ITT: Characters that did nothing wrong

ITT: Characters that did nothing wrong
I'll start

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I love Reisen!

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she doesent have a penis

Nothing wrong with that you queer.

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She pretty much did nothing at all outside of killing her sister and blackmailing a gay guy

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She got caught

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I never played this game what did she do?

>that subtle tease where her remembering made her an ultimate despair

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I always had a theory that this wasn't the real Junko
The real Junko, while very similar, used her mind wipe and some memory rewriting tech to make copies of herself like her plan in DR2
Ultimate Despair being comprised of the numerous mental copies of herself
None of them knowing they were just copies but with programmed instructions
If they fail in whatever task they were assigned at the time, they'd "give in to despair" of a sorts and commit suicide
They'd also, of course, all be subservient to the real Junko just like the countless Monokuma
Then V3 came around and I was sorely disappointed

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That's retarded, you're retarded.

absolutely nothing right. its funny cause its the opposite of what op said!
she started the end of the world through organised crime and brainwashing. then she made highschoolers kill eachother on live tv to completely kill all hope in the world, since they were supposed to rebuild society

>The real Junko, while very similar, used her mind wipe and some memory rewriting tech to make copies of herself like her plan in DR2
I have the idea that DR0 was the only time we ever saw the real Junko aka Ryōko Otonashi.

She was 10/10 until she remembered she was Junko's bitch.

"I will triumph over the Patriots and liberate us all"
absolutely based

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Then she became a 12/10.

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She's wrong by not existing, and not having sex with me


Stop ban evading

He wasn't Kiryu

Despair mikan is a 4/10 but normal mikan is an 8/10. Mikan's appearance is pretty standard in terms of attractiveness but her personality is what makes her appealing. Having someone who could be so easily abused would be great. She also gets points because her bare feet get exposed in game

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I've just got a random you're banned message for 72 days, it's always a pain in the ass when this shit happens.

Killing Raiden's parents
That's where it all went wrong for him

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fun IS a buzzword though, these niggers literally never have any argument besides the word fun

That's why I posted it

>oopsie i fell, p-please dont look at my exposed undergarments!
shes one of the better girls in her game but its not much of a contest between angry pedobait, glutton, autistic gamergirl etc

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The lesser races must be purged from the kingdom.

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Killing Raiden's parents
Training him to kill
Not killing Raiden when he had the chance
Telling him you killed his parents
Trusting Ocelot

He fucked up miserably in every possible fashion.

Only because the plot asspull made everything irrelevant anyway.

No, not even close. His plan was an atrocity and his whole character was worse.

A more lonely and less attention seeking mikan would easily make her ideal for me, but yes sadly we have to live with either her trash despair form or her good normal form

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na his fashion sense is pretty good

thats because millenials and zoomers killed every discussion about gameplay because they're literally too dumb to understand it

He dresses like he acts, a complete bungling retard.

yeah I was just lying his fashion sucks
tee hee

Daily reminder

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I wish all you room temperature IQ fucks that actually like this piss poor excuse for a series would finally be euthanized.

I love Ouma!
motherfucker did everything wrong though

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t. V3 filtered brainlet

Can you form a coherent thought that isn't filled with memes and buzzwords? Can you use your big boy words?

She denied humans that delicious monster pussy

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Absolutely nothing wrong.

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based, he was just having fun

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Based liar.

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Bullshit, she was literally the avatar of chaos and was the main reason why the emblem went off fucking the entire planet until ike fixed everything.

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His dumb ass thought fighting over out waiting was a good idea, that was his main issue.

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He had a shitty son

You're missing the point, user. You're not supposed to post characters who actually did nothing wrong. You're supposed to shitpost characters who did literally everything wrong and pretend they didn't.

Literally didn't. She got a brain disease right at the plot convenient time.

That's exactly what user did, though?

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Oh shit, you're right. Sorry, I haven't played P4 in a long time.