Aim at head

>aim at head
Yea Forums will unironically defend this

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Yea Forums won't, but csgofags will.

inb4 sunken cost retards swarm the thread

>t. gold nova 3
Shut the fuck up and play Fortnite if you can’t handle CS

>play Arms Race
>hit other players repeatedly in the head
>dump an entire clip into someone
>get one-shotted by someone

Is this a balance issue or is it just autistic skill on their part?

imagine seething over 20 years at cs.

cs is a casual shit game

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lmao quaketrannies. take your meds.

it actually was considered slow and pathetic camping simulator by quake players back in the day

who cares what quakefags said?

It's a surprise mechanic

Quake died a long time ago

and that's a good thing™

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When compared to quake or old arena fps games, yes, but by todays standards it's a lot less casual than most other shooters.

I was literally playing Quake Live a few days ago

Record 10 times that happened to you in the game

And now it's considered the only high skill fps game on the market.

The OG quakefags were the last skilled pro gamers competitive gaming ever saw. RIP to some real ones.

arena fps are dead and you faggots dont even played then.

t. bad at Quake or any FPS which requires actual skill

quake boomers still seething

Don’t you have a lawn to mow?

reminder that old Yea Forums played cs 1.6. only nu Yea Forums zoomers pretend to like quake.

They added Fallout 3 gunplay for some reason. This means that bullets don't go to the crosshair. If you have autism you can learn the pattern, since it's always the same. Don't get mad at the bad hit detection though.

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why the fuck would anyone play a dead game faggot

Fuck no, I make my retard son mow the lawn. He needs to spend as much time AWAY from fortnite as humanly possible. Installing quake on his computer right now so he can play that instead once he finishes doing his chores.

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duke was better. quake was a tech demo.

I wish QC wasn't ruined by Tim and retarded russians, but don't worry, Diabotical will save us.
Until the ironic weebs ruin it with ahegao face robutts.

But how can you play a FPS where you have to choose between moving and shooting? Why not just play House of the Dead then?

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Well yeah CSfags liking it is why it still exists. Bullet spray was originally just a rudimentary way to simulate recoil. It never got removed because it's what players want. At least they are catering to people who actually play their game instead of people who just complain about a game they don't play.

Same applies to Halo them.

>saving your own post from 5 years ago to use in a niche argument because your boomer series is dead

you guys are CONSISTENTLY pathetic.

you guys seethe at hl, unreal, tribes and blood too.
you dont belong on Yea Forums, sorry.

I'm just happy cs is still around

>comparing tribes, UT and quake to memestrike
Go open some more CSGO lootboxes retard.

cs:go is pure cancer

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keep denying you are insuferable quakecucks

you guys wanna play some quake?

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Both CS and Quake have free to play games.

Guess which one has more players, quaketrannies

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o-oh nevermind

matchmaking is taking too long, and i didn't buy my favorite hero haha

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>t. autist with over 1 grand sunk into his dying game, kicking and screaming on his way out

Fortnite's got shit hit detection too

guys, i swear people are still playing quake.
where's my caretaker? this oatmeal is too cold.

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1.6>go, doesn't take a genius to realise this


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please go to

the casual one?

>64hz server

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the fun one?

HAHAHAH what a fucking retard on that picture. Comparing two completely different types of games as if they're the same.
Can't wait for his post about how Starcraft is Daytona for casuals.

The CS gameplay wasn't originally about making quake players seethe as much as possible, but rather about "muh realism". The devs probably wanted to make a middle ground between traditional quake-likes and more serious games like Rainbow 6 or SWAT.
Most people I knew back then were playing both CS and Quake, because we were playing whatever game was the flavor of the month in LAN parties.

fortnite obviously

Played CS on and off since 1.5, could never wrap my head around the way the guns have to be aimed.

You mean like I did some years ago?

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Based DICE and that low latency on Battlefield.

This existence and popularity of this game is surreal. The original developers had to make the conscious decision to forgo realistic and natural bullet physics and recoil in favor of something completely alien and inexplicable. It seems like a decision like that could only be conceived by an AI who has no anchor to our reality. Game sucks balls.

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Seeing that faggot's face makes me noxious, I was looking for some GTA V VR videos like 2 years ago and his videos were up

muh realism