Battlefield 3 was the last good Battlefield game, and even now 8 years later it's a timeless masterpiece

Battlefield 3 was the last good Battlefield game, and even now 8 years later it's a timeless masterpiece.
Prove me wrong.

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Can we have this kind of thread instead?

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As long as you don't post the BF4 one, sure.

> a downgrade from BC2
> masterpiece

It's 100% right.

The last decent one was Hardline. At least Visceral tried to do something a little bit different but it wasn't what people wanted at the time.

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>battlefield 4 higher than anything but bfv

>shitty netcode
>air vehicles are easy to use and overpowered
>health regen
>4 classes
>assault has the best guns
>poor map design
>only 2 factions
>gimmicky useless gadgets
>awful blue filter + HUD
>braindead gunplay
>brought an entire new fanbase composed of CoD refugees and normalfags

And it was glorious.

gb2/codg/ faggot

For someone who has never played the series before? Obviously.

You can spin this any direction you want mong

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>the last good battlefield game released
>critically acclaimed by everyone
>virtually flawless and timeless, still played to this day
Except it wasn't.
DICE went back to making PC games ported to consoles with BF3.
Bad Company battlefields were the complete opposite.

>The absolute denial of this straight grom who thinks BF3 isn't a console game first and foremost

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>virtually flawless and timeless, still played to this day
Yeah those 10hz servers sure are timeless

It has more features than BC2, as a starter.
It wasn't a leading console new gen game.
That was BF4.
Guess which game sucked the most.

>popular = good
Then by your logic BF1 was the last good BF game , not BF3.
Even BF4 and BF1 are still played to this day and both have more people playing it than 3.

The last good Battlefield game was 2142. I liked 2 more than BC2 but not by a massive amount (I just really disliked BC2).

I am thinking about trying 5 at some point though if I work out if I can run it.

I want BF2142 with BFV graphics, BF4 UI, BC2 destruction and BF2 Comm rose / Commander features. Thanks!

Now that I think about it, mix some of the massive level destruction from BF4 in there, too.

It did not have a commander role, would have played it way more if it had one.

Battlefield V is a great game, the only reason you pretend it isn't is because you hate DICE for sucking up to SJWs. Don't even try to deny it

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Does it have live feed of the battlefield?

I wish they didnt fucked up the ammo boxes

>battlefield hardline at any tier that's not shit

When will dice/EA terminate BFV?

Nah they completely shit on the core BF mechanics for no reason. They weren't broken. It simply isn't that fun to play.

>Old and terribly overused WW2 setting that everyone has done before


4 MP was good, but the campaign sucked. I think the most fun I've ever had with BF was Obliteration on the Shanghai map. Close second is Gun Game in the Close Quarters DLC for 3. That said, I think 3 is overall my favorite. 1 sucked dick and I didn't bother with 5. Hardline was alright but should have been it's own thing instead of BF.

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You're talking about BC2/BF3 right?

>game i didn't play is bad cus waman

>Battlefield 3 was good
>Battlefield 3 was Battlefield game
>Battlefield 3 is a timeless masterpiece
Nigga, one sentence, three lies, are you Todd by any chance?

Timeless masterpiece is a stretch, but how was it not good and not a Battlefield game?
inb4 muh nostalgia

>the PC version was cancelled
>it is now forever lost to console rot hell


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BF3 was the first bad one (ignoring Vietnam). The map design took an absolute nose dive in this one and the series never recovered. It's designed around constant action from all directions where you never get to breathe and you're always getting flanked. It tried to be closer to CoD and it shows. The environments themselves are not very fun either. Even if you accept that the firefights are packed together more, the actual levels aren't fun to play in at all. The server browser was also on a website. The only thing BF3 does superior over the ones after it is the fact that you could still mod it and have custom server types.

4 and later have awful map design, for the most part.

>shitty netcode
>designed for 24 players
>horrendous level design filled with chokepoints
>even downgraded from BC2 outside of graphics
But I guess it was fine, because Call of Duty was getting too popular to like to be hip and cool and different.

3 does too.

Metro wasn't the only map. Most of your complaints are specific to maybe 2 or 3 maps. Netcode was fine except for right at launch.


BF1 had some incredible maps until the 2nd DLC, they carried the game honestly

>Netcode was fine except for right at launch.
So much that Battlefield 4 got shitloads of shit from people for reusing it from BF3.

Netcode was the least of BF4's launch issues.

It only says how much of a trainwreck BF4 was on launch.

If only that were the case, people make criticisms of BF5 out of thin air just to fit in

Guy on the left. He's got guns.

I didn't say it wasn't. But to be fair, they did a decent job fixing it up.

my first bf game was 1942, bc2 is better than bf2 and 3.

Those 2 play completely different... bf3 shines in mass 32v32 gameplay which bc2 doesn't come close to. Although aside from that bc2 is prob better on smaller scales.

I still play it occasionally. For the most part there are some servers alive and the game modes are fairly diverse. Youll always find a noshahr canals tdm.

The problem is that the problems (at least most of em) aren't that hard to fix, if they did that it wouldve been a 10/10. Yea Forums shits on it too hard

4 was better overall, but the problems it did have are more annoying. Some of the class loadout options trigger my autism.

>64-slot metro 24/7

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don't join that server, retard

Some AK and Endgame maps that nobody played were decent.

AK was criminally underrated. Some of the CQ maps were good too.

CQ was probably my favorite expansion out of all the BF games. It provided some variety, most of it excellent quality. Come to think of it, I don't even remember any of the other DLC.

>/bfg/ is dead

Hold me brehs

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>Battlefield is dead

At least we have the memories.

*sssssssip* yep they don't make em like they used'ta

BF4 was literally just BF3 with more stuff though

Do people still play 3? Or am I pretty much stuck with 4? I like both but there are things about 3 I miss. 1 and 5 can eat my ass.

it's the first non-consoleport battlefield that had no mod-support or mod-tools and didn't let you host your own server.

therefore it's shit

>Do people still play 3
Either Firestorm-Caspian and Metro 24/7 on friday night otherwise you're SOL.

>Shit tier
listen here faggot, that shit was p2w but it was fun as fuck.

Battlefield idea

battlefield wild wild west

all steampunk with the giant spider frrom the wild wild west movie and a bunch of steam punk vehicles made for at least 2 or more people

This shit is all fucked up, my man.

no it wasn't it was fucking unplayable

all other servers have fake players

Including Will Smith OST?

I still play the odd match on PS3

I prefer Bad Company 2 in almost every way

Not him but I had a lot of fun with it. It certainly didn't feel broken or anything.

This. Peak BF after they improved netcode.

this. there are people in this thread that actually think that bf4 is inferior to bf3...

MP was better which is of course what matters, but BF3's campaign was pure kino, and I hate using that word.

yeah, I respect that

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worst tiering in a while

Yeah, I really liked 4 once DICE LA untucked it. I wish EA would just let them make the games and not the retarda in Stockholm, even LA's DLC maps were better than the others.