Has a game race ever been dabbed on as much as the Dunmer?

Has a game race ever been dabbed on as much as the Dunmer?

>borked by nature
>received the Big Nord Dick
>scalies uprised and rampaged through morrowind after already BTFOing Daedra in OBLIVION
>by the time of skyrim even though the scalies headed back to black marsh, morrowind is still so pathetically weak they cant patrol the south and some remaining lizard warriors raid and slaughter returning dunmer settlers unopposed
>probably the weakest province in Tamriel now, just ahead of the Orcs which don't even have an official province.

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They'll rise again in the next game

>spend 100 years rebuilding from the ashes
>get dabbed on by druggy lizards again

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Their entire philosophy is centred around self-improvement through strife, unlike the preening, degenerate Altmer who stagnate in their high towers, crying about how lame mortality is
They're bound to rise again, yes. Just look at the Redoran

their gimmick is more or less getting shit on constantly and eventually coming out stronger for it

They've done nothing but go downhill since Morrowind so that's not exactly going well for them.

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And if it was any race other than the Dunmer undergoing it, they'd be extinct. They're doing well considering what they've recently suffered. Hlaalu lackeys exiled to Windhelm, Redoran as top dog
It's only a matter of time before they remove the remaining Argonians (they possibly already have, I need to check the lore there)

I’m hoping that by elder scrolls 6 the argonians steamroll through wartorn Skyrim after taking vvardenfell, building a massive nation that competes with the high elves and empire.

>It's only a matter of time before they remove the remaining Argonians (they possibly already have, I need to check the lore there)

They haven't. We learn in-game (either book or dragonborn dlc dialogue, can't remember) that some argonian tribes still roam the south and slaughter dunmer unopposed who are trying to resettle in the southern morrowind, Redoran clearly still don't have the strength to police anything outside of their central stronghold.

I think you're downplaying just how much morrowind has been completely fucked. It could take a century to rebuild, and that's if they're allowed to do it completely free & uninterrupted from any other force or disaster fucking with them

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>intelligent bosmer


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They're smart enough to know their place under Altmer rule

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elder scrolls lore is pretty cool, it's just too bad it's stuck in bethesda's hands

>some argonian tribes still roam the south and slaughter dunmer unopposed who are trying to resettle in the southern morrowind
Those are just contested border areas, the Argonians made no greater advances after being pushed back by House Redoran
If the Chimer were able to put their foot down and survive constant conflicts with the Nords, Orcs, and Dwemer (when they were a much less numerous, more disparate people), then coming back from the brink in 4E is very possible

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I don't know. Every update to the lore and history since morrowind feels like a fever dream.

It's just too bad it's stuck in nuBethesda's hands*
When Kirkbride was on and Emil was just a dungeonbitch it had potential to get REALLY fucking good. If they just got rid of Emil it'd at least have a chance but Kirkbride had some really good ideas.

Kirkbride craziness tempered by his colleagues is primo lore

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I think a game with his craziness being uncontested would be interesting.
Imagine if Starfield actually turned out to be TES in the 9th era. I know it's already confirmed not to be, but fuck that'd be really awesome.

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Argonians don't want or need more land. They only took part of Morrowind to fuck with the Dark Elves, if it isn't the marshland where Hist trees can grow they don't give a shit. They can't reproduce without the Hist, and living away from the Hist weakens or breaks their connection to it. There's no benefit in taking land for them, it doesn't serve the Hist in any way.

>received the Big Nord Dick

And this is bad because...?

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Seeing voidships, lunar colonies, and AIs that mine god-planets would be awesome, I agree. I do actually like Kirkbride's loopier stuff, but idk if the mainstream fanbase would be as eager to see it as you or I

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——being significant at all line——
——seriously, the scale may be skewed after this because I don't give a damn about any other race——

R8, H8, Appreci8

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I've come to see the appeal of Altmer. I'd always play big burly races like Nords in games.

But it's fun playing a racist.


thats why I like the chat in Mordhau so much


Elder Scrolls lore is legitimately interesting.
Can't talk about it in their general because it's just futa Skyrim mods and tranny drama like all of /vg/

I'll ask here.
Are there any novels that explore ES? Kind of sucks that we have to go years and years and years in between games.

This may sound cringe, but the further to the right I inch on the political spectrum the more fun it is playing haughty high elves or eldar. Beings who are superior and aren't ashamed of it, subjugating all of the rabble.

/tg/ has elder scrolls lore threads on the weekends

there are novels set between oblivion and skyrim but they're what you'd expect out of paperback fantasy

Based lizard bros.

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>it's another "mershitters try to outdo each other" episode
>Top tier

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>received the Big Nord Dick
Nerevar and Vivec throat fucked Wulfhart with his own shouts.

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>tribunal dead in current lore
>dunmer go back to lame ass aedra


>social politics brainlet

>borked by nature
Have innate fire resistance.
>received big Nord dick
Did not happen. Nords got annihilated.
>scalies uprising
Right at the same time when shit hit the fan. Opportunistic weaklings.
>weakest province
You mean recovering from SHTF. You also forget that they gave hella good fight against Deadra and had enough daedra hearts for years and years to come.

Taste my penis and cum please

>making a deal with daedra to genocide the most advanced race on the planet
Truly bigger nigmer than even the orcs

Enjoy being manipulated into attacking each other for things that don’t matter while corporations trick you into voting for people that don’t have your best interest in mind because they said that Muslims/Nazis/trannys/Etc. are bad.

The only place they are doing well is the R*ddit fanfics from an ex dev.
Dungmer fans better hope the Bosmer don't get interesting and push the dungmer into the literal who tier of races.

That is a lie.
If you trend to the right you go Nord.
Simple as.

If you are a soiboi larping as a racist you pick Altmer.

based and epic centrist

The Bosmer need to regress back to their cannibalistic roots and scour the coastlines of the summerset isles.

Nope. I just don’t fall for the propaganda. I have both very liberal and very conservative beliefs depending on the issue.

In TES the Redguards are more right/nationalist antics than the nords in everyway.

Broke free of the empire and then kicked out the invading thalmor as well.

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What happened with the Orcs?

I just started Skyrim for the first time since launch and I only got about 30 minutes into it the first time around. I have no ideas about races or anything so I picked the Bretons because I wanted to make a battlemage. Do I have shit taste? Not sure if Bretons are trash

Bretons are gay half elf queers

settlement sacked for the 213143123st time

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You forgot
>got cursed to be black by the gods

I read the 2 novels. They're good to read cause they're canon but.. it's fucked. I mean it's all set in a pocket of Oblivion so it's all nonsensical shit, the whole 2 books are about cooking basically.


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They were also changed into chimer by rubbing literal shit on themselves back in the day, but for whatever reason Yea Forums consistently ignores that bit or gets it wrong because they don't actually read the books, and just associates the orcs with that bit of lore when it was BOTH races that got started by the shittening event.

in-game book quote
>"Boethiah ate Trinimac and voided him. The followers of Boethiah and Trinimac rubbed the soil of Trinimac upon themselves and changed their skins"

The sect of Aldmer who followed Boethiah properly became the Chimer after rubbing the shit on themselves, and the sect of Aldmer that followed Trinimac became the Orsimer after doing it. Chimer were then changed again into Dunmer after the curse.

tl;dr Dunmer & Orc heritage is literal shit

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rip kid

Don't forget that the Queen of Dumner got FUCKED by big barbed khajiit cock.

The Chimer were still light skinned, just as the altmer
They were cursed for the actions of Vivec, Sotha Sil and Almalexia when they used the heart of Lorkhan to gain immortality. This turned the skin of all chimer dark making them the dunmer.
Still funny though that they get turned into nigger elves, based old Bethesda

Yes, but the point is that they were still "changed" officially by the shitening event. Their skin colour was just changed slightly from the aldmer, but this was the event that caused it, cementing the chimer as a unique Mer race instead of just Aldmer who went for a long walk.

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god bless this man

Don't they worship three of the Daedra though?

man if only metzen did more cocaine

>literally deleted 11% of the imperial gods

>tfw no dunmer gf

They worship Azura, Boetiah and Mephala.
They also worshipped them before Almsivi
Almalexia, Sotha Sil and Vivec replaced the three good daedra for 3 ages but 2 of them died during the Nerevarine's story and the third loses most of his power.

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Didn't the volcano there erupt or something? I remember reading one of the books that takes place after Oblivion and Morrowind was mostly just obliterated into a giant crater.

>Loses most of his power
>Had achieved CHIM prior
>Implying he didn't achieve Amaranthine afterwards

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Kirk confirmed that Anu is the only being who has ever achieved Amarnthine.

top tier:
>redguard KANGZ

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What am I seeing here??

That's what comes from worshipping Daedra.

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If there's a recurring trend with the TES games it's that after a game set in a specific province the next game's lore will mention that province being completely fucked up.

So expect Skyrim to get the worst possible outcome in VI.

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