He thinks video games can be Lovecraftian

>he thinks video games can be Lovecraftian

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>he cares about this shitty setting in the first place


>turn based

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Anyone know if the cases for this become harder? It really needs to get more challenging soon for me to consider it a good detective game.

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more like shitcraftian

Funny how Bloodborne fags present themselves as Lovecraft fans but are among the ones who understand it the least

They are just detective stories with a spooky twist, video games could easily be "Lovecraftian".

They are detective stories about mysteries that can't be understood involving beings that can't be defeated. Something that goes against video game design.


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didnt the big bad kathoolou get ko'd by a boat tho


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The only truly lovecraftian game I ever seen

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You can't have a lovecraftian game, given the nature of the genre, but you can have a game inspired by lovecraft's work, and Bloodborne is probably the best there is in this regard.

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Quake was like Conan

jon i can smell you

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Sonic has some lovecraftian ideas sometimes. Though the quality of the execution is somewhat questionable.

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>game has Lovecraftian in it
>its just Cthulhu

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>>turn based
snoyboys hate that shit though.
the term you're looking for is
>cinematic 3rd person shooter with stealth

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What is Darkest Dungeon?

Oh no, a fish!

Cthulhu jobbed to a boat

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Fish symbolizes a nigger, so its pretty accurate

>why do these creatures have tentacles?
>they're cthulhus XDXDXD


Rainworld felt pretty lovecraftian.

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>VHS filter
>Made in Unity

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This, nothing will ever truly scratch the itch that bloodborne gave me, unless bloodborne 2 comes out. But then again, the big twist in 1 was that it wasn’t beasts and shit but great ones, so idk if 2 (if it ever comes out) will be as impactful.

Obviously not intentional, but lavos fits the bull as a lovecraftian esque monster, considering it's a cosmic horror with motivations and intentions that are never really fully understood. but even then, I would never call Chrono Trigger lovecraftian.

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How can you even make a racist, homophobic, xenophobic video game in 2019?

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Some old forgotten online browser games sure are pretty fucking Lovecraftian

Games like:
>Arcane: Online Mystery Series

Are Lovecraftian as fuck, especially the latter one has strong “fear of unknown” undertones

Pic is related

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a giant among men who despite harsh times helped shape civilization for us all, it's only natural that the fat and weak children of these times can't understand

>"yikes he said nigger", typed the unwashed swine on the computer device made by slave labor


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he cute

>le big open mouth is a Sony thing
Nice revisionism, it applied to switch and labo reaction pics initially before everyone joined in on the meme

but its intentions are completely understood. It's just a big parasite. That's it. once it finishes eating it will have babies and they will go to another world

Wasn't this enemy cut from the game?

>he's in C'thulu's cult
Nigga, Nyarlethotep is where it's at.

Begone spikeman

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Yes, that's the explanation the game gives because it has no intention of going a lovecrafting route. But you could say the same thing about a lot of lovecraftian villains. It ignores the fact that lavos is a sentient being that maliciously messes with time, space and the minds of with some other kind of agenda entirely. Chrono Cross, as much as it drops the ball sometimes, really hammers this home when it explicitly states that lavos is responsible for the evolution of humanity and has been guiding and curating it this entire. Seems pretty Cthulhu-esque to me.

My Niggerman

>he thinks it's a good setting

a game with just lovecraftian themes by itself can't work well

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No, have you ever been to shoreline? There are like two of them right before Looks To The Moon.

Earthbound and Undertale had lovecraftian themes

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>Game has sanity meter

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But he did return to his slumber.
The cultist pirates were taken down before the ritual completed so the window for awakening was missed

How can one man be so based?

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Mother and Father
Alpha and Omega
Our Creator
And our Destroyer

Is Baldur's Gate lovecraftian? I saw the trailer for Baldur's Gate 3 and I never played one before but it seems to have a cthulhuface guy

i will take the bait
no it is not. it is a typical dnd fantasy adventure.
the thing in the trailer are mind Flayers check them out

I regret making this thread and seeing every dumbfuck refer to everything with a monster as Lovecraftian

it's a Yea Forums meme retard

amnesia was alright