Is it possible for a game to be *too* long?
Is it possible for a game to be *too* long?
If its length is only from a bunch of padding, then yes.
Story mode should be 20 hours max.
I had 150 hours logged on persona and I want more.
Okami's length is fine.
Look at this clown ass nigga.
>20 hours max
I wish I could hate fun as much as you do, user. Then I could be part of the core Yea Forums sekrit club
Okami’s length was great, but fighting Orochii 3 times was bullshit.
The thing is okami doesn't have padding it just has chapters that have their own final bosses and endings so they give you a sense of closure even before you acualy beat the game.
Orochi legit felt like a final boss despite being the first major boss.
I don't think the prayer sequence in the final battle would have been as effective if you hadn't spent so much time with all of the characters.
My only gripe with the game is the repetition of the Orochi fight, which would have also been fine if his "peak" form had actually been more challenging.
this, they should have changed it up each time at the very least
>clown ass nigga
Shut the fuck up and go back to Twitter, this place isn’t for you zoomzoom
Persona 5: Lost focus on the main story because it was too long, they could've easily cut 1 palace and nobody would've cared.
>inb4 I would've cared
Yes in hindsight because you know the palace exists now.
DragonQuest VIII: Personaly love the game and the length, but during the midway point when you think it's over but continues, you kinda feel fooled. Alot of people have expressed the same feeling.
Okami: Never finished it. But apparently alot of people also think it is too long.
I can forgive a game being a little too long if the difficulty is justified. Okami was way too easy
Time-wise okami really wasn't that long but I thought the game was going to wrap up after the 7-headed dragon(?) fight and after beating it the game just kept going and I lost interest.
I wouldn't even mind if the fight were good or if it at least changed up every time.
10 minimum.
40 maximum.
yeah ive never understood the complaints either. No one complains the Witcher 3 is too long and Okami actually has fun combat (albeit very easy)
Resident Evil 4 had that issue, it was way too fucking long
Yea if a game has unchallenging padding.
A lot of Japanese games like to add a shit ton of boring mindnubingly easy enemies and mandatory "side" quests just to pad out the length.
Not an argument
What does difficulty have to do with it?
You don't deserve any argument, parrot
Too long isn't as much a thing as overstaying its welcome. Like an RPG with heavy team building and a wealth of new party resources is OK to be 50 plus hours but an action game with only so many enemies and varieties thereof is going to get old before that mark in a single run. This i just speaking generally, can't really comment on Okami. Instanced and brushstroke finishers threw me off that game hard.
Pick related for instance has like 5 hours of story in a 50 hour game and you spend 30 of these 50 hours doing boring generic dungeons fighting piss easy enemies and easy bosses that can only realy kill you if you outright refuse to heal.
RE4 is such a weird game. I have a great memory of playing it, but any time I replay it I realize how much of the game I just straight up didn't like, and by the time I get to the island portion i'm thinking "holy fuck this is still going?"
Keeps my interest in the game. Should start off easy and get harder otherwise it becomes a slog to play
If the quality ends up suffering for it, then yes. If it remains good all throughout, like Dark Souls, then no.
I forgot spaceport even existed until I read your comment and decided to look up the palaces. Space and big forehead girl could have been axed from the game and nothing would have been lost.
Okami ABSOLUTELY has padding. The repeated Orochi fights and going back in time being the most obvious examples.
I think the problem people have with Okami is that it pretends to end like thrice or something.
>calls other people zoomers
>wants to zoom through all his games in under 20 hours
40 hours is the minimum for a good game, and if a game's fun enough i want it to last for 100-200 hours.
>beat what seems to be the main villian
>only 1/3 of the way through
What other games do this?
Dead Island, by the time you reached the jungle you already became bored of it
If a game can keep itself interesting for the entire duration then it's not too long. Okami is a long game but it's not too long.
RE4 is a good go to for a game that's too fucking long. The entire second half of the castle is just tiring and you could cut out a lot of the island and not lose anything of worth. There's a reason why half the time when people talk about or play RE4 they just play until they reach the castle and then quit. Hell, Mendez is probably even the best boss in the game so it's a good finale.
Kid Icarus Uprising. I guess you could say it's post-credits content but that's not the type of game that would ever have post-credits gameplay so I say it still counts.
Eh, yes and no. Generally, the longer a game is the better and it only makes sense. The more content the game delivers justifies its price and place. Some games try to do this through cheap or shallow means, however, and this can cause a game to feel dragged out or filled with "padding". The last bit of Shenmue I is a good example. The forklift races in the last act are unnecessary and repetitive and detract from the pacing and gameplay.
Yeah, they should've put more time in the already existing characters, have them have more group events to establish that they're actually friends and not just a team.
The only good villain IMO was Kamoshida, mostly because they had the time to build him up.
Yes and it can also have too much handholding. Holy fuck this game is boring.
Okami's second third feels more like DLC than it does an organic continuation of what preceded it, or for that matter a natural preamble to what's ahead.
Same. My enjoyment of the game comes to a screetching halt once I reach the island.
No, retard.
Definitely. Even a great game can be too long.
Tales of Symphonia does something pretty similar.
>over 100 hours of main story alone
>Mendez is probably even the best boss in the game
Mendez is a fucking joke, you can kite him indefinitely by just running back and forth at absolutely zero risk of being hit
Okami wouldn't feel as long with less handholding. They didn't have to copy that aspect of Zelda.
Yes. Alien Isolation was too long and the alien was too annoying. It was a huge relief when it was over.
It's not the most agregious example, but it stuck out in my mind.
I swear to god I thought I had to be at the end of Crisis 2 about five times when I first played it
Probably comes from people who don't like the game but want to finish it so they can tell everyone. If you actually enjoy the game, the longer it is the better
It doesn't though. If anybody seriously thought the game was going to end with the first Orochi fight then they're stupid, simple as that.
>Hey, I've only been playing for ten hours
>I only have half of the brush techniques
>I only have a fraction of the collectibles and upgrades
>I haven't been to several mentioned or visible locations
>This must be the end of the game!
And that's the closest thing to a fake out the game has.
Take a look at each games sales, the less sales & the higher it’s rated on this list. The better the overall quality of the game is.
I played Okami a long time ago, so I don't remember most of the specifics, but I do think fighting Orochi three times was a little bit too much. Got boring real fast, the time travel thing wasn't really needed.
>And that's the closest thing to a fake out the game has.
Wasn't Ninetails also a fake-out final boss? At least the road leading up to him, when you get to the battle he mentions Yami and that's when you know this isn't the big bad of the game.
I'm sure you can cheese him easily, but casually he's pretty intense chasing you around inside a burning house.
Compared to krauser and Verdugo which are jsut QTEfests, Salazar which is just standing and shooting at an eyeball and the U3 and Spider-Saddler that's just running around in a circle.
>BOTW that high
I've lost all faith in the casual community
>too long
Good joke user
it depends how well the game is made, i personally like short sweet games that don't let you get bored than a game that drags
>metal gear rising
>titanfall 2
>far cry blooddragon
>kirby games
>hotline miami
>ground zeroes
fun and replayable as fuck without time to get bored
I've never been able to finish this game since the first few times I beat it and I don't get why. It has everything in it that made the previous Ratchet games so good with no major flaws, but somehow it just starts to feel boring at about the 1/3 point.
Final Fantasy 12, I remember it being so long I legit forgot what was happening when I finally beat it.
i'd say that's more of a intentional plot twist
my friend constantly proclaims Okami as a masterpiece, is it even good?
In every respect but the gameplay, which is easy to the point of tedium.
If you're a weeb or are interested by shinto mythology, yes it's very good.
On an actual gameplay level, it's a fairly fun adventure game with some good combat. Just be aware that it's fairly easy and the first few hours of the game are unbearably tutorial heavy.
Also all the characters use starfox/banjokazooie speak for their dialogue which a lot of people find really annoying.
its an outstanding game. I'm pretty sure Okami is one of the few genuinely timeless games
I picked it up a while ago expecting it to be mediocre but it's really fun, even with all of its flaws like the low difficulty
depends on what it has to offer
some long games (30+ hours) feel too short while some short games (10- hours) feel too long
Depends on what's making the game long.
>In every respect but the gameplay
So 'no' then
I think the story was paced very well, and the game didn't feel like it dragged on at any point.
Trying to do every sidequest though.... That's a drag and NOT worth it. When I play this game again, I'm just gonna use a guide and only do the interesting ones
People complain about Okami being too long?
What the fuck is wrong with you bunch of Zoomer faggots? Does your ADHD-ridden brains get too overwhelmed by a game that lasts more than 2 hours?
Get the fuck out of here, go back to playing Mobile Fortnite or whatever.
I beat all of Okami in 40 hours and I still felt like the game was over way too soon.
Too long
>any Fire Emblem
>most JRPGs
>especially Persona 3/4/5
Too short
>Zero Time Dilemma
>Ghost Trick
>Time Hollow
>ICO games
Just to name a few
Catherine was a fucking miserable drag to go through
it was not worth it for that ending.
Those both serve to progress the story, though. And it's not like the Orochi fights ecxtend the game by a whole lot, they only take like five minutes tops in a 50 hour game.
Meant for
>50 hour game.
Nigger what are you smoking
Okami is barely 40 hours even after going for all Stray Beads
okami sure as fuck was at least too easy
Yeah, I think Skies of Arcadia was slightly too long.
see persona 5
I used to always forget about the military section with the flying robots until I'm there. It's so dumb.
Ideal game length is 8 hours for the main story, with an additional 4 to 6 hours of content on the side.
I'd rather a game be short and sweet than long and boring.
usually 80 hours is where i like a game to be. more than that and i'll usually just lose interest
Its because people were kids when they played it and they're remembering how they got stuck at the first dungeon for over two hours and think that "its long".
fuck no
8 hours max
Thinking about getting this on Steam for the summer sale, is it locked at 30fps like a lot of old ports?
If you think that it isn’t possible, you’re a zoomer with too much free time and you have to make your small allowance worth it
Yeah it's capped at 30 like most shit that had animations and logic tied to frames. It's a ridiculously good and well optimized port otherwise though.
There's really not a single meaningful complaint I can say about the game. It's everything I ever wanted a Zelda game to be. It doesn't even matter that it's easy, it's got enough complexity to it to keep things interesting and the world is packed with things to interact with every couple of steps. It never feels barren or empty like so many "open world" or "sandbox" games end up feeling. Every area has its own unique charms and gimmicks, every enemy has to be fought in its own unique way, the plot is basic enough to really get you to explore the world while at the same time tense enough to have some dramatic moments.
It's not absolutely flawless, but every bad thing I could say about it would be a nitpick at most.
Kid Icarus Uprising was exactly the perfect length for a game.
No. And it applies not only to games, but also to books, anime, cinema, etc. Being too short is possible, however, and I'd say 90% of media is too short for what they try to be.
I think it's a masterpiece, but the game is very easy. I think it was made that way on purpose since you're playing the sun god, but I don't think I died once in my 50 hours of playing it.
Yes, but Okami is not too long in any way
I took a big break after that part before returning to the game
No because you don't need to finish it to extract value from the game.
However, if the game is padded out to stretch the length of the game, that is another thing.
The game may not really come close to killing you, but it does have some fights that really do test your skill and reflexes all the same. The Kusa dogs and the spider gate challenges come to mind
all borderlands are dragged out garbage
>actually playing in Japanese
fucking weeb
Okami isn't too long.
Persona 5 is.
Yes but Okami wasn't too long, it only takes 60 hours to 100% on a first playthrough
This guy's right, P5 was way too long for no reason, the game kept repeating itself and the plot twist happened way too late, I didn't even give a fuck about the game anymore (also the plot twist wasn't even good)