BG2 is my favorite game of all time. I try to replay it at least once per year. I'm worried about BG3.
BG2 is my favorite game of all time. I try to replay it at least once per year. I'm worried about BG3
It's one of my favourites too. Not only I worry that the setting will have changed so much that I don't recognize it anymore (5e is like another game compared to AD&D), but I also worry about the more standard of things, like characters, engaging villains, party banter, side quests.
Larian make fun games to play, but nothing manages to sticks. I can't even remember what was the name of DivOs' final boss, while I can still recall most of Irenicus' lines, thanks to David Warner's stellar performance.
Hell, even Sarevok felt threatening, low level D&D was no joke and his assassins could fuck you over if unprepared.
I'm just worried.
You will suffer, you will ALL SUFFER
I didn't play it back in its era, tried playing the enhanced version recently and I just couldn't get into it. It's too dated.
Loving pathfinder kingmaker right now.
Also one of my favourites, along with Fallout 2. I'm not worried, though I am curious about how Larian are going to approach it. I guess the only thing that really concerns me is talk of returning characters - since the game takes place hundreds of years after the events of the Bhaalspawn saga, who could realistically pop up again? The elves, I guess? Any conveniently-petrified-but-never-destroyed-or-eroded-or-unpetrified-over-a-long-time-frame characters?
Aerie and the elf city queen are elves, Viconia as well if you ignore her ending. Edwin is a mage, so maybe. Haer'dalis travels to weird planes, you could easily justify time shenanigans. Jan and Korgan aren't humans, I don't know how long their races live. The drow guy who helps you as well.
In short, except for human martials every character can be alive
While nostalgia sells I don't think we'll see any of the previous characters. Maybe a cameo, or mention, I feel they want to distance themselves from the Bhaalspawn saga
i honestly didn't liked divinity 2 so i'm scared about those devs fucking up bg3 one way or another,
i fucking love both bg games and i surely ain't putting any hopes until i see the game release
If Larian includes turn based, it'll be alright.
it's really not, i'd say it's aged incredibly well honestly
sounds like you just have shit taste
So, is it just me or is an evil play through complete bullshit in BG1?
Not only do you miss out on plenty of content, but eventually you just keep getting flaming fisted.
It is, and that's unfortunate. BG2 is way more lax about letting you be a dick.
Either bait or you're a zoomer. Turn based combat doesn't belong into crpgs.
Sounds like you're gay
>Turn based combat doesn't belong into crpgs.
Says who?
I have more trust in Larian than most. I just want to import a save from bg2 and no larian humor. Rtwp or turn based is fine, pathfinder mod shows it can be done. Modability ala NWN is important
I'm sure larian knows the tone of the series and wont fuck it up. I think its in good hands.
If you didn’t like D:OS2 that’s fine, but it wasn’t fucked up aside from content in the last act
fuck off, it fits perfectly fine.
Why, does BG3 existing make BG2 vanish from existence?
All crpgs are turn based in the end, because dice rolls are processed in order.
Video games aren’t movies retard. Games are played for GAMEPLAY. And BG2 is dated. If you want a good narrative there’s a million books out there that have infinitely better stories than the best video game.
>I just want to import a save from bg2
Won't happen. You can't import to BG3 for the same reason you were never able to import into NWN - AD&D 2E is too different of a system from 3E and 5E.
I'm pretty sure they won't let you import your save. You'd start at Lv 20, which no edition of D&D is very well equipped to handle. And they're going to base the game on 5E instead of 2nd edition, so they wouldn't be able to straight up import your character anyway.
I'd expect a standalone story, many years after ToB, with a brand new level 1 character.
BG3 will be hot garbage. The story finished on a very strong note and needs no sequel. If they had any intention of creating a good game as opposed to leeching off of nostalgia for profits they'd create a new intellectual property and use one of the DnD editions to base their gameplay and balance around. They aren't going this because finding talented writers would require actual effort.
You trust Larian?
Sure, D:OS was an alright game with some interesting gameplay mechanics and a little bit of innovation but D:OS2 is a trainwreck. No one can even agree about how good/bad it is but it's full of gimmick humor, sub par writing, a tired repetition of the first games story that doesn't go anywhere(especially since the first game ended strongly and also did not need a direct sequel) and taking all of their innovation and new mechanics and fucking them up royally with an armor system no one asked for.
It's like you never played Lionheart.
It was very fucked up. They took the most memey bullshit from one and dialed it up to 11 and then murdered their combat system with the garbage armor system. The RPG mechanics are even more shallow in 2 than in 1 as it boils down to "everyone can be anyone". They also don't understand what makes high fantasy interesting and a lot of their concepts and ideas are meme shit thats been explored countless times by far more competent writers.
It's like PoE all over again.
Everything a computer does which isn't truly multithreaded is turn based.
>a tired repetition of the first games story
Nigger how the fuck is the story in DOS2 anything like DOS1?
>and fucking them up royally with an armor system no one asked for.
I did. OS1 broke in zero seconds flat so long as you realized that you should spam crowd control as fast as possible so enemies never get to fight back.
This, combat sucked in BG
Nobody played BG2 for narrative, it's story was never anything special. It's gameplay is still better than most cRPGs that came after, you're just too zoom to get into it.
>It's gameplay is still better than most cRPGs
It flatly isn't, RTWP is inherently flawed.
In an age of Fallout 4, Battlefield V, and Fortnite being the norm, you get a masterpiece like DOS2 and still shit on it. You dumb niggers deserve to play bad games for eternity.
First world fucking problems where you have so much free time that you can replay a long game like this every year and yet you're worried about the next one. Just fucking play what you have, you should have plenty to do with your life.
Post you're BG1 parties, so others can r8&h8.
Good party
Baalspawn - Kensai
Neera (Fight me EE haters)
Evil party
Baalspawn - Bounty Hunter
>Source is bad mkay
OS2 is a cakewalk my dude. The only difference is the name of the game is now positioning instead of CC.
Why Xan in an evil party?
>Source is bad mkay
But... source ISN'T bad in OS1?
Because I grew up with torment, ToEE, Bg, IWD, Deus Ex and play DnD faggot child. OS2 is milquetoast bullshit and the more you praise it the more developers will miss the mark.
Nigger people played IWD for the gameplay because it was BG on steroids and sharpened to near perfection.
BG2 was mostly story and some cool locations.
Is it free? Also is there any reason to play BG1 before BG2?
>Evil sourcerer king
>first antagonist is an evil sourcere
>source is necromancy
What game did you play?
>Skyrim gets normie praise
>OS2 gets shit on despite having higher standards
Skyrim 2 gets made as a result
Well done retard
I figured he wouldn't give a fuck, because everything we do is futile in the end.
>I didn't get past act 1: the post
You literally have a chat with Icara about why source isn't inherently bad. Also DOS2 completely remakes the lore of the entire Divinity series anyway, shit's practically a soft reboot.
>Is it free?
It's free on goodolddownloads.
>Also is there any reason to play BG1 before BG2?
BG1 is more fun.
i really hate the meme that suddenly popped up after OS released that RTWP is bad
BG and IWD are strictly worse than DOS though.
Does choosing the evil options for quests really send infinite flaming fists on your ass eventually or are you just murdering people willy nilly?
RTWP was always bad from the get go.
Is DOS1 in any way connected to DOS2? Or are they that far apart?
>t. didn't Temple of Elemental Evil or Fallout
BG 3 is being held by a company that forces comedy on every single fucking game they created since the old days
Baldur's Gate is ruined
I have zero hopes for it
DOS1 happens thousands of years before.
keep saying it, osbabby
I want to play this, Could a spear wielding ranger work well? What kit would I want to use? It's either that or a tank with a bastard sword and shield.
Nope too far apart
Divinity lore is comepletly retarded dont play for that
just play for the in game lore and treat them all speratley
fug off user
from what little they have said the combat will be a bagillion times better than anything out right now
Go on a wiki and read dumb dumb
The game is beatable with whatever you want to play, still, a spear is not a good weapon choice for a ranger, the Stalker can't use it to backstab, the Archer uses bows mainly and the Beastmaster can't even use it
Only noteworthy unmodded ranger kits are archer and stalker, archer is obvious and stalker doesn't work well with spears since you can't backstab with them
>just got into dnd a while ago, hooked
>currently enjoying DoS2
>hear BG3 being made by same devs
grow up
also, the only good combat for D&D game is Temple of Elemental Evil. With the perfect translation of the 3ed for turn based combat
I absolutely doubt they will nail even this with their ridiculous kink for stupid enviroment hazards
are you fucking retarded? BG/RTwP is the zoomer combat system you fucking nigger. Go play Pools of Radiance.
>Pools of Radiance
Zoomer, go play Akalabeth.
>>currently enjoying DoS2
im sorry
>enviroment hazards bad
I was going to leak some of the shit they have added but fuck it
cant wait for you to btfo'd on release
Sorry for what user?
>Shit game gets normie praise and gets remade because company is run by a greedy faggot
>OS2 gets shit on because it is a shallow meme game that doesn't understand fallout humor or early CRPG appeal.
Finished the whole game pussy. Do you know what a statistical anomaly is?
BG combat was meh at best and IWD story was shallow. BG story and lore was great and IWD combat was great.
DOS story is mediocre and predictable and its combat is shallow and broken about as easily as bg combat was broken by skull trap and stoneskin.
If they used IWD combat system, expanded options and character creation to full autismo DnD and got a writer who could produce something a kin to torment or fallout 1+2 then we'd be cooking with fire.
>BG1 is more fun
I disagree
there is a lot more side content in 2 and I really like the aspect of the housing you can get and maintain. If you rush thru then you miss out on some of the interesting hideouts you can receive, unless you are a paladin or priest type as they get jipped out on them due to their tithing ethos.
it is an objectively inferior game to the first. especially the combat, holy fuck. I've never seen a single system kill the combat as hard as armor kills DivOS2 combat.
shut up poo poo head
You lose reputation via certain quests, and when you hit a certain threshold you get the fist.
It's pretty much mandatory to take a few token good guy quests to even it out.
You are a faggot. BG1 is hot garbage. If it wasn't for BG2+ToB it would be dead in the water.
Eh, I'll just go with a tank then and keep it simple. Maybe one with a spear and shield instead of a bastard sword.
>wanting to go back to the old
>spam cc and magic
>tactic until they die
Armor was an improvement any one who says otherwise is a tranny
spear is two handed
>Do you know what a statistical anomaly is?
Your birth condition xD
>IWD combat was great
Literally a corridor RTWP trashfest, holy shit NOPE.
There are no one handed spears in bg. Also if you want a front line fighter with nature aspect you might want to play a fighter/druid multi instead
Lionheart was kino
What is the best spear of Jaheira in ToB?
Spectral Brand + Belm just doesn't do enough dmg now
Thinking of Ixil's spike or Staff of Ram
I can change her proficiencies with Keeper
Also I'm dual wielding Purifier + Foebane
pretty badass
I never played the first game user, I picked up this game and enjoyed it but I disagree that it kills combat. I've personally found it rewarding when fighting to focus down a single target, remove their defense, cc them, and practically remove them from the fight for a while. I heard in the orginal you could spam cc on enemies and they couldn't do much but I'm sure your criticism has some justification because you played the first one so it must be a different experience to the sequel.
yes, spending the first 2 rounds of combat wittling down armor instead is an amazingly entertaining system.
DivOS1 could have been fixed without that absolutely retarded system. Literally every other RPG does it.
I'm just glad Swen already admitted it was a fucking mistake and a total travesty and they're getting rid of it.
Wow, I totally didn't see that you'd resort to those 200IQ insults. Yes, my birth was a statistical anomaly because a god being born is a rare occurence.
Get lost kid. This is not the game genre for you.
Depending on your other fighters you can use club of detonation
It's just a flat reputation check? What a shitty system, I bet someone modded that crap.
Nah the random fireballs are annoying as fuck
is there a mod to disable it?
>says the first game is about source being bad
>gets called out about how it literally isn't the case and it's explained once you get past the first act
>n-no I did make it past the first act I swear
Yep statistical anomaly alright kek.
It was pretty dope.
Armor is a garbage system. It's literally padding for a broken combat system that they are too lazy to rebalance or replace.
It's numbers on top of numbers because creativity is difficult and they are the kind of morons that think combat doesn't matter in a CRPG because muh story, and then write a mediocre and predictable story of tried and tested tropes.
dont at me with your shit opinions tranny
dial 8
I doubt that, that's like the main feature of the weapon
>OS2 doesn’t understand fallout humor
>Needs good writing like fallout 2
>fallout 2, the literally pop culture meme game of the 90’s
Aaaaaand into the trash your opinion goes. Kobe!
>says the first game is about source being bad
Quote me please.
>Gets called out...
Funny how you never addressed the evil sourcerer king or antagonist and how source is presented to you as evil and corrupting from the get go to the end of the game, a theme that is reinforced in the sequel.
>200IQ quips because I have no argument
Post birth certificate.
>lol guys dos isnt trying to be the pop culture(read: internet culture) meme game I swear.
The only cringier shit is in borderlands faggot.
>Quote me please.
>Source is bad mkay
>source is presented to you as evil and corrupting from the get go to the end of the game
Talk to Icara you fractal nigger.
>Talk to the one person that disagrees with everything else and all the other evidence in the game
> I think presented as evil means the same thing as it is evil
Get an education, post birth certificate.
>BG1 combat consisted of spamming summon wands around the final boss so hes too busy to attack you and you finish him off at range
>BG2 combat renders this useless as casters are smart enough to cast spells that destroy basic summons at first notice
>doesn’t defend his claim that fallout 2 had good writing
Based retard
>Talk to the one person that disagrees with everything else and all the other evidence in the game
Her story and her sisters' is LITERALLY the central point of the plot and is an overall explanation of how source wasn't to blame for what happened, it was a series of unjust events that made Leandra butthurt and lead to her making choices that cause the shitstorm in the game, source itself had nothing to do with it in the end.
I never said fallout 2 had good writing. I said DOS was trying to copy the humor from the game in the worst way possible because it doesn't understand what made it palatable at the time.
Post birth certificate.
To be fair, roleplaying "evil" protagonists is kinda lame regardless.
Just play Age of Decadence, you can combo spear and shield to be tanky and push away nerds who rush you.
Nigger even the game tells you that the sisters were unique among sourcerers for using their powers for healing/good as opposed to amassing power and other fuckery.
It is one of the most spent tropes of fantasy. Here is this mysterious source/arcana/force power that not everyone has access to and gives you amazing powers and most people use it for evil and it seems to be corrupting because that is the nature of man/sith/wizards/sourcerers and the evil people seem to be stronger but lo there is this order of jedi/monks/white wizards who show that it is not inherently evil so lo what a gray area.
You think this is good writing and praiseworthy as opposed to a tired and predictable trope.
Read a book, get an education. Post birth certificate.
Summons are fucking OP
I literally defeated Demogorgon by summoning a couple of Deva's, Clay Golum and a couple of Fire elemntals.
Then I used Imoen and Aerie to spam him with Breach, Pierce Shield and khelben's warding whip on him and he died in the 20 seconds.
My summons were too busy with his two summons which are technically immortal unless you use Breach on them that didnt matter since they were taken down easily after he died.
>You think this is good writing
Now where did I say that? The point is, you are a (double) nigger and your "source bad" point is retarded, because the game doesn't ultimately imply that.
youre not supposed to have more than one deva you cheesing cunt. and vanilla demogorgon has been nerfed to the ground because of braindead playtesters, oversight recovers him to his original form.
>game outright tells you that the witch sister where a rarity because they used the source for healing and good
>evil sourcerer king
>evil sourcerer antagonists
>your characters are called source hunters because use of source is considered to be inherently corrupting and evil
>even after you defeat the big bad and the source can go back to being the benevolent force it was supposed to be it is used largely for fuckery
>this leads to a cult like faction that suppresses people that possess this power and most people dgaf if they are all shipped to an island concentration camp
>second series also opens with a ridiculously power evil female sourcerer
Read. A. Book.
Set 7 spike traps on that area before the bossfight and he dies instantly. No need to bother with all that gay shit
>using spear specialization in bg2
>using daggers, mace, Morningstar, shortsword, throwing axe, sling specialization
>using sun sword
>using sorcery
>skipping water areas in bg2
>not playing on core or harder in bg2
>using maze or imprison to break the game
>rolling thousands of times for the perfect starting 18/00
>being anything but a monk
>being a lawful good paladin just so you can use one weapon much later in the game that breaks the game
>using human skin as armor
>being a thief who uses traps and then realizing you can't place them in combat
>romancing a drow, the enemy of overworld
>buying the spell casting permission license
>killing horses
>having imoenant, Jahbeera, Minge, or any bard in your party
> spell license
Look, a faggot that gets it.
Best evil party for BG2?
Does the SCS mod address this in BG1?
Edwin for sure as he gets such a nice bonus with his exclusive necklace.
Not like you have much choice
I think the mods do yes
Why are Drow armors so OP?
Why can't normal elves and hoomans make armors like that?
I love BG2 but ToB should have been a full fledged BG3
so much wasted potential
I mean it was still great but ToB felt rushed.
Why worried? Take it as Siege of Dragonspear. A game made by other people trying to use BG name for denigration purposes.
Why does the RTWP combat seem to be better here than it did in Pillars of Eternity? It seems like I just know more of what is going on? Its not near as chaotic to me.
I loved PoE but the combat could definitely have some wonky shit going on. I feel like RTWP has a lot of potential but I can't pin down what needs improvement to make it better than turn based for how tactical it can be.
based on how they crumble when you leave, I would say it is simply some sort of woven magic that gives them their strength that loses effect outside of underground areas, either to prevent enemies from getting their gear and using it, or it needs to be near their worshipping locations to maintain the effect.
Don’t be. Lauren and possibly Avalore are making it. No beamdog meddling.
Will they add psionics in BG3? When can I play my edgy OC donut soulknife?
God Kavanaugh memes were the best. What a fucking disgrace that whole circus was.
Is BG3 just gonna be about Illithids?
that sounds boring as fuck desu
Minsc might return, preferably as an unjoinable NPC like Drizzt. In a new baldur's gate comic, he was supposedly petrified and is cured then joins a new adventuring party hundreds of years later.
Crashing the twisted rune party is always damn satisfying.
Cool, watching a long ass playthrough of BG1 and onwards where he has a bunch of mods installed so now I can be a little excited for the finale. Not that I suspect there will be any issues with the hoarding and absolute knowledge this guy has so far.
It was a witch hunt in every sense. Zero evidence against him. Just an accusation. Suddenly even more bogus accusations.
This guy's character and livelihood were all going to be destroyed in the court of public opinion all because he fits he is associated with Trump and fits the current symbol we are all allowed to hate.
And yet he fought back.
Setting traps knowing theres going to be a fight is cheating.
>Thief playing dirty
That sounds incredibly contrived, i hope the new game has nothing to do with whatever that is
I'm playing BG1, it's kinda boring. The writing and quests are mostly shit. I have currently arrived at Baldurs Gate. How long till the end?
Or Fighter/Kensai
>>being a thief who uses traps and then realizing you can't place them in combat
Can't you stealth and place them before a lot of fights by not initiating the conversation until the traps are placed?
berserker: immune to a lot of shit during enrage
wizard slayer: game has tons of casters so you chunk 80% of the game with your attacks
Kensai: Very broken, most damage in the game
Paladin (undead hunter or Inquisitor): Access most broken weapon in the game with either immune to level drain (fuck yea) or infinite dispel magic
Wizard (wild magic) It looks difficult to use but their self buffs push your casting into the "good" results more often than not. Also raining cows and double effects. Sometimes multiple rolls of this.
could be good due to getting ability to use any item/weapon/gear much later but feels like underdog until you reach that point. Also high maintenance in fights.
just skip to bg2
play bg1 eventually as a prequel if you fall in love with 2
>Literally every other RPG does it.
By making everything virtually immune to it or watering crowd control down to the point where it's a soft debuff at best. The games that don't do this have it take over the entire fucking game - look at ToEE and KotC. OS2 is one of the only RPGs I've played where CC is strong but isn't the centerpiece of combat despite not being fought with immunity every step of the way.
Sorcerer when you know what to do.
If not kensai/mage
game gets a bit better after you continue past baldurs gate and then leave it. Quite a while before end.
this may work early on but eventually casters and some clerics end up having true seeing effects up so you usually can't stealth easily in the area.
Wait for BG3. Also, you can try Fallout 4 if you want something similar.
>anything remotely comedic is forcing comedy
Your autism doesn't understand comedic relief is common in dramas
I see this everywhere on here and don't get it. Why is it flawed? I actually prefer it to turned based.
release date for bg3? hoping for a great game, expecting mediocrity
i usually play bg1 or 2 once a year, often both, love the games
>complaint about writing
>recommends Fallout 4
You really didn't think this shitpost through, did you?
i have the same feeling, but im still hoping for something more than just a mention.
i would love to see someone like minsc/jan jansen show up but honestly, i don't really think anyone but haer'dalis being a realistic
>wizard slayer: game has tons of casters so you chunk 80% of the game with your attacks
Is this just for 2 or is there a lot in 1 as well?
? That's the kind of game his kind enjoys.
wizard slayers aren't in bg1 and most of the more difficult enemies in bg1 are casters, except 3 that i can think of from the top of my head.
wizards are not as common but twice as deadly in bg1 because everyones hp is much lower, meaning wizards are very dangerous.
>his kind
I'm the original poster. I just forgot to mention the shitty looking backgrounds, especially in comparison to Icewind Dale and Planescape Torment and the non-existent companions. I might as well just create them myself from scratch. Baldurs gate is not a very good game so far. I hope the second one is better.
Minsc voice actor got Me Too'd by his ex.
I'd bet it will be Dragon Age style combat with multiplayer. RTWP and more emphasis put on using the environment and objects in combat.
Just like in real life.
Did the BG3 announcement kill the MY WIFE guy? I haven't seen his posts in a little bit but I'm willing to accept that I've just been on at the wrong times
Mind flayers are a thing so I would say yes
We don't know but please don't summon him
fuck mindflayers though, god i hated those fuckers
my wife
my wife
my wife
I hope it will be turn based. I heard 5th edition was dumbed down a lot so I'm concerned it will be too simplistic though.
didn't that website die months ago?
he's probably busy playing that pathfinder game he recommended to me, I installed it but I haven't started yet
the more your characters can do the worse rtwp is. it seems better in bg because half your party is likely to be martial characters who have no abilities. in pillars every class has abilities you are meant to be using every turn so you either have to pause every 6 seconds or just set it on auto and hope it works out.
>Games are played for GAMEPLAY. And BG2 is dated.
Try posting some actual criticism instead of just hiding behind calling it dated.
You will be outed for the no-taste-having shitter you are that should go back to playing Waifublade Chronicles or Witcher 3 or whatever dumbed-down shit you prefer to play and call modern.
General rpg thread?
General rpg thread.
I've just started my second playthrough of pillars of eternity 2 the other day and I must say HOLY ACTUAL FUCK what the fuck happened to the PotD difficulty?
PotD now compared to release is nothing short of utterly absurd.
this shit brutal
It's because PoE:s mechanics are trash. Too many active abilities, too much pausing. Being able to move in real time isn't even worth shit because there's no point to it since movement is punished hard by the game.
Meanwhile, in BG/Kingmaker, spellcasting and active abilities are used sparingly and you want to go several rounds without activing an active ability. In that case, just being able to watch the rounds play out makes for a better game feel.
>Why does the RTWP combat seem to be better here than it did in Pillars of Eternity?
In Baldur's Gate, the RTwP system was designed to fix specific problems adapting the AD&D 2e rules to a computer game. RTwP solves the "repetitive turns" issue from AD&D and allowed the combat and exploration systems to be seamlessly integrated (something that had not been done well before in a turn-based RPG). A side effect of this is that some people find some additional challenge with the real-time aspect and turn elements off for extra challenge.
A game better designed around turns and designed as a videogame from the ground up rather than being an adaptation of tabletop game shouldn't need to use RTwP.
>finally got a 2080
>first game im playing on it is just replaying bg2
iktf OP
>I didn't like the only good RPG released this decade
>have 2070
>play old jrpgs, CRPGs, Visual Novels and gsg instead
where did it all go right
I use Crom Faeyr on Viconia
its pretty good with Sentinel +4
she becomes a decent tank
but shouldn't he get summoned by saying his name 3 times?
I hope we get lots of Drows in the gamge
God I love drows
I would fuck Viconia so hard
Comparing turn based game to an action game like the Witcher. How tiny is your brain?
Go play chess if you truly want to be mentally challenged, only faggots try to play games that are watered down board games.
>still no actual criticism of Baldur's Gate
Bhaal exists in 5E, if there's no meaningful connection to the series worth calling it BG3 I'm not going to bother. It's really hard not to expect this to be a cash grab.
So I kicked him in the head until he was DEAD!
I always do that with her as well, she rocks the human flesh armor also
I still like the idea of a Dragons dogma style pawn system for a crpg. Where you get limited ability to set AI of party members but can teach them how to play your way. And fully control only half the party.
>play a crazy murdering psycho
I want to get into this game, but I can't force myself to play through the first level. Tell me it gets better.
It's kind of old. I've had friends check it out and just not make it over the hump of getting used to it. I personally played it on release, maybe that's the only reason I enjoy it.
To answer your question, yes it does get better, but might still not necessarily be for you.
Reminder that waifufags are cancer and companion banter and romance is lame.
Boring combat.
once you get through the starting dungeon things really open up. Stick with it until then and if you still can't get into it drop it without beating yourself up too much.
Which returning characters will you recruit for your BG3 party?
I like being a magic user in this game. Sorcerer was really satisfying. Wizard was alright in pillars of eternity too. Underrail had good psion stuff.
Fuck. CRPGs feel right with magic in general I suppose.
Just wait until you fight megabosses.
>enter thread to see news of beamdog bankrupcy
>nothing, not even the pasta guy
>in their forum the only relevant news is the imply idea that the next minimal, as always, patch will be the last one for EE
what the fuck does this mean
just because they won't answer makes it sound like it's gonna be some dragon age origins type of camera
I wouldn't, of course, count on it or anything but why hide the answer
Third person behind shoulder/back. Like any action rpg.
They've been cryptic as fuck in every single interview since the official announcement
At first I thought they were keeping their cards close because E3 was a week away, but since then we've barely learned anything at all. Either they're still in the early production stages or some retard in their PR department thought it'd be a great idea to not say anything at all to keep the hype and discussions going
Doesn't have to be concerning Bhaal again, Baldur's Gate is a large city-state, a lot of things can happen there.
they are probably deciding the target audience for it and how to deal when isometricfags complain about it
It's drow in plural too, user.
"She's a drow."
"The drow don't tickle, "
>library quest
>find a book talking about the deeds of legendary charname in BG
>they talk about his romance (of course charname was male, go fuck yourself gaider)
>it's pick related
BG2 plays almost exactly the same as Kingmaker, in fact, I would argue that infinity engine games are LESS clunky than their modern clones, PoE in particular, where character models are even more prone to sliding around and getting stuck.
Pristine opinion
Sorry about the brainlets replying to you
Original Sin 2 started off pretty good, but after the first act it became a chore to play. Took over a year for my friend and me to co-op beat it, not because of scheduling issues or anything, just because we never really had the desire. It was one of those games where we'd be like, "Ugh, let's try to beat it."
BG2 meanwhile, I feel gets better as it progresses. The intro dungeon is a hassle but when you escape it becomes amazing, and it just keeps getting better the more you play.
That's what concerns me about Larian; they make a strong foundation for a game, but then it grows stale and uninteresting pretty quick. Oh, and they're fucking horrible writers.
Beamdog is galty of a nember of cromes
Nigga the canon charname is some old virgin who gets killed by the teleporting bhaalspawn from ToB, which then releases Bhaal.
D&D lore fucking died with 2nd edition.
Each to their own
I find the most of BG2's chapter 2 quests to be boring as hell