Top 10 game list

>top 10 game list
>1. Ocarina of Time

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Why are you having an autistic meltdown over this game, also how does feel to know that it will never ever be considered overrated by anyone outside this niche echo chamber called Yea Forums?

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Use the catalog, fag.

>1. Undertale

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>op picture
>some shitty wojak edit

Ocarina of Time IS great. But not the best Zelda. That's Twilight Princess.
God of War 1, 2, LBP & FF7 aren't overrated, but everything else there is. I'd add Skyrim and TLoU to the overrated list too.

The game is so fucking overrated it's unbelievable. The game aged like a mix of shit and milk, it's not worth playing at all.

>it's not worth playing at all.
it is if you play vidya all day and ran out of good things to play,but otherwise it's a regular to good game,but extremely overrated in all ends

Cope more, it’s never been included on any mainstream list about most overrated games & never will because it objectively is a great game

Speaking as someone who didn’t grow up with the Zelda series outside of knowing about Link in Smash Bros, it is overrated. I played the 3DS remaster. The game is streamlined as hell, the minigames aren’t all that fun, the water temple isn’t as bad as people complain that it is. It’s not BAD, but it’s not all that great. My personal favorite is Link’s Awakening, but I’d say the best is probably Twilight Princess (at least of the one’s I’ve played)

It's horribly dated in almost every possible way. There is objectively no reason to play it except for nostalgia or research.


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> Vague buzzwords that don’t actually explain why it’s bad other than “popular bad” please trust my opinion over the word of millions of people
Why are you contrarians so pathetic & desperate to push your shit narrative?

That's not the game's fault, though. It's twenty years old, of course it's going to be "dated." If that bothers you, then it's your fault for not examining it within its proper context

>Fortnite is good. Whose opinion matters more, yours or millions of people?

>top 10 game list
>1. Bloodborne

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OOT only sold 8 million copies, it’s not even popular among casuals who don’t regularly play video games. Nice try at coping though

>this triggers the tranny BotW fan

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>comparing time tested opinions to opinions of the current fad at this very second

'Ate wimen and wojaks
Simple as

See and dilate

typical nostalgia fag. 90% of todays games are better than the toddler game that is OoT.


>top 10 game list
>1. Heroes of Might and Magic 3

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>it’s not even popular among casuals who don’t regularly play video games
maybe not if they are under 18 but most casuals from around 23 and 30 say it's the best of all time when mentioned,i know this from some of my brother's friends

Who the bloody fuck thinks Skyward Sword was good?
Also, Sims 3 long load times are hell, but 4 lacks a lot of customization... Why the fuck did I play either game?

>Nice try at coping
I think OoT is a great game. I just think argumentum ad populum is a bullshit non argument.

>#MeToo Wojak
Back to plebbit, cunt.

So then why are none of them remembered fondly & forgotten after a year, whereas OOT/FF6 still top every best game list after 20 years despite sales indicating that they should not be as beloved as they are?

Because 90% of today's games are foundations built on the mountain that is OOT

>#1 - Super Mario Bros.

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FF7 overrated?
Zoomers will never know the feeling of diving into a game without any prior knowledge of what it is except it's some japanese rpg hyped by gaming magazines. FF7 was a fucking mindblowing experience back in 97-98. A crazy journey you had no idea of what would happen next. I didn't even know how Sepiroth looked like until the first time he showed up in the game. Also most people had never even played an rpg before FF7 so it felt fresh and exciting.

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That's why it's overrated retard. I am not saying it was bad when it was released.

Imagine being this delusional

People who think TP is the best are cinematicfags

Cause the dungeons sure aint as fucking good as any OoT dungeon

What's your #1 game of all time OP? And I'm not just asking so I can insult you and pretend that whatever you say is shit.

ff7 is overrated,it's a great game indeed,no other game even in the same series came close to doing what it did,but it is overrated by lots of normalfags,not even close to oot but it is

>his top 10 list includes KOTOR

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Cope, Look at this picture & then try explaining to me why OOT has never been included on any list related to “most overrated games”

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>top 10 games list
>"RPG" means JRPG
>7/10 games are console games
>picks Oblivion or Skyrim over Morrowind
>picks Mass Effect or Dragon Age Origins over BGII or Planescape: Torment
>picks Fallout 3 over Fallout 1 or 2

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It’s almost like CRPGs are garbage games that only appeal to a niche demographic & are terrible to anyone else who plays them which is why the genre died

In no particular order, mine would probably be:

>Rayman 3
>Prince of Persia Sands of Time
>Devil May Cry
>Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition
>Devil May Cry 5
>Skyrim Special Edition
>MGS 2
>Red Dead Redemption 2
>Crash Bandicoot

These lists are kind of pointless though. If you've played a lot of games that you've enjoyed then how can you really rank 10 of them above all the rest, especially when different genres of games are fun for different reasons.

I love Bloodborne for example but it's not a game I'd play to cheer myself up.

>LA Noire overrated
if anything it's the opposite

Brawl is underrated.

>has 1 game that can even be considered a roleplaying game
l o l

>top 10 game list
>1. ace combat zero

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What does overrated even mean in this context?

>Top 10 RTS games
>1. Civilization VI

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Mass effect deserves to be there as well.

That's a much better opinion, honestly. Undertale is different enough that it could fit some autismo's tastes perfectly, making it their number one game.
OoT however has many contenders, all of which are objectively better such as Majora's Mask.

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That's a bit of a stretch. It's alive and well and they are amazing.

Popular =/= Overrated

Take off halo 3, WoW, SSBB, CoD: waw, L.A. Noire.

Brawl is fucking hated in the Smash community.
GTA 4 is that good.
GTA 5 is that good.
Minecraft is that good.
L.A. Noire, Little Big Planet, and Skyward sword are far from overrated.
Agree with the rest.

dude what

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Popular games that are extremely overrated & disliked by the specific publication, i saw Majora's Mask listed once or twice but never any of the games that Yea Forums seethes about like Ocarina of Time or The Last of Us

MM has very mixed opinions on it, and it's fucking great, so it's not overrated. OoT is a solid 7/10 that gets praised as a 10/10, so it's easy to explain why it's overrated.

The only time OOT was listed was on each websites list on the best games they've played