B-but it only has 100 songs!!!

>B-but it only has 100 songs!!!
Imagine being a Sony fanboy right now. Sony lost Project Diva due to their own retarded actions. Idiots can say it has "cut content" but the bigger picture is Sony just lost a pretty important IP due to their censorship fuckery and lack of interest towards Japanese games anymore. Playstation used to be so great because of all the Jap games that came to the ps1/ps2, now they're unironically slowly turning into xbox.

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Wait, is this Switch exclusive or multiplat?
And what 'cut content'?

New game is Switch exclusive, but the songs in it are already present in other games. There are going to be exclusive modes and stuff that are supposed to be new.

I wish it was a new mirai game

It's a port of a years old PS4 game with 1/3 of content.

I don't think a lot of people care much about Project Diva, user. The "fanboys" you're seeing are likely trolls looking for the only social interaction they get in their days.

>now they're unironically slowly turning into xbox.
>game this thread is about is Switch exclusive
unironically what did he mean by this

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Well, those are really good news, since the Switch is cursed to be a port machine another port is bound to happen. Project Diva on PC finally

But I get to play it ON THE GO! Which means I can keep myself busy while the wifey's busy with tyrone if ya know what i mean :) hehe

oh no the Switch has finally caught up to the PS3

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that's a bit of a jump weird jump in logic user. Besides you can literally emulate nearly every PD game flawlessly now so there's no point.

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It’s just bored rabid fanboys with nothing to do

>literally seething over fucking HATSUNE MIKU

Attached: stupid-mmd-users-miku.jpg (300x300, 15K)

But user
Future tone is already playable on PC

He's saying sony is becoming xbox because the Japanese devs that want to make titty games are jumping ship

op literally says:
>Sony just lost a pretty important IP
learn to read faggot

but he said that all the JP devs that made those ips are moving to Xbox but the game that he's using as the example is a Switch exclusive game

That's not what OP said at all

So is it worth getting for a newcomer?

>Still has +300 modules
Bought. Dont mind them removing all the shit songs.

>they're unironically slowly turning into xbox
he means sony is slowly turning into a normalfag console like xbox.

also fuck sony
>inb4 anyone calls me nintendo fanboy
I dont have any platform besides my 6 year old shitty laptop and never played a nintendo game in my life

But there japs?

Just emulate user wtf

Snoy is an American company.

Miku was never a Sony exclusive. Anyone who believes that is a retard.

>Project Diva
You're the retard who cant read.

>300+ modules
>best vocaloid only gets 4
It's not fair.

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