Most Wanted 2005 or Carbon ?

Most Wanted 2005 or Carbon ?

which is the bestest ?

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MW too yellow

mw for police chases
carbon for comfy night time racing
also that gold tint is vomit inducing

most wanted 2005 was the last nfs that I played so I guess that one.

most wanted for police chases and in general
but we all know that Underground 2 is the thronetaker.

underground 1 > MW > underground 2 > carbon > whatever the fuck was that after that like you are a cop but not a cop was really fun but i literally dont remember a thing else from it
Honda s2000 best car ever with light/dark skin

fucking fite me

>also that gold tint is vomit inducing
i like it

*blocks your path*

Attached: 001d-5.jpg (1440x811, 116K)

Underground 2

Why's Most Wanted not on Steam or GoG?

I have replayed both undergrounds, MW and Carbon recently and Carbon is by the the worst game.
>extreme rubberbanding, they don't even try to be subtle about it you can literally see them teleporting on the minimap or catching up in a straight line while you are hammering nitro at full power
>annoying wingman mechanic, you literally can never play solo and the faggot AI gets in your way
>worst handling by far, cars feel like matchbox cars with no weight
>overall feeling of speed is bad, driving at 250 km/h feels like 80
>worse looking visual effects like car reflections, even worse than in underground1

The other games held up very well in comparison and have some cool mods.

Attached: NFS MW 2005.webm (750x420, 2.9M)

probably licensing

neither. do the police drop bombs on you from their helicopters in most wanted or carbon? no. therefore, shit games when compared to this masterpiece.

Attached: 9B14C09F-1DD0-429B-B0D3-B0A48918454D.png (197x256, 98K)

hol up, you can remove the piss filter?
time to reinstall

like literally everyone and their mother used that car, get some taste
song licencing , fucking feels bad man

Everything is possible with reshade

Attached: illegal tofu delivery.webm (740x416, 2.9M)

and for good reason

Attached: Nfs_underground_nissan_skyline_gt-r_lost_prophets.jpg (665x326, 126K)

>removes "piss filter"
>replaces it with sunny shit


Don't you have a cyberpunk thread to shit up somewhere?

Ah yes. All the delusional fucking normies with their TooFastTooFurious DUUUUUUUUDEEEEEE!!!!!111! Larping as Bryan ricing the ever loving fuck out of all the fucking cars.
Like how the braindead jocks would wear t-shirts of their favorite footballers and talk about last night's game at 7 in the morning, but for the antisocial rejects too spergy to get
into sports. All those fucking cool cars and customization. GOTTA GET DAT SKAEELAHN BRUH DIDN' U SEE DA MOVIE BRUVA

Yeah that's a "good reason" right there. Fuck you, retard.

Any problems that might arrise with the PC version of Most Wanted?

Is there a good NFS style racer these days? All the modern NFS games looked a bit crap. I'm a big fan of linear in every genre, but even moreso in racers. I don't want open world.

nah CDPR knows what they are doing, cyberpunk looks alright, i like the art they are going for, and the game is (yet) to be modded by someone with no respect for the original work
I'm still mad

alright, user

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yikes and cringe

you just need to get the widescreen fix

piss filter can be removed (without mods) by simply turning visual treatment to "low" ingame
still looks good

You are more delusional than I thought

carbon because it was my first nfs

No hard feelings, I'm just tired of being surrounded by shitters with fucking awful taste.

Attached: 1496489455527.jpg (619x453, 28K)

It also removes a whole lot of other lighting effects that are attached to this setting, it looks pretty shit.

I miss the old days ;_;
Riders on the storm and so on

doesn't it only happen at certain times? i don't remember seeing that so called "piss filter" often. maybe i had something on low when i played. who knows.

>shitters with fucking awful taste
so frogposters

no u

the game was never sunny dumbass
and i specially love how none of these mods remove the fog, it looks so fucking stupid for the world to be that bright but still have that shit on, and you pass that as if it looked any good lmao

Not the frogposter, but at some point skyline was really popular amongst people who don't even drive cars, because it was in movies, games and whatever. Mostly teenagers.

>this guy pulls up next to you and challenges you to a race
What do?

Attached: HQ[1].jpg (320x180, 12K)

Politely decline and go fuck Josie Maran.

imagine being so pumped up on estrogen that you're scared of games that aren't bright rainbow colored nintendo shit

Carbon but unironically

cabron was SHIT


MW, ramming into road blocks in slow mo was one of the most satisfying things I ever experienced in a racing game