What is about games like darksouls, bloodborne and this that attracts pre teen boys so much? Do they truly think theyre cool for playing edgy pretentious games like this?
What is about games like darksouls, bloodborne and this that attracts pre teen boys so much...
You don't know what that word means.
If you can't feel the waves of pretentious arrogance oozing from that trailer you're an actual child
good gameplay
If you truly think that every single story that takes itself seriously is "pretentious", then you are what is wrong with modern storytelling.
Is Dodge Dodge dodge hit or roll roll roll hit really good gameplay to you?
pressing buttons is what you do in every game, Yea Forumsirgin
>press buttons
>stuff happens
Go dilate
I'm really looking forward to this game. The Silmarillion for this generation.
Serious doesn't equate to pretentious
what is the elden ring? i'm trying to picture it in my head...
>oooooh the elden ring, it sings to me, it's enough to make a man go bald.
Imagine this being the best bait you could come up with.
What is about shitposting on Yea Forums that attracts OP so much? Does it truly think it's cool for posting threads like this?
the elden ring is a series of oaths that keeps an ancient evil at bay, the armless girl you see in trailer is part of an ancient bloodline of warriors who give up their arm to keep the first king alive, who is half-demon half-man.
kill yourself, retard
I doubt you can even imagine it.
Your use of the word pretentious is pretentious.