechanical brush on your teeth and scrapes between them with a simple metal pick. A deep cleaning is where they get into the gums with a special tool to fix your gum pockets, they typically numb you for that. I had a deep cleaning done a few years ago and it actually made the problem worse so I had to build my gums back up on my own. Same result happened to a friend last year so I don't trust that procedure at all now.
You lie. If you really flossed daily, used Listerine daily, and brushed twice a day like you're supposed to your gums would eventually get used to it.
So it is a combination of a terrible diet and them forcing the massive Mc nuggie brick out of their anus?
Also sitting down for long periods of time isnt doing any favors.
Eat more fiber.
hemorrhoids can be a side effect of diet, sitting too long, dampness, straining, lifting, age, and many more factors.
Stress is a big contributor as well. That first time I wiped my ass and had blood on the paper was quite scary.