>here's your Mortal Kombat dev bro
Here's your Mortal Kombat dev bro
Other urls found in this thread:
Okay, steve.
>trannies confirmed being corpses mentally & spiritual dead
So how much longer until Yea Forums starts defending people trying to get rid of violent video games because they're too problematic? This board already defends every sjw bullshit that shows up in games now, so I suppose it's only a matter of time.
resetera invaders are not real Yea Forums
Fuck off Steve.
I'd say that degenerate likes being brownbacked
friendly reminder that you are man...STEVE
I don't understand...
I have no problem calling him Stephanie. Just don't expect me to call him a woman.
oh something's dead all right
>Be mentally unsound
>I'm a woMAN dammit!
>Call me by my chosen name and not the name that my parent's chose at birth
>Be a biological abomination by the age of 35 if not younger
This is why God refuses to talk with us.
Trans people abandon their old name after they pick their new one so that they can forget they were ever normal, acceptable members of the human race.
Friendly reminder that nobody gives a fuck Stevey.
He’ll never pass.
>Stevefaggots are literally trannies
Oh shit they actually have a tranny on the dev team? No wonder the women turned all ugly and plain. Guess you tards can't call it a boogeyman anymore
But why do they want to forbid others from using the name? That makes even less sense then the usual shit you hear from them.
>when you hate men so much that you stop being one
why would you even call it a 'deadname", seems kind of harsh and has some disturbing connotations. Seems designed to make someone upset
they don't like being reminded that normal people don't really see them as their preferred gender
no, he just couldn't find a girlfriend, so he decided to become one for himself
it's his real name, he's a dude
no mental gymnastic will change that
That's how forgetting works, user. You don't forget something if people keep mentioning it.
>changes his first name
>not his second name
Stephanie's going to be a deadname too once you 40%
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Steve, is in fact, Steve/Stephanie, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Steve plus Stephanie.
what the heck is a deadname?
What the fuck happened to 16bit lmao. 5 years ago he was this mildly amusing angry fat guy. And to think that all this time he wanted to become some dumb blondie.
The same reason bubba prefers William.
Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with trannies?
I'm just saying that if they had called it 'old name' or 'defunct name' or something there would be less to get hysterical about. Calling it 'deadname', including the word 'dead' in there seems to me like it was designed on purpose so they have something to hyperventilate about.
Imagine how his parents must feel. Maybe they named him after a loved one or someone they admire and then this faggot does this. Although having your son be a degenerate genetic dead end must be worse than him changin his name.
Because they're trying to ruin vidya
Too bad that resetera invaders are most of the population of this board
Did he call it a ‘deadname’ in remembrance of the fact that he’ll most likely be committing suicide soon? Do they list this ‘deadname’ on the headstone?
Oh god Oh GOD I'm shaking, I'm crying right now I'm so FUCKING UPSET I'm sorry but I have to tell the truth: the toxicity in this thread is just too much, it's TOO FUCKING MUCH.
FUCK transphobia, FUCK you sick assholes, do you understand what trans people go through every single day? GO TO HELL!
wow, based. guess i have to buy MK11 now!
calling a tranny by their birthname
Here's the Mortal Kombat 12 roster.
What do you think guys?
So they don’t think people are binary or have a fixed gender but think something as arbitrary as a name does such that they reassign their names to something “”””feminine””””???
At least he kept things in sync, unlike a certain James fellow
>MK11 is a success
I'll save a seat for you
Help me understand this moon logic. If a guy makes something or was part of something before becoming a tranny, is it not allowed to say what they were called or who they were at the time? Like when you decide you are a tranny do you retroactively become the opposite gender for all your past years regardless the fact that you weren't a tranny at the time?
who cares
>Someone yesterday say faggots should be eradicated and 30 people celebrated his post
This place is as toxic and problematic as ever
Did i miss something, whats the story on the brady bunch on the right
Steve sounds like a dumb faggot. Maybe he can stick his game up his ass.
I think its more like how black people back in the day gave up their slave name and went for like bill or something to get away from their past in every way possible
Read Kotaku and the like for a while and you'll understand how "toxic" they are for the gaming industry.
Those are antifags without their fag masks hiding their identity.
A genetic dead end is not neccessarily a bad thing - I for one would be proud if there's robots in the future and my future child chooses to have an android waifu/husbando instead of playing the fleshy bits game with others.
transpeople are trash though. deadname them do death, I say
>Mentally ill people
This joke doesn't get enough love
Shitload of arrested (development) antifa members from last year or year before that.
Steve is such a funny guy
shoo get out of here /g/awker!
>"transgenderism" isn't a mental illness
>kills xerself because of a wrong name
I wish Steve/Stephanie did his job as QA analyst and fixed the damn game instead of being a tranny faggot
How do you release a game with a quarter of characters having glaring hitbox issues and don't do shit about it 3 months later
Is there anything more sad than the internalized misandry we see transies display
Shut up Steve.
no wonder the women designs went to dogshit. this pathetic fuck can't pass as a women so he wants all the women in the game to not pass either. fuck him and fuck everyone who allowed this shit to happen
I see Steve is playing the long con to prank his work buddies. Classic Steve.
Nah, I'm pretty sure it's just Steve.
>the only reason trans people kill themselves so much is because everyone is mean to them! i-it's not an illness!
Yes, obviously, because 40% blacks and queers definitely neck themselves in light of all the bullshit they deal with.
Stephanie/Steve is right. Also
When will this meme die????
Has anybody researtched why transgenderism seems to be so rampant among men, specifically?
Like seriously I cant right now remember a significant female-male trans person. They certainly arent prominent on twitter and making scenes every damn second. It seems to focuses in on men.
I have several theories as to why that is but its mostly just speculation, there really needs to be legitimate study into this. There will probably never be one, because the second it started these fucking losers would start screeching about how its insensitive to "Research who they are" or some other buzzphrase shit.
brownback is such a fudge packer last name
it's an allusion to "birthname". they are implying they have reborn as something different and the prior person has "died" hence deadname. really schizo shit,
user if you honestly believe that you might as well get that tinfoil hat ready
he made sure all the chicks were ugly, flat, and covered up. his job is done. enjoy your shit game faggot
Its funny because trans actually hate ftm due to the fact that they transition light years better than they do
This will happen by MK13-14, you'll see.
>be a dev
>browse on your game subreddit
>see someone still called you "Steve"
>what do?
>take advices on how improve your shitty game? Fuck no! Go bitch on Twitter because someone used your "dead name" or wathever that means
If I had to wager a guess, it's a response to our socioeconomic climate. Men are more openly treated like shit than ever and living is expensive as fuck. They see women getting treated so much better and getting free rides and opt for trying to become one to reap those benefits.
On a more emotional level though, women are also loved and get attention just for being women, which is another major reason mentally ill/depressed people transition; for the recognition and attention.
It's pretty sad really.
I'm literally GNU plus shaking right now
Steve from transcraft confirmed for smash. OH NONONONO
>Call a boyish girl a boy.
>"I'm a girl, you jackass."
>Call a tranny a boy.
>Tranny demands you get sent to prison for life.
>do you understand what trans people go through every single day?
Yes, very sad.
v doesn't matter - only twitter mob - when it comes to influencing industry
This. Trans women don't live their lives as women, so they don't see all the bullshit women put up with. They just see the good shit and think, fuck, I want that in my life. So they transition, expecting to have their cake and eat it too.
Basically the only validation they get, as of now, is just from other mtf trans. Pretty stark fucking difference between that and the validation that biological women, which is to say, getting validated by anything that has a pulse assuming you take care of your body.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Steve, is in fact, Steve/Stephanie, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Steve plus Stephanie. Stephanie is not an organism unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning Steve organism made useful by the Steve cocklibs, skin utilities and vital system components comprising a full organism as defined by POZZIX. Many societies run a modified version of the Steve system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Steve which is widely used today is often called “Stephanie”, and many of its bug chasers are not aware that it is basically the Steve system, developed by the Steve Project. There really is a Stephanie, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the organism they use. Stephanie is the keknel: the false personality in the system that allocates the organism’s resources to the bugged programs that society suffers. The keknel is an essential part of an organism, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete organism. Stephanie is normally used in combination with the Steve organism: the whole system is basically Steve with Stephanie added, or Steve/Stephanie. All the so-called “Stephanie” pozzibutions are really pozzibution of Steve/Stephanie.
So Steve is the reason the game is shitty huh.
Because they are not hot like the asian ladyboys in porn videos
what the hell are you talking about
Trannies literally ruin video games.
There's nothing hard about being a woman, you literally get handed everything. These freaks aren't women, but they're a similarly protected class that nobody wants to fuck.
YouTube tranny thots
>There's nothing hard about being a woman, you literally get handed everything.
t. soon to be tranny.
The grass is greener, retard. Women only lead easy lives if they're hot and live in a first world country. Guess how many ugly and/or poor women there are in the world?
This is basically my theory on it as well, and I think its kind of an obvious correlation. Im no stranger to depression I feel like dogshit most every day so I can understand the appeal they see, but they seem to lack the logic to think such a poor decision through. And they expect society to form around them and pat them on the back. They are failures and instead of trying to change THAT, they try to become someone else and consider that an accomplishment? Its really sick.
>t. soon to be tranny.
Steves a glorified QA tester at best.
someone post the WOO RESETERA BAYBAY paste pls, thanks.
Shouldn't Stephanie be the dead name?
fucking freaks
Formerly Steve
Aw, lookit, you even have pictures of them saved on your hard drive to remind yourself of how great your future as a """woman""" will be.
>Yea Forums defends this garbage to own the /pol/ bullies
I mean have you seen the quality threads?
Steve or Stephanie, the fact it's gonna be Brownback is guaranteed.
Ugly women get held aloft by ugly, working men. Their lives are still cake. Thats why you see phenomenally more homeless men than women.
Their old identity is their biggest insecurity. It's like when someone is fat and self-conscious/ashamed about it, and other people keep bringing up their fatness in conversation.
being an ugly woman is basically closest thing woman can get to experience life as regular man
When does a ton of people transitioning via word of mouth/intervention become a cult?
Don't play by their game and rules. Just call the trannies the names and biological sex they were born with, get them so ass-blasted, their anuses get exposed, then perform your fatality. Friendship is not an option. Babality is unnecessary and redundant.
brownback is gonna turn into redback if that faggot takes even more cocks up its ass
Aye. Someone's gonna have to become part of the 40% to give the rest of the collective the moral highground from keeping the statistic alive, and i'm the right and white courageous queen who will slay herself like a hero.
Oh look, woman.
You're pretty much the lowest form of life if you sincerely think that shacking it up with some ugly retard because you aren't expected to work is better than getting a job and surviving of your own volition.
Ugly women live sad lives. They can't get ahead in life, nobody expects anything out of them other than to bear children, the children come out ugly, fail to amount to anything, and then the woman dies poor and alone.
At least a man can get along without having kids. Nobody gives a shit if a dude doesn't grow up to be a dad. A woman who doesn't grow up to be a mom is considered an evolutionary dead end.
You're going places, user
Because we've been ceaselessly told by media that we should be focused on transexuals and homosexuals and to do otherwise is to be bigoted.
That can't be fucking real
There's half a dozen on my team that I'm managing at work. They earn 70 grand apiece and not one has managed to finish their allocated work in the last six month. I can't fire them because HR will have my head so I pay my male workers who pick up the slack out of my own pocket on the sly because I can't give them overtime.
Somehow his face expression suggests that he's doing it as a joke and still can't believe people are rolling with this nonsense.
See, you have a very blind feminist view of things. Nobody but a womans parents give a fuck if she has kids or not, ugly or otherwise. You speak as if you are a woman.
Or you're trans and youre speaking very honestly from the position of a fuck ugly mess of a "woman"
Sadly we can't tell jokes from reality anymore in current year.
Damn, too bad there isn't a large pool of would-be female employees to fit that quota, otherwise HR would happily let you can those lazy idiots. It's almost like women aren't expected to lead careers, and instead are expected to just let dudes nakadashi their babyholes so they can crank out some demon hellspawn to continue the family name.
>Nobody but a womans parents give a fuck if she has kids or not, ugly or otherwise.
Not even remotely true. Extended family often care, especially in cultures where family is extremely important (i.e. hispanic or eastern asian culture). Friends often care as well, especially in the west; traditionalism is far from dead and modern women still put a lot of emphasis on having kids and raising families.
>You speak as if you are a woman.
And you are?
Millenials and zoomers are far more immature than previous generations. They act like children well into what was previously thought of as adulthood, and seem to be less adaptive to modern work environments and responsibilities. Add to this the increased rate of people with varying degrees of legitimate autism, increased rate of people with depression, and decreased quality of life due to the stressors of social media, and you have the perfect recipe for identity disorder.
One likely factor is that women transition much more gracefully into men, so if you saw one you probably wouldn't have realised from looking
Don't forget bad parenting or absent parents.
I'm so sick of this shit
>So Steve is the reason the game is shitty huh.
Not rly, there are bigger cancers.
Why is seemingly everyone becoming a fucking tranny now? ...and why is it always MTF?
What are you talking about, you dumb nigger? Yea Forums is literally /pol/'ss annoying little brother who repeats everything /pol/ says but makes himself look like an ass.
>Woman (citation needed)
>"how you boys doing tonight"
Because low t males think it's a good idea when it's not.
The increased amount of SJW threads and posts only exist because Yea Forums trolls have adapted to current social media trends. None of those posters actually believe what they're posting here, though. They post it because they know it'll get them the most (You)s. That "Resetera Bay Bay" poster is a prime example. If you pretend to be the enemy, you will get the same reaction as the real enemy. That's what the trolls want.
Yes, that is how it works (according to trannies)
Today I will remind them
It weeds out some of the genetic trash so it's not all bad, but it's jarring when a 6'5 jacked marine does it
>a 12yrOlds concept of what a hot lady is
So the dude is admitting that 12-year-olds have better taste and standards than himself? Shieeeeeeeeeet.
Yet another person turned into a tranny by Nintendo.
Why do people care so much about (You)s, though?
So it's trannies that are covering up sexy women in video games huh?
They can't handle the sight of a real woman's body even when it's fictional.
Because this little guy gives them a dopamine boost.
wait what did jon numbers do this time?
>hormones fucked him up
>literally can't enjoy sex anymore
This is why trannies actually kill themselves.
All trannies must fucking hang
eh your deadname will be literally soon enough
I'm convinced this man lost a pretty hefty bet at work and is too far in to turn back
>you decide your own name and the government goes with it
what is this ignorant shit?
Nintendo did, Stevefag turnedinto a tranny upon the relalization that Steve, yes, the Steve from Minecraft, will not be in Super Smash Bros.
I always look forward to that one, look at how he has to claim he's a woman
As someone who has baited for (You)s in the past, egging someone on into an angry response is incredibly rewarding and entertaining. It's like gif related. When they give you attention, you feel a rush.
Maybe I'm just weird, but I never gave a shit about it.
But, you have no idea who it is, so why does it matter? Not only that, but those people could be trolling you as well.
No one is stopping you from leaving fag
>Can't enjoy sex
>Got raped by bald trucker man and has std rumors everywhere
>Mini dick
Being James must suck
>FINISH ù̴̪̪̙͍̠̼n̴̢̫̰̠̭̐̽͊̃̚̕p̴̧̡͚̯̦̬͔͕͌̓͜r̷̛̩̎̃͗̂̍̂͝͠ơ̴̢̘̤̮͎̗̜̖͊ṇ̴̺͎̮̳̬͑̀̄̈́͝o̸̢̬͍̾̃ṳ̵̣̣̇̒͗̉̈n̷̖̮̮̜͑̀̈́̿̔͊͝c̸̩̈̇̑̽̉͌̉e̴͔̠̓̀͊̇̉̕͝a̵̗̩͌̉̎b̵̞̦͎̐̋̿̐͘l̸̨͉̤͈̝̫̯̺͊e̴̳̤͕̮̘̙̘̔͒̀̇̐͂̚̕ ̶̨̨̢̞̠̪̰̰͐̈͑̈̏̀͘ğ̸̡̥̜̻̮̺͋̌̈͜ẻ̶̢̨̮̣̼̹̟̦͌͗͛̕͘ͅņ̵̼̺̮̱͉͇͍̎̍́͝d̶̨̨̗̮͌̈ë̵̟́r̵̨͉̮͇͖͓͌͋̆̈́̊̎̆ͅ ̶̢̧͕̤̘̦̖̻̍̃̔͑́̔ͅo̴͚̻̗̍̂̂͐͠f̴̨̛̫̰̫͚͍̫̺̀͜ ̷̧̩̎͛͗̑̋̆͝ţ̵̠̟̣̆h̴̖̱̏̎̔̃̎̂̓̊͝o̴̱͊̂̾̈̕s̷̭̦̤̥̙͛͒͗̐̇͐͝e̶̬̻͓͈̫̜̝̜̋̒͐̆̓͘͝ͅ ̷̡̰̣̟̥͕̤̎̊͋͝t̵̢̞̝͖̬͓̣́̾̄̃͛̊͛͋̈ḥ̵̬̯̩̣̬̫̉͗́́͗͐͜a̷̩̮̩̓̀̏̃͐̎̔͗͂t̵̨̝̜͚̺̦̍͊͝ͅ ̸̥̔͒͌̀̈́r̵͚̬̦̣̪͗͜ͅͅę̶̼͛͗͂͑̉͘͝͝s̶̨̛̼̼̖̠̱̽͝ẗ̴̤̟́͂͜e̸̛̛̳͗̔̈͆͘͝d̵̛͎̹͈̼̙̆͋͋̄͆̓̕͜ͅ ̴̙̼͈̰̻͙͒̔͝b̸͍̥͖̠̈́̌̈̆͂̓̍͊͝ȅ̴̫͖̉͜n̵̢̨̗̤̩̺̈ȩ̴͖̮͇͖̰͔͋̔͗â̶̡͕̙̗̠͉̏̌͒̃͘t̷̹̮͇̰͈̭̦͙̑͠h̷͖͔̭̱̺̐̔͘ ̷̦̮͙̖̬̖̬̻͐̓̈́ţ̶̺͎͍̭̪̓͗̊̊͂͝͠ͅh̶̼̰͛̆e̶̯͍̪̣̥̳̮̗̩͛̿ ̸̧̻͕͆͗̊̓̽̿͝d̶͙͈̗͕̱̦̈́̃̿̀̎͒̒̐i̶̛̝̪̱͖̋͆͛̾̏͝r̸̨͎̖̥͔̩̟̩̃̈́̃̾̈̿͗̿̚t̵̯̞̪̽̾̏͜͜ ̸̡̩͇̮͔̣͓͈͈̚m̸͂̿͐̈́͆̕͜a̸͍͖͂͆̋̂͊̚͝͝͝n̶̗̰͂̐̈́͝t̸̨̺̰͛̿̈́͛̈́̚̚l̸̛͕̬̑́͆̈́e̴̘͍̦̹̪͚͖ ̵͇͍͈̈́̾̑̄̓̌̓̓ơ̶̠̫̼̟̙̝͔̯̟̍́̎̒͒̈́̏f̶̝̞̫̙̤̫͈̥̞̂̂ ̴͙̌̊͗̀̏̿̃̃ͅţ̶̨̨̞̳̠͇̬̈́̈́̓͛̑́̒͋͠h̵͇̱͇̦̫̤̭͎̏̀̂̄̚ͅi̴̧̱͖͚͂̂͊̊̆͛̌̈́̕s̴̩̻̭̼̒̓ ̷̝͍̊̐́̽ẘ̴͙̥̝̪̖̤̘̝̎r̷̬̺̙̖͊͆̐͊͒͑͗̐ẻ̷̘̬̳͖́͂̕ṯ̸͉̀̎ͅc̴̩̖̘̝̮̙͓̤̥̃̀͂̃͗̌̕h̵̟̭̣̘̏̾ͅḛ̶̥̬̳͎̺̿d̷̛̜͇͔̠̗̭̯̱͙̂̉͛̆̀̇͘ ̸̢̡̥͈͔̘̜̥͇͂͋̏̑̈́͊̋͝͝p̷̢͕̟̈́̇͗̆̍̇̔͋͘l̶̡̯̬̣͈͈̦͔̐̾a̵̠̝͎̎̇̒̊́͝n̶̨̻̤͂̽̾͜ẻ̶̢̡̬̝͖̦͚̦̋̀̃͗́̄̂ẗ̵͓͍͈̟͓̜͓̭́̐̆̾̇̃͘̚.̸̻̼̩͍̭̺͐̓̚͝ ̶̫̂̓́̈́̕
>But, you have no idea who it is, so why does it matter?
The identity of anonymous doesn't matter. What matters is the attention. Even if it isn't genuine.
Yes, big tits for breast feeding and wide birthing hips are naturally attractive to us and no matter what these faggots say always will be. These nu-males are the same ones who think another man fucking your wife is the thinking man's erotica.
What about this one?
Whatever floats your boat, I guess. I've never understood the appeal.
And it's not like ftm transition that we'll to hegint with. They only ever look like manlet tween boys who cant grow a beard or super dyke 500 pounders. It's just mtf look so abhorrent that anything looks great next to them.
I mean, it's not just me. It's a pretty basic human instinct. Boys tease girls because it's fun to get them to react negatively.
He ended up killing himself so probably not.
based Slayersbro
Holy shit that's painfull, how close to offing himself is he?
I've met more FtM trannies than MtF trannies.
t. Zoomer who has had to experience his peers turn into these abominations
>being a literal tool is fighting the patriarchy
People are silly.
Why the fuck do trannies always choose a slight variation of their real name to make their tranny name? Steve/Stephanie, Chris/Christine, Robert/Roberta etc etc etc
If I was gonna pretend to be a girl, I'd change my name to Chun Li or something.
>Slut Girl
God, that takes me back. Probably the first hentai manga I ever read. Should reread for old times sake
>FtM trannies
Did you convert them back by giving them what they lack with your holy rod?
White ""'"men"'""
Literally the most faggy race ever
>Millenials and zoomers are far more immature than previous generations
that's one thing no one ever wants to bring up whenever they make fun of those evil boomers
they may be shitty as well but they're not the only generation that acts like whiny cunts about everything
I'm simply contrarian and fucking hate everyone on Yea Forums with a passion. I'll support whatever marxist tranny shit if it means people here are seething.
btw have sex
How did he kill it anyway, a fatality?
As soon as it's hipster enough to do so like the rest of you attention whores at /pol/
>Ben Franklin
Every fucking time
No, but I have converted several lesbians with the power of dick. Some of my dick experiments went wrong and became FtMs though.
Seems like boomers should have done a better job of raising their kids.
There were already people on Yea Forums acting like they were offended by MK11's violence when it came out, though I'm sure they were mostly shitposting
That's what happens when you let nintendofags hold the reins for years and years.
It's funny how we never hear about that specific shooter. Almost no mention. I wonder why?
are they:
1) fugly girls who decided to transition because their life was pointless
2)doing it for attention and probably will revert later
3) truly mentally ill and think they are men
based and /g/pilled
Where's the rest?
I dont see the issue. They have more hand on experience with mutilation than any normal person. Make for good fatalities.
This is doubleplusgood Newspeak
What? I can't even begin to understand that kind of thinking. How does that fight the patriarchy.
They're are the circus freaks of the modern age.
there is a surplus of men, the market is correcting.
Funny all these trannies are whites
It depends from person to person. Some of them were obviously just doing it for attention, some of them were ugly, one of them was pretty hot (they ended up "growing out of it"), and one of them put in a shit ton of effort and actually looked like a dude. Keep in mind though I met the majority of these people when I was 14-18 though.
I kinda pity cute tranners
Nothing makes sense with Feminists anymore post-90's.
It's because when a woman transitions to a man she can, for the most part, pass. She'll be a manlet, but if she grows a beard and works out (which she will, since she's roided up) her muscles will bulk up enough that her head to shoulder ratio hits 1:3 and she'll pass all the basic "am I looking at a boy or girl" subconscious checks your brain does. Meanwhile, in order for a man to pass as woman he has to emaciate himself and even then, sometimes the damage is done and his skeleton is just too big. There are just as many FtM trannies as MtF trannies, it's just a lot easier to build something up than shave something away.
Western "" culture "" lol
Carl! I'm a huge fan!
One of my earliest faps, and young me had amazing taste that has stood the test of time.
how likely is it this guy has a history of being emotionally unstable and violent
fucking truth
saw a picture of a bunch of 'dudebros' at a party
it was a picture of a bunch of ftms and all of them passed as fit young dudes
testosterone is some serious shit
That picture right there is why i play video games as slow as possible.
>SLUT girl
Oh shit, nostalgia bomb
ISUTOSHI is still around and kicking too.
Stevenie isn't a dev, though, he's a playtester. Xhe has no input on content or design direction and in fact articles have come out alleging that the Netherrealm workplace is extremely hostile to LGBTQUOIP+ folxx.
man. that 10 year decline of where at first i liked it, but then i only cared about the implied anal, to now, where its pretty unlikable, because the titty too big, and it has titty, and its not actually a dude is baffling.
what did you do to me Yea Forums
Western AAA is indeed a tranny haven
I don't give a fucking about transexuals and their pretentious views. If I dyed my hair, made my nose and ass smaller, and bleached my skin, I wouldn't magically become Caucasian. So how the fuck does a man/woman playing pretend with the sex they weren't born as get a pass? Fuck off with that; stop trying to run away fro what you are and find contenment with who you are instead of trying to delude others as much as you delude yourself.
Netherrealm is in Chicago and after the Jussie Smollett shit and the unfolding corruption scandal going in so far as the Obama family, SJWs are less and less tolerated.
I don't get it
This actually gets into how facial recognition software works. The way you identify a human face and sex of a person is actually pretty straightforward, and it's the reason why people see faces in things like tree bark or clouds. Humans look for symmetry and two dots next to each other to identify if something is a face, then we check the width of the shoulders (if applicable) compared to that face.
just fucking look at this thing
White men are the gayest men
>while mealworms ate my skin
What the fuck is wrong with these people, why do they have to do this shit. Im so tired of it all
>Someone yesterday say cunny is sexy and 30 people celebrated his post
Yea Forums is still based
>Saw 16bit at evo2015
>He is a tranny now
Damn source on this std?
>>Someone yesterday say faggots should be eradicated and 30 people celebrated his post
so hes already 43% dead?
All I remember was when GDQ had a lot of them for a couple years and Yea Forums went and still goes crazy about them.
wtf how come Cuck Norris didn't make it in?
Patrician fucking taste, my friends.
Now that's dedication to a joke.
UwU are you a cute black
too OP with that spin kick.
Why are whites so gay? All these weird trannies are always white men.
Forgot about this dude. Is he getting Canadian raped in Canadian prison?
tranny game dev such a hoe
Isn't it interesting that the mods will delete e-celeb shit but when their dancing monkey jumps off a bridge they give the nigger a fucking sticky on the same board they sterilize.
Hi Steve, I know you like to cosplay but it's really getting old.
i truly do not understand this idea of being upset over someone calling you the wrong gender or calling you by a different name
Classic Steve. What a kidder, that guy!
I doubt you could even imagine it
Cute, whitey
>genetic dead end is not a bad thing
Well what you value as a human is limited by your own humanity, saying that the preservation of the conditions of the possibility of your own valuation disappearing is not a bad thing is contradictory as it impedes their existence, the only good thing about dead ends is that they will not carry over to future humanity. Worse than that you want some other species rulling you, determining your own value and instrumentalizing you without your charecteristics being passed on to it, therefore removing every ammount of value you had from the equation at least when you have a child your characteristics will be eternally repliclated, your blood forever being reborn . You are literally a metaphysical cuck.
Just wanted to say this and you seemed a good target as any.
as opposed to /pol/ who must say the same things with the utmost eloquence. lmao you're fucking delusional, /pol/cuck
Yeah, i'm thinkin' trans rights
>westacuck devs
i dunno man when i was younger i used to get *misgendered" and i've gone by many names that aren't my real one
Lolicon rights! Fuck trans
some people can't handle normal mode so they try to switch to easy
Just call him an attention-seeking faggot. I don't see the problem, and don't understand why America is so fucking dead by now that you can't call someone out for being blatantly retarded on purpose.
>white men
Uhm excuse me you silly 3rd worlder, but they are WOMEN. Not men. Here in the civilized world we've moved past medieval bigotry about what genitalia a woman needs to be born with.
It's easy to understand:
The true value of a person is proportional to the threshold and level of triviality required to offend them.
Most trannies are the bottom of the barrel garbage among Humanity for this very reason.
Because being a girl is ez mode and they are weak beta men
So you're saying trannies should be allowed to fuck lolis? Boy, you're ahead of the curve, but we haven't added the P to the LGBT yet!
He's Steve until he actually cuts his dick off
>The true value of a person is proportional to the threshold and level of triviality required to offend them.
no ones ever called me valuable before ty man
Linux meme
I (((wonder why))) as well
just look up the linux copypasta, its spam filtered here so I cant post it
behold, the most valuable person on earth
>Le based centrist
Yea Forums it's time to make a stand. You will realize this as well as time goes on and you mature. I'm here for years and in these years I hated conservatism. Now, I'm one of them.
Why can't it get in your that what you are seeing is the result of people waking up from the cancer that is liberalism?
Liberalist ideas have no basis in reality. There's no such a thing as equality, diversity detroy nations and peoples, pathriarchy and nationalism are not only good, but necessary. And women would be happier being housewives.
That said, it is conservatives that nowadays are defenfing free speech and are anti-censorship because we realized that were wrong about some things (trying to censor violent video games, for example. This can actually be good to teach masculine discipline, which is the idea that men must be able to be violent).
However, conservatists weren't wrong about gay marriage, atheism, feminists, and commies.
go be a tranny somewhere else you faglord
>muh self-victimization
yes, let us discuss reddit posts.
I was so disappointed to learn that such a cool-sounding term meant something so fucking gay. I thought it was like putting someone on a hitlist
It's fun in and of itself, but I do it to hear the counter arguments. I post some SJW talking points, and if all I get is a bunch of bleeting from outrage warriors telling me to dilate then I know we don't have strong enough arguments. It tells me I need to keep pressing that button.
>fishhook theory
Why are there so much people like this in the video game industry? Fucking weirdos
Are fags simply studying more than normal people? Is this the reason they all end up as game developers?
They are ruining vydia. Not just trannies, homossexuals in general
>I'm here for years and in these years I hated conservatism. Now, I'm one of them.
imagine being so fucking simple minded Yea Forums convinces you to change your political ideologies.
>dead name
I fucking hate everything that has been concocted from the trans community, what a ridiculous term for such a minor offence.
It's as stupid as feminists calling women that have been sexually assaulted "survivors".
Shieeeet, she looks like a modern day feminist, and yet she looked so beautiful before that.
I guess turning into a feminist is correlated with vegetative states.
I feel like seeing Yea Forums get angry over absolutely everything is just tiresome to me at this point.
Imagine being so stubborn and rigid that the thought of anyone changing their mind annoys you
>Implying I was convinced by Yea Forums, not by what I see everyday in the world around me
They're tired of pushing their progressive agenda from the grass roots. They're going where social influence is. They don't particularly care about video games: they don't buy them, they don't really want to make them, but they do what to set the agenda for what gets on to the screen.
No. They end up in these positions because of nepotism and the current social climate. You're a straight shitlord? Get fired and #metoo'd. You're a faggot sucking twenty dicks a day and promoting the pozzed agenda? Welcome to the useless diversity hire position #4783920 that only bleeds money and doesn't actually contribute to game quality.
This is why westacuck games are trash these days.
>gender differences
wait which one do they actually want now again?
Not true. If you deal with boomers in a work environment you would understand how bizarrely tantrum prone they are. They freak out more than a man or woman in their late 40's and up ever should over the smallest things. It's alright for them to do this because all the other boomers around them act the same way or they have seniority. They are ridiculous and while the whole cater to my identity politics thing millennials suffer from, boomers suffer from the cater to my every personal whim problem. One is much more insufferable.
So it's like how shitposters used to spam MLP on here while having no actual interest in the show?
They attacked my GOTY, Mordhau.
>Only American Political Theory exist
>when the projecting hits you hard
Is that why MK11 is better than every fighting game to come out of Grorious Nihon in the last decade?
Also, this
lmao amen. we should seriously consider changing our opinion to be similar to the one in ops picture because why should we too, be so rigid and refuse to consider changing our mind.
you mean like calling trump drumpf?
>westcuck is completely delusional
checks out
>game devs give you the option to mute people or even make their chat into positive motivation
>trannies say that isn't enough
These people quite literally choose to be mad.
if there truly was a loving god that existed surely he would come down and smite the disgusting trannies
trannies and faggots and far left nutjobs are proof that there's no god
lmao yeah i believe youve gone outside before
Should have been 60, nigger.
Hello NRShill.
They're being ironic you retard, you shouldn't be getting mad or annoyed by that.
I'm not american, dumb fuck
But american politics have infiltrated the entire western world. The left is basically the same in every western country, it's all about feminism, homo rights, immigration, and so on.
And I bet you will still deny that there is a global conspiration being pushed by the left.
Kill yourself retard.
I hope he ends it ASAP on livestream, Hey faggot if you happen to read this if i ever see you IRL i will beat you up.
Centrism is a stand. It's the most radical stand you can take in this world of extreme polarization and tribalism, to say both sides have a point. Any idiot can pull together and concede nothing to outsiders. Any idiot can drop out, opt out, and cop out by saying both sides are retarded. It takes guts to be a centrist.
trannies want to punish. they only care about spreading their level of mental suffering
Conservatives are more likely to have healthier and lively social lifes than you "progressist" scumbags
Because there is nothing alluring about being a man, whereas being a woman means living on easy mode
>yikes on bikes
>baddy waddy words
>oofsies poopsies
>tea and noms
Why do they talk like toddlers?
Horshoe theory. Being a centrist is less centrist than being an extremist.
If I was a dev i'd just provide a word filtering tool to the users in the in-built chat and say "We ain't responsible for policing manbabies and fembabies online and we expects adults to use our product, therefore we have provided the tools for adults to use and if you have a problem using the tools then that's your own IQ and EQ problem."
He was basically a nail varnish fag until about a month ago, then he went full drag.
As a late 40 something i actually somewhat agree with you. Its not a problem that is exclusive to my generation though. Every generation that comes along says the next one is shit. Everytime i hear someone my age spout this bullshit it makes me want to slap the shit out if them because our parents said the exact same shit about us. I was at a friend of mine from colleges house once and he made some comment about how slutty kids dress these days and this is a motherfucker i was at an orgy in college with once. I saw him snort coke off of some chicks back. Its like everyone my age had their minds erased but me its fucking bizzare.
>Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with trannies?
Is it just me, or is this a very new thing? I don't remember seeing much stuff about trannies on Yea Forums back around 2015 or so.
I wish someone fed you something toxic and you died, your familly would find your death the opposite of problematic
Centrism is the stand of the ignorant and the unresolved.
We have clear problems, that require clear solutions. Centrists refuse to acknowledge both.
so is the suicide rate actually 140% because they kill themselves twice?
>my parents start arguing about trannies while at dinner
>I cant even escape it offline
literally Europe and asia don't give a flying fuck.
Keep trying though I'm sure the other tinfoil hats will be happy to hear about your global conspiracy
Some trannies try to get fancy with it. Brian Vissaggio the comic book failure became "Magdalene" Vissaggio. Bruce Jenner became "Caitlyn".
They do not agree with each other on it?
Let ne guess, it's your mom defending them.
I'm glad my mother upholds whatever my father says.
>tfw it's illegal to call a tranny by their actual name in my country
>if you don't play along with their make-beleive bullshit they can put forward a human rights complaint and put your ass in prison
Someone please destroy my country asap it's beyond redemption
You have fabricated problems with deranged solutions. That's where centrism comes in: to address things rationally instead of blindly following ideology.
Tell your parents that there's 7.7 billion people in the world and ~2.5 billion in a good lifespan and they are wasting their own on a collective of people who might as well not exist to them as part of the excess who are bottom of the barrel in terms of what Humanity has to offer as opposed to focusing on the best of Humans they can find and also their closest ones.
>please destroy my country asap
only if it's canada
>We have clear problems, that require clear solutions
Yes, yes we do. And I don't believe for a second that one team and only one team has all the answers. It's going to take centrism to sort out what those solutions should look like.
>~2.5 billion seconds* in a good lifespan
It is (different user here)
You have problems fabricated by a ruling class with a vested interest in keeping you tilting at windmills instead of fighting them. You are going to have to find common ground and learn to get along with your neighboors if anything is ever going to change.
So you, an american, is trying to tell me you know more about my region than I do?
Then, explaim to me why is the left the same fucking everywhere? Hum?
Why the UN itself gets mad when my president says something against fags and immigration and they try to infiltrate us through ONGs?
Dude, open your eyes. This is no coincidence.
You know they dont' actually cut the dick off, right? They just turn it inside out to simulate a vagina.
>You have fabricated problems with deranged solutions.
Name one
>be a stronk lesbian woman
>encounter a nice lady
>name's Stephanie
>date n shit
>about to go all in for sex
>it's a fucking penis down there
How the fuck does a lesbian woman that hates penis react to this
Is the lgb community forced to accept que tq+ that has tried to stick to them?
Stephanie's seed n' feed
(formerly Steve's)
Straight white men are at the very bottom of the sociopolitical food chain. It's perfectly ok to tell white race jokes in absolutely any social circumstance. You get good boy points for criticizing them or just straight up being racist towards them in all social media circles. Most Leftists don't even acknowledge anti-white sentiment as racism in the first place. Introduce a little autism and you have a class of people who absolutely hate themselves. White men account for the highest suicide rates in the US. If they don't kill themselves during adolescence, they try to become some other person entirely. If that doesn't work, they end up killing themselves anyway.
Nah he's right, if by using the term Europe he means a technical majority Europe then out of 44 countries only 15 give a shit about this shit to street-visible degree.
The rest don't.
It is, I feel like a foreigner in my own country sometimes because the government is so insanely far left and only panders to minorities. Andrew scheer (likely to be the next prime minister after it was revealed justin is corrupt) is just as bad too, he's your average cuckservitive that only cares about mega corporations and isreal.
>So you, an american
Sorry dude, I'm scandinavian :)
this women are loved pudgy,fat,huge tits,small tits,quiet,milf,and 50 other ways they get ALOT of love from existence while men unless they meet a physical criteria or have money are thrown into a meh pile together why wouldnt you try to be a women in this day and age
Extremely based
maybe you're suffering from some mental illness
Nah, trannies are incredibly sexist and misogynistic. They made up a term to insult and degrade women specifically: TERF.
Just be straight bro
Does anyone have that WebM/Gif of the Transgendered person from the Twitch Panel who looks like a fucking gorilla? They're wearing a red shirt and have a corset on.
too spicy for Yea Forums
That doesn't work when one of these "teams' is completely wrong on every single premisse, which were actually frabricated with the specific goal to deconstruct the traditional order.
Name one thing conservatives are wrong about
Who said this was my problem? I'm not american. I was merely pointing out how things are, but my country is pretty much united against most things liberals want, such as immigration, secularism and feminism.
Zoom zoom
Nah, just bad government
They're less than 1% of the US Population yet they're catered to like they're the majority. Stuff that people enjoy in games is removed, changed, or censored for a tiny minority that doesn't even buy games.
Tran's is necrophilic post-modern suicide. It's probably more evil than suicide itself because you aren't just killing yourself but erasing any memory of your true self. It's denial of life at the most transgressive form and is satanic in the spiritual and literal sense. Deadname = Satan's meatpuppet.
Kek then it's explained.
Go wash your pink butthole so that you will have it clean for Muhamed
You are right about that. But 15 is not an irrelevant number, specially when right-wing parties are growing in their cucked countries as well
>Read Kotaku
stopped reading at this point.
It's bored people looking for a cause to champion. It's very little to do with trans but more to do with the "im a good person doing good things" self-satisfaction.
>not believing in 200 IQ governing
Based /g/amer.
Because they’re actually gay but don’t want to admit it
Say what you will. But 16bit at least put the effort in with the weightloss before coming out as a tranny.
Scandinavia =/= Sweden :)
neither Denmark nor Norway really gives two shits about extremist, we're both actively making fun of them for it
>It's bored people looking for a cause to champion.
like 10 years ago on "les francs tireurs" they interviewed a young gay dude who was actively looking to get aids because his life was boring. He needed a cause "to fight for"
Same reason people complain about games with difficulty. They expect the world to be easy.
asking for it really, gender dysphoria is a serious mental illness that physically and mentally endangers the human body and should not be treated as normal.
No one has it? Goddammit Yea Forums you save every stray transgendered person but not King Kong?
We can't expect God to do all the work.
So fucking what?
>>Someone yesterday say faggots should be eradicated and 30 people celebrated his post
i defend anything and you faggots are too triggered not to respond
look into the mirror, is your hair dyed? because it should be with how triggered you always get
>Name one thing conservatives are wrong about
It's hard to name just one, but I'm going to go with the War on Drugs.
Pure gold, I'm glad I clicked on this thread now.
>Weak family values
>No nationalist movement
>They actually imply nationalism is radical, when it's just common sense to the preservation of one's people
>It can only mean they don't really see themselves as a "people"
You are both cucked as well. Not as bad as Sweden (nobody is more cucked than Sweden, expect maybe Canada), but almost there
Don't look for logic with schizophrenic people. Just accept they're schizzo.
Who fucking cares about this Idpol garbage
If it can code that's all that matters
>Just let people destroy themselves with drugs, goy
Literally every country that allowed drugs to run free got worse because of it. See the state of Amsterdan
Because the men who become trannies have various difficulties in life, such as social issues or mental disabilities like ASD. When they see how every woman/girl is treated like a perfect angel by default they subconsciously realize being a woman is way easier than their horrible dishusting lives and they strive to be a woman themselves. When they realize they can never actually be a woman and people treat them even worse after they commit to transitioning, their mental state gets even worse and many attempt suicide.
It's worth mentioning the suicide rate for people on the autism spectrum is also extremely high and the amount of trannies that are autistic is much higher than the general population.
Mine malfunctioned months ago, doesn’t even auto update pages anymore for some reason and I haven’t been bothered to fix it
>No fun
>No natural selection
Kill yourself
“If only you knew how bad things really are”
>saying nigger online will result in black genocide so all right wingers should be killed
>When they see how every woman/girl is treated like a perfect angel by default they subconsciously realize being a woman is way easier than their horrible dishusting lives and they strive to be a woman themselves.
See? You fags are selfish, individualist bastard.
I actually care about my people, which is why I don't want to see they destroying themselves with "fun"
But you don't care. Your countrymen may be dying in depression because of addiction, and you don't give a fuck.
Heartless bastards with no sense of kinship
Policies on both the left and right would strongly fix some issues but cause others to get disastrously bad, a balanced approach is needed because no ideology or system of government is anywheres near perfect.
>Weak family values
Citation needed.
>No nationalist movement
Both countires have Nationalistic parties.
>They actually imply nationalism is radical, when it's just common sense to the preservation of one's people
We literally wave our flags whenever we have a chance, we love our countries, we just don't feel the need to be aggressive about it.
>It can only mean they don't really see themselves as a "people"
The fuck does this even mean?
Unironically just because we're not racist like eastern europe or America doesn't mean we love all non-whites, a modicum of research would show that the anti-immigration parties gained a fuckton of votes over the last few years, to the point where being hard on immigration became centrist
this nigga steven named after a minecraft character LOL like nigga turn the minecraft off, like nigga put it away
>Caring about other people
>While being anti semetic
Are you retarded? Leftists say this, they are the ones who advocate for censorship.
I'm a christian nationalist
>Showing your power level on an anonymous website
Christ what Happened to this place
>Citation needed.
Please dude, your people are all for gay marriage and equality.
And your anti-immigration parties aren't actually nationalists or traditionalists. None of them are advocating for a return to traditional values. You just want to be left alone in your liberal degeneracy
Stop lying
>Literally every country that allowed drugs to run free got worse because of it. See the state of Amsterdan
Even your spelling is wrong.
Imagine not understand what kinship means Lmao
>it is conservatives that nowadays are defenfing free speech and are anti-censorship because we realized that were wrong about some things
Operative word: nowadays. Because it's currently politically expedient for them to do so, right until they are the ones deciding who and what's getting censored and silenced.
The Bible says all humans are family
Not an argument. And sorry, english is not my native language.
apparently one of his old Sue Lightning streams but nobody's sourced it yet, not to mention the two people she fucked in the industry are still working
ain't happening unless he snips the dick, also if you're so inclined to beat him why not figure out what convention he's going to and do it there you poser
>be man
>Go to lesbian bar
>what do you mean I'm not allowed? I'm in a period of self discovery, and might be trans
>hit on a woman
>dont worry babe, it's a GIRL cock
>its free real estate
Video Games
That doesn't even come close to proving the claim. You're just making up causes of being transgender out of thin air
You can thank jews for it, consider yourself lucky they can't blend in with whatever gross poop colored race you are.
Best post in the thread.
Ironic that the true mentally ill are the obsessed people trapped in this echo chamber circle-jerking over how 'oppressed' they are by minorities they've never even seen
he looks just like that 56% face thing.
i hear north korea is a bustling place free of suffering because drugs are outlawed
Unwillingness to change is peak conservatism
And the Statue of Liberty says the USA is a melting pot. What's your point?
>nowadays. Because it's currently politically expedient for them to do so, right until they are the ones deciding who and what's getting censored and silenced.
I can't wait until you faggots start getting deplatformed and silenced and whenever you complain, just so we can just mock you by saying shit like
>lmao freeze peach
>it's a private corporation, it can do what it wants
>hate speech isn't free speech
Right back at you
>Is your hole too dry buddy?
>how about some more soap, eh?
Centrists aren't neutral dummy. Each decision is evaluated individually.
Burnt and redpilled
>we don't have strong enough arguments. It tells me I need to keep pressing that button.
Why not try forging stronger arguments on your own?
>lmao freeze peach
>it's a private corporation, it can do what it wants
>hate speech isn't free speech
Who are you quoting?
It doesn't. Women are just stupid whores when they're not kept in line by men. Feminism is just one giant shit test and the west has been failing it perpetually for the last 80 years or so. That's why every time feminists are fighting against patriarchy, it's just more and more disgusting hedonism rather than a rational argument. They want someone to stop them.
Why are these types attracted to the tech and games industry so much? I work in the BioPharma industry and theres never any of these types in any of the companies I've worked for.
You don't get it.
We allowed liberal ideas to spread. We allowed feminism. We allowed women to vote. Them, out of nowhere, we had no power and degeneracy is taking over.
There are some things that are not negotiable.
Family values are not negotiable. Nationalism is not negotiable. Religion is not negotiable.
As long as we keep these three pillars in our societies, they were will be no censorship.
Actually, we will encourage those who are against it to speak laudly so that we can out them as traitors and degenerates.
>The slippery slope don't be real, goyim!
oh how I wish that were true
Ah yes, extreme right.
>niggers turned me into a beta so we should deport them all
>all these posts hating on centrists
Like with the American government, the best choice is a combination of both viewpoints. Or if you're a glass half-empty kind of guy, the only difference between a Democrat and Republican is that Democrats blow and Republicans suck. Same goes for philosophy. If you're 100% nihilist, 100% Buddhist, 100% militant atheist, you're probably a faggot. Hell we can even apply this to martial arts, as seen with MMA. Don't fucking specialize.
Life is never black and white and you're a retard to take one side of every viewpoint.
> None of them are advocating for a return to traditional values.
How can you return to somewhere you already are?
again, we aren't liberal, We're socialists. Norway are a bit more on the conservative side thought, still socialists.
>Out of nowhere.
This is why people don't want to talk to retards like you and try to distill your mad ravings into even a drop of worthwhile knowledge. It wasn't out of nowhere and you are absolutely retarded if you think that. There are two very clear causes to this that have nothing to do with what you're talking about, but they've also turned you into a nutcase. I wonder if you know what they are?
please stop spreading my pics on the internet
trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls, only difference now is that there are genuinely mentally ill retards who can't decipher the difference
Was the picture of everything above the waist?
FTMs end up looking like Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff
I never bought this. Being a tranny is almost universially more hated. Even in the fag community which seems to compete without digusting, they can be tranny is higher up their than just sucking a cock. Hell, 9 times out of 10 being a fag is a stepping stone towards lopping your dick off. And there are very few trannies who hate gays.
Reminder that the snow plowing thing in Sweden that the article references was rectified by ignoring main streats in favor of side walks and side roads, and it resulted in the entire city of Stockholme grinding to a halt every time it snowed and many more accidents on the free way until they stopped doing it.
Before God, not before men.
This means that God will save people from all races and all around the world, but the distinction between "peoples' is still there.
In no way the Bible advocates for miscigenation and diversity as liberals put it.
And regarding the jews, they are the synagogue of satan. A literal cursed people, which is why they will always act as plagues and be persecuted as a result
This is like a renaissance painting
Every single leftist on the internet whenever a person right of center gets deplatformed or censored
Ya know, to be fair. I've seen women who look that ugly. At that point it doesn't matter if you're male or female when you look so fucking ugly. You could literally be anything you want and gender identification would not change how horrid you look.
Because it's easy to influence people in the games industry and media, you can't send out your agenda like it's a fucking resume to pharmacy companies
Because jews have infiltrated our ranks and spent the last century slowly doing this to us.
a face only a mother could love
i said the same thing until i looked at their reddit.
Glad to see my fellow cunny connoisseurs are still around
>"why can't we genocide who we don't like?"
>"wow can't you see you're literally murdering me with milkshakes!?"
>Centrists aren't neutral dummy. Each decision is evaluated individually.
Irrelevant, as you need a starting premisse to evaluate something.
Conservative premisses are objectively right, which is why there's no reason to such a thing as centrism.
Reminder that they let this person starve to death because it was "humane."
Holy fucking shit. Mortal kombat faggots on suicide watch
It used to be that mentally ill people were treated rather than being given platforms to speak from.
Trannies dont understand how to be women. No matter how low-T, repressed drugged on estrogen they are. They have mans brain. Everything they do is an exaggerrated caricature of what they think women act and think like
It's neets who are giving up on everyday life in favor of internet validation and """"friends""""
You can't even spell "premise" properly and you're begging the question. We can safely dismiss everything you say as incorrect.
Jesus Christ I don't believe it was actially out of nowhere, that's just a manner of speak that means it happened really fast. Maybe in english it has another meaning?
Just so we are clear. I dont work in a pharmacy. I work in the BioPharma industry. As in like Pfizer or GSK.
English is not my native language. I can speak it, but I still can't writte it properly.
Out of nowhere is a turn of phrase means exactly what's written. And if you understood the language of English, you wouldn't use it in such a manner. Please, have this conversation on a site of your linguistic peers and leave the English-speaking sites to those with the skill to write the language.
>You don't write your second or third language perfectly
>When most Americans don't even know a second language Unless they're immigrants
that isn't something that really happened user. What most ex-slaves actually did was adopt their master's last name when the federal government told them they needed to have one for census purposes.
the whole
bullshit came from the black nationalist movement during the 1960s. As part of a soviet plot to balkanize the united states (at the time, the majority of black americans lived in a concentrated area called the 'black belt', by supporting this movement the soviets effectively sought to split the united states in half with an aggressive black state inbetween the north and south usa), they gave funding and propaganda to so called black civil rights groups who advocated for extreme segregation to the point of demanding land in order to form their own independent states within the united states. These groups encouraged people to embrace anti-american ideas and propositions. It's why black islam came to be (black americans were traditionally 99% christian), and why black americans started adopted retarded AIR-WRECKAH type names and celebrating obscure african holidays like Kwanzaa, anything to completely divorce black americans from regular mainstream american culture and completely alienate them politically and culturally.
The jokes write themselves
No, you really can't. Anyways, besides begging the question is there anything else? No? Very good.
We're all standing on the shoulders of giants. I contribute what I can where I can.
Resident Evil tranny got raped? Is that the trauma that led to his transition?
I seriously thought this was a joke account
Not my screenshot I just enjoyed the post
>oey vey white people, dont be proud of where you were born thats privilege
>oey vey white people, worship this turd worlder, he is so much smarter than you because he can speak 2 languages
That's like saying dogs are smarter than people because you can teach dogs to understand you.
all this rage over a qa tester how do you guys do it
My point still stands
You may not be a redditfag but the /pol/nigger who took the picture is
Soon both will be dead names.
There's no need to learn other languages if you know English. Everything else is for decoration.
Are trannies too stupid to legally change their names? I mean they mutilated themselves with money but cannot spend like 50-100 bucks to change their names? No need to say "deadnaming" when you could respond with something legal.
Nah. Remember that vid of him passed around whenever people ask for his porn? Apparently sometime after that the dude raped him in a bathroom. His final chatterbate stream where he jerked off crying went into deets but the stream hasn't been found yet
You mental cases think everyone defends anything mentioned here, the usual case is someone starts falsflagging and the ever so passionate take it at face value leading to 500+ reply threads after the arguments are dropped and everyone's in cope/seethe lock or spamming "This is You" images.
What? Bro give it a glance for more than a few seconds it's from Yea Forums
Yeah, only problem is their voice. Once they start talking it’s clear they’re female.
They have /pol/ and plebbit tabs open user
>Cross boarding /pol/fag is actually a Yea Forums fag because he posts there
So are niggers European if they live in Europe?
Leftists commit political violence just as often when they have the chance, also the whole milkshake thing is a form of censorship/shutting speech down as well so thanks for proving my point
SH is probably one of the few trannies that made me take a second look at the time. In the sense that he looked like a 4-5/10 girl and sounds like one and doesn't have visible 5 oc shadow.
Unironically based
>White people only have English as their first language
I will bet you I am way whiter than you are and english is my second language German third
I hope you're not American because we are the biggest mix of nigs spics and other shitty races and should just leave other countries alone about their shit unless you actually have 80%+ minimum of their genes and move there.
>This garbage political-bait thread reaches 500 replies
Yup, looks like yet another day on Yea Forums
>Stephanie’s (formerly Steve’s)
Have you cunts ever actually bought a Comic LO?
I made that mistake, way too fucking many diapers and toddlercon for my liking honestly.
They're the hyperlefts latest pet and progressives literally ruin everything, so by proxy they're hated. Doesn't help that like blacks they're extremely entitled and uppity making it even easier to shit all over them.
>Instead of seeking/getting help we've reached such a point in life where because everyone is so hungry for BE YOURSELF XD YOU'RE PERFECT THE WAY YOU ARE XD points that people will make these mistakes and kill themselves.
Imagine being one of them. Every moment especially the few that actually make the false flesh wound they have to keep from healing must be a battle to falsely convince themselves they're something they can literally never be atleast until super sci fi shit exists. They will never enjoy being a man/woman as they naturally are they're simply roleplaying mutilated mentally ill future suiciders.
tbf it took a while to get there considering what she looked like back then lol
>playing vidjar is a sign of mental instability
>not being someone who mutilated their own body's genitalia and will kill themselves if you call them by their REAL name or their REAL gender instead of whatever made-up bullshit special snowflake pronoun they invented for themselves (there's thousands of variant genders now since every single trannie has to be unique)
Too be fair I've only heard the voice/seen a few obviously bullshots.
>Every single trannie
You mean tranny?
There is a Y when it is singular
Im not paying for travel to the US just to beat up a living mistake
Jesus also says jews are the synagogue of satan and and the bible warns against beasts of the field that can speak and have hands. People like you only ever use your loose, out of context understanding of the Bible for evil.
Oh shit. I'm retarded. I misread your post
That’s fucked. How long ago was that?
I dont really care if they're European. Everyone's so cucked I dont care how alpha their ancestors were
No worries user, everyone here including me is retarded
It's automatically diagnosed when you post here more than once
How about fuck you Steve. If you tell me not to use your deadname, you'll only encourage me to use it.
>feel this entitlement/pride on their adopted names
>drop the sass on the airport and id yourself with your legal name
these people have no sense of shame and honor
/pol/kids are frequently ESLs
>v doesn't matter - only twitter mob
I work for a consulting firm. We regularly take statistics and do polls on /ck/ incognito. If my firm does it, so do others. I assure you, Yea Forums, your opinion matters. Don't think people aren't listening just because they can't openly admit they get data from Yea Forums due to stigma. You're all consumers. That's all that matters.
i mean that pastebin floating around has some clearly not bs pics (and her twitter if you care)
not too long, the rape apparently happened in late 2016 (she quit porn around then) and the stream was in March of 2017 (thank leddit for that)
If you're a centrist now you'd be a far left psycho 50 years ago. Your decisions are entirely based on what is least likely to offend people depending on what principles and morals are commonly accepted by society. Centrists don't have any thoughts or principles of their own.
>Got complacent with my weight as a kid because other kids never said anything
>Took several years for me to actually work up my own motivation to work it off because conversations would always railroad into "No, your fine. You don't need to do that."
I don't need to imagine, it was hell to snap out of my own personal problems but I feel cutting your dick off is far more consequential than going without twinkies and choking down Kale But nobody who needs that kind of help will think about that because Fatties usually are coupled with some other mental illness that keeps them in line and uncaring about those aspects of their life because they got 3 other friends who see no big deal and apparently that's all they need to hear, even worse is how social media loves to promote the idea of cutting everyone out of your life that tells you to seek improvement or show concern at all. Hell, you can see it here from time to time in those game fuel threads where people are unironically triggered by natural shit.