Game gets huge

>game gets huge
>sells out crazy hard
What's its name, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

stop fucking shilling this shit

god the bits of her skin that aren't covered in tons of makeup are gross

Shilling? Who in their right mind would want to do anythinf but ridicule it?

Wow she is so smart. Definitely 150+ IQ for coming up with the idea to sell toilet water.

id sooner drink her piss than drink her filthy fucking bathwater, probably queefing out the cum she gets pumped into her

reckon that might sell more

The people who buy this shit should be executed

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I used to be bothered by this kind of thing, but now I realize that it's a good thing when idiots have their money taken away from them. Belle is doing God's work; fuck these thirsty idiots.

Capitalists will defend this.

belle delphine is unironically based. She trolls and exploits beta soi incels.

This. I hope at least one commits suicide over throwing away all of his money like that.

unironically just bought 10


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>but now I realize that it's a good thing when idiots have their money taken away from them.
What did the autist mean by this?

>American reading comprehension

this is zoomer self-referential irony at its finest. you just know there are dudes out there who'd buy this shit because HAHA DUDE LOOK I BOUGHT HER BATH WATER BUT IRONICALLY CHECK OUT THIS VIDEO OF ME IRONICALLY DRINKING IT LMAOOO DONT FORGET TO LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE YEET YEET DEADASS IM SO DONE YALL

real talk, if you could make a living by doing shit like this, would you?

What's up Yea Forums it's Pyrocynical


Just cut to the chase and post the webm already.

send me one senpai


Dude if I could stay at home touching myself all day long and getting millions off of thirsty beta subhumans it'd be the dream life.

Cool advertising bro.

>taking advantage of idiots who are dumb enough to buy this kind of stuff just because she's pretty

Not gonna lie, I'm impressed.

It's practically free money. Why wouldn't I?

Nice Shill.

It's not that hard to read words and understand them, user. You gotta give it another attempt at least.

it's just not fair

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What person wouldn't want easy money

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>post this and everyone believes it is really her bath water
>sell the suckers some tap water

Damn, that's pretty smart. Manipulative, but smart. Can't fault her for playing the game.

I'll give it to her that this is a pretty damn good idea. It markets to the perfect blend of ironic garbage and actual fetishists who unironically would want to drink some chick's bath water. I'm sure it's selling like hotcakes.

What would she gain from lying though? They both cost the same to produce

Somebody should try and sell some gamer girl pee.

Sounds just like lootboxes

Isn't that illegal for hygiene reasons?

yeah, i'd start several businesses and invest in fiber optic cable with the whoring money and retire at 30

>those spots on her arms

jesus christ keep your disease water away from me

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they deserve to be lit on fire but sucking them dry until they end it is the best I can hope for.

Can you legally sell "contaminated" water? Even if it says it's not for drinking there's still the implication.

>the pornhub incident
this is what "female empowerment" is all about

The satisfaction of selling some suckers tap water while said sucker thinking it is something else?

I would stream myself laughing hysterically about it but act like something else is the subject of my hysteria instead

She's selling fucking water, probably not even bath water either despite what it says. Totally would.

what pornhub incident?

>the pornhub incident

quick rundown?

you call that feet

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Get fucked I incels

She has porn?

>haha check out the video of me coming down with strep from drinking her bacteria laden bath water

>drinking water with soap

Ew. Call me when gamer girl piss is ready

Shes like weaponized thotness.

>not even selling water that was soaked in her flats

I guarantee you some science savant will lab whether or not she's actually selling bath water, and when they find out she isn't, she's going to be under a shitload of fire. So it's safe to say it's legit.

It's free fucking money. I'd do it in a heartbeat

That fucking blatant shilling. Imagine spending money on this clownslut. I can't that I share the same species as idiots who fall for her shameless shilling.

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She told people she was uploading a video of pewdiepie inside her onto pornhub. The video was her eating a picture of him. Honestly a little funny.

Yes absolutely

that's true

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How much does her bath water cost? I'm interested

>the pornhub incident

Look for her in pornhub, enjoy it

lmao u mad?


Whats this area called??
I love it on women i just want to bite it.
what ever its called that is my fetish

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If you can't taste the difference between fresh tap water and used bath water, you should probably see a doctor.

Then again you never know if it's really her water. Like those worn panties you keep buying on the internet:

fucking unistards

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summed it up better than i could, thx user

We live in a golden age of free, easily accessible pornography and people like this still get rich doing stuff that isn't even risque enough to be softcore.

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she probably smells like chicken nuggets



Some crummy old water?

She should be selling pokemon creatures!

Said she would make a pornhub channel if her post got 1 million likes, it did, she made one but posted misleading titles like "pewdiepie in my mouth" while actually just eating a cake with him on it.

She trolled a bunch of thirsty idiots basically.

side vagina

fuck, getting $17,000 and thinking you can make it rain



>theres a guy on this board who pretended to hate this yet bought the bath water for an insane amount of money then chugged it down like he hasn't had a drink of water in days
Why do people do this? Shes not even hot.

I did. Absolute trash.

Anyone else feel shes a boring prude bitch who would probbaly just lie there like a dead fish while you desperately try to get hard looking at her nonexistent tits and her stupid aheago faces?

>lmao u mad? *sips gamer girl tub water*

I wish she would put ME inside her. Same way though, swallow me alive Belle pls.

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I checked the store because I wanted to see if there was a disclaimer about it not being real bath water or anything. It's 30 bucks.

because people are completely desensitized to hardcore pornography.

I want to say no, that I have self respect and integrity, but it's basically free fucking money, so probably.

Haha yeah haha

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That's a lot of assumptions you are making there buddy, like tasting bath water or buying used panties. Wanna talk about it?

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Sounds pretty funny desu.

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Hip cleavage if your are doing image search to fap.

>the West has finally begun the process of becoming culturally Japanese

Don't call it a grave

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Nope, I'm just appalled that you could sell literally anything and suckers would buy it.
I just cannot believe the same species who've managed to reach the moon has members in it that are like flies attracted to a venus flytrap plant. It's so fucking comical.

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this shit drives me up the wall. fuck nerds, fuck gamers, fuck twitch streamers, fuck niggers.

>selling bath water
jesus christ who the fuck is buying this?

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She's the only one I feel like I would instinctively choke in the bedroom
I just hate her face

but most importantly fuck white people who do this shit

Wow who is this cute girl?

exclusivity. Fuck being a pleb that watches 360p streams of Brazzers shit from 10 years ago. I want content that is only available to me and a few other patrician paypigs. It's also nice to have interaction with the girl you're jerking to.



Why the fuck would she go the effort to store bath water you stupid cuck
she's literally pouring water from tap and bottling it and selling it to losers at profit

She's not the villain, but the retards who buy this shit, anyone in their mind would sell "oopsie im naughty :^)" pictures of themselves for hundreds of thousands of dollars

Yet her face is still the best thing about her. Her ass is nice too, but only in that elven webm.

Being a girl is easy mode for life
All you have to do is not be too fat and there you go, free easy life

she could literally just fill up her bath and scoop water from it, doesn't even need to get in


Chubby chasers are a thing too

>but only in that elven webm
The what?

>They both cost the same to produce
They literally don't. Filling a tub and bathing in it is a considerable time sink relative to simply filling a container with tap water.

Do you have the comic with the flower that wants to be watered by pee?

>literally selling homeopathic gamer girl
Well then, I can't say I'm surprised but uh...

>wanting to interact with thots
user, just go outside. You can get the humiliating interaction for free.

nuclear genocide fucking when?

>doesn't know how to find anything high quality
>"exclusivity" with legions of other men
>interaction with someone who doesn't care about your existence
Oh, so it's because people are retarded. Got it.

>>but only in that elven webm
>The what?

Lol, he hasnt seen her peak form.

I can’t even begin to guess what her face looks like.

You mean this guy?

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Please be fake

She reminds me of that Kasia blue dildo girl
I hope she does a dildo video
No dicks

I said not too fat. If you're chubby and a girl you're still way good to go.

She probably took a bath once and filled, you have like 100 of those little bottles in a single bath

You don't even have to not be "too fat", because some fuck who likes his BBWs will gladly pay you to whore yourself out. You don't have to be pretty, some people jack it to butterfaces. All I can think of is maybe being the elephant woman, and I'm sure someone would still pay for pics.

She can literally only get away with any of this because she's attractive. Life as just as easy when attractive as a man, too.

>friends with a professional domme
>some dude is paying her 10k a month for literally nothing in return because it turns him on
I fucking hate men so much

People are quick to call women whores but why wouldn't you be if you could have 90% of the opposite gender in the palm of your hand. I know I would.

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>all these people saying yes

This is why the Jews will win.

>Hold hand/foot under faucet
>Place cup/jar/foot under
>Turn on faucet
Seems pretty easy

she went from cringe to based, dabbing on the incels

>not be too fat
>not TOO fat
Learn to read, bathwater guzzling soi sucking retard

Show those male streamers that sell their bathwater or underwear user. I honestly want to see.

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She announced to create a Pornhub account. She did, but she didnt do porn even though she implied to do so (without actually saying it)

Because people want to deny how fucking perverted they are. It’s like how rape tends to happen more often in communities that ban porno or priests diddling kids.

Timmy grew up hearing porn is wrong, but nobody mentioned E-girls doing yoga.

What's with all the fags coming into our threads and making fun of streamers and Lets Plays? Streamers are are a great way to unwind when you don't want to play a game yourself and hanging out in chat and donating is the equivalent of going out with friends. I'm still in the company of people I like and instead of wasting money on stupid alcohol, I can donate to my favorite streamer and feel good knowing I'm furthering the career of someone that brings me great joy and a lot of entertainment. I mean, what's the difference between a small donation of $30-$50 and spending that at the bar? I don't feel like shit in the morning if I donate unlike the hangover I'll eventually have...

I do it ironically just to get a reaction from people like you.

So it says on her store that it is absolutely NOT to be drank.

So lads, what do we reckon she's got?

user why?

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law school fag here
She's UK based right? But I'm pretty sure its absolutely illegal to sell what's considered a waste product to people.

I would imagine she's not selling her real bath water, but just a regular source of water.

this, but unironically

just where the pudge from a belly overlaps and meets the legs

Holy shit

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because people are greedy?

If you can't beat them

>30 US Shekels

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Crabs, most likely.

wtf this
There goes me buying it.

Shut the fuck up, slut.

Findom is cool n' all but jesus fuck. Shit like this makes me think I should get in on it with all the fucked up smut I write, but I just don't think I have the stomach for it.

>buy water
>analyze water for DNA
>clone thot DNA

how much is she selling it for

audible kek

me too

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Its also prohibited to import this shit into the US. WTF is this dumb bitch doing?

Soul : With braces
Soulless: Perfect teeth

you can sell your literal shit online if you want. you just have to make sure you follow the packaging procedures

That'd be hilarious if this ends up blowing up in her face.
>Gets sued because you can't sell waste product
>Has to admit it's just regular water
>Fans explode
Of course, knowing her, her fans will just be like "BASED" and buy more when others point this out.

I'm literally an unfuckable virgin NEET, that's not happening.

>doesn't know how to find anything high quality
I have an EMP account, I dont buy all my porn
>>"exclusivity" with legions of other men
many of the clips/photos I own were custom requested by me and no one else has access to them
>interaction with someone who doesn't care about your existence
that's the best part, I love spending money on girls who hate me

Oh, cmon, Yea Forums, don't tell me you WOULDNT

A man's gotta eat.

If it's sold as edible, it becomes subject to fda regulation

Post the webm showing her have the water go down her ass

Thank you user I needed that

jesus h tap dancing christ what fuck is wrong with you

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BASED incel

Aum Shinrikyo cultists were, until this thot copied their business model.
(this is the dude that got hanged, by japan, after nervegassing the subway, btw)



>Likely just taking water from the tap and putting bubble bath in it
people are literally on on levels retarded. Just end it all already

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>Findom is cool n' all
literally the lowest of the low fetish. I have more respect for furries or literal cuckolds

The bacteria that would grow after a few days its too much, you have to drink it fresh, wonder how much she would charge for a fresh bath water

Don't use the Lord's name in vain, thot.

Based zoomer retard

Money that someone worked so hard to get, wasted up like its nothing. It fucking grind my gears.

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Excellent post

Physical interaction

Exactly. It's the same humiliating interaction that you'd get for paying some dumb whore who makes ahegao faces. Better yet, pay a prostitute and get them to make the face for you DURING ACTUAL SEX. Goddamn, it ain't hard, retard.

this. I spend my relationships (consentually) fattening up my girl if anything.

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Im a capitalist so yes absolutely. the only thing that matters in life is That Bag, and this girl is unironically a genius for being able to get away with this silly shit.

Private sales are different than produced items sold on a marketplace.

lmao what a fag

What's the point in cosplaying Alphinaud if you don't have a penis?

>it's real

I fucking love this girl. This and what she did on Pornhub to get all those retards mad is glorious.

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From what I understand the story's likely fake anyhow, if that makes you feel any better

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Someone tell me where to find this slut's nudes so I can jerk off to her once and go back to pretending she doesn't exist.

>it's not sterilized
>big fuck you bacteria grows during shipping
>lusty turbo-autists drink it

Reverse psychology. She actually wants you to drink it and get sick.

Again. Youre probably imagining her powerfucking you. Giving you the lustful stare, grabbing your hands while she rides you into oblivion.


Wouldnt be suprised if shes the worst lay ever.

What if people get a bunch of STDs when they drink it? She's definitely got multiple diseases

>falling for pasta

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You genius mad cunt, you.

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>thirsty beta cuck genocide

This. Making fun of someone for liking a streamer is just ignorant and shows how out of touch you really are. Seriously, my dad makes fun of me for being 20 while still being into video games, watching people play video games and still being a virgin. He routinely asks me if I've finally lost my virginity or found a girlfriend each time I come home. He emasculates me in front of my friends by saying stupid shit like "At least you guys get pussy, right?" and "Maybe you guys can set him up with some girls!" He blames democrats and "nerds" like me for the sissification of America and the West in general. I can't even blame him for raising me incorrectly because my older brother plays football at a D1 school while majoring in mechanical engineering.

head shops sell bongs, bowls, and pipes that have signs saying "for tobacco use only". It's just for legal reasons.

I unironically think she's funny as fuck

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This. As long as these thots pay their taxes, the wheel of life continues to roll on.

Technically she didn't say she bathed on it, it could be water she planned on using to take a bath

fuck off Cyrus

jumping jesus on a pogo stick people are buying a woman's bath water.

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She doesn't have any, they're all fake.

Wish there was a way to implant suicidal thoughts into masochistic cucks like you. It'd rid the world of your cancerous genes and starve the whores who get paid by you of their food, like setting off a halo to kill the flood.

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>/pol/: women are stupid!
>woman: gets rich making ahegao face for horny males and sells tap water to them under the guise of being bath water
It might not take a genius to come up with this, but it sure does take a retard to fall for her shenanigans, and it seems there's a lot of retards in the world.

John K?


This term and anything similar to it are complete fucking cancer and partly the cause of shit like this

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>All you have to do is not be too fat and there you go, free easy life

You do realize that man have a fetish for everything right? You can be fat and ugly and you will have man all over you. People will call you thick and everything, meanwhile a ugly+fat man will get nowhere

Coming soon

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Because when you go out to the bar you usually go out with your friends. You can spend some quality time and tend to the relationships that will last years. Instead you spend your day alone before the screen and throw money at a person who will forget about you the moment that stream will end.
You are pretty much fat chick who eats ice-cream in her bed.

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God I wanna sniff her asshole so bad

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holy shit, didnt't expect that

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You can buy a women’s used panties easily enough. Why not bathwater.

Just because it’s dumb doesn’t mean it’s wrong.

Nudes when, I mean come on, this bitch will get old sooner or later and will release nudes in desesperation

>that same woman: taxation and regulation would absolutely kill her cancerous business model and ruin her
>that same /pol/: LEFTIES BAD, BIDNESS GOOD

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No, because that would be a hassle and i don't want insane people to know who i am.

>hanging out in chat and donating is the equivalent of going out with friends.
Imagine being so inept at socializing that you equate genuine conversations and time with friends to being in a chat full of emoji spamming, cocksucking zoomers whose deepest thought at any given time is "how much money can i gib da strreemurr to say my naem"

this dumb bitch is actually based

>shits on neckbeards by baiting insta likes for porn vid but actually just calls them retards on pornhub
>sells actual tap water to the same retards for $30

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Google Belle Delphine Nuded, you moron.

Should I become a streamer, bros?

I hate that women naturally hyperextend their elbows. It's so painful to look at.

to btfo loser virgin orbiter incels

Half of her shtick is mocking how hollow the phrase is, given her humor I wouldn't be surprised if she said it was just water she'd filled up her bath with.

She knows how ridiculous this whole game is and she's playing it perfectly

Try googling the name of this e-thot. If you can breathe autonomously then I’m sure you’ll find what you’re looking for.

That's not too bad. Completely unknown girls charge similar prices.

It's literally tap water and people fall for this shit every single time

she is based
the absolute retards who actually give her money however...

It’s not 2004 anymore, she’s made a ton of money by now and by the time it all runs out if she was to stop tomorrow she wouldn’t make any amount of good money doing porn. She’d just end up being any other back room casting bitch since her fame would be over by then.

>you will never have your corpse used as a play thing for some internet thot

maybe capitalism isnt so great

he do we know she's not just ripping off and using tap water?

Do you think she's honest enough to actually sell bath water or is she just filling these from the tap?

>second most intelligent creature on the planet
>this is what happens to your corpse

>Youre probably imagining her powerfucking you
No. I'm imagining powerfucking her into the bed

agreed. Her bath water should be distributed equally among the male population

Of course, if you're an attractive female.

Those are pretty shitty too.

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>cancerous business model
How is taking the money from retards a bad thing?


You really think this dumb thot could run a business like this? Again, its a chad playing her like a puppet.

epic notvidya thread shilling some epic memegirl
mods of course not doing anything because this place is even worse than Yea Forums

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It doesn't matter, the people she's selling to deserve to have their money ripped from their mitts.

Why did I open that

>CURRENT WAIT TIME: 5-6 weeks before shipping due to HIGH demand, bottlenecking, and delays from flu earlier this year

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Because it's not disappearing into a vacuum, it's actively benefiting somebody that evil.
>mfw I got libertards to defend this cunt

>779 points

what the fuck? what subreddit is this on? This has to be a joke

this pasta is trying too hard
no subtlety

I did, I just got her Instagram which is full of lewds. I want nipples and pussy, it's all I can ejaculate to.

>it's fucking real

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>people still suffering under the delusion that Yea Forums is meant for videogame discussion


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>user can't believe women can be smart
You're being played by her too user.

It probably is bath water, as in she’s filling her bath with 99 parts water, 1 part soap, and mixing and jarring that shit.

It’s like virgin gin. VirGin.

The bottle is kind of nice at least

her boyfriend is the real mastermind

Pretty based.

she looks like a cute tomboy on the left

Her body would make a perfect cosplay of Dana from Ys VIII

I wouldn't, I'm married.

honest question, is there a single part of a female that ISN'T attractive? aside from their personalities

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>when you don't want to play a game yourself
Just watch a movie with your friends, it's the same shit but with more meaning

I believe that the pizza face dork on the left in this picture is internet-aware enough to create a business like this

who's filming her, dummy? wake up sheeple

No, I'm too shallow. I'm disgusted at the notion of unnattractive women having any feelings for me.

>people selling a product you don't like is evil
I can't even begin to comprehend the kind of mental gymnastics you needed to come to that conclusion

Now he's mad

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>360p streams of Brazzers
find beater sites and watch better porn


Feet. Also personality.

>she gets sued into bankruptcy oblivion
that'd be the best outcome

Her boyfriend, but she's absolutely the brains behind the operation.

can we ban bonbiposting to avoid derailing the threads?

Good think the are too.

That can't be legal in the UK?Someone report this cunt to health and safety standards.

Lurk more.

>selling Water overpriced

Daughter, i am proud!

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>our threads

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He may not beat them, but you are certainly beaten by them

shoko asahara has been dead for more than a decade retard

Already reported her for use of Blizzard IP in marketing materials. Nuked any second.

If she has any brain, it's just tap water, but even that goes bad pretty fast if you send it via snailmail.

He is the brains from the start. She's too retarded to figure it out. He's making all the money and fucking her too.

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The fuck are "sentimental purposes"?

>implying Blizzard isn't in on this


>/int/ creates a meme to counter a meme just so they can talk about americans some more
Rent fucking free

I'm married, I ain't fucking with no e-thot

there is at least 1 person in the world who has bought this and will use it as lube very soon. think about that for a second.

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She is a massive troll so wouldn't surprise me.

hmmmmm shit cookies

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sniffing it or pouring it on yourself probably

Bzzt wrong again stupid.

>water for lube
bad idea

Considering fat fucks get scouted by designers and agencies to pretend to be a plus sized "model", I gotta say youre full of shit, any women can live an easy life unless they are visibly deformed or specially ugly.

This. Bacterial infections from food left out overnight can fuck you up for weeks. The growth in that water will kill you.

what am i supposed to do with bathwater? you cant drink it since it probably has soap and shit.

Fuck you Dice

t. Never seen a real women in person before


I agree. But it will happen.

She put it in the jars on livestream though