Is Drdisrespect dare I say, /ourguy/?

Is Drdisrespect dare I say, /ourguy/?

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just well you know that.. he was kind of yeah and sort of to he likes it. so no he not is likes that.


>cheats on his wife and cries about on on stream

>wife and gf
>films in the toilet and too alpha to be confronted
very very cool and based

But is it means that going but not there when really wants it?

Kotaku is filled with faggots, but being enough of a cuck to start crying on Twitter because someone made a mean article about you literally breaking the law and posting a shitty apology that was blatantly written with a lawyer present is pretty sad.

based if not le ironic internet character

Based as fuck.

Any bajs here btw? Go fuck yourselves you cringy little memebrained dweebs.


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What’s the lore behind this? Why does he have beef with Schreier?

>Cheats on his hot bangin' wife over a 17-year-old girl
>Films in the bathroom
>6'7 ft tall stallion
>Brings a Ferrari to Twitchcon
>Two-time World Champion
>Best Stache on Twitch
>House got shot up and kept streaming

Even though I think e-celebs are shit he's the only one I like watching. Fuck the rest.

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No one likes that smug jew writing his shitty articles

Idk most likely Schrier tweeted about the entire restroom filming drama that happened at E3 and probably talked shit about DrDisRespect. Schrier goes out of his way to make them look evil all the time.

I see mean you. Admit, this changed perspective perspective me. Kinda I hope he learns to not be like. Really not.

Yeah but why doc specifically

Alien vs Predator

>Cheats on pregnant wife
>Wife doesn't divorce him
His wife is a cuck.

>getting mad at emotes
what is his fucking problem?

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Take your e-celeb dick sucking back to rebbit

Kotaku isn't the cesspool it used to be, when it was operated by Gawker Media it was genuinely awful. But then Gawker Media got suplexed by Hulk Hogan and Kotaku was re-acquired.
I still don't care for Kotaku, but I no longer abhor it.

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>there are no good Yea Forums stre-

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>treats women like shit
>plays Fortnite and other games for little kids
>is an e-celeb
Yes he is Yea Forums's guy, just like Pewdiepie. Its what you fags deserve.

>His wife is a cuck.
Why should she, when he is making bank?

Dudes a bit sensitive huh.

oh no you added an e before celebrity so now that completely discredits him despite the fact that we live in an e-age

Then you either work for them, or are a massive fucking moron. They’ve only gotten worse since being bought out. Did you already forget when their token tranny thought that the Persona 5 singer said “retard” and went on a self-righteous tirade against it?


What the fuck did he mean by this?

>He doesn't know that Drdisrespect is just a character

Imagine caring this badly about what some literal who who streams games for kids has to say about any kind of subject

>Take your e-celeb dick sucking back to rebbit

Didn't mods put a sticky about Etika on Yea Forums not long ago? So Vidya e-celebs are allowed you fucking dunce. Go back to plebbit Grandpa and get with the times.

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diddn't he streamed people peeing during e3?

Sol I tried watching him to see what the fuzz was all about and he played ads all the time during gameplay, how the fuck are people OK with that?

you will never matter
drdisrespect has touched the lives of millions

Cheaters never change. He's probably cheated on her again already.

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>i'm sucking this random eceleb off ironically i'm just playing into his funny little character
ironically eating shit is still eating shit faggot

obligatory gachi

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how is having sex breaking the law

>>Cheats on his hot bangin' wife over a 17-year-old girl
proof that the girl was 17?


It's the age of Zoomers, e-celeb and twitter screenshots now and the boomers can't do anything about it.

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This. Twitch streamers are video game culture and some of the largest names in the industry.

He has a pedostache.

adults don't care that much about cheating.

17 is legal in most states, Cali cuck
Enjoy your dried up 18 year old whores.

Literally just trying to be the next etika, hopefully he also commits suicide within the next 3 monthes

>It's the age of Zoomers, e-celeb and twitter screenshots now and the boomers can't do anything about it.

Yea Forums has always attracted young teens/adults for its edge factor. I think there's only a few oldfags on here left. Most of them became normies and started families.

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14 here in austria, enjoy your old dried up whores

And? Why would his wife care as long as he keeps bringing in the money?
Do you have any idea how american women think?

Dick Masterson looking good these days

t. cuck

literally who?

That's how women all over the world think

Off yourself loser.

Why are you upset retard

of all the shit I read on here all day I actually lost to this.

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alright troops

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pretty based
Jason is a scumbag

Twitter is an echo-chamber for the left and Kotaku is that too. No one should be surprised by this.

Is this a Drdisrespect thread?

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no u, kill yourself mr. shiteating niggerfucker xD

Youre a faggot

A single toilet video has had more impact than a years worth of "opinion pieces", so it's understandable that he makes journos absolutely seethe.

I think there is a resurgence of anti-zoomerism because at this point in time Yea Forums has not yet learned how to be multigenerational. And I think zoomers are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Yea Forums is not going to be the monolithic website it once were in the last decade. Zoomers are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Yea Forums to make. They are now going into a multigenerational mode and Zoomers will be resented because of their leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Yea Forums will not survive.


Reminder in a few years from now 90% of the threads on Yea Forums will be e-celeb and drama stuff, mods have already approved of e-celeb threads.

>opens bottle of soi
>laugh track

what happened? what did the jews do to him?


>Yea Forums will die

Good. Rather it die and release us than be locked in with the cancer forever

What the fuck are you on about?
Cheating on your wife isn't illegal.
Unless you're in Saudi Arabia.
Show flag mudslime.

get it pumped lad

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Filming a public bathroom, you braindead zoom-zooms.

Based dickhead


I'm an oldfag, we're all still here.
The meme is real, it isn't a joke. You're here forever...
>You can post here any time you like, but you can never leave.


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you realize that's just a pretext to frame people that don't adhere to puritan standards, don't you?

is that the wife or the girlfriend

>cheating on his wife
most people here don't have a wife or gf they could cheat on

>think dr disrespect is an act
>cheats on wife
>figure his wife will never let him stream or play video games again
>instead his wife forgives him and he gets his wife to join his streams
dr disrepect is alpha as fuck and a true role model for all boys

i agree with this guy

>Even though I think e-celebs are shit I've watched enough to have the general knowledge to know which ones I like and which to avoid. But I really hate them.

I'm guessing he wrote a hitpiece on him or something because this douchenozzle caring about journalism otherwise is the last thing I'd expect from him.

>tfw can't read 4th dimensional english like this post
why even live

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