Should I play this before REmake?

Should I play this before REmake?

Attached: 220px-Resident_Evil_1_cover.png (220x331, 144K)

Other urls found in this thread:!CItjnCgT!vecrBjk2A8OgMYRD1NCQGqGo2sKvo22mjdCDTjr7-DI!QNt1RYDb!aNtMZ4KSM8aovTfUf4jXhlrj4PvYpH41cMHT9Ve3ElM!LEc3FSoI!zIlJLqGWxEdXiaIBvfTVCDSCpqo9wCGiEUhA0l0aJcQ!MwYwBaob!N0tKawuqHdXXUPdz7uATdurLjktjZBCt6GvOPIGIkto

you knew it deep down, that's why you made this thread

also Yea Forums is really awful today, fuck every other reply after this


Yes, if only because REMake will be even more enjoyable.

Attached: 1548399635_Resident evil claire.png (1178x763, 1.45M)

Of course. Also remember that Barry is best boy in the series.

Yes because it is better than remake.

play regina's games first!
it was her birthday yesterday!

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What if it's the Dual Shock version?


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don't play the dual shock director's cut unless you really enjoyed your first run.

also, play re2 and 3.

to be fair, the dualshock version does have some really good tracks
it just... has some really bad tracks too just listen to this and wonder why this wasn't in REmake

not really, it hasn't aged as well as RE2

wrong idiot

what did he mean by this

Fun fact. Chris' original VA, Scott McCulloch, also voiced Wild Dog in Time Crisis 1 and Richter in Castlevania SOTN.

Less fun fact. He also died in a car crash on September 27th, 2000.

here's a fun fact for you, barry's FMV actor was cast because he looked exactly like barry, and he also did voice work for the game but they redubbed it because he was australian
he's now a principal at a school in australia

Weird, I always thought that dude was Eastern European because slavs were the only white people in Japan at the time. My sister looks exactly like Rebecca's FMV actor and I look like Barry's FMV actor because my family is nothing but slavs.

No need, REmake is much, MUCH better.

there was a lot of random white people they pulled off the streets, like alucard's voice actor
they just pulled him off the street, had him say a bunch of lines without telling him what they were for, and sent him on his way
dude didn't even know he was alucard for years

>tfw the English version of this song will forever remain unrelased in a capcom asset vault somewhere
At least we heard part of it in the JP opening.

Attached: 1548698199346.jpg (726x699, 179K)

REmake absolutely can stand alone but there's a whole dimension of the game fucking with you that you miss if you haven't played the original.

>we'll never have a shotgun

Actually, that is the "english" song. That english that is being sung? Engrish, by the same band. So that is the only song that exists.

it's ok, user
at least we have this

If you actually bothered listening to the song you hear the same vocalist sing the english lyrics at around 2:50 and onwards.

Yes, but only the Director's Cut Non-Dual Shock version.

deadly silence is good but yeah
either DC or DS, nothing else is as good

It's actually scarier than Remake

>that weird detached 90s green-screen feel
>mansion is lit in a weird way that doesn't make sense
>no ambient noise
>crude polygons make you use your imagination more

Attached: 1538143544227.jpg (640x480, 43K)

>On an RE kick
>Have every RE fansite bookmarked and check them religously every day.
>Listen to Resident Giggolo too many times lose count.
>Every year, bi-yearly, since listen to it
>tfw when miss early oughts 2000s RE fan site hopping
>tfw there's no more Resident Evil challenge where two britbong friends personally recorded them 24 hours straight playing RE games and then trying to beat their records the following year.

Maybe if you're 8 and sitting in your tiny little room with your shitty CRT.

I really recommend it.
It makes the REmake feel even more magical.
Here's some PC version DL links :

>Resident Evil (1997) PC version + some patches!CItjnCgT!vecrBjk2A8OgMYRD1NCQGqGo2sKvo22mjdCDTjr7-DI

>Source next RE2:!QNt1RYDb!aNtMZ4KSM8aovTfUf4jXhlrj4PvYpH41cMHT9Ve3ElM

1.0 Patch:

RE2 Classic Rebirth:

> RE2SHDP (HD mod for GC version):

>RE3 Source Next:

Restoration Mod:

Attached: re1 magazine ad.jpg (736x1028, 82K)

...shit, the Bio2 link is down.
Here's a temporary replacement:!LEc3FSoI!zIlJLqGWxEdXiaIBvfTVCDSCpqo9wCGiEUhA0l0aJcQ

Attached: re2 gunshop hd.jpg (1190x900, 294K)

if you've never even played 2 or 3, no
first game was a masterpiece of its time, but it has aged horribly, even for a ps1 game
if you aren't going in for nostalgia's sake, there's literally no point in playing it; just watch the goofy cutscenes on youtube and play the remake instead

tfw residentevilfan hasn't been active in years

>this fucking gun
>always bothered me since 1997

This is just BS.
RE1 does a lot of things better than its own sequels. The main gameplay mechanics ain't that far off from 2 either.

If controls and some other nitpicky QOL things worry you so much, play the NDS port. It's pretty much the perfect blend of classic RE1, REmake and even RE4.

Attached: resident evil DS cover.jpg (640x576, 140K)

How can I play the original best?
The director cut rapes the music. I want the cheap electronic music of the original.

it's more about the visuals, it looks god-fucking-awful; and again, even for a ps1 game
plus a lot of the level designs are terrible and bland as fuck and was improved ten times in REmake


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looks like coolrom has both DC and OG

get the director's cut
the director's cut DUALSHOCK edition changes the music

arrange mode is a fucking blast

They are different games though with completely different feel and aesthetic. REmake should be played only after 1,2 & 3 for newcommers imo

Attached: EEF26A47-923D-4160-89C1-E4F84CF357FA.jpg (1070x1428, 597K)

>it's more about the visuals,
Stop being a fucking graphics whore in 2019.

I love REmake to bits, but in many ways it's almost like a new game.

>The director cut rapes the music
That is wrong.
The *just* Director's Cut has the original OST.
The mouthful "Director's Cut - Dual Shock Edition" is the one with the notorious nu-music. Unfortunately, this is the version on PSN Store, and it is called just "Director's Cut" on the store page, which further fuels the misunderstanding.

Anyway, either pirate and play the PS1 original, either true-OG or the D.C. version, or grab the PC port from : The Nintendo DS port is a great alternative, with original music, but many new additions (quick knife, 180-turn, skippable doors...)

Attached: re1 zombie.gif (480x270, 532K)

Where my Advanced mode bros at? You did complete both runs right?

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>censored opening and first zombie cutscene for RE1
It took me so long to find it, but here is a version with the uncensored intro and zombie cutscene.!MwYwBaob!N0tKawuqHdXXUPdz7uATdurLjktjZBCt6GvOPIGIkto

it's not the graphics, it's the art direction; the gif you posted is one of the few things that still holds up
it just doesn't build the same atmosphere that already re2 managed to pull off, and something that REmake blows more games than just RE games out the fucking water with its use of flawless lighting

>Still no full version of this in English
I am angry

>start arrange mode
>jill in just a vest with a handgun that can pop heads
>chimeras show up way earlier
>hunters are genuinely scary
>that zombie that unlocks the door takes 3-4 shotgun shells to the face

arrange mode was a fucking blast

that's probably all that was recorded
truly a shame, it really matched the goofy dumb but still decent game its in

dead aim would've been fantastic if it were a proper tank controls game with CVX/dino crisis-style panning camera angles

I tried REmake. I love it but I hate it so much. It's fucks you over thinking you can get away with some smartassery but it is actually a 100% puzzle game. None forgiveness for trying to get away with action.

I can't avoid replaying huge parts can I?
>B-but that's the game

that's just the way survival horror is, user
random puzzles just because

>Ywn be scared by the first zombie encounter again
>Ywn get scared of the first Hunter encounter
>Ywn fall in love with Jill all over again
Why live?

it's ok, user
we'll get RE3make and we'll fall in love with jill all over again

I wasn't ready for this mentality.
Remember paths and be ready to restart the game even after 12 saves.
I think I am about 14 but in big trouble.. don't see me surviving this time..

This is the correct answer. Part of what makes REmake so good is that they changed a few small things specifically to fuck with RE1 players. You'll appreciate both games more if you go RE1 and then REmake.

You can play the Director's Cut (non-dualshock edition) to get rid of some of the jank, like the lack of autoaim.

Remember to trust Barry

Attached: Bio1-Barry_kick.gif (200x205, 552K)

He is very suspicious so far.
>"Jill! I came right on time. U were a sandwich. Anyways I will go this way because checking some ... Stuff I won't tell you. Jejeje ".

Goddamn it I wanna hear the original VO with Barry in it and the whole thing winds up like Dennis from Always Sunny doing an aussie voice when he plays Riggs in Lethal Weapon 5 & 6.

A better question, is the story behind the cover art of the original game. Like what is with the rifle being made up of several different rifle parts?

a man with a beard wouldn't betray you, user
not in 1998

to be fair is hard to trust barry at that point in your first play if you haven't spoiler yourself about the series

>Resident Evil challenge
I remember those guys doing some stupid shit like killing the croc knife only. Good times

It's from a mockup of a still they took from Stallone's Judge Dredd when he's holding a big ass gun plowing through the angel family.

Attached: 1552800771726.jpg (1698x1643, 1.37M)

I would but it's not a huge deal if you don't

Ah okay, I just love how the cover art starts making less sense the longer you look at it.

>yfw the guy on the cover art is not Chris, it's Richard

Its fucking based user, people thinking REmake was hard, you dont know hunters until you play Advanced mode hunters.

>slight invuln+immediate jump attack once they get back up
1. that's terror
2. that's terror

>the entirety of the caves section as Chris on a no save run
The instant kill boulders are fun too.

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>Chris never saw 9/11
He was too good for this world

no-save runs aren't so bad if you just play it like a speedrunner

I did it with Remake but it took me just under 2 hours cos I played pretty frugally and made sure I was armed to the teeth and fully healed at all times. I still have no idea how i managed to get past the bullshit where you have to carry an explosive thing through the rooms full of mutant bugs. I played as jill though

Yes, Remake doesn't compare to the originals. Also check out the GameCube versions, much better lightning than Remakes.

>I still have no idea how i managed to get past the bullshit where you have to carry an explosive thing through the rooms full of mutant bugs.
There's always one that spawns at the end of the long hallway where you place the canister. I go in before getting the explosive and kill that fucker with the magnum every time.

That's the thing, I didn't think to clear the place out first. IIRC the original RE has them respawn constantly.