Hmm Quake is too difficult. What if we

Hmm Quake is too difficult. What if we...
>slow the game down
>nerf movement
>make the game team based
>make the game round based
>remove all the pickups
>allow players to buy the weapons
>remove projectile weapons
>make TTK so short that anyone can frag if given enough luck

And then the cycle always continued from card games to battle royales. In an attempt of trying to invent a product that as many people as possible can consume.

Twenty years of the series that turned skill based FPS games into crouch+shoot hitscan weapons with le lepic headshotsç
Pretty embarrassing that Yea Forums used to play this game. The fortnite of its time.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Arena shooters simply aren't very interesting to play. They died for that reason.

That nigga never played Action Quake 2, which had all that same shit plus it was made by the Counterstrike people.

Dilate cstrannies

Garbage thread about a dead series

Post your favorite camos.

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>knowing your history makes you a tranny
>also implying I've even played more than an hour of CS

Attached: 1539798529368.jpg (1280x720, 157K)

>lets make stuff buyable cus veterans get all the pickups
>veterans get all the kills still thus buy more with their extra money
here's your reply retard

cs is casual. dealt with it faggots


Quake was not fun, if it was then people would play it and it wouldn't die inb4 le fun is a buzzword vintage meme face all of those things you talk about like spawnkilling are fucking shit and of course they should have got rid of it, how am I supposed to learn if I keep dying?

quake is literally a rotting corpse that will never come back and will be forgotten as more franchises take violent shits all over it


oh so no argument then

>never played quake

no argument still
guess i win!

I never will, neither will anyone born after 1995

This bothers you more than winning the argument, so I don't care.

Good thread.

fuck off retard

Does Quake even have a community? How did something so "great and strong" die out of nowhere?

Where's the Quake version of the FGC? Lmao

So what? Do you literally think you are a better person just because you are not "casual"? Are you mentally ill? Do you even realize how stupid something like that sounds? Games are just for fun. FUN. Nothing else. If you want accomplishement and sense of being good at something stop playing games and actually do something for REAL at least once in you otherwise miserable life you piece of shit.

There's people in this very thread defending a game that was only saved from an early death because the company behind it introduced lootbox gambling and threw loads of money at the esports meme

Attached: 1476852239165.webm (1280x720, 1.68M)

Quake players don't even play Quake, nobody does.

It's pretty funny.

how are hitscan weapons something not skill based fucking retard

thats what happens when you don't know the spray pattern kids

Quake is garbage compared to GunZ. Let's be real.

If you kids really want to circlejerk about not being casual, you already lost.

Attached: 1546420337122.jpg (1280x720, 203K)

Arena shooters themselves are a casualised form of duels to the death or gladiatorial combat, so in effect this has been going on for a long time.

You're never going to convince the low IQ plebeians that this is true. Anyone who has played both and isn't an idiot understands how Quake is a much better game.

>autism Z
No precision keybind spam and doesn't have the intelligence aspect that something like Quake Duel has.

UT Onslaught was fun, but wasn't fully fleshed out yet.

of course Yea Forumskids are defending this game. they have servers after all,

>you can like both gold and shit xd xd

whats the matter csfags? cant denfend your game?

I like Quake but I'm shit at it
I dislike CS:GO but I'm better than average

>quake is gold
then why does no one play it anymore

>tfw when to brainlet for duel

Attached: .jpg (1457x1457, 158K)

imagine having nostalgia for old cs.
i bet you do the fornite dance faggots.

I have though, and the game is legitimately fun.

boomers dont like cs. you cs 1.6 cucks believed you will be accepted in the fps community.

i accept your concession cs trannies

OP I guarantee you've shitposted about counter strike more than you've actually played quake

cs is halo/cod tier. Accept the facts.

Yea Forums casuals will never understand quake.


and Quake doesn't have teamwork, strategy, economy skills

Quake is fun and only Halokiddies who can't handle good movement in FPSes disagree

ashamed of your shit taste Yea Forums?
back to your 1.6 servers casuals.

When did this board become so infested with FUCKING CASUALS?

halokiddies, csfags, codcuks are the same thing.


mental illness

you admit that cs is bad and casual and that quake is better.

feels good to be a quakeCHAD

its over csfags you cant recover after this.

Sounds like siege without the destruction

Wish we got a big large scale fun fps like it except crossed with battlefield before that shat the bed after bad company 2

casuals gonna casual

Good rhetoric example because the pic is trying to convince us neutral points are proof that cs is casual.
>hitscan guns are casual
You could say guns with aoe are casual (rockets)
>move spread is casual
You could say spraying without consequences is casual
>gun economy is casual
You could say having guns on the ground for anyone to pick is casual
>being round based is casual
You could say respawing without waiting is casual
None of those points are 100% in one direction.

aiming a body width to the left and moving your mouse counterclockwise, such intuitive gameplay


Attached: file.png (2448x1223, 3.68M)

i love how csniggers cant prove me wrong.



their debating skill is on par with their fps skill

Actually Brood War is the most technically demanding competitive video game ever. The biased Arena Shooter section is less then half the length of what Brood War alone requires to play at a top level

Yes yes I know it’s hard to imagine how far above Brood War and GunZ pros are in relation the skill possessed by most casuals. When you grow up and get more experience you’ll see how silly you look

isometric games are inherently casual

the funniest shit is when you read online about pro cs players and their "godly" aim

maybe if you zoomers played quake or arena fps and stop talking shit.

>acting like this
>actually being old enough to have played Quake when it was alive

Why didn't you finish growing up, user? What a moronic thread from the mind of an eternal manchild. If you define yourself by the media you consume, you're a gibbering poop muncher.

Quake is Doom for ADHD kids.
Cerebral stalking matches in Doom2 Map11 and Duke 3D are deathmatch kino.

you have yet to prove why cs takes skill or is good.

>Duke 3D deathmatch
You are correct. It will never get the due it deserves.

but I liked 1.6, i also played Quake and Unreal Tournament in the local computer club back in the day. i do admit that veterans and "pro" players of CS are actual autists, though.

>muh anecdote proves that cs is good
kys cs is a joke for fps players

>dude, what if every game played exactly like that one in the genre

>dude, what if every game played exactly like that one in the genre that takes skill

Are you drunk? A couple burned out old 30 somethings who still care about shitposting about Quake on Yea Forums are completely irrelevant, shitter. I say this as a 29 year old who actually played a loooot of Q3A in it's prime. CS:GO has millions of players and Quake Champions, while enjoyable, is dead and Bethesda owns id. Horrible!

You know what I like best about being a Quake fan?
Knowing not only am I better than you faggots at video games, but I could beat your asses in real life, too.

seewe own you

Are there games like Quake that have a solid player base? I've wanted to play that kind of FPS but I'm not sure if there are others I can play with

One time I caught a CS faggot cheating at a LAN party. I walked right up to him and pulled the mouse right out of his computer, then whipped his ass with it repeatedly. When he called the cops, everyone there took my side and he was escorted out. I then went back to playing Quake ][ Lithium and oggled some sluts.

This is a true story. It happened then, and it could happen today. I would crush you, kid.

What the fuck is this thread

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cs getting btfo

literally just play Quake Live or Quake Champions

or wait for Diabotical to come out

From what i've seen schizo, you're talking to a brick wall most of the time
Don't you have anything else to do with your time

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if its so fun and good why it is so dead and forgotten while cs thrives

I'm not the same user, just a based Quake fan. I'm having a good time remembering how Quake was a good game...


And that you faggots are both weak and bad at games.

If that makes me a schizo in the eyes of an effeminate console gamer or CS nigger, so be it.

Quake is fun
CS:GO is fun
They both fun

go back Yea Forumstards crying to your servers.quakechads are here to stay

>posting in a thread about it
based retard

This is the fifth time you've made this thread in three weeks.

It would make sense if Quake champions was not a huge pile of absolute garbage, i loved quake 2, quake 3 and UT but Champions basically feels like a watered down Quake for Quake shitters and noobs.

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and i will keep making them until you accept cs is inferior.

All of what you mentioned didn't happen at once. You just skipped a decade of FPS development from Quake to COD4.

Even COD2 didn't have half of the complaints you have.

It's entirely the result of developers adding more and more popular elements until the previous elements are boiled out. People found that there was a market in slower shooters, so shooters became slower, then they found out that there was a market in limited weapons, so weapons were limited, and then they found that players stuck with team based and round based games instead of hyper-competitive games.

Want it to change? Go buy all of New Blood's catalog.

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Quake Champions is okay. Not my favorite.

I don't care about who "owns" the Quake name now. The original Quake still exists, and it still rules. I still play it with my dudes at our miniature LAN parties, at least once a month.

Esports got their start on Doom and Quake, it’s how that fag fatal1ty still gets money putting his name on shit.

It died out because everyone got old and moved on to newer and different games.

ok retard

the problem is the zoomers that have nostalgia for cs, cod and console shooters like turok, halo and timesplitters. they should fuck off to reddit.

Quake Live still exists.

Minh Le and Jess Cliffe should be hanged for creating casual strike.

I have, can confirm that in a one vs one competitive mode the oponent run throught the map searching for health/armor if its hurt a little. Its not about aiming, its a game about beeing a little bitch.

i'd rather keep playing csgo and just wait and see if another UT or Quake pops out, absolutely 0 hope on the arena genre though. Shit's even more dead than Doom and god was NU-doom awful.

Quake fags forget that Tribes was even harder than Quake.

Basically, dogfighting flying dots

Attached: tribes1.jpg (640x480, 41K)

Cant play quake because nobody does

cskiddies should know their place.

Isn't Quake Champions dead right now? Is it even in the top 100?

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>Q3A: The core progenitor
>UT99: Weapons have alternative fire modes and multiple uses, movement relies on short bursts of speed instead of bhopping around at full speed
>UT2k3/2k4: UT99 but with walljumping, double-jumping, and focuses even more on team modes with vehicles and the like
>WarSow: Q3A but with walljumping
>Xonotic: Q3A but F2P and with slightly different weapons and a minor rocketjump for your starting pistol
>Quake 4: Q3A but with crouchsliding, rampjumping and teleportable projectiles
>Quake Live: Q3A but with minor balance changes
>Quake Champions: Q3A but with multiple playable characters and unique abilities, is the most unique out of all of these but nobody likes it
>Toxikk: just UT
>UT4: UT2k4 but just some minor changes overall (and in eternal beta)
>Reflex: Q3A with CPMA and some extra community features

gee, I wonder why this "genre" is so dead, if incestuously cloning Q3A over and over can be called a genre

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>all fps should be quake
There is a reason why CS is s till kicking ass with tournaments and has an actual player base and quake is dead.

>being this mad no one plays your shitty arena shooters

they're dead. you might as well post about how pong was the true form of skill expression

both games are shit

Quakefags need to stop with their superiority complex.
Counter Strike takes a lot of skill, probably even more. Let me explain to you.
>slow the game down
Because the characters don't rocketjump around the map, then the gameplay is slow? That's pretty stupid. Firstly, the game actually has a short timer to forge people to act quickly, and not just spend 3 minutes going from healthpack to healthpack while shooting a rocket left and right. When two players get into an altercation, the reaction time has to be MUCH shorter than in Quake since you can die in one hit as opposed to quake where there is a high ttk meaning you can react slower and still come on top.
>nerf movement
Even then, CS movement has a bunch of variations and possibilities, and it's much more difficult to learn how to bhop than it is to learn to get adequate at quake movement, in csgo, you need to master your timing well between running and walking, and hide perfectly behind acover sich that you can shoot but expose yourself the least.
Oh and I could tlak about Surf, KZ and Bhop which have been pushed MUCH further than any quake movement maps in terms of difficulty.
>make the game team based
Why do you think that removes a layer of skill? Having teammates means you have to constantly check their position and what they see to readjust your own position, you have to learn to actually strategize (no, hiding in a corner while waiting for your ennemy to get to big health is not strategy). Do you think making the game team based means there'll always be someone carrying the team or something?
>make the game round based
Actually a good thing, it forces players to interact more unlike quake where it's "teehee I have the kill advnatage so I'll just avoid you for the rest of the game if I can", it also opens up another layer of complexity with the economy.

Not finished here.

Let's see how long it takes you to beat Zaxxon.

if you use the rocket launcher you can't argue that quake is harder than cs

>remove all the pickups
Oh pelase, tell me about how it's a high iq thing to keep track of two exact timers in mind but keeping track of 5 different players and trying to predict their actions is bullshit easy.
>allow players to buy the weapons
It's another layer of complexity as I said before. You have to always ask yourself "what weapons will my enemies have seeing the state of their economy?" and "do I buy the helmet or do I buy more grenades instead?" or even "am I expecting th to play more agressively and buy a more appropriate weapon than aslow shooter?". These are all questions you NEED to ask yourself constantly at the start of a round. Good economy control wins you games.
>remove projectiles weapons
This is a tacticla shooter, the only projectile weapon that would make sense is a grenade launcher but hey guess what, you can already throw grenades by yourself and *surprise*, it adds another whole layer of complexoty to the game sonce you need to now WHEN to throw WHICH grenade at WHAT angle and for WHAT purpose.
>make TTK so short anyone can frag with enough luck
Short TTK is here to reward good positioning, good crosshair placement, good predictive skills etc, things your average quake player never worries about. But I hear you cry "But in quake, you always need to predict other players!" And to that I say, it has minimal consequences not to predict accurately since you'll get a nice red colored marker that'll tell you what direction your enemy came from and most likely nice and big rocket trail, railor whatnot.

The truth, difficulty comes in two ways, mechanical complexity and mental complexity. CS rewards both but quake mostly rewards mechanical compmexity which in itself isn't bad, but you're more limited in your mechanical then in your mental ability.

In conclusion, I'd say you Quake niggers need to learn fucking humility, when your hitboxes are double the size of your character and your strategy revolves only around timing items.

What part of "eat shit" don't you understand?

It was a clear trend ever since the Arcade era. Older games were hard as fuck because lives cost coins and that was still a thing for NES-SNES games for the most part. It was the late 90s when shit was still experimental but some casual games started to gain a lot of popularity and it was downhill from there.

Quake is great, every other shooter is mechanically inferior. It's a fact, and you nerds simply have to deal with it

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well it's not. it's just different. that was the whole point of CS. people got bored of the quake / doom/ hl formula.

serious question: are you on the spectrum for autism?

>knowing your history
>"history" only 10 people alive know and a "history" that will die with them
Nobody gives a fuck. Why waste your time filling your head with useless facts when you could study anything else in the world?

God I fucking love quake

Attached: thinkin bout quake.jpg (403x604, 53K)

hl is garbage too. the same audience of casual strike

>And then the cycle always continued from card games to battle royales
Because that's what people want? You act like everyone used to be ahardcore gamer, the truth is, people play what's popular, and when Quale was popular, people played Quake. Now, it's BRs that are popular, so people play BRs.

Also I could explain to you why Quake lost the interest of people, it'd be too long to actually explain fully but here, have ashortened version
>every game feels the same
>meta unbudged
people don't wanna play/watch a game where every match feels the same
>lack of character
Quakr Champions tried to implement interesting characters (yes I know they're the same as before except with more detailed models and an actual voice), but they failed pathetically by making a bunch of characters such as (but not limited to) Nyx, Anarki or Slash. They all sound so goddamn cringy...

>Twenty years of the series that turned skill based FPS games into crouch+shoot hitscan weapons with le lepic headshotsç
Absolutely delusional, CS has been 20 years of strategy, innovation and improvement on all sides, Quake is however many years of running around the map in circles with the same three weapons hoping you had morehealth than your opponent.

no one wants to deal with dosbox or finding where to download a quakeworld source port

I truly feel bad for people who have not experienced the tranquility of Quake

Attached: defragrun.webm (569x320, 2.66M)

console kids are too lazy to learn how to use winzip

also you couldn't really buy quake digitally before steam so...


2.5d maze dm maps need to come back so i can fire rockets into teleporters and fake people out with pipebombs and holograms

TF2's movement can get much more complicated and tranquil.

Unreal tournament is the best lan party game and really need a modern port, change my view

>tdm, dm, domination, ctf are all perfect and have tons of great maps
>can easily mod the game from the minute to full conversions just through simple mutators
>primary and alt fire makes every engagement tactical and skillful

boy you know not the words you speak. I'll let it slide this once, but do not speak to me in such a tone again.

lets ruin csniggers 20th anniversary party

does quake 3 have modern os and resolution support?


>tf2 movement more complicated than DeFrag movement.

Look tf2 movement is really fucking good, but its not as complex as cpma/defrag movement, and not nearly as good. This is coming from someone with over 2k hours in both tf2 and quake

Are they complaining about fucking hitscan in Counter-Strike? A somewhat realistic military shooter?
Have these people ever tried dodging a moving bullet just based on sight? Do they know how fast bullets move, especially in close quarters?

Also who the fuck honestly DEFENDS spawnkilling? Spawnkilling is a design flaw pure and simple.

tfc, hldm, cs, tf2, dod all casual garbage. fuck valve drones and valve.

>make TTK so short that anyone can frag if given enough luck

>oh no I got flanked by a person in a superior postion, but I'm dumb so I think I should still be able to win.

You sound like a fag and your shit's all retarded

And CS is? The only actual appealing thing about it is that its round based. Everything else detracts.

The latest iteration of Quake is literally free right now and nobody wants to play it
it's because it isn't fun. most arena shooters aren't fun. Games aren't fun when you aren't given the chance to play them.
literally fuck off with this dead meme series.

it is quite literally the most professional first-person shooter

>spawnkilling is bad and there are obvious reasons the weapons in CS use hitscan
The Quake fanbase, everybody.

ok retard

literally no argument about cs being good. embarrassing csbabies.

Listen fuck face the reason no one is playing quake champions is it runs like absolute dogshit, takes 8 years to load the menu, 8 years to load a map, and then it stutters on even high end machines. Not to mention some of the worst netcode I have ever seen in a shooter.I think in the current patch (balance wise) its actually pretty fun, if you can look past all the technical shit, but thats honestly basically impossible.

Quake is pretty easy to get into. I mean so what if you die a few times, it's worse in RTS games when your opponent's APM is 200 above yours

The only good Quake is the first one. Unreal Tournament and Championship are way better arena shooters than Quake ever was.

CS was the original casual shooter. It's fine if you like it but I can't stand people who pretend it's difficult because they look up to some obese manchildren playing a game in low resolution because their aim is so bad they need every help they can get

>actually playing RTS multiplayer
Also it's nearly the same experience. Someone who isn't good at Quake even if they're well experienced in first person shooters will spend hours being nearly unable to play getting instagibbed over and over without even knowing what to do.

retard opinion

Attached: howaerowalkismeanttobeplayedl.webm (853x480, 2.86M)

Fuck off /vr/, CS is the literal opposite of casual you dumb fucks. Just like the CSfags in this thread who claim Quake is bad who haven't played it, Quakefags are just as bad by claiming CS is casual even if they've never played it. Me? I love Quake and CS. They're both great games. Now shoo, boomie doomie, shoo back to .

At least post something actually impressive

>you know not the words you speak
I could finish a defrag map the very first day I downloaded QL, it took me over a thousand hours to finish a tier 3 TF2 jump map.

Let me teach you something. You see this?
It's called airpogo. Airpogo is difficult, so difficult in fact, there are less than 100 people in the world that can do it properly, let alone consistently. Defrag is only about speedrunning aka autistically doing the same run over and over until you get a good enough time.
Even Reflex Aim Arena has more intricate movement, and it's a Quake Clone.

It gets much more complex and opens many more possibilities, you think Quake's is more complex because of automated bhopping but the truth is, it simply cannot rival tf2 in terms of complexity or speed.

there is a good reason why /vr/ doesnt like your game zoomers

I just want to play Unreal Tournament again, 32 player's onslaught were the shit
I wish I could host a UT2K4 server, to make a Yea Forums server

Ah yes, because the nailgun or the railgun takes SO much skill dude. You're one to fucking talk with Quake's laser guns you utter buffoon.

>f33l not impressive

Literally, unironically stopped reading there. You don't know what you're talking about. I will not be responding to you. That video is legitamately a work of art, the final castle run alone took 8 months of planning, practice and finally execution.

Picked up quake and quake 2 for like 5 bucks I think on steam. Never played either of these games but quake 1 is pretty fun. Playing on hard and am stuck on these two big guys that shoot lighting before the level exit. The lighting seems to be instant and i cant dodge it. Also doesn't seem the games have any music which is fine

Halo was immensely popular, and was an arena shooter adapted to consoles; unlimited guns were removed because not enough buttons, and movespeed nerfed for controller aim.

every quake player will dominate in your shit game.

they raise their arms before they do it lad

Just hide when the raise their hands

Lightning fuckers are the absolute worst enemy and you basically need to play the game like a cover shooter around them, pop around corners and slowly whittle them down.

also there are patches that restore the music, look them up. I'm not sure if the music was taken out on purpose because Nine Inch Nails or it's just compatibility or porting issues.

Alright retard enjoy feeling like you're doing something complicated while you merely keep the jump button pressed.
Wow mom look at me im going fast, surely it must mean it's difficult.

1 - use Quakespasm, don't use Steam's Quake
2 - download and install the NIN music, just Google "Quake Soundtrack Solutions"

I been playing old shooter's already finished
Unreal Gold and expansions
Quake 1
I am playing right now
Quake 2
Shadow Warrior Redux
And in backlog
Serious Sam
Duke Nukem
Any other good old shooter I should add to my back log?

I'm not reading that fucking aberation of a post.

ok retard

how does it feel that your game is seen as halo tier now, eh csfags?

Quake 1 is fun, especially with mods

Though, you need to learn how to tweak it, make the music work obviously and use the best source port possible

Attached: Quack3.webm (960x540, 2.96M)


One guy made over half the posts in this thread while talking to himself, jesus fuck.

admit cs is bad

If you're specifically looking for Doom clones you've got your bases well covered.
If you want to branch out into other types of fps games you should check out Perfect Dark and FEAR

Stop , I don't even like CS but you sound autistic af

never argue with this poster, he has big brain issues and its real obvious after you've seen him post in a tf2 thread more than once.

Attached: D9kRjS6WkAArZYB.jpg (1199x848, 186K)

cmon csbabies prove your games takes skill

Me personally I love watching people talk about things they don't understand or know anything about.

Attached: rocketnade.webm (853x480, 1.35M)

This isnt serious is it lol? The fuck

yes csfags admit they are casual

What are all the Quakedads playing now?

I actually liked Quake Champions.

getting into quake is probably easier than CS, at least your bullets fly straight so with rudimentary fps background you can do well after you learn the maps and how to pick up items so your enemy can't and then just out aim them, with CS you need to learn smoke spots and where to pre aim and it's more about reaction time, neither game requires high amounts of raw aim to be top 1% competitive though

Thanks for the input, I sent it to the complaint department.
Enjoy playing your dead game losers.

You're welcome from your friends at Quakeworld.

Attached: danger dog.jpg (1414x1270, 629K)

i wish everygames had an aesthetic mode to look like this.

lmao at the mental gymnastics of csbabies. they got btfo so hard.

that's never gonna happen because modern games need to pander to the people who unironically play with max graphics and get excited about cosmetic skins and if you enable fullgreen robo for every model they won't be able to show off their "cool" skins to everyone

the only correct answer in this thread kek


thank you, danger dog

Quake was the most popular game on the planet for an extremely long time.

Why are you not making bank as a CS pro with all your Quake experience?

Yes, of course. The engine is open source also.

wow few people care so its not forgotten at all

based schizo

>calling cs casual and shit means you are a schizo

you've made this thread around 5+ times posting the same exact garbage, something is clearly wrong with your brain.

Attached: 1561831737500.jpg (1270x724, 233K)

yeah there is something wrong in thinking that cs is competitive or difficult.


why you faggots turn against me now?

its just purest undistilled cope, state when you cannot live before you make sure that everyone is called stupid for not sharing your dumb opinion that nobody shares

It's not as big of a problem as you are making to be.

>cs being the fortnite of its time
>dumb opinion

quake was also the fortnite of its time.

im just explaining the principle of whats happening in the thread in my opinion, not sure where you took huge deal part from

>quake was also the fortnite of its time.

Attached: 3553.png (225x225, 8K)

Engine exploits are not skill, and never will be.

>Engine exploits are not skill, and never will be.

Attached: 353.jpg (265x266, 10K)

Please seek mental help

please admit that cs is inferior.

CS was always casual. Old DoD was much better.
>shoot nazi center of mass with M1
>he loses 90% of his health
>he has enough in the tank to shoot back at you with his k98
>kills you instantly with a neck shot
>he bleeds out a few seconds later
>you both respawn again and start hustling for the CP
Too bad the bleeding/medic mechanics were casualized beyond belief after just a couple releases.

see csbabies

How about we also
>Make it so you spend half the game dead
>Add matchmaking
>Add cosmetics
>Allow you to report players for toxic behaviour
>Integrate the game with politically biased platforms
>Use it to push a DRM platform
It'll sell MILLIONS


>how am I supposed to learn if I keep dying?
Attain acumen
Become better
Create competence
Develop dexterity
Enhance expertise
Find finesse

Handle hardness
Increase insight
Join judgements
Kindle knowledge
Lose lethargy
Make mastery
Network neurons
Obtain optimisation
Procure proficiency
Quash quirks
Raise rating
Stockpile skill
Take training
Usurp utility
Value victory
Wrest worth
Xerox xenia
Yield yourself
Zap zeroes

based quakepros making the cs babies SEETHE

Please see a doctor about your mental deficiency.

not alone heresorry cscuck your game sucks

Please seek help

give an argument proving cs is not casual.

I like slo-mo quake AKA halo. quake is too fast for me, in halo I have time to understand what's going on and think about strategy.

quake champions and quake live mostly.

So are you good at counterstrike?

dont need it cscuck

>for having the correct opinion and NOT being a fucking casual
>for starting a game to play the game rather than spending half the game dead
Wow. You're deranged.

people got tired of it and 3rd worlders stuck around since it was free and community hosted

of course csfags cant defend their game.

use your high skill and not die lmao

Please seek help.

That's a no. Everyone who says stuff like OP is all the same, they're average at best at whatever game they're rabidly defending and they're shit at the game they're whining about. Crazy how that always happens. You'd think someone who does nothing but talk about how dumbed down, simple, and easy something is would be good at it.

If you're spending half the game dead it's because you're not good at it. That's the only reason you'd bitch about being dead, cuz you suck at it. No one is going to take you seriously if you suck at the game you're criticizing.

I thought you said any quake player that plays cs would easily mop the floor with the casuals but you spend half the game dead? You fucking suck and are just endlessly crying about it big surprise

it's impossible to be good at quake and not good at cs, cs is literally just quake with all the skill removed

Then why aren't you good at it? Is it because you just suck at FPS in general?

I guess you arent good at quake

There is no more insufferable group of neckbearded posers than fucking arenashooterfags

Sup newfag

epic, the quake shitter reveals that he is even more casual than the average cs player.

>isn't a casual
>can't manage to not be dead wait in CS
Wow. You're deranged.

keep projecting cs babies, I've never known a good FPS player who had a negative opinion on Quake


No one you've been baiting has said anything bad about quake you fucking moron. You're just bad at CS and probably not any good at Quake either. You suck at FPS and you probably suck at every video game you've ever played.

Please seek help at getting good at video games

nigga you dont need skins and progression systems to have fun, just need something that you can get progressively better at

I'm better than you at every FPS, that's why it's you who finds Quake too hard and not me

keep up the projecting cope though :)

and thats why you cant survive for more than half a cs game right?

you know cs is round based? have you played it?

>>"history" only 10 people alive know and a "history" that will die with them
which is ironic considering you're shitting on counterstrike when your subpar game can't muster a quarter of the players 1.6 currently has

tfw i primarily use a service from a company that made the casual piece of shit game known as counter strike

>being so bad at CS you need to pretend you're good at a dead game
Seek help.



>people who use high graphics settings are lesser

Attached: lol.jpg (500x500, 47K)

>being so bad at games

keep denying the facts csbabies. your game is babby tier to quake players.

we all know you're shit dude its time to give up.

Attached: quakefag.png (669x149, 11K)

I haven't said anything about quake being too hard or not liking it, ESL. Why are you bad at every game you play?

it doesnt matter the point stands. cs casualized the genre along with the movie game that hl is.

Then why do you spend half the game dead? In your own words

lmao, at least you have accepted that you suck and arent even good at a casual shooter.

that wasn't me btw.

I disagree with every part of this, but the Fighting Game one seriously made me laugh. Good stuff.

Quake community is decently sized, but spread across so many games there's no living game
>Grognards still playing Arena
>Zoomers on Quake Champions
>Various foreigners and hipsters playing Quake Live